ERROR STATUS: URL contains outer http - url

I have a COLDFUSION page which except parameters from url and show them in fields. My url looks like this which is working.
But following is not working. I have added http before www in activeUrl value.
It is giving me following error. "ERRROR STATUS: URL contains outer http"
Can any one help me to solve this problem?
For me, It seems that something related to iis configuration.

The string in is causing your browser error. It should be, but should also be URL encoded.

ohh, i have not checked the application.cfc ONREQUESTSTART method. it has some condition for query string, which is showing this error. :(


Syntax error at position 57 in 'TimeZoneStandard='microsoft.graph.timeZoneStandard'Iana'''

I'm trying to request the supported timezones in the IANA format for a user (in Java), and getting the following error:
Error code: RequestBroker--ParseUri
Error message: Syntax error at position 57 in 'TimeZoneStandard='microsoft.graph.timeZoneStandard'Iana'''.
SdkVersion : graph-java/v2.3.1
Authorization : [PII_REDACTED]
400 : Bad Request
Based on our test suit, the request was working fine 3 days ago, and started failing with that error yesterday. We haven't changed anything for a while on our implementation, so I'm a bit baffled. For the request I'm essentially doing the following:
final String url = requestBuilder.outlook()
final OutlookUserSupportedTimeZonesCollectionRequestBuilder builder = new OutlookUserSupportedTimeZonesCollectionRequestBuilder(
url, requestBuilder.getClient(), null
IOutlookUserSupportedTimeZonesCollectionPage page = builder.buildRequest().get();
The reason I'm doing this instead of the standard:
final IOutlookUserSupportedTimeZonesCollectionPage page = requestBuilder.outlook()
Is because this isn't working as expected, as described here: (the issue is for C#, but happens in Java too).
What I notice is that the GET url looks fine, and works fine in the Graph Explorer using the /me endpoint instead of the /users endpoint. But the string in the error message looks modified:
If I'm not mistaken, the outer apostrophes are simply quoting done when printing the error message, but there are further apostrophes introduced after the = sign, which aren't present in the GET URI, which might be causing the syntax error. Still, I have no idea where those come from.
Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated!
I have modified the call something like this'Iana')
It worked for me.

What format of url is this with the colon almost in the end -

I am trying to consume the google text to speech api here :
and it has this url format below
What is this URL format with colon(:)in the end?
When I try to hit this URL, it gives me an error specifically while running test case on it .e. Invalid URI. Invalid Port?
But the official google documentation says this is a valid url? How to use this?
This format of URL is called gRPC Transcoding syntax. Your first URL is invlaid , because it's in the first path segment of a relative-path reference.
This url is invalid for usage, whereas the one below, was running fine.
Try changing your URL to something like
https://google-speech-api-base-url/speech:longrunningrecognize. It will work.
I looked at the documentation page you referenced and was unable to see/find a URL that looked like:
However, what I did find was a URL of the form:
which looks perfectly valid.
The documentation for this REST request can be found here:
Could you have made an error in your reading and comprehension?
Apparently the colon (:) is legal in the path part of a URL:
Are colons allowed in URLs?

URL Encoded characters in IE 9

I have a problem hitting a URL and getting HTTP 404 error (No web page found). Some findings led me to conclude it is an encoding issue for one of the query parameters so I tried to apply urlEncoding i.e. HttpUtility.UrlEncode("<= 1 Week"). This produces "%3c%3d1+Week". But the problem persists. If no UrlEncode is done, the querystring will be "%3C=1%20Week"
Anyone knows why this is happening?

expected status code in (200-299) got 503

I got the following error
expected status code in (200-299) got 503.
I didn't get this all the time. Sometimes I notice this error. I am unable to figure out the exact reason.
The base URL I am using in the application is in following format.
For every request I append to base url as follows.
Please let me know if any issues.
503 means service unavailable. Lots of servers give that for lots of reasons.
2xx means that something normal happened
503 means "Service Unavailable".
Which means there is a problem on the server side.
Make certain that the URL you are connecting to looks like a valid URL. For example, you can do something like:
NSLog(#"the url I am connecting to is %#", [myURL absoluteString]);
And see if it matches what you were expecting:
If it looks really wrong, like "api", then it's something that you can easily fix.
If you are getting this problem all the time, you should probably reach out to the owner of the service you're trying to use and ask them for assistance.

UrlFetchApp.fetch( ) url with |

I have a url I want to get using google scripts' UrlFetchApp.fetch( ) command. Unfortunately this url has a | (gets partially encoded into %7c) in it and every time i try to fetch it I get an error saying 'invalid argument'. Any idea how to get around this issue and successfully fetch the url?
It seems to work if the url passed to UrlFetchApp.fetch is already encoded.
Let's say you want to fetch|bbb (which doesn't really exist). The following script fails with "invalid argument":
But this one correctly returns a 404 as the request is valid but the page is not found:
If that doesn't help, it would help if you could paste your url.
