Measure the render time of a JSF view after a server request - jsf-2

I would like to measure the rendering time of a JSF application. Because of out of my power reasons, the application can't be populated with logs.
Therefore, my question would be, is there any way in which I can measure the rendering time of the application after doing a certain action that includes a back-end(server) call using any browser?
So far,after using the Chrome Developer Tools,I spotted the following. On the Network tab, each request has the "Time" displayed. In addition, after selecting a certain entry, on the "Timing" tab, a more detailed visualization it's displayed.
Now, I can tell from that that the "Waiting" that the round-trip to the server it's captured here, but what about the actual rendering time.
Assuming that the whole request took 1sec, and the Waiting section it's 500ms, can I deduct that the rendering it's the 1sec-500ms ? I assume not, thats why I am asking this question.
Long story short, I would need to know from the browser, for a certain request how long was the server processing and how long was the actual UI rendering.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

You can do that with a custom ViewDeclarationLanguage whereby you measure the createView(), buildView(), renderView() and if necessary restoreView() methods.
Here's a kickoff example:
public class VdlLogger extends ViewDeclarationLanguageWrapper {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(VdlLoggerFactory.class.getName());
private ViewDeclarationLanguage wrapped;
public VdlLogger(ViewDeclarationLanguage wrapped) {
this.wrapped = wrapped;
public UIViewRoot createView(FacesContext context, String viewId) {
long start = System.nanoTime();
UIViewRoot view = super.createView(context, viewId);
long end = System.nanoTime();"create %s: %.6fms", viewId, (end - start) / 1e6));
return view;
public void buildView(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot view) throws IOException {
long start = System.nanoTime();
super.buildView(context, view);
long end = System.nanoTime();"build %s: %.6fms", view.getViewId(), (end - start) / 1e6));
public void renderView(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot view) throws IOException {
long start = System.nanoTime();
super.renderView(context, view);
long end = System.nanoTime();"render %s: %.6fms", view.getViewId(), (end - start) / 1e6));
public ViewDeclarationLanguage getWrapped() {
return wrapped;
To get it to run, create the below factory:
public class VdlLoggerFactory extends ViewDeclarationLanguageFactory {
private ViewDeclarationLanguageFactory wrapped;
public VdlLoggerFactory(ViewDeclarationLanguageFactory wrapped) {
this.wrapped = wrapped;
public ViewDeclarationLanguage getViewDeclarationLanguage(String viewId) {
return new VdlLogger(wrapped.getViewDeclarationLanguage(viewId));
public ViewDeclarationLanguageFactory getWrapped() {
return wrapped;
And register it as below in faces-config.xml:
The createView() is the step of creating the concrete UIViewRoot instance based on <f:view> and <f:metadata> present in the view files. When using Facelets (XHTML) as view, during this step all associated XHTML files will be parsed by the SAX parser and cached for a time as defined in javax.faces.FACELETS_REFRESH_PERIOD. So it may happen that it's one time relatively slow and the other time blazing fast.
The buildView() is the step of populating the JSF component tree (the getChildren() of UIViewRoot) based on the view (XHTML) composition. During this step, all taghandlers (JSTL and friends) are executed and all EL expressions in those taghandlers and component's id and binding attributes are evaluated (for detail, see also JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?). So if backing beans are constructed for first time during view build time and invoking business logic during #PostConstruct, then it may happen that this is time consuming.
The renderView() is the step of generating the HTML output based on JSF component tree and the model, starting with UIViewRoot#encodeAll(). So if backing beans are constructed for first time during view render time and invoking business logic during #PostConstruct, then it may happen that this is time consuming.
If backing beans are incorrectly performing business logic in getter methods instead of in #PostConstruct or any other one-time-occurring life cycle event listener, then it may happen that this consumes yet more time. See also Why JSF calls getters multiple times.


