Aftertouch / Pressure Midi command not working in AVFoundation - ios

I am using AVAudioUnitSampler to play some midi sounds, i have a soundfont loaded and have sucessfully use start note, stop note and apply pitch bend midi commands. I am now trying to incorporate aftertouch or pressure commands as it is called in AVFoundation.
So my code looks roughly like this (simplified):
self.midiAudioUnitSampler.startNote(60, withVelocity: 60, onChannel: 0)
//some time later...
self.midiAudioUnitSampler.sendPressure(20, onChannel: 0)
The note is humming away but the send pressure commands seem to have no effect on the sound output. I have tried using send pressure and sendPressureForKey to and no luck.
What am i doing wrong or am I misunderstanding what sendPressure does? I expect it to change the volume of the note after it is played.
Btw i have a setup where the note is being played and i have a separate Control to fire pressureCommands into the samplee at some time after the note playback has been started.

My guess is that the sampler does not know what to do with aftertouch messages. If you want to change the volume of the note (and any other notes playing) you could send your value to parameter 7 (volume) instead:
self.midiAudioUnitSampler.sendController(7, withValue: 20, onChannel: 0)
From my experience I have the feeling that the sampler does responds to MIDI controller 7.


iOS : AVFoundation - Preroll mode set during render" and my app hangs

I am developing MIDI Player by referring to the following Web-Page.
I don't do any recording, I just want to play the SMF file.
However, when I run setPreload (true), it says "ASSERTION FAILED: Preroll mode set during render" and my app hangs.
I searched for "Preroll mode set during render" but couldn't find any valid information.
Please help someone.
hi, #dspr.
The percussion sounds even if I don't do "AudioUnitSetProperty (kAUMIDISynthProperty_EnablePreload: 1)".
I think this is because the BANK for percussion is automatically assigned to ch.10.
However, in this state, the piano and guitar and others do not sound.
AVAudioUnitMIDI Instrument needs kAUMIDISynthProperty_EnablePreload to analyze which tone is assigned to which track in the SMF file, right?
Which method does AVAudioUnitMIDIInstrument use to preload SMF files?
(1) AudioUnitSetProperty (kAUMIDISynthProperty_EnablePreload: 1) to AVAudioUnitMIDISynth
(2) << How to preload? >>
(3) AudioUnitSetProperty (kAUMIDISynthProperty_EnablePreload: 0) to AVAudioUnitMIDISynth
(4) Start AVAudioSequencer
MIDI Player uses the kAUMIDISynthProperty_EnablePreload property of MIDISynth for that purpose. See the Apple comment about it below. Note the It should only be used prior to MIDI playback and must be set back to 0 before attempting to start playback sentence at the end :
#constant kAUMIDISynthProperty_EnablePreload
#discussion Scope: Global
Value Type: UInt32
Access: Write
Setting this property to 1 puts the MIDISynth in a mode where it will attempt to load
instruments from the bank or file when it receives a program change message. This
is used internally by the MusicSequence. It should only be used prior to MIDI playback,
and must be set back to 0 before attempting to start playback.
EDIT : frankly, I'm a little bit reserved about your link
One strategy I haven’t tried would be to pitch shift the MIDI up one octave, play it back at 2x, record it at 88.2kHz, then downsample to 44.1kHz. AVAudioSession presumably can’t go past 48kHz though.
Clearly, the person who wrote that has a very poor knowledge about audio and sampling. Playing a MIDI song transposed one octave up at double tempo is really not equivalent than playing the same recorded in audio at double speed whatever you make the recording at 88.2kHz or any other sample rate. As a simple example, what happens is the file contains a drum set ? A snare drum (40) will become a Chinese cymbal (52) played two times slower ?
As I can understand this post, the described hack has for unique purpose to make recording. So if you simply want to play your MIDI file back you can certainly find a simpler and better example.

