Trouble with continuous scroll and pagination - Swift UICollectionView - ios

This site is awesome.
So I need to create something that looks like this...
It needs to be continuous with a fixed number of UICollectionViewCells (8). It also needs to paginate really well and center the cell (as shown) when the user swipes left or right.
PROBLEM: 1. The pagination provided with UICollectionView doesn't center the view on the cell being shown. 2. I'm having a hard time finding the proper way to get the continuous effect.
Any help on this would be much appreciated. This is a tough one!


Swipe to delete on entire section in UITableView

I have a UITableView which has a variable amount of sections and every section has a variable amount of rows. Every section contains a section header, a section footer and the rows for that section. They are shown and displayed inside a container. Everything up until now works as expected. To demonstrate what my UITableView currently looks like:
I am now trying to implement the possibility to swipe left on the entire section, so that the header of the section, the rows inside this section and the footer of this section move to the left and display another UIView. I am capable of swiping the cells separately, but enabling this feature on the entire sections have caused headaches for the past two days. This is what I would like to achieve:
I have thought about implementing UIGestureRecognizers but I am afraid they might conflict with my UITableView. Also, I started implementing it, but I would not know how to move solely the section on which was swiped to the left.
Then I thought I could maybe implement a UIScrollView as container for each section. How I would accomplish this is still a mystery to me, but it seems like a possible solution if this could be done.
Furthermore I am out of ideas and stuck on how this should be done. It's something I have not found on the Internet so far - at least no working examples of some kind so I have zero inspiration on how to achieve the effect.
I therefor would like to ask if somebody has an idea of how this could work and what I have to keep in mind when implementing this. Every clue pointing me towards a working solution is gratefully appreciated!
EDIT: I have already seen the possible duplicate this afternoon. However, the suggestion there shows touchesBegan() on the header, which does not work in my case as I need the entire section to be "draggable".
I think one way you can implement this is with a vertical stackview containing views that contains a tableview and the trash icon. When a user swipes left on the tableview header, it will show the hidden trash icon in the view. I would think that each tableview only has one section so it will be easier to keep track of which "section" the user has swiped.
I have currently managed to arrange a similar solution. I take the rectangle of the section with rect(forSection:int), add a UIPanGestureRecognizer in which I add a UIView on top of the UITableView if touches began, I calculate the location of the finger and let the cudtom UIView follow. When a certain point (100 from left edge of the UITableView) is reached, the section gets removed with deleteSections(indexSet:with:).
This works. It does the job, but it adds an overlay to the section rather than pushing it to the left.
Therefor I am asking of someone knows if there is any way of setting the offset for one specific section or for an area of a UIView, so I can offset the rectangle of the section. I have been able to setContentOffset on the entire UITableView but this is not the desired result.
If there is no way to do this, I would consider keeping the solution I have now or maybe implement a snapshot feature which takes a screenshot and crops the rect of the frame, adding this UIImage to the custom view to simulate the section. But that would be tricky. Any ideas for this idea are also welcome.

Implementing chat layout with UICollectionView with AutoLayout

Is what I'm trying to accomplish here even possible? I've been searching for hours for sample code and/or SO answers that demonstrate this simply enough to follow, but so far no luck.
Goal: implement something that looks roughly like this mock:
Yes, I know this is easy with a tableview, but the full design includes custom interactions, multiple columns, UIKit dynamics, and custom animations when adding/deleting cells, so UICollectionView is the better candidate. Until I can get this core layout to work, though, the rest of it is just a pipe dream.
So far I've started with a subclass of UICollectionViewCell that has a single label with constraints to all 4 sides of the content view. At which point I run into these issues:
It's unclear how I can calculate collectionViewContentSize() when the cells don't exist yet, esp. given that the majority of cells are actually offscreen most of the time!
If I just throw in an arbitrary content size (e.g., 320x1000), my views show up, but their heights don't adjust to the label content…I can't seem to read the cell height from within my UICollectionViewLayout subclass.
Seen or done anything like this? I'd include code, but after hours of futzing with it. I'm just looking for a clearer tutorial or sample code that fits this scenario.
There's a project you might want to look at. It's fairly involved and probably has a lot of code for situations that don't quite match yours, but does indeed create a chat view using a UICollectionView.
It can be found here:
For item 1 - with regards to calculating collectionViewContentSize, I think you'll find you may not need to calculate that, at least as long as you're using a UICollectionViewFlowLayout subclass for the layout.
And for item 2 - rather than set a fixed 320x1000 take a look at the JSQMessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout.m for sizeItemAtIndexPath.
Sorry, this probably should have been a comment, but I lack the reputation to comment & so I made it an answer (doesn't that seem backwards? Ah well.)

