OFFSET an array - google-sheets

I'm using this formula to extract values from another sheet if certain criteria are met:
=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("BLABLABLA", "Form Responses 1!A6:X"),"SELECT * WHERE Col4 <> '' AND Col2 = 'CONTENT' AND Col21 <> 'yes'")
What I'd like to do is display the content starting from column D of the input sheet. I can't "truncate" the IMPORTRANGE doing D6:X because I have a criteria for the QUERY referring to column B.
The dirty hack I'm using right now is just changing the offset number for each row where I want the output:
=INDEX(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("BLABLABLA", "Form Responses 1!A6:X"),"SELECT * WHERE Col4 <> '' AND Col2 = 'CONTENT' AND Col21 <> 'yes'"),,4)
=INDEX(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("BLABLABLA", "Form Responses 1!A6:X"),"SELECT * WHERE Col4 <> '' AND Col2 = 'CONTENT' AND Col21 <> 'yes'"),,5)
=INDEX(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("BLABLABLA", "Form Responses 1!A6:X"),"SELECT * WHERE Col4 <> '' AND Col2 = 'CONTENT' AND Col21 <> 'yes'"),,6)
But it's a pain and I'm sure there's a way to output from the first formula directly the content only from column D to X (but still being able to use column B as a criterion for the QUERY function).
I had a look at the OFFSET function, but it seems it just outputs single cells, and doesn't expand an array.

What about using another query () ?
=QUERY(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("BLABLABLA", "Form Responses 1!A6:X"),"SELECT * WHERE Col4 <> '' AND Col2 = 'CONTENT' AND Col21 <> 'yes'"),"SELECT Col4, Col5, Col6")


Sort/Order query result based on calculated fields

I have a list of transactions in Transactions tab and in Summary I would like to summarize by tickers the performance. I am using query for grouping the data and using aggregate functions to calculate %-Win, %-Lost (see the link at the bottom with the sample spreadsheet):
Transaction tab:
"select Col1, count(Col2),sum(Col4),
(count(Col2)/(count(Col2)+count(Col3))), count(Col3),
(count(Col3)/(count(Col3)+count(Col2))) where Col1 is not NULL
(Col2 is not NULL or Col3 is not Null)
group by Col1
label count(Col2) 'Win', sum(Col4) '$-Win',
(count(Col2)/(count(Col2)+count(Col3))) '%-Win',
count(Col3) 'Lost', sum(Col5) '$-Lost',
(count(Col3)/(count(Col3)+count(Col2))) '%-Lost'",1)
Sample of Summary tab:
but I was not able to obtain from the query by ticker: Total Transactions, Net Gains, Exp. Value(Expected Value), so I did use Arrayformula, and it works, the problem is that I am not able to sort the result by expected value nor Net Gain (FUBO should be first). I was able to calculate percentage using a combination of aggregated functions, but not for the above additional calculations directly in the query.
I tried to use query clause order by: sum(Col3)+sum(Col5) (Net gains) but it doesn't work, it only returns a value when there are Win and Lost transactions.
Using Data->Sort Range doesn't provide the expected result either. Because there are different sources of data: the query and the result of Arrayformula.
I guess I would need to obtain all required calculated fields directly from the query and then to order by, or to find a way to sort the result combining the query and Arrayformula results. The clause order by works well for aggregated functions that are present in the select elements, but not when the sorting should happen based on a formula based on calculated columns.
Here you can find a sample file from my real situation:
Note: A possible solution would be to combine all the results into one sort statement, but I am not able to make it work
query({Transactions!B2:B,Transactions!C2:F}, "select Col1, count(Col2),sum(Col4), (count(Col2)/(count(Col2)+count(Col3))), count(Col3), sum(Col5), (count(Col3)/(count(Col3)+count(Col2))) where Col1 is not NULL and (Col2 is not NULL or Col3 is not Null) group by Col1 label count(Col2) '', sum(Col4) '', (count(Col2)/(count(Col2)+count(Col3))) '', count(Col3) '', sum(Col5) '', (count(Col3)/(count(Col3)+count(Col2))) ''",0),
ARRAYFORMULA(if(not(ISBLANK(A2:A)), (C2:C)*(D2:D) + (F2:F)*(G2:G),))
},10, FALSE)
In the same way avoiding using Arrayformula using two query statements, doesn't work:
query({Transactions!B2:B,Transactions!C2:F}, "select Col1, count(Col2),sum(Col4), (count(Col2)/(count(Col2)+count(Col3))), count(Col3), sum(Col5), (count(Col3)/(count(Col3)+count(Col2))) where Col1 is not NULL and (Col2 is not NULL or Col3 is not Null) group by Col1 label count(Col2) '', sum(Col4) '', (count(Col2)/(count(Col2)+count(Col3))) '', count(Col3) '', sum(Col5) '', (count(Col3)/(count(Col3)+count(Col2))) ''",0),
query(query({Transactions!B2:B,Transactions!C2:F}, "select Col1, count(Col2),sum(Col4), (count(Col2)/(count(Col2)+count(Col3))), count(Col3), sum(Col5), (count(Col3)/(count(Col3)+count(Col2))) where Col1 is not NULL and (Col2 is not NULL or Col3 is not Null) group by Col1 label count(Col2) '', sum(Col4) '', (count(Col2)/(count(Col2)+count(Col3))) '', count(Col3) '', sum(Col5) '', (count(Col3)/(count(Col3)+count(Col2))) ''",0),"select Col2+Col5 label Col2+Col5 ''",0),
query(query({Transactions!B2:B,Transactions!C2:F}, "select Col1, count(Col2),sum(Col4), (count(Col2)/(count(Col2)+count(Col3))), count(Col3), sum(Col5), (count(Col3)/(count(Col3)+count(Col2))) where Col1 is not NULL and (Col2 is not NULL or Col3 is not Null) group by Col1 label count(Col2) '', sum(Col4) '', (count(Col2)/(count(Col2)+count(Col3))) '', count(Col3) '', sum(Col5) '', (count(Col3)/(count(Col3)+count(Col2))) ''",0), "select Col3+Col6 label Col3+Col6 ''",0),
query(query({Transactions!B2:B,Transactions!C2:F}, "select Col1, count(Col2),sum(Col4), (count(Col2)/(count(Col2)+count(Col3))), count(Col3), sum(Col5), (count(Col3)/(count(Col3)+count(Col2))) where Col1 is not NULL and (Col2 is not NULL or Col3 is not Null) group by Col1 label count(Col2) '', sum(Col4) '', (count(Col2)/(count(Col2)+count(Col3))) '', count(Col3) '', sum(Col5) '', (count(Col3)/(count(Col3)+count(Col2))) ''",0), "select Col3*Col4+Col6*Col7 label Col3*Col4+Col6*Col7 ''",0)
},10, FALSE)
Doesn't give all the result values for Net Gain and Exp. Value
As you can see it only provides Net Gains and Exp. Value where are Win and Lost values on the same row.
You should fill the blanks with 0.
IF(Transactions!C:F="",0, Transactions!C:F)}),
"select Col1, sum(Col2),sum(Col4),
sum(Col3), sum(Col5), (sum(Col3)/(sum(Col3)+sum(Col2)))
where Col1 is not NULL and NOT (Col2 = 0 and Col3 = 0) group by Col1",1),
"select Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5, Col6, Col7,Col2+Col5,
label Col2 'Win',Col3 '$-Win', Col4 '%-Win', Col5 'Lost',
Col6 '$-Lost', Col7 '%-Lost', Col2+Col5 'Total Transactions',
Col3+Col6 'Net Gains',Col3*Col4+Col6*Col7 'Exp. Value'",1),
The condition: NOT (Col2 = 0 and Col3 = 0)ensures to exclude transactions that were not sold, i.e. Win =0 and Lost = 0
The condition: IF(Transactions!C:F="",0, Transactions!C:F)ensures empty values are replaces by 0to ensure the agregate SQL functions work as expected