StackOverflowException in spring-data-jpa app with spring-security AuditorAware

I have a really nasty StackOverflowException in my spring backend, that I need help with. This is not going to be solved easily. I really hope to find some help here.
Most parts of my backend work. I can query my REST interface for models, they are nicely returned by spring-hateoas, GET, PUT and POST operations work. But one exception: When I try to update an existing DelegationModel, then I run into an endless StackOverflowException.
Here is my class. Please mark, that delegation model actually doesn't have any property annotated with #CreatedBy!
#RequiredArgsConstructor(suppressConstructorProperties = true) //BUGFIX:
#EntityListeners(AuditingEntityListener.class) // this is necessary so that UpdatedAt and CreatedAt are handled.
#Table(name = "delegations")
public class DelegationModel {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
public Long id;
/** Area that this delegation is in */
public AreaModel area;
/** reference to delegee that delegated his vote */
public UserModel fromUser;
/** reference to proxy that receives the delegation */
public UserModel toProxy;
public Date createdAt = new Date();
public Date updatedAt = new Date();
As described in the Spring-data-jpa doc I implemented the necessary AuditorAware interface, which loads the UserModel from the SQL DB. I would have expected that this AuditorAware interface is only called for models that have a field annotated with #CreatedBy.
public class LiquidoAuditorAware implements AuditorAware<UserModel> {
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); // Simple Logging Facade 4 Java
UserRepo userRepo;
public UserModel getCurrentAuditor() {
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
if (authentication == null || !authentication.isAuthenticated()) {
log.warn("Cannot getCurrentAuditor. No one is currently authenticated");
return null;
User principal = ( authentication.getPrincipal();
UserModel currentlyLoggedInUser = userRepo.findByEmail(principal.getUsername()); // <<<<======= (!)
return currentlyLoggedInUser;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Cannot getCurrentAuditor: "+e);
return null;
Now I update a DelegationModel in my UserRestController. The functional "Scrum User Story" here is:
As a user I want to be able to store a delegation so that I can forward my right to vote to my proxy.
public class UserRestController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/saveProxy", method = PUT, consumes="application/json")
public #ResponseBody String saveProxy(
#RequestBody Resource<DelegationModel> delegationResource,
//PersistentEntityResourceAssembler resourceAssembler,
Principal principal) throws BindException
DelegationModel result =;
For some reason, that I cannot see, this actualy calls the AuditorAware implementation above. The problem is now, that my LqiuidoAuditorAware implementation is called again and again in and endless loop. It seems that the query for the UserModel inside calls the LiquidoAuditorAware again. (Which is unusual, because that is only a read operation from the DB.)
Here is the full ThreadDump as a Gist
All the code can by found in this github repo
I'd really apriciate any help here. I am searching in the dark :-)
The reason for the behavior you see is that the AuditorAware implementation is called from within a JPA #PrePersist/#PreUpdate callback. You now issue a query by calling findByEmail(…), which triggers the dirty-detection again, which in turn causes the flushing to be triggered and thus the invocation of the callbacks.
The recommended workaround is to keep an instance of the UserModel inside the Spring Security User implementation (by looking it up when the UserDetailsService looks up the instance on authentication), so that you don't need an extra database query.
Another (less recommended) workaround could be to inject an EntityManager into the AuditorAware implementation, call setFlushMode(FlushModeType.COMMIT) before the query execution and reset it to FlushModeType.AUTO after that, so that the flush will not be triggered for the query execution.

Appium PageObject - When / Where to instantiate the page?

