How can we implement copy paste of diagram elements in editor? -

I am new to and I need to implement copy (of a part of workflow diagram) and paste (it in the same or another bpmn io editor) in bpmb-io editor. How this can be achieved?


MVC Shared layout between projects

I was wondering if there is a way to share the _layout.cshtml file across all projects. This way if I ever wanted to make a change to our companies page layout I only have to change it in one place. From the research I've seen so far people have made mention of possibly creating a .dll file. Also I'm not talking about areas in mvc. What I want is for all my separate applications to reference one shared layout page instead of each application having it's own layout.
Once pattern (which I've been involved in the implementation of) is to make a Nuget package containing the layout file (and anything else you want to share in common between all your sites, such as other CSS files, error handling routines, etc), and installing the package (from a private feed) into each project which requires it, thus overwriting the default layout file).
The source of the Nuget package is itself a C# MVC project with a custom nuget config which makes sure that it includes just the necessary content from the C# project into the distributable nuget file.
Apart from ease of installation and separation of concerns, another big advantage of distributing via Nuget is that if you make changes to the source files and update the package, each application which has the package installed can choose when would be a good time to update to the latest version (if at all), so you don't have issues where if you change one thing you have to change everything which depends on it all at the same time (For instance, the Add as Link option in Slappywag's answer would suffer from that problem - if you changed the layout file in that scenario it would immediately propagate to all the projects which use it, so if you wanted to make any other changes in that project you'd have to deal with any implications of the layout change before you could publish your other changes, which might not be desirable/convenient at the time.)
The way I've achieved this in the past is to use 'add as link'.
Firstly, add your layout files to a new library which can be shared between your different projects. Then in each of your projects which you want to use the layout page add the layout page as a link:
In solution explorer right click on the folder in whcih you want to place your layout file.
Click add existing, and select the layout file you want to use.
Click the little arrow on the right hand side of the 'Add' button, and select 'Add as link' from the dropdown. Your layout file will now be in place.
Depending on how your project is set up you may need to follow the steps in this answer to ensure your linked files are copied at build time. You may also want to make sure the copied files are being ignored by your source control.
Update your ViewStart to use the new layout file.
Any changes you need to make to the layout can be made to the original file, and on build changes will be picked up by your projects.

How to clone a solution in Visual Studio Online?

I have various solutions checked in to a VSTS online account.
Sometimes I have the need to create a new solution from a copy of the code of another, and then to check this back in to VSTS to work on as a separate project.
Is there an easy way to do this in Visual Studio?
In Source Control Explorer there is the Move option, but why not a Copy option?
(I am not talking about branching)
Move is a in effect a combined operation done atomically by TFS. Its essentially a delete and rename. It also retains history.
The following image shows moving a file and then moving it back. You can see the change to see what TFS did to the file.
If you are talking about taking code files from one location and copying to another, it's essentially a local file level operation. From a TFS point of view, it would be simply an "add" operation that you would need to do explicitly.
Copy does not make much sense when using a source control system.
As suggested by others you can make a branch, as this will give you the result you want. This could be seen as a copy, besides it not taking up space for the duplicated files.

issue duplicating nodes with gkcomponents within Xcode scene editor

Simple question and I haven't been able to find a solution for. I'm working on a project, I build out my scenes in the scene editor, and I'm heavily using components that I then add to nodes within the editor. Some of these nodes I need a bunch of copies of them. When you copy and paste, or duplicate the node in the editor, go to the components inspector on the new node, the components don't copy over.
Is there a setting or a way that I can get it to copy over the components as well?
Would save a bunch of time, building out scenes...
thank you!
You can't copy the components with the nodes in the editor at this time.
If you are using xcode9.0, it has a bug that the copied file cannot be added to the project, if it only needs to be updated to the new version

Petrel's workflow editor

In petrel software, can workflow editor be used to automize the use of a "process" such as "geomechanical modeling" on a series of (pre-defined) realizations?
Yes. It can. You have access to all processes from within workflow editor. once you insert the process of interest you can open it just like you do normally outside of the workflow interface, and then define the settings you want. Note that you can define variables in advance and use them as values inside the process.

Better way to update custom activities binaries

Currently I have few custom activities in the main build template. Each additional activity is stored in same binary but different class. To update binary I need to delete old one, check-in delete, copy manually from bin folder to tfs build controller folder, add items to source control and check in changes.
I would like to prevent problem of missing custom activities binary from build template while doing this process.
Can I do it any other way. So there is no time when binary doesn't exist in source control.
You can easily check in the new DLL over the top of the previous one.
If you are using a local Workspace then you just drop the new DLL on top of the old one. This can be automated with a post build script.
If you are using a server workspace (and files are read only) then you will need to check out the file before copying the new one over the top.
You can have an automated build that automated this entire process.
Usually, you should have two projects in your solution. One of the projects is for the custom code and custom activities, the other one to modify the build process template.
After you modify the process template, you need to check in process template and custom activities. The custom activities path should have been specified in your build controller.
Check this blog on how to create your own activity:
