Need to deploy from archiva to weblogic using Jenkins - jenkins

We use Jenkins for building maven projects, analysing code and pushing our builds to archiva(via mvn deploy).
I need to have a deploy item that grabs a war from archiva and pushes it to weblogic.
Checking if this can be easily done without scripting something.

you can use WebLogic Deployer Plugin to deploy your files.
**/*.war only selects the war file from your archiva.


Update jenkins war on one machine and then move it to another one: possible?

I have a machine with blocked outgoing connections so it is not possible to update jenkins nor install the plugins I need for my work.
My idea is the following: I download the jenkins .war on my personal laptop and complete the installation + the plugin download.
Then I just move this .war to the machine where I need jenkins to be up and running.
Is it possible? Where are the plugins/updated data stored?
Also, would it be a problem the fact that my laptop has windows as os, while the destination machine is a linux RHEL?
Your solution sounds crazy :D
This could be help you:
Update Jenkins war
If you have shell access with root privilege, there is a manual way.
Download latest war file inside your linux, using wget , curl or just upload it using winscp from your windows.
Stop jenkins
Backup EVERYTHING: linux snapshot, jenkins workspace, jenkins war file, etc
Replace the old war with new war
Start jenkins
Detailed steps in this webs:
Jenkins has an option to install plugins called Manage Plugins
This offer two options :
(1) Install plugins using available option
For official and compatible plugins, suggested by Jenkins :
(2) Install plugins using upload option
For custom plugins or when is not available on official repositories:

jfrog artifactory CLI deploy a jar in maven artifactory repo with inferred setting from jar

I am using Visual Studio Artifactory deployer to deploy jar files built by maven to Artifactory maven repo. If I use maven artifactory plugin the jar file gets deployed to right folder structure and maven setting stay as per the jar but from CLI if i push the jar file, it only get deployed as a jar file to the folder I specify. For example
Using CLI push a artifact.jar to target libs-snapshot/com/foo/bar
gets file uploaded to libs-snapshot/com/foo/bar and artifactory has
no information about jar version, group id , artifact id. I could not
find any options on the CLI to specify those.
While using Maven Artifactory plugin, a pushed jar ends up in
libs-snapshot/com/foo/bar/artifact/version folder and maven
properties stay intact
How do I achieve same behaviour from CLI as maven artifactory plugin does.
Just to make sure, how do you use the CLI for the deployment? In order to have it deployed to Artifactory using the CLI, you will have to specify the right Maven coordinates. For example:
jfrog rt u mySnapshot-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar “libs-snapshot-local/path/to/folder/mySnapshot/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/”
This will deploy your snapshot file to Artifactory and Artifactory, base on your repository configuration will replace the “SNAPSHOT” with a timestamp.
If you meant that you want to deploy 5 different files, to 5 different paths and that you wish that the JFrog CLI to extract the maven layout and deploy by it, then this is not possible by using the CLI.

How to deploy delphi exe output to artifactory using jenkins

I use a script in Jenkins to build delphi projects and I want to deploy their .exe outputs to Artifactory server but I dont know how. Is there any plugin to deploy exe files to Artifactory?
Is it a good idea to deploy them to Artifactory?
The best would be using the Jenkins Artifactory plugin.
The plugin allows your build jobs to deploy artifacts automatically to Artifactory and have them linked to the build job that created them.
The support for generic (freestyle) builds is probably the most suitable one for deploying the .exe files. As part of the support for generic builds, you will be able to defined patterns for selecting which files would be deployed and to where.

Jenkins Automation help required

I have been assigned a task to do build automation using jenkins which should perform checkout, compile & build automatically.
Existing set up - Currently we have PVCS installed in one of our AIX server where build process(checkout,compile,build) is automated using ant script.
I have installed jenkins in my windows server.
How do i get the code into my windows server from PVCS which resides in AIX server to perform build through jenkins.
Thanks in advance.
As I posted on CodeRanch where you posted the same question, you need to install the PVCS plugin for Jenkins.

artifact download from artifactory and deploy in weblogic using maven

this is my first time here. Hope I will find what I need.
Here is the situation. I need to download an artifact from the artifactory and deploy it in remote weblogic server using maven. Any ideas? I was able to do this using ant but I was asked to this using maven.
Here you go - official WebLogic documentation.