ARSession and Recording Video

I’m manually writing a video recorder. Unfortunately it’s necessary if you want to record video and use ARKit at the same time. I’ve got most of it figured out, but now I need to optimize it a bit because my phone gets pretty hot running ARKit, Vision and this recorder all at once.
To make the recorder, you need to use an AVAssetWriter with an AVAssetWriterInput (and AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor). The input has a isReadyForMoreMediaData property you need to check before you can write another frame. I’m recording in real-time (or as close to as possible).
Right now, when ARKit.ARSession gives me a new session I immediately pass it to the AVAssetWriterInput. What I want to do is add it to a queue, and have loop check to see if there’s samples available to write. For the life of me I can’t figure out how to do that efficiently.
I want to just run a while loop like this, but it seems like it would be a bad idea:
func startSession() {
// …
while isRunning {
guard !pixelBuffers.isEmpty && writerInput.isReadyForMoreMediaData else {
// process sample
Can I run this a separate thread from the ARSession.delegateQueue? I don't want to run into issues with CVPixelBuffers from the camera being retained for too long.

iOS: Playing PCM buffers from a stream

I'm receiving a series of UDP packets from a socket containing encoded PCM buffers. After decoding them, I'm left with an int16 * audio buffer, which I'd like to immediately play back.
The intended logic goes something like this:
initTrack(track, output, channels, sample_rate, ...);
onReceiveBufferFromSocket(NSData data){
//Decode the buffer
int16 * buf = handle_data(data);
//Play data
write_to_track(track, buf, length_of_buf, etc);
I'm not sure about everything that has to do with playing back the buffers though. On Android, I'm able to achieve this by creating an AudioTrack object, setting it up by specifying a sample rate, a format, channels, etc... and then just calling the "write" method with the buffer (like I wish I could in my pseudo-code above) but on iOS I'm coming up short.
I tried using the Audio File Stream Services, but I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong since no sound ever comes out and I feel like those functions by themselves don't actually do any playback. I also attempted to understand the Audio Queue Services (which I think might be close to what I want), however I was unable to find any simple code samples for its usage.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, specially in the form of example code.
You need to use some type of buffer to hold your incoming UDP data. This is an easy and good circular buffer that I have used.
Then to play back data from the buffer, you can use Audio Unit framework. Here is a good example project.
Note: The first link also shows you how to playback using Audio Unit.
You could use audioQueue services as well, make sure your doing some kind of packet re-ordering, if your using ffmpeg to decode the streams there is an option for this.
otherwise audio queues are easy to set up.
You could also use AudioUnits, a bit more complicated though.

Removing Silence from Audio Queue session recorded audio in ios

I'm using Audio Queue to record audio from the iphone's mic and stop recording when silence detected (no audio input for 10seconds) but I want to discard the silence from audio file.
In AudioInputCallback function I am using following code to detect silence :
AudioQueueLevelMeterState meters[1];
UInt32 dlen = sizeof(meters);
OSStatus Status AudioQueueGetProperty(inAQ,kAudioQueueProperty_CurrentLevelMeterDB,meters,&dlen);
if(meters[0].mPeakPower < _threshold)
{ // NSLog(#"Silence detected");}
But how to remove these packets? Or Is there any better option?
Instead of removing the packets from the AudioQueue, you can delay the write up by writing it to a buffer first. The buffer can be easily defined by having it inside the inUserData.
When you finish recording, if the last 10 seconds is not silent, you write it back to whatever file you are going to write. Otherwise just free the buffer.
after the file is recorded and closed, simply open and truncate the sample data you are not interested in (note: you can use AudioFile/ExtAudioFile APIs to properly update any dependent chunk/header sizes).

Matt Gallagher's AudioStreamer play mp3 from offset before playing state

I did not found solution for one issue: how to play mp3 file from offset immideately?
I can only play file then send -(void)seekToTime: but in this case sound begins and interrupts then begins from defined offset.
I tried to apply seekToTime method on ASStatusChangedNotification (in different cases of AudioStreamerState) but there were without result.
upd: I think that may set time offset after the file began streaming (before playing). But how?
What I did was create a method to seek to the desired time that I run after [streamer start]:
while(streamer.bitRate == 0) {
If you're concerned about waiting too long, you can add a time out: either a count of times through the loop, or set a start time and compare it to the current time to break out of the loop.
This blog post has another take:
