UITableView leaving gap below transparent UINavigationBar (within single UIView on UIViewController) - ios

I am working on a Swift iOS8/9 project and using Xcode 7, with storyboard / autolayout, etc. (For completeness: I started at the beginning on the year on older versions of Xcode, etc.)
I have a a UINavigationController hierarchy and some View Controllers contain a single UIView which contain a single child, a UITableView. (I am choosing not to use UITableViewController, so suffice to say ... it is not an option.)
The problem: The tableview starts 64 pixels (status plus nav height) too low:
Now: I've had things working for some of my UIViewControllers containing a UICollectionView within a UIView but I achieved it (after lots of poking / prodding, and a while back) by a top alignment constraint from the top of the UICollectionView to the top of the Top Layout Guide. (Looking through my storyboard I some alignments and some vertical distances, but all to top of Top Layout Guide.)
I am looking for help understanding if I can do what I want, if the approach of constraining the top of the tableview to the top of the layout guide is correct, or if there is a better way.
Unfortunately, I cannot seem to repeat this (perhaps 'cos I've forgotten some key press combination jujitsu, or new Xcode, or collection != table, or something in my view hierarchy. (I've checked all segues are adaptive push, I've even deleted/re-built this VC since I had one model segue, just in case it was confused that this VC isn't in a navigation view controller hierarchy.)
If I control/drag to connect or select the two to align:
this is what I am offered - note no "align to top":
Note: Here are the table settings that (to my understanding) should be adjusting edge inset and scroll offsets correctly, and do appear to ('cos it is the only child of the top view, per documentation.)
Here are the frames after view did layout subviews:

The approach that I ended up using came to me when I spoke to #ProgrammingBonn and mentioned the frames. I saw that the primary UIView was position as I wanted, and so it (finally) dawned on me to align the top of UITableView to the top of the UIView.
(I suspect that much as I was building my own ViewController and not relying upon UITableViewController I had an over inflated view of this particular view within the hierarchy. It was a subview not a primary view, despite occupying all the screen real-estate.)
So, to be clear:
I selected the UITableView, then command/selected the UIView (the main one, and it's parent) and then used the "align" tool to top align those two.

Try unchecking the "Adjust Scroll View Insets" option.

I am not sure whether this will fix your problem but have you tried playing around with viewController.edgesForExtendedLayout?
See more info here:
Explaining difference between automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets, extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars, edgesForExtendedLayout in iOS7


Swift - Scroll View smaller than Main View

I've many troubles with a ScrollView that is more little than main view.
My goal is the layout in the figure
where gray view is a TableView and blue is a hierarchy composed by a View inside the ScrollView. Everything is plaed all inside a main View. So the general hierarchy is the follow
In the ScrollView i've to put many elements, Switch for the final product, Label to understand. So i want the possibility to scroll.
Reading around the web i've found always the same, more or less, solution, this: one, two, three, four, five, etc.
As soon as i add various constraints as explained (for me are not all 0), both on the emulator and on the real device, the ScrollView disappears.
But as we see, in these example there is the case of a single ScrollView inside a main View, on full display. So i've tried also with another View to contain the hierarchy ScrollView-View. Unfortunately, i've the same results.
What is the problem? Where wrong i?
Control-drag from the content view of the scrollView to the viewControllers view and make Equal widths then change that constraint multiplier to 0.5 , same for the tableView sure minue margin between it and the scrollview
also make sure constraints are properly hooked from top to bottom
Here is a demo of what you want exactly scrollViewHalf

Mass auto layout option for 40 viewcontrollers?

I designed about 40 view controllers using a 5.5 inch storyboard layout. After all of that I tested it on the iPhone 4S...big mistake. everything is jumbled together being for a larger screen size. I was able to fix one view controller up using Size Classes. I am wondering if there is any way I can adjust all 40 at the same time, or at least avoid doing this for every single one. It is really frustrating finding this out now. Thanks!
This is a relatively complicated issue you are attempting to solve, but I have two potential solutions. Both suggestions are based on moving your current interface into containing UIScrollView instances
If you are using storyboards, then for each of your view controller scenes, put a UIScrollView as a descendent of the view controller's view. From there, provided your subviews are contained within other views (like a container view for a set of buttons), you can move those into your scroll view. You will have to setup constraints to define the size of the scroll view's content, but this will allow the size of the device to have a smaller impact on the interface as you will get scrolling as needed.
If you are using nib files (.xib) then it is essentially the same thing, but easier. In this case, move a UIScrollView onto the canvas, but not as a subview of the default view. Once that is out there, move the original view to be a subview of the scroll view and set constraints to be 0 from the subview to the scroll view. Finally, right click drag from the File's Owner icon to the scroll view and set that as the view outlet.
Hopefully one of these will help you.

