Adobe Analytics Slicing Tags - ios

I have an iOS app where I have analytics setup (as most people do) that tracks a whole set of different scenarios. In a few of them, the data I send with the tag doesn't all get sent. What I mean by this is best demonstrated with an example. If I send the following data as a tag in one of my analytics:
User successfully logged into the app and hit the homescreen
Now, I wouldn't normally send all of that in just one tag, it would get broken up, but for example purposes, pretend that's what I want to send. For quite a few users, tags like this will get sliced up into all sorts of different tags, so when I actually look in SiteCatalyst, I end up seeing a bunch of tags that may resemble something like so:
successfully logg
nd hit the homescreen
User successfully logged into the app and hit the homescreen
User successfully logg
And so on. It breaks it up into a bunch of different parts, and then displays them all as separate tags. The ones that are affected get broken up into 15-20 different tags all of which are different parts of the full tag.
Here is the hard part: I can't reproduce the issue. I'm trying, but haven't been able to yet. I also am not very well versed in Adobe analytics and am not sure how the backend setup is for us on SiteCat.
Because of my inexperience with analytics, I'm not sure what more data may be helpful. My code doesn't do any truncation, it simply calls trackAppState:withContextData:, and the tags in my contextData get truncated like I showed.
Does anyone know why this is happening? Has anyone seen anything similar? Or could anyone point me in a direction that may get me started looking into this issue? I'm really at a loss of how to go about debugging this issue.
Edit: One piece of info that just hit me! I build up the tag in question (at least the current one I'm trying to reproduce, for all I know there are other tags that get truncated that aren't built up like this, I haven't gotten a chance to look into all of them yet.) using `-[NSString stringWithFormat:] and take the errorMessage that is returned as my message, so it's a dynamic tag.
It may have something to do with the stringWithFormat: message? Again, very lost as to where to even start with this one.

can you give us a sample of the code you use to call the trackAppState?
If it can help you you can enable debug logging for the Adobe Analytics library calling the method [ADBMobile setDebugLogging:YES]; in the appDidFinishLaunchingWithOption.
In this way you can see in the console how Adobe send the data.
You can also use the tool "Bloodhound" which is a proxy App developed by Adobe expecially for osx in order to let you sniff all the info sent by your App in real time, you can find it in the help section of the mobile marketing interface.


How twitter updates retweets and favorites without refreshing the page

Does anyone who use the current version of twitter right now know what they used to update retweets and favorites without having the user refresh the page? Or does anyone at least know how i can do this with swift? Would think be possibly by using ajax on the backend?
There are a couple of ways to get that working. You can run an script that every second hits an url and gets the new retweets and stats, and updates the info on the page.
There is something about a relatively new technology called WebRTC, that provides a different way to connect two devices through the web (RTC stands for Real Time Communication).
Of course, you can use some ready plugins, or maybe some frameworks that are proper to do that work, with no pain, but the ideal is that you know how these things works under the hood first.
I hope I've helped.

Database for Real Time Queries/Push Notifications

I am looking to build an iOS app and website that work 'together'.
What the plan is for each:
On the iOS side, it will be pushing information to the server in the form of a post. The users will then be able to vote up and down on the posts as well; which also implies they will be able to see the other users information (in real time).
The website will be viewing this information in real time and using the posts. If a post gets enough down votes the server should tell the website and apps to remove it.
I have experience with SQL. Although SQL does not seem to be the appropriate server choice - for what I want to do - given my experience with it. (I could definitely be wrong.)
I would like to host the information myself, however have heard that Parse is good about holding information for iOS apps. I just don't know whether it gives you enough freedom to work with websites as well.
TL;DR: What kind of database/datastore should I use for a real time queries that allows for push notifications?
All suggestions are welcome. Thank you.
Try Using FireBase

How to make search query on certain web site and display it as native app

I have a task to implement but after some thought I don't really know from where to begin.
What I need to achieve:
Lets take as example BestBay web site. From my app I would like to create a certain query which will go/use to BestBay search type what I need and bring me the result. On my device I would like to show it as 10 views of the first items the website returned. For instance if I type "tvs" I will get a list of tvs so I would like to show this list on my device with the price and the link to the item (at least for the 10 first items).
I have experience with native apps(i didn't worked with web apps).
I can't use Best buy api.
I am not sure from where to begin.
I read about YQL.
I thought maybe to use the web page with the results as html and parse it to the objects I need.
Did anyone do something similar and can give me some starting point.
How to approach this kind of problem.
(tutorials/documentations/sample code something that can help me to start).
Tnx a lot.
In the end I decided to do it by HTML parsing:
parsing HTML on the iPhone
How to Parse HTML on iOS

Google Analytics Content Experiment showing no visitors

I've got a content experiment running in Google Analytics and it isn't showing any visitors. The code is validating correctly and appears to be functioning correctly if I test it.
I've used parameterised versions of the same page (?v=1, ?v=2, ...) for the different variations.
It also may be because the experiment is on a search page which receives a parameter of what is being searched on in the URL.
Anyone got any experience with these problems yet?
It seems to take a few hours for my data to start showing up. So depending on how impatient you are it may just take more time.
I also had a problem since I had Enable Demographics and Interest Reports turned on (Question that might help)

How can I send a tn3270 compatible screen to a terminal emulator?

I want to test a terminal emulator I have, but I really don't want to learn Hercules 360, before someone mentions that.
I'm not after creating mainframe applications, what really want to do is learn how to send tn3270 screens for display on a terminal emulator. My reason is simple; I have a set of screens from a customer where their layout, look and feel, etc are all fixed. I want to test my client software against those screens without having to trail all the way out to the customers site to do it in the first instance.
Failing that, does anyone know of a "less intense" method of simulating a tn3270 environment complete with fields, attributes, etc.. ?
I found a reference to an old freeware product called miniFrame by CodeCutter, but the website for it no longer exists and google returns various links that just point back to it.
