Flipping image after rotation issue (need to do both, only does one) - ios

I have a UIImage on my storyboard, and I have just rotated it( i can rotate it any number of degrees). The code for the rotation is below:
let DegreesFloat = Double(-Degrees) * M_PI/180
self.imageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(DegreesFloat))
By the way, degrees in the first line of code, is an integer I enter into a text field. When the view loads, I have this...
self.imageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1, -1);
to keep the image upside down, cause that's just how I need it to be. The issue is that when I rotate the image, it cancels out the flip, and flips it back to its original flip (without the 2nd paragraph of code). I need it to keep it's upside down flip, while performing it's rotation.
When I add the flip code after the rotate code, it just cancels out the rotate code. I have no idea how to do this, but I just need it to stay upside down, while correctly performing a rotation, and NOT flipping itself back to its original right-side up orientation.

I think what you are asking is how to make multiple transform commands together. The transformations are actually a matrix telling the image later what to do. Use a CGAffineTransformConcat to apply multiple transformations. Refer to the Apple documentation


How to rotate a view in place after transform as been applied?

I'm using a variant of this code to slighty rotate a UIButton about its center:
CGFloat jiggleAngle = (-M_PI * 2.0) * (1.0 / 64.0);
self.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(self.transform, jiggleAngle);
This code generally works as expected and rotates the button in-place, about 12 degrees counter-clockwise. However, this only works if I do not reposition the button inside my layoutSubviews method. If I do any repositioning of the button at all from its initially laid-out location, the attempt to rotate above results in the button's disappearance. If the angle I choose for rotation is an exact multiple of 90 degrees, the rotation works somehow even after a move in layoutSubviews.
I understand that my button's transform is being altered in layoutSubviews and this results in the subsequent weirdness when I attempt to rotate it with the above code. I have currently worked around this problem by placing the button I wish to rotate inside another UIView and then moving that view around as desired, but I'd like a better solution that doesn't require redoing my screen layouts.
How can I adjust/alter my button's transform after a move, so that this rotation code continues to work as expected?
The problem you are facing is that a view's frame is "undefined" if it's transform isn't the identity transform.
What you should do is use the view's center property to move it around. That works even if you've changed it's transform.
You can also apply a rotation to the view's layer instead of the view (although be aware that the layer transform is a CATransform3D, a 4x4 transformation matrix instead of a 3x3, so you need different methods to manipulate it.)

Recreating same transform on UIImageView after pan/resize/rotate

I have a problem which is causing me a 'headache' and hope someone out there can help me.
I have a UIView with a child UIImageView presented on top, containing an image.
Using gestures, I can pan, scale and rotate that image. During this process, the anchor point may change to ensure the scale/rotate is point between the two fingers of the gesture. CGAffineTransforms are used to achieve this and it works well.
My problem is storing and recreating the transforms when I destroy and recreate the enclosing view controller.
When I leave that view, I store the transform and frame...
return self.testImageView.transform;
return self.testImageView.frame;
....and when I recreate that view I set the frame and transform of my imageView...
self.imageView.transform = mySavedTransform;
self.imageView.frame = mySavedFrame;
This works and I can move and stretch my image, then recreate next time in.
However, if I rotate my image, the recreated image frame at the correct angle but is stretched and not at original coordinates, so I don't get exactly what I saved.
Setting the frame before the transform has the same undesired effect on rotations.
My question is why can't I recreate the exact scaled, rotated and positioned UIImageView using the above technique?
Surely reproducing the frame and transform would have the desired effect?
Is this the usual method for doing this, or am I missing something?
Any help appreciated.
For those interest, this is sorted.
The problem was the anchor-point which was not being stored, as well as using the center for recreation of the image. So, to faithfully reproduce a transformation, it appears you need to store the center, transform and anchor.

