How to change URL `OpenWith` in Edge browser - tfs

When use Edge open the Build's Url in TFS,the edge browser popup the Open with dialog .my fault choose chrome,Now I must right click open the url.
How can I change the OpenWith?
**[Update:]**After I Reset the default app in setting panel. I reopen(single click) the URL will Show the dialog.


Microsoft Edge always open new tab instead of new window

Since last week, when I right click on Edge taskbar tab to open new tab or new window, it opens a new tab always, instead of opening a different window
This is how it looks.
I checked out all options, but didn't find any such customization. I tried to un-install and re-install the Edge browser, it worked for a while, but once the system restarted, it started same behavior again!
Any idea, how could I change that to open new window when clicking on 'Microsoft Edge' instead of opening a new tab in an existing window?
From your description, I assume that there might be some malicious software hijacking your Edge browser. It locks the homepage of Edge and tampers the shortcut of "Microsoft Edge".
The right behavior of clicking on "Microsoft Edge" should be opening a new window. But I can reproduce your issue with the steps below:
Right click Edge icon on taskbar.
Right click Microsoft Edge then click Properties.
In the Microsoft Edge Properties window, add a webpage url after Target value.
Click Apply, OK to save the changes.
Click Microsoft Edge in taskbar Edge right click menu, it will open the webpage url as a new tab in an existing window.
You can refer to my steps above to check your Edge Target value in Microsoft Edge Properties. Please make sure there's only the path of Edge exe in the Target value. The right value of Target should be like this (your path might be different with mine, below is just an example of mine):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"
If there's anything else, it's very likely that a malicious software tampers it. Then you should check your computer thoroughly to remove any malicious software and virus.

How to get “home screen shortcut” on iOS ipad to open in Chrome browser

How do you get the iPad or iPhone to have a Home Screen shortcut icon to open your website in Google Chrome and not safari?
Here is the work around I use.
Open using safari (do not use another browser for this part)and click “create your own”,
then in the Dropdown select “website link”,
Next past the website URL you want to open but replace the HTTP:// with googlechromes://(YOUR URL). For example if you wanted your Home Screen shortcut icon to open you would enter googlechromes://
Next you can enter a name and then choose an icon and select “create icon” at the top menu
Lastly when prompted you go to the share icon (box with arrow out of the top) in safari and select “add to Home Screen”
The final result: when you click the icon added to your Home Screen it should splash Safari browser for a milli second and then realize its mistake and open your link in Google Chrome

iOS PWA standalone: how to force opening in a new window

I have a PWA saved on the home screen, this opens up standardly without search bar nor the bottom buttons (share, tabs, etc..).
So every link gets opened inside the PWA, and that is expected.
I have a problem when showing pdfs as they normally open in Safari with the "share" button and all the bottom bar, but in the PWA they open up without bottom bar and without any share button.
So my idea is to open the PDF link ( in a new safari window,.
I tried putting target="_blank" on the PDF link but this did not solve the problem.
I also tried forcing the iOS behavior by opening the app in safari with safari:// but with no luck.
How do I open a New Safari window to a link?
OK, the ONLY working solution is to tell iOS you are going onto another domain.
PWA stays in your app frame ONLY if you stay in the same domain.
To open a link within your domain in an EXTERNAL window (or inside the PWA but with Safari standard controls) you have to send it to an external/different domain.
So the PWA is on and you want to open a PDF with all Safari control buttons, you just create a SUB domain and point the link to it, like at this point the PWA thinks you are on a different domain and does the correct rendering! 🎉
You can try to use
But, remember to put it in an element with onclick event attribute.
For example,
<button class='btn' onclick='"", "_blank");'>Open Google search</button>
Reference:, '_blank'); not working on iMac/Safari
You can set a scope in manifest.json to customize where to open an external link.
You can refer on the property scope.

imacros changing focus to second firefox window

We are trying to create a script that can click on a button that appears in a second window (not a tab in the same window) but do not seem to be able to get iMacros to change its focus to a new window.
Can iMacros cross browser windows in a single script?
The webpage flow is:
- browser window directed to a URL
- Click a button in that page
- a new window is opened
- click a button in that window
You can try to make the browser show this pop-up in a new tab of the same window.
Let's suppose that your button html code looks like this:
<button id="popupbut" onclick="'http://popupUrlHere', '', 'width=300,height=300,left=50,top=50,menubar=no');">New window</button>
So, here is a macro to do the above mentioned thing:
TAG XPATH="id('popupbut')" EXTRACT=HTM
SET popupUrl EVAL("'{{!EXTRACT}}'.match(/(http:.+?)['"]/)[1];")
URL GOTO={{popupUrl}}
I think this direction should be right.

Why Won't Firefox Add-on Browser-Action Pop-Up Close?

I'm working on a Browser extension/add-on. We have it working in Chrome, so I'm trying to get it working in Firefox.
I've only gotten my extension to load in Firefox Developer Edition 49.0a2 (2016-07-25) (I'm not sure why it doesn't work normally, but have asked elsewhere).
My add-on uses a browser_action to add a button to the toolbar and open a pop-up, which opens fine, but once it's open, it seems impossible to close without quitting Firefox entirely.
In fact, it's so pernicious, the pop-up then appears over other applications!
Is this just a current bug in Firefox, or is there a way for me to fix this?
You might have accidentally clicked the "only close the popup on ESC" button in the firefox debugger, which keeps a popup open until you press Escape. Source:
IF your browser extension popups (and right-click context menus, bookmark menu etc.) persist and refuse to go away unless you press Esc AND you have the ’Browser Toolbox’ window open—then you have probably left the ‘Disable Popup Auto-Hide’ option enabled. (This setting is only in effect when the Browser Toolbox window is open.)
To disable this setting, go to the Browser Toolbox window (the window title is ‘Developer Tools – Debugging’), then, in the upper right-hand corner, press open the three-dots menu, and uncheck ‘Disable Popup Auto-Hide’. (If checked you get sticky popups/context menus. If unchecked the popup/context menu will close if you click outside it).
Browser Toolbox
NOTE: If your browser menu does not have a ‘More tools > Browser Toolbox’ option, then the Browser Toolbox is disabled, and cannot be causing the sticky popup behavior.
The Browser Toolbox window can be opened through the browser main menu (the little hamburger icon, rightmost in the URL bar of the browser) ‘More tools > Browser Toolbox’ (or Ctrl-Shift-Alt-I).
The Browser Toolbox is disabled by default, so, for the above paragraph to work must first be enabled. To do this click on main menu icon, then ‘More Tools > Web Developer Tools’ (Ctrl-Shift-I), then, in the Developer Tools frame (or window) click the three dots menu icon (top right) and select ‘Settings’.
In the settings, scroll down to the bottom right (under the ‘Advanced settings’) and check the last two options:
[✔️] Enable browser chrome and add-on debugging toolboxes
[✔️] Enable remote debugging
Your browser menu should now contain the ‘More tools > Browser Toolbox’ option. (From the MDN Web Docs ‘Enabling the Browser Toolbox’.)
This answer (just like #Lakinator’s answer) is based off of information found on Mozilla's official site.