Use scrollToItemAtIndexPath in UICollectionView with paging

I have an uicollectionview with paging enabled. One cell per page which is full screen basically. The thing is that when I want to use scrollToItemAtIndexPath and move one cell forward/backward along with animation it will do a swipe but it will go back instantly to the cell/page where I called scrollToItemAtIndexPath. There is really nothing special besides stuff I've described. When I omit animation it's working.
For faster debugging I've setup test project on github - ScrollToItem
EDIT: This might be a bug. Bugreport (18864560) submitted. If someone can provide me a workaround or even solve this issue it will be still appreciated.

Tracking touch in iOS

I am creating a word search game for the iPhone and am having trouble figuring out what is the best approach to take for the main component of the game (the word search puzzle).
I am currently using a collection view to display the puzzle. However I am having trouble figuring out how to track the users touch on the collection view to highlight letter as they slide their finger across the puzzle.
Iv looked into collection views's selection and highlight features but they don't seem to provide the functionality that I need.
So basically my question are as follows:
Is a collection view the best approach for this type of game (word search)?
If it is, then how do I go about tracking the user input to highlight and return the cells they slide their fingers over?
And if it is not the best approach what are some other options, that make it easier to track users input on a grid like display?
I tired posting images of what I am talking about but can't due so, so hopefully my problem is clear, if not please let me know and I will try to be more specific.
Thank you in advance for any advice and suggestions.
A way to go about this would be to add a pan gesture recognizer to the collection view. Then, you can use indexPathForItemAtPoint: and cellForItemAtIndexPath: to get the correct cell as the user pans. You can then do whatever you want with the individual cells.
There is a great SDK for iOS called HeatMap. You can get more info HERE. I have read lots of good stuff about the developer and the service. Lets you track touch events on selective views.
Here is a screenshot from the demo on that site:

How to create multidirectional infinite/circular scrolling view like the HBO GO iPad App

My question is essentially what it says in the title--I would like to create a scrolling view similar to the one that appears under the 'Home' tab of the HBO GO iPad application.
I have looked into circular/infinite UIScrollViews, but they only discuss infinite content in one direction (either horizontal OR vertical) and bring up many problems when scroll speed gets too high. So my question is twofold:
A) Could they have created this scrolling view by subclassing UIScrollView? If so, please do let me know how?
B) If not, does anyone have ideas as to a starting point for how they could have created it? It runs very, very smoothly even at fast acceleration, and I'm trying to figure out how they created this.
Thanks in advance!
Reposting to get answer ;-)
The sample is named StreetScroller.
Referenced video is here.
I believe the successful technique will be to apply the techniques in the video in either a 2x2 or 3x3 grid and handle scrolling in both directions.
I have put together a library that provides an infinitely scrolling view in all directions. It allows you to very easily achieve the effect you’re looking for and much more. As the user scrolls around, the framework lays out the tiles and lets the delegate know so it can set up the tiles' presentations. This is indeed done by subclassing UIScrollView and as for performance, the framework introduces no lag: full 60 fps no matter how fast you scroll.
The framework with a sample app that displays Flickr images in an infinitely scrolling wall is here: Additionally, here's a video of the sample app in action:
I don't think there is an easy way to do it by sub classing UIScrollView
I have done something similar with a UIView and a custom gesture recognizer, moving views around nice they disappear off the side of the screen.
I hope this helps you.
