class DomaincheckerController < ApplicationController
def index
def store
r =Whois.whois(secure_params['domain'])
render :text => "#{r}"
def secure_params
This is my domainchecker controller. The index method renders a form. After submitting the form it goes to store method. Here I am trying to use the whois gem. I have installed whois gem by running gem install whois. But I am getting this error.
uninitialized constant DomaincheckerController::Whois
The problem is that you installed the gem directly and not using bundler, therefore the Rails app can't find the dependency.
In order to install a gem in a Rails project you need to edit the Gemfile file and add the gem there. Once added, run
$ bundle
in order to install the dependency. Check the documentation about the Gemfile.
I would like to convert some numbers in words.
So I installed the numbers_and_words gem with "gem install numbers_and_words" -
I restarted the server, and tried to run this example from the in my index.html.erb:
<%= 42.to_words %>
but I get this error:
NoMethodError in Posts#index -
undefined method `to_words' for 42:Fixnum
I checked the gem documentation a few times, but I couldn't figure out, what I am missing.
This is my posts controller regarding index.
def index
#posts = Post.order("created_at desc")
#published = Post.where(draft:false).order("created_at desc")
#drafts = Post.where(draft:true).order("created_at desc")
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.json { render json: #posts }
What did I wrong? Did I forget something in the installation process?
I am quite new to rails, sorry if this is a trivial newbie question.
Thank you so much for your help! Really appreciated.
Installing a gem is not sufficient to make it available in a Rails project. You need to add it to the Gemfile so that you can manage the dependencies with Bundler.
Edit the 'Gemfile' and add the gem
gem 'numbers_and_words'
Then run bundle again to update the Gemfile.lock
$ bundler
This will make the gem available to the app. It will also autorequire the gem on boot, if the gem uses the standard naming conventions.
It seems this gem is name correctly. Otherwise, you can explicitly require it by setting a require option in the gemfile
gem 'numbers_and_words', require: 'numbers_and_words'
If you just installed the gem locally and you didn't configure the Gemfile, the application will crash once you will deploy it.
Found a solution - not mentioned in the documentation of the gem, but it did the trick for me:
I added
require 'numbers_and_words'
in the rake file. After server restart, it's working.
I am trying to made my own gem, but I am still getting an error,
Here is my gem structure:
- app
- controllers
- order_controller.rb
- lib
- order
And content of the order_controller.rb:
class Order::OrderController < ApplicationController
def index
puts "asd"
I've got order gem added to the main application Gemfil.
I defined my root to lead to index action of that controller:
root :to => "order/order#index"
but when I try to access homepage I get:
uninitialized constant Order::OrderController
What I've done wrong?
Did you run bundle install after adding the gem in the Gemfile? By the way, why are you making a gem for that structure instead of making a Rails project with that structure?
I'm writing an upgrade generator for my gem and I want it to check if my gem is installed. That's not a problem, but if the gem is not installed I want to terminate the rest of the methods.
Here is my code so far:
module Baco
module Generators
class UpgradeGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
def check_installation
unless File.exists?( File.join( destination_root, "config", "initializers", "baco.rb" ) )
p "Baco not yet installed. Please run 'rails generate baco:install' to install"
# Here the generator needs to stop everything!
def next_method
# We don't want this if the gem is not installed!
Anybody can point me to the right method to use?
I believe you can raise an Error, and that should stop the generator.
I have ruby and my gems installed in my home directory using rvm. 'require RMagick' works from the console and irb, but not from within my Rails app. I have the gem listed in my Gemfile.
require 'RMagick'
class PetsController < ApplicationController
def image
image ="base/Base.png"))
#image = Pet.composite(0, '4a4a4a')
#response.headers["Content-type"] = image.mime_type
render :text => image.to_blob
If I remove the require from my controller, I get
uninitialized constant PetsController::Image
I also have tried require 'RMagick' in boot.rb, and by referring to the Image object using Magick::Image (which gives me uninitialized constant PetsController::Magick.
What am I doing wrong?
Solved it! Restarting the server fixed it. I guess I hadn't restarted the server when I added rmagick to my gemfile.
