How to load js function after page load in Vaadin - vaadin

Im trying to load my script tag or some jquery function after page is completely loaded in vaadin. Im using javascript annotation to load my external js. like this
Is there any way out for this to call some js function after page load or dom object created in html.

Yes, there is. Try this approach:
import com.vaadin.ui.JavaScript;
StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
.append("var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];")
.append("var script = document.createElement('script');")
// other stuff to set up the "script" tag (add content, source, whatever)
If you do this before the page is fully loaded, then all is good. But if you want to do this after the fact (through some event or click listener), you'll also have to use Vaadin push to push this to the JavaScript to the client. Like so:
import com.vaadin.ui.UI;
UI.getCurrent().access(new Runnable()
public void run()
//code from above that leads to JavaScript.getCurrent().execute(...)
And of course, this assumes that you have push enabled in your Vaadin application. Reference

As per the docs, add the following in your custom.js
$(document).ready(function() {
//call your function


Is it possible to add buttons and control its event to toolbar of inappbrowser using javascript...?

I am developing a Hybrid App for iOS and Android using PhoneGap.Is it possible to add buttons and control its event to toolbar of inappbrowser using javascript.I know how to add it through ios native side but i cant use that process.I need to control the button event through a javascript method.
You have two options to do that.
The first option is, obviously, to patch the native plugin code, and that's it. Here you can find an example made for iOS, you will have to do the same to your Android Java code and for every other platform you want to support.
Another option is to hide the native toolbar and inject HTML and CSS to create a new one when the page is loaded.
Something like this:
// starting inappbrowser...
inAppWindow =, '_blank', 'location=no');
// Listen to the events, we need to know when the page is completely loaded
inAppWindow.addEventListener('loadstop', function () {
code = CustomHeader.html();
// Inject your JS code!
code: code
}, function () {
console.log("injected (callback).");
// Inject CSS!
code: CustomHeader.css
}, function () {
console.log("CSS inserted!");
And you will have obviously to define the CustomHeader object, something like this:
var CustomHeader = {
css: '#customheader { your css here }',
html: function() {
var code = 'var div = document.createElement("div");\ = "customheader";\
// Insert it just after the body tag
if (document.body.firstChild){ document.body.insertBefore(div, document.body.firstChild); } \
else { document.body.appendChild(div); }';
return code;
I had experience with this problem.
For my case, the second option was enough, not a critical task. Sometimes it takes a lot for the loadstop event to fire, and so you don't see the injected bar for >= 5 seconds.
And you have to pay attention even on the CSS of the loaded page, because obviously you can affect the original CSS, or the original CSS can affect the style of your toolbar.

jquery ui of drupal not working

Version Drupal 7.16
I'm trying to use draggable of jquery in Drupal way :
I have a simple page (with hook_menu) wich call an js and render a simple div with the good class to draggable :
(function($) {
Drupal.behaviors.testJs = {
attach : function(context, settings) {
This js is load.
I add library of jquery Drupal :
drupal_add_library('system', 'ui');
drupal_add_library('system', 'ui.draggable');
But nothing happen....
When I had an external jquery like :
drupal_add_js('', 'external')
draggable work.
I try to enable jquery update module, but nothing more....
It is most likely that the hook you are calling isn't called int the right order. template_process_html is where css and js are finalized and rendered to template variables. Try adding your code in hook_preprocess_html and see if that works. Otherwise find a hook that is called before template_process_html like hook_init. If that doesn't work give a more detailed code sample of how you are trying to achieve this.