Extracting and counting unique word frequency from a range

I have a column where each row is a sentence. For example:
R1: -Do you think they'll come, sir?
R2: -Oh they'll come, they'll come all right.
R3: Here. Stamp those and mail them.
R4: It's ringing.
R5: Would you walk Myron the other way?
From this range, I want to extract a list of unique words (COLUMN2), and a count of how often they appeared in the range (COLUMN3).
The trick is to remove punctuation marks like commas, periods, etc..
So the desired result for the above would be:
Do 1
you 2
think 1
they'll 3
come 2
sir 1
Oh 1
all 1
right 1
Here 1
Stamp 1
those 1
and 1
mail 1
them 1
It's 1
ringing 1
Would 1
walk 1
Myron 1
the 1
other 1
way 1
I tried parsing each row with the SPLIT function, separating each word into their own cells, but I'm stuck removing the punctuation, and building the list of unique words (which I know will involve the UNIQUE function). The count I'm guessing will also involve the COUNTUNIQUE function.
Any guidance will be appreciated!
You could try something like
=query(ArrayFormula(transpose(split(query(regexreplace(A1:A5, "[^A-Za-z\s/']" ,""),,50000)," "))), "Select Col1, Count(Col1) where Col1 <>'' group by Col1 label Count(Col1)''")
Change range to suit.
If you want to exclude a list of words (ex. in the range J1:J20) you can try
=ArrayFormula(query(transpose(split(query(regexreplace(A1:A5, "[^A-Za-z\s/']" ,""),,50000)," ")), "Select Col1, Count(Col1) where not UPPER(Col1) matches '\b"&textjoin("|", 1, UPPER(J1:J20))&"\b' group by Col1 order by Count(Col1) desc label Count(Col1)''"))
Alternatively, you can also add the list of exclusions to the regex pattern...
=query(ArrayFormula(transpose(split(query(regexreplace(A1:A5, "[^A-Za-z\s/']|\b((?i)the|oh|or|and)\b" ,""),,50000)," "))), "Select Col1, Count(Col1) where Col1 <>'' group by Col1 order by Count(Col1) desc label Count(Col1)''")
=ArrayFormula(substitute(query(transpose(split(query(regexreplace(substitute(C11:C, char(39), "_"), "[^A-Za-z\s_]" ,""),,50000)," ")), "Select Col1, Count(Col1) where not UPPER(Col1) matches '\b"&textjoin("|", 1, UPPER(substitute(G11:G,char(39),"_")))&"\b' group by Col1 order by Count(Col1) desc label Count(Col1)''", 0), "_", char(39)))
or, using a different approach
=query(filter(regexreplace(transpose(split(query(regexreplace(C11:C, "[^A-Za-z\s'-]" ,""),,50000)," ")), "^-",), isna(match(upper(regexreplace(transpose(split(query(regexreplace(C11:C, "[^A-Za-z\s'-]" ,""),,50000)," ")), "^-",)), upper(filter(G11:G, len(G11:G))),0))), "Select Col1, count(Col1) group by Col1 order by count(Col1) desc label count(Col1)''", 0)
You can use Mid, RegexReplace, Query, Split, etc, Like this:
= query
regexreplace ( textjoin ( " ", true,filter(mid(A11:A,4, len(A11:A)),A11:A<>"") ) , "[>,.?/!-]"," " ) ," ",true,true
,"Select Col1, Count(Col1) group by Col1 label Col1 'Column2', Count(Col1) 'Column3' "
or if without prefix R1: ~ R5, use like this:
= query
regexreplace ( textjoin ( " ", true,filter(A11:A,A11:A<>"")) , "[>,.?/!-]"," " ) ," ",true,true
, "Select Col1, Count(Col1) group by Col1 label Col1 'Column2', Count(Col1) 'Column3' "
TEXTJOIN(" ", 1, LOWER(A:A)), "\.|\,|\?", ), " ")),
"select Col1,count(Col1)
group by Col1
order by count(Col1) desc
label count(Col1)''", 0))
QUERY(LOWER(A:A),,999^99), "[^a-z0-9а-я ]", ), " ")),
"select Col1,count(Col1)
group by Col1
order by count(Col1) desc
label count(Col1)''", 0))
QUERY(LOWER(A:A),,999^99), "[^a-z0-9 ]", ), " ")),
"select Col1,count(Col1)
where not Col1 matches 'the|and|i|you|its'
group by Col1
order by count(Col1) desc
label count(Col1)''", 0))

Rails raw query values along with fields name

This is my query
#pg = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
result = #pg.execute("select sum(col1) AS col1, sum(col2) AS col2 from messages")
result.values gives me [[val1, val2]]
result.fields gives [col1, col2]
is there a way we can get result similar to this ?
{col1 => val1, col2 => val2}
i looked into many solutions.. no luck :(
Try this
#pg = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
result = #pg.execute("select sum(col1) AS col1, sum(col2) AS col2 from messages").first

How to QUERY (ImportRange) if the "where" clause also uses imported values?

I am trying to query ImportRange data by the condition that a column matches a value from the imported spreadsheet, but it does not work:
=Query(importRange("KEY1","namesheet1!A2:R1600"), "select Col4 where Col7 = (importRange("KEY1","namesheet2!F108:F108")) ",0)
"select Col4 where Col7 = (importRange("KEY1","namesheet2!F108:F108")) "
"select Col4 where Col7 = " & importRange("KEY1","namesheet2!F108")

Summing names with same values

I have an spreadsheet with one column with a bunch of names ( with duplicates) and a testing column which will be either 'ok', 'not - ok' or '' (if not started). I wanted to create a formula that would get all the unique names and then count how many 'not - ok' + '' that corresponds to that name so eg
Column A Column B
Bob ok
John not - ok
Bob not - ok
John ok
Joe ok
And the desired output would be
Column C Column D
Bob 1
John 2
Rob 1
Joe 0
I was able to get the unique name with
=UNIQUE(A2:A10) but not sure how to generate column D
this query gives everyone with 'ok' matched in column B:
=query(A2:B, "select A, count(B) where B matches '.*ok' group by A", 0)
if you like to make custom headers in this query, use this formula:
"select A, count(B) where B matches '.*ok' group by A label A 'name1', count(B) 'name2'",
Maybe try something like this:
=query(A2:B, "select A, count(B) where A <> '' and B <> 'ok' group by A", 0)
=query(A2:B, "select A, count(B) where A <> '' and (B = '' or B = 'not - ok') group by A", 0)
You can do it with pivot. "Names" goes in rows, as value you can use count of "column B" elements. Then add a global filter for the "ok" status