Rotate a UIView in 2D, not 3D

When I use either of the following pieces of code, the button rotates in 3D rather than 2D (flat against the screen). How can I avoid the 3D behavior? Here's what the button looks like during the rotation:
CGAffineTransform rotationTransform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
rotationTransform = CGAffineTransformRotate(rotationTransform, (offset/(180.0 * M_PI)));
button.transform = rotationTransform;
button.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(CGAffineTransformIdentity, (offset/(180.0 * M_PI)));
button.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(offset/(180.0 * M_PI));
Here's the answer from an Apple employee:
When you set a transform the frame becomes less well-defined, to the
point that you should no longer use it to size or position a view. Try
using the center property instead, your probably not getting a 3D
rotation, but a distortion due to the compounding effect of setting
the frame and trnsform.
I met the same problem which is really annoying, and I got it settled at last, though still have no idea why.
I got unexpected 3D rotations when I tried to perform a 2D rotation in "viewDidLayoutSubviews" method with
double radius = (degree / 180.0) * M_PI;
uiImageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(radius);
My solution is to perform transforming elsewhere other than "viewDidLayoutSubviews" and it is working perfectly.
Interestingly, when the annoying 3D rotation happens, and I keep orienting my iPhone for a while, the 3D rotation will disappear suddenly and 2D rotation will come back and take the place, but the image stays at a distorted shape. I guess maybe iOS is doing some internal transforming in "viewDidLayoutSubviews" and things get messed up if we impose additional transforming on it. However, my guess cannot explain why it disappears after a while. I also tried to NSLog the members of "uiImageView.transform", say, "a, b, c, d, tx, ty" in "viewDidLayoutSubviews" but got no clue.
SOLUTION: Check your code to see if you are performing the rotation in "viewDidLayoutSubviews" or some similar method, and if yes, try to move it out to elsewhere and cross fingers.

UIView: how to "reset" transformations. CGAffineTransformScale not working as I would expect

I think my question can be summed up as how to store and reset the transform of a view. But then perhaps explaining my situation might help.
If I apply the transforms below to a view, one after another (like if I add this code to a switch or a button). I get exactly the result I would expect: the scale switches between: a view that is .55 times the size of the original view, and the view at it's original scale. Works to scale sub-views of someView too, just as I want. Ad infinitum. Perfect.
//tranformScale 1
someView.transform = CGAffineTransformScale(CGAffineTransformIdentity, 0.55, 0.55 );
//tranformScale 2
someView.transform = CGAffineTransformScale(CGAffineTransformIdentity, 1.0, 1.0 );
The trouble is I want to use this code (or similar) to scale a sub-view of self.view when an iOS device goes into landscape, to fit the sub-view to the landscape screen (and back up when in portrait). It almost works, but for some reason instead of outputting round values values for the frame of the view being scaled (as happens with a test using a button to call the transforms), progressively strange values are produced. Eventually, after about 4 rotations the sub-view flies off screen. I suspect it has to do with self.view changing shape, but then again, when I log the frame of self.view it's shape is very predictable.
By the way I am centering the view using autoresizingMask flexible margins, not using auto-layout. perhaps I should be centering the view with another type of calculation?
Thanks for reading!
I did this and it worked perfect.
self.imageview.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity
(1) be sure not to set or get any frame data after applying transforms, it is unsupported and will yield unpredictable results;
(2) turn off your autoresizing mask flex margins and center like this:
view.center = CGPointMake(view.superview.bounds.size.width/2,
(take care to apply centering while view is at full size. i.e. BEFORE the transform if it is the resize transform, AFTER the transform if it is the identity transform)

Move a UIImageView after applying CGAffineTransformRotate behave incorrect

I'm trying to rotate UIImageView for certain degrees with CGAffineTransformMakeRotation() function, but it end with imageView only rotates, but when I moved to another coordinates then imageView stretched or change height and width. I have no clue why this happens.
Here is a code:
double a = atan2(dx,dy);
bowImageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(a);
WHen you apply a transform to a view the geometry changes. If you wish to move that view rotated, the simplest solution is to set the transform back to CGAffineTransformIdentity, move the view and reapply the rotation.
The other way is to work out the movement based on the current rotation.....but I find the first solution easier!