In my team we're doing cross platform UI testing using Appium and the Appium Java-Client.
The current structure of our project is something like:
The steps are "glued" together using Cucuember.
SignInPage looks something like this:
public class SignInPage {
public SignInPage(AppiumDriver driver) {
PageFactory.initElements(new AppiumFieldDecorator(driver, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS), this);
// region Identifiers
final String IOS_USERNAME_FIELD = "SignInUsernameField";
final String ANDROID_USERNAME_FIELD = "new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(\".*id/username.*\")";
final String IOS_PASSWORD_FIELD = "SignInPasswordField";
final String ANDROID_PASSWORD_FIELD = "new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(\".*id/password_editText.*\")";
final String IOS_SIGN_IN_BUTTON = "SignInButton";
final String ANDROID_SIGN_IN_BUTTON = "new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(\".*id/signInButton.*\")";
// endregion
#iOSFindBy(accessibility = IOS_USERNAME_FIELD)
#AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = ANDROID_USERNAME_FIELD)
private MobileElement usernameField;
#iOSFindBy(accessibility = IOS_PASSWORD_FIELD)
#AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = ANDROID_PASSWORD_FIELD)
private MobileElement passwordField;
#iOSFindBy(accessibility = IOS_SIGN_IN_BUTTON)
#AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = ANDROID_SIGN_IN_BUTTON)
private MobileElement signInButton;
public MobileElement getUsernameField() {
return usernameField;
public MobileElement getPasswordField() {
return passwordField;
public MobileElement getSignInButton() {
return signInButton;
public void tapUsernameField() {
public void tapSignInButton() {
public void clearUsernameEditText() {
We're not sure in terms of performance and elements lookup where is it best to create an instance of the SignInPage. Currently we have a #Before method in our SignInSteps that is executed before each Gherkin scenario starts (which is not ideal) but it helps us having a SignInPage property in the SignInSteps class that is reused by all the steps.
public class SignInSteps {
private SignInPage signInPage;
AppiumDriver driver;
public void setUp() throws MalformedURLException {
driver = TestBase.getInstance().getDriver();
signInPage = new SignInPage(driver);
#Given("I fill in the username and password")
public void fill_username_and_password() throws Throwable {
fillEditText(signInPage.getUsernameField(), PropertiesManager.getInstance().getValueForKey(Constants.SIGN_IN_USERNAME));
fillEditText(signInPage.getPasswordField(), PropertiesManager.getInstance().getValueForKey(Constants.SIGN_IN_PASSWORD));
// Other sign in steps below
However I feel that a cleaner approach would be to create the SignInPage as a local variable inside each step method in SignInSteps. Is there any performance impact in creating the page(s) you need in each step?
Also, it's not clear to me, with our current approach (the #Before approach) why exactly does it work even when you create a page for some steps that will be executed later on (so the screen is not even visible at this point).
So maybe the larger question would be how are the elements looked up? Is it when calling PageFactory.initElements(new AppiumFieldDecorator(driver, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS), this); or when actually accessing the annotated properties (which would be some kind of lazy initialization approach that from my knowledge Java doesn't have, unless my understanding of Java annotations is wrong).
Sorry for the long post, but these are some things that I want to understand thoroughly. So any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you!
I did some more research (debugging) and I've found the answer:
When you call PageFactory.initElements(new AppiumFieldDecorator(driver, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS), this); the annotated properties from the page are set (decorated) via reflection (see AppiumFieldDecorator) with a proxy (ElementInterceptor) that wraps a MobileElement. Each time you call a method on the annotated property you actually call the proxy that looks up the element and forwards the method call. There is no cache in between (as opposed to WidgetInterceptor which I didn't figured out yet where it is used).
So in my case, creating the page once, or in each step doesn't really make a difference because the element lookup is performed each time you interact with it (which I guess it's good, but it might have a performance impact also).
I've also attached a few screenshots below:
Stacktrace when you call PageFactory.initElements(new AppiumFieldDecorator(driver, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS), this);
Stacktrace when you call click on an element
Hope this helps others as well understand how the tool works.

Primefaces lazy datascroller calling load twice

I'm trying to use a Datascroller with a LazyDataModel and the load method from lazy data model is getting called twice.
Appart from thinking that it is not so good to call the load method multiple times (that may perform costly server/DB roundtrips), since my lazy data model not idempotent (meaning, two consecutive calls to the model on the same window/page size returns different outcomes) the fact that it's being called twice means: the presented results are not correct.
Is it normal for the load method in datascroller to be called twice?
If so, any workarounds suggested for my alternative to work correctly? (appart from changing from statefull to stateless data model)
Using Primefaces 5.1, JSF2, Glassfish 4.1
No, this is not normal. This is indeed a bug in PrimeFaces. We also discovered it a while ago when using it at We bypassed it by creating a custom renderer extending DataScrollerRenderer and overriding only encodeMarkup() method with the original implementation copypasted and then only the following piece outcommented:
// BUGFIX: outcommented as this is already done in loadChunk() later on.
/*if(ds.isLazy()) {
loadLazyData(ds, 0, chunkSize);
You can get it to run by registering it as below in webapp's faces-config.xml:
Since the header facet, in BalusC post, is not correctly rendered if the first load (commented section) does not run, a slightly different implementation is needed
public class DataScrollerRenderer2 extends DataScrollerRenderer {
protected void encodeMarkup(FacesContext context, DataScroller ds, int chunkSize) throws IOException {
// ...
boolean alreadyLoaded = false;
if (ds.isLazy()) {
alreadyLoaded = true;
loadLazyData(ds, 0, chunkSize);
// ...
loadChunk(context, ds, 0, chunkSize, alreadyLoaded);
// ...
protected void loadChunk(FacesContext context, DataScroller ds, int start, int size) throws IOException {
loadChunk(context, ds, start, size, false);
private void loadChunk(FacesContext context, DataScroller ds, int start, int size, boolean alreadyLoaded) throws IOException {
// ...
if (ds.isLazy() && !alreadyLoaded) {
loadLazyData(ds, start, size);
// ...
Not sure if this is the best implementation, but it worked.
EDIT: an issue has been filed in PrimeFaces GitHub