JQM - Inject dynamic content at load time only

I'm trying to dynamically populate a select tag at load time (latest jQM version) using a custom template filling function.
If the fn is called in the "pagebeforechange" event, the select tag is properly initialized. Since this event is called on every page transition, I thought of moving the fn to the 'pageinit' event. This does not work, presumably because the DOM is not yet fully available. How can I coerce jQM to inject content in a page only once? Currently, I am using a kludge. There surely must be a smarter way. Thanks for any suggestions.
$(document).bind('pageinit', function () {
InitSelTagTest("#selActTag", "tplTag"); // Does not work.
$(document).bind("pagebeforechange", function (e, data) {
if ($("#selActTag").children().size() === 0) {
InitSelTagTest("#selActTag", "tplTag"); // Kludge, but it works
function InitSelTagTest(el,tpl) { // Append all tags to element el
var lstAllTags = JSON.parse($("#hidTag").val()); // Create tag array
// Retrieve html content from template.
var cbeg = "//<![" + "CDATA[", cend = "//]" + "]>";
var rslt = tmpl(tpl, { ddd: lstAllTags }).replace(cbeg, ").replace(cend,");
$(el).html(rslt).trigger("create"); // Add to DOM.
In response to Shenaniganz' comment, it seems that the "pagebeforecreate" event could do the trick ie.
$("#pgAct").live("pagebeforecreate", function () {
// Populate tag select. Works. Traversed only once.
InitSelTag("#selActTag", "tplTag");
I'm not sure I fully understand your question but I'll throw a few things out there and you let me know if I can extend further.
To make something trigger only once on page load you can try to implement a regular JQuery $(document).ready(function(){}) aka $(function(){}) for the exact reason why JQuery Mobile users are told not to use it. It triggers only once on DOM load. Further pages don't trigger it because they're being switched via Ajax.
Other than that, on regular dynamic content loading you take a look at the following example I put together for someone else earlier:

Jquery calls not working in $viewContentLoaded of Angular

Unable to call jquery functions in $viewContentLoaded event of Angular controller, here is the code for the same.
$scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() {
jQuery.growlUI('Growl Notification', 'Saved Succesfully');
Is any configuration required here?? I tried even noConflict(); var $jq = jQuery.noConflict();
Does it require any other configuration?
First thing first, don't do DOM manipulation from controller. Instead do it from directives.
You can do same thing in directive link method. You can access the element on which directive is applied.
Make sure you load jquery before angularjs scripts, then grawlUI, three, angularJS and finally your application script. Below is directive sample
var app = angular.module("someModule", []);
app.directive("myDirective", function () {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
$.growlUI('Growl Notification', 'Saved Succesfully');
angularjs has built in jQuery lite.
if you load full jquery after angular, since jQuery is already defined, the full jquery script will skip execution.
==Update after your comment==
I reviewed again your question after comment and realised that content which is loaded trough ajax is appended to some div in your angular view. Then you want to apply element.tree() jquery plugin to that content. Unfortunately example above will not work since it is fired on linking which happened before your content from ajax response is appended to element with directive I showed to you. But don't worry, there is a way :) tho it is quick and dirty but it is just for demo.
Let's say this is your controller
function ContentCtrl($scope, $http){
$"/article/1.html", something)
// don't forget to set correct order of jquery, angular javascript lib load
$.growlUI('Growl Notification', 'Saved Succesfully');
$scope.trees.push(response); // append response, I hope it is HTML
Now, directive which is in controller scope (it uses same scope as controller)
var app = angular.module("someModule", []);
app.directive("myDirective", function () {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch("trees", function(){
var newParagraph=$("<p>" + scope.trees[scope.trees.length-1] + "</p>" ); // I hope this is ul>li>ul>li...or what ever you want to make as tree
newParagraph.tree(); //it will apply tree plugin after content is appended to DOM in view
The second approach would be to $broadcast or $emit event from controller (depends where directive is, out or in scope of controller) after your ajax completes and you get content from server. Then directive should be subscribed to this event and handle it by receiving passed data (data=content as string) and do the rest as I showed you above.
The thing is, threat that content from ajax as data all the way it comes to directive, then inject it to element in which you want to render it and apply tree plugin to that content.

call custom js function in UIWebView

I'm trying to pre fill in fields to log in to a forum. However, I don't own the forum. So how do I link my own .js file so that I can fire a function that will pre fill the log in fields?
(Remember I don't own the servers that host the html files, so I cannot hook it up via HTML.)
You can inject your own javascript into a page being displayed by a UIWebView by
1) Put your javascript into a file in your app bundle, for example something like this will inject myFunction().
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.text = function myFunction()
alert("my function");
2) Load the .js file and run it using stringByEvaluationJavaScriptFromString:
3) If its important your myFunction() doesn't get added until the dom has loaded, then within the same .js file add some other JavaScript that will ensure that the code in part 1) doesn't get run until you get a dom loaded event.
cross domain javascript fails everytime.
use ajax to retrieve the page you wish.
then fill in the forms using the forms element.
