Solution for Tag Wrapping in Notepadd++ is required - editor

Greeting. I am using Notepad++ and i am trying to find tag wrapper for example i have a code
<p>My Name is Pakhpalay Zamborday</p>
now i want to know is there any wrapper plugin or short key in notepad++ that wrap or surround the tags as per my requirement like i select above mention code and press that short key and next action ask me for tags with i want to wrap selected code. like i put article tag and press enter and the result will be
<article><p>My Name is Pakhpalay Zamborday</p></article>
Please help me

You can use snippetPlus plugin for this purpose. here the link and installation guide link:
installation and usage guide link


Don't want to show whole LinkedIn link, but only my name

I want to add linkedin link in latex and I want it to show only my name and logo, not complete link. I am using this line of code.
\linkedin {}
It shows complete link in pdf also my username is very large and it look odd in pdf. SO I want to show my name instead. I tried googling but didn't find any solution in this reference.
There are two approaches to solving your problem:
Approach #1: use altacv.cls from git
Then you need to do the following 2 things:
in the altacv.cls file: find linkin, then include your linkedin link in the [https://]
in your.tex file: do "\linkedin{your name here}"
Approach #2: write your own
in your.cls file include this line: "\newcommand{linkedin[2]{\infofield{\faLinkedin}{\href{#2}{#1}}}"
--please note this assumes you have inlcuded the href package and fontawesome5 --
in your.tex file: do "\linkedin{your name here}{https to your linkedin profile}
Hope this helps

How to add country flags icon in front of ion-select-option?

I'm creating Ionic 4 plus Angular app, in that i'm using ion-select dropdown for i want to add country flags icons in front of country name.below code shows what i'm try.
<ion-select class="dropdownselection" placeholder="PROVINCIA" interface="popover">
<ion-select-option value="A Coruña">
<ion-icon src="/assets/icons/man.svg"></ion-icon> A Coruña
<ion-select-option value="Álava">Álava</ion-select-option>
<ion-select-option value="Albacete">Albacete</ion-select-option>
<ion-select-option value="red">D</ion-select-option>
I know in Ionic 3 there wasn't a a reliable way to add icons. I'm not sure about Ionic 4, but I use this plugin and its great.
Here is an example.
Another huge benefit of this plugin is you can search tons of data asynchronously.
Old, but if someone's needing, you can use country flag emoji's unicode (you can find a list here).
Make sure you're using UTF-8 as meta charset.
Then, copy/paste the emoji in, by example, an object (between quotes) :
Finally, use the property in your template {{ myObject.flagIcon }}.
Example from my app :

Atom html snippets not working

I have been pulling my hair out trying to finds a solution to this problem.
I start typing <a then press ctrl-enter to open up the available snippets.
I would then be provided with just a list of tags (with the red V icon at the left), I was expecting to see a list of snippets (green right pointing arrow) that could be selected and would auto complete the tag and closing tag.
The same functionality as seen on this blog post (HTML Paragraph)
It is my understanding that autocomplete-plus has snippets from autocomplete-HTML, auto-complete-CSS, autocomplete-atom-API, and autocomplete-snippets. And that these are all now bundled by default into the atom.
I have read many blogs and GitHub issues trying to find a solution and none have worked. my snippets.cson is empty (Ignoring comments)and it is my understanding that they are for custom snippets. I do not want custom snippets at the moment, I just want the defaults which are advertised on the autocomplete plus docs
Has anybody else had this issue or would know solutions?
Each Atom snipped has a specific prefix, in case of the <a> tag it is just a (without the < character), so typing atab pastes the snippet body tag.

How do I link to a LABEL in org-mode?

In org-mode, I have defined a figure+caption like this:
#+CAPTION: My great figure
#+LABEL: fig:myfigure
How do I write "See figure [myfigure]"? I've found the following syntax:
See figure \ref{fig:myfigure}
but this looks ugly in the source file. In particular, you cannot use it for actually jumping to the figure.
You actually don't need '#+NAME', it works fine if you use '#+LABEL', which won't break your short-caption for list of figures.
Orgmode does now offer a 'jumpable', enumerated or link with name of your choice in the exported (latex, html) text if you link with:
see figure [[fig:myfigure]].
see figure [[fig:myfigure][figurenameintext]].
I would have added this as a comment, but I don't have the reputation yet.
In response to your comment (still can't comment): you do need the '#+NAME' for it to jump within the .org source file; as mentioned in the manual, and i also just confirmed that works. Not sure about the short-captions in the latest version.
With a very recent org-mode, you can use #+name:, see:
#+CAPTION: My great figure
#+LABEL: fig:myfigure
#+name: fig:myfigure
See figure [[fig:myfigure][test]].
This works for me to jump from the link , but has no effect when exporting, I'm afraid...

SWT Link Text with >

I am trying to create a SWT Link with the text so it looks like the following
<this is the link>
where the text this is the link is the actual link and the angle brackets are not part of the link.
I can get close with the following code:
link.setText("<a><this is the link></a>");
However, I want just the text to be the link, and not include the < and >. I thought I could do it simply by doing:
link.setText("<<a>this is the link</a>>");
But when I do that - I lose the ending >. Can anyone think of how to get the > back (without it being part of the link?
What version of SWT are you testing with? When I run the first SWT sample snippet for Link, but replace the text with your sample
link.setText("<<a>this is the link</a>>");
then I see what I believe you want to see. This is with SWT 3.3.2.
This seems to do the trick:
link.setText("<<a>this is the link</a>> >");