Skip executing <ui:include> when parent UI component is not rendered

I have the following construct at several places in my webapp in order to conditionally render page fragments depending on some actions:
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{managedBean.serviceSelected == 'insurance'}">
<ui:include src="/pages/edocket/include/service1.xhtml" />
I have observed, that the <ui:include> is still executed even when the rendered attribute evaluates false. This unnecessarily creates all backing beans associated with the service1.xhtml file which is been included.
How can I skip executing the <ui:include> when the parent UI component is not rendered, so that all those backing beans are not unnecessarily created?
Unfortunately, this is by design. The <ui:include> runs as being a taghandler during the view build time, while the rendered attribute is evaluated during the view render time. This can be better understood by carefully reading this answer and substituting "JSTL" with "<ui:include>": JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?
There are several ways to solve this, depending on the concrete functional requirement:
Use a view build time tag like <c:if> instead of <h:panelGroup>. This however puts implications into the #{managedBean}. It can't be view scoped and should do its job based on HTTP request parameters. Exactly those HTTP request parameters should also be retained in subsequent request (by e.g. <f:param>, includeViewParams, etc) so that it doesn't break when the view is restored.
Replace <ui:include> by a custom UIComponent which invokes FaceletContext#includeFacelet() during the UIComponent#encodechildren() method. So far no such component exist in any of the existing libraries. But I can tell that I've already such one in mind as a future addition for OmniFaces and it works as intuitively expected here at my test environment (with Mojarra). Here's a kickoff example:
public class Include extends UIComponentBase {
public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE = "com.example.Include";
public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY = "com.example.Output";
private enum PropertyKeys {
public String getFamily() {
public boolean getRendersChildren() {
return true;
public void encodeChildren(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
FaceletContext faceletContext = ((FaceletContext) context.getAttributes().get(FaceletContext.FACELET_CONTEXT_KEY));
faceletContext.includeFacelet(this, getSrc());
public String getSrc() {
return (String) getStateHelper().eval(PropertyKeys.src);
public void setSrc(String src) {
getStateHelper().put(PropertyKeys.src, src);
Use conditional expression as ui:include src:
src="#{managedBean.serviceSelected == 'insurance' ?

Putting parameters in velocity context in Jira 4.4

I'm developing a plugin to display additional information related to a project.
So I'm developing a Project Tab Panel module but my page does not display the paramenters I put in the velocity context.
Here is the a part of plugin xml:
<project-tabpanel key="stats-tab-panel" name="Stats Tab Panel" i18n-name-key="" class="it.pride.jira.plugins.StatsTabPanel">
<description key="stats-tab-panel.description">The Stats Tab Panel Plugin</description>
<label key="stats-tab-panel.label"></label>
<resource type="velocity" name="view" location="templates/tabpanels/stats-tab-panel.vm"/>
Here instead the useful part of my class:
public class StatsTabPanel extends GenericProjectTabPanel {
public StatsTabPanel(JiraAuthenticationContext jiraAuthenticationContext,
FieldVisibilityManager fieldVisibilityManager) {
super(jiraAuthenticationContext, fieldVisibilityManager);
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public String testvalue="112002";
public boolean showPanel(BrowseContext context){
return true;
public Map<String, Object> createVelocityParams (BrowseContext context) {
Map<String, Object> contextMap = createVelocityParams(context);
contextMap.put("testvalue", testvalue);
return contextMap;
So, as in this case, when i write `$testvalue in my template the number doesn't show up.
What am I doing wrong?
The problem is that the getHtml method that is used to return the HTML for the tab has a Map that is the Velocity context but only contains the params in the BrowseContext object. The way to fix this is to override createVelocityParams in your class, e.g.
protected Map createVelocityParams(final BrowseContext ctx) {
Map params = super.createVelocityParams(ctx);
params.put("myparam", "some value for it");
return params;
The problem is that method is protected so I ended up also overriding getHtml which calls createVelocityParams in a parent class.
Some Project tabs extend GenericProjectTabPanel but some such as seem to use UI Fragments. I suspect that Fragments is what things are moving towards.