UIScrollView in NavigationController ignores top layout guide

I've seen similar questions about custom transitions(iOS7 Custom ViewController transition and Top Layout Guide and Navigation controller top layout guide not honored with custom transition), but I have problem even with regular push. I'm using latest Xcode available now (Version 5.1.1 (5B1008)).
Here is my storyboard:
Problem occurs in 3rd VC
Here is 3rd VC settings:
My 3rd controller's layout is follows:
Other views
I've tried two different ways to create a layout:
Ignore top layout guide (it has y = 64 because of nav bar)
I pinned scrollview's top to container (ignoring topLayoutGuide), manually set height of inner view and pinned its top to scrollView. It gave me the following result:
Looks fine, but why do I need top layout guide then?
Use topLayout guide
ScrollView's top is pinned to topLayoutGuide.
As you can see, top button moved down and view looks strange.
What is the right way of creating such layouts?
I had the same problem and spent hours pulling my hair out.
My container view inside scrollview had weird top offset despite the fact that it had top constraint set.
The workaround I've found - you have to uncheck Adjust Scroll View Insets in your controller layout options
that way content view (in my case) stays pinned to scrollview's top.
Unfortunately I couldn't find any reasonable explanation of this behaviour.
In my case, Xcode 7 and 8, I had to uncheck the 'Adjust Scroll View Insets' for the Views in my Navigation View Controller. And yes, it wasted too much time before I figured this out.
EDIT: Apple has found out that we have found a solution, so they managed to break this again in XCode 9 and 10, to keep us developers pulling our hair. Haven't found a solution yet.

scroll views working fine in iOS 7 with problems in iOS6

I hate iOS scroll views with auto layout, they are driving me crazy!:-D
I have found a method which works perfectly on iOS 7 to use scroll views:
I put the scroll view directly in the main view, attaching the scroll view to the edges of the super view(top,bottom leading and trailing space equals to 0).
Then I put a UIView into the scroll view attached to the edges of the scroll view, (top,bottom leading and trailing space equals to 0).
Then I set the height constraint of the most internal view, I link it at my ViewController class, and I modify its value programmatically.
Or, if the view it's 'static' I put every component using the storyboard into the internal UIView, starting with the one at the Top attached to the top of the super view, the one under, attached with the constraint 'Vertical Spacing' referred to the one over him..and so on... Until the last, which is also attached to the bottom of the UIView..
Everything works fine in iOS 7, it's perfect, but iOS 6 is messing around with the constraint.
When I first launch the view everything is perfect, but it seems to recalculate the constraints even on the didappear(and in a bad way), in fact, if I leave my view while it's scrolled down, when I come back to it(let's say we are in a navigation controller) , is like it's everything 'moved up' and the components at the top are hidden.
Is there a way to make scroll views work in both iOS 6 and iOS 7, I'n thinking at two storyboards as the only solution, please tell me there is another way... :-)
thanks everyone, I post two images explaining my problem, taken from the top of the screen:
Well uncheck use AutoLayout in file inspector and try.

Why is the UIPageViewController resizing its UIViewControllers views after the page turn?

Within the pageViewController:viewControllerAfterViewController: method, just before the return statement, the view which is about to be returned as the next page has the correct view frame size.
However immediately after the pageViewController:didFinishAnimating:previousViewControllers:transitionCompleted: method is called, I check the frame size of the newly introduced view controller ([pageViewController2.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0];) and I find it resized.
Note that, I have set [self.pageViewController.view setAutoresizesSubviews:NO] and the autoresizing mask to None for the newly created ViewController.
Any ideas in which step the new ViewController is being resized?
I think the problem is inherently related to the nature of UIPageViewController. It is built from UIScrollView. I don't exactly know why there is strange resizing behavior, but it seems to be particularly pronounced when the view controllers that make up your pages use auto layout. Seemingly, locking the constraints in your page view controllers to the superview makes the elements resize after the transition because the superview is itself getting resized after said transition.
This sucks because Apple is basically pushing all of us to adopt auto layout. Auto layout is awesome, and I recommend everyone use it from now on, but it really really sucks when you use it with a UIPageViewController. They really ought to either scrap that class or build something easier for developers, something that can be dragged into a storyboard outright.
A few things to consider.
1.) Don't lock anything to the "Top Layout Guide" or the "Bottom Layout Guide". Also make sure you have "Constrain To Margins" disabled on any view intended to hug the sides of the screen.
2.) If you are using a label in your individual page / content view controllers, make sure you bind/constrain it to something other than the superview. I wanted to place a label over a UIImageView, so I aligned the label to the leading and top edges of the image view (using AutoLayout constraints only), creating an offset to give the label some margins.
3.) The following would otherwise be a good tutorial. However, it is a bit outdated. I downloaded the project and basically modified it to get a UIPageViewController implementation that works. The only problem with this project is that it doesn't use AutoLayout. I'm currently writing a blog post that more clearly discusses how to use UIPageViewController and Autolayout together.