Is it possible that you are running the rails app with another user than the one that has the RMagick gem installed?
Ok, so I have a Rails app set up on DreamHost and I had it working a while ago and now it's broken. I don't know a lot about deployment environments or anything like that so please forgive my ignorance. Anyway, it looks like the app is crashing at this line in config/environment.rb:
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'boot')
config/boot.rb is pretty much normal, but I'll include it here anyway.
# Don't change this file!
# Configure your app in config/environment.rb and config/environments/*.rb
RAILS_ROOT = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/.." unless defined?(RAILS_ROOT)
module Rails
class << self
def boot!
unless booted?
def booted?
defined? Rails::Initializer
def pick_boot
(vendor_rails? ? VendorBoot : GemBoot).new
def vendor_rails?
def preinitialize
load(preinitializer_path) if File.exist?(preinitializer_path)
def preinitializer_path
class Boot
def run
class VendorBoot < Boot
def load_initializer
require "#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/railties/lib/initializer"
class GemBoot < Boot
def load_initializer
require 'initializer'
def load_rails_gem
if version = self.class.gem_version
gem 'rails', version
gem 'rails'
rescue Gem::LoadError => load_error
$stderr.puts %(Missing the Rails #{version} gem. Please `gem install -v=#{version} rails`, update your RAILS_GEM_VERSION setting in config/environment.rb for the Rails version you do have installed, or comment out RAILS_GEM_VERSION to use the latest version installed.)
exit 1
class << self
def rubygems_version
Gem::RubyGemsVersion if defined? Gem::RubyGemsVersion
def gem_version
elsif ENV.include?('RAILS_GEM_VERSION')
def load_rubygems
require 'rubygems'
min_version = '1.1.1'
unless rubygems_version >= min_version
$stderr.puts %Q(Rails requires RubyGems >= #{min_version} (you have #{rubygems_version}). Please `gem update --system` and try again.)
exit 1
rescue LoadError
$stderr.puts %Q(Rails requires RubyGems >= #{min_version}. Please install RubyGems and try again:
exit 1
def parse_gem_version(text)
$1 if text =~ /^[^#]*RAILS_GEM_VERSION\s*=\s*["']([!~<>=]*\s*[\d.]+)["']/
def read_environment_rb"#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/environment.rb")
# All that for this:
Does anyone have any ideas? I am not getting any errors in the log or on the page.
I had the same problem on DreamHost. Freezing rails and unpacking all gems got me past it.
rake rails:freeze:gems
rake gems:unpack:dependencies
My guess would be that you're breaking because of a newer version of the Rails gems on Dreamhost. At least, that's been my issue when things have blown up in something like boot.rb.
Try freezing the gems from your development environment into your vendor/rails directory.
Ya - the problem is not really in boot.rb - it's just that boot.rb is where rails is actually loaded.
So you'll get an error like this if you've specified a version of Rails that just doesn't exist on your dreamhost slice. This can happen if you either upgrade your project, start a new project (and forget that you upgraded rails in the meanwhile) or if you're still using an old version of rails and it's now been removed from the dreamhost server that you're on.
To figure out which is is, look in config/environment.rb for the line that'll read something like:
RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2.3.4' unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION
Then ssh to your dreamhost server and type gem list and see if your version is in the list.
If not, you an try several options. Lets say the version you're using is 2.3.4
To begin with, try: gem install rails -v=2.3.4 then restart. That may be all that is required.
If that doesn't work, then try freezing and unpacking the gems (as per the other answer here).
There is also another possibility - that you're actually missing a gem that rails depends on but which is failing silently - eg a dependency on a certain version of rack caught me out once. But you may also have other gem dependencies
If you run rake gems you will be able to list all the gems that your project knows about that it needs - make sure they're installed to begin with.
Then, as a sort of rough smoke-test, try running script/console - if you're missing an important rails gem, script/console won't load and should fail, giving you a notice about the gem you need.
If you're trying to run v 2.3.5, you may also be suffering from this problem:
Bypassing rack version error using Rails 2.3.5
In which case you'll need to follow the instructions there.