Why is this neo4j-ogm code producing 'invalid syntax'? - neo4j

I have some spring-data-neo4j / ogm code that is unexpectedly failing.
public Member loadMemberBySocialMediaAccount(String connectionKey) {
String[] connectionKeyParts = connectionKey.split(":");
Filters filters = new Filters()
.add(new Filter("providerId", connectionKeyParts[0]))
.add(new Filter("providerUserId", connectionKeyParts[1]));
Iterator<SocialMediaAccount> socialMediaAccounts = session.loadAll(SocialMediaAccount.class, filters, 2).iterator();
return socialMediaAccounts.hasNext() ? socialMediaAccounts.next().getMember() : null;
When I dig into the ogm code I can see the following exception is thrown. Is this expected?
org.neo4j.ogm.session.result.ResultProcessingException: "errors":[{"code":"Neo.ClientError.Statement.InvalidSyntax","message":"Invalid input 'n': expected whitespace, comment, '.', node labels, '[', \"=~\", IN, IS, '^', '*', '/', '%', '+', '-', '<', '>', \"<=\", \">=\", '=', \"<>\", \"!=\", AND, XOR, OR, LOAD CSV, START, MATCH, UNWIND, MERGE, CREATE, SET, DELETE, REMOVE, FOREACH, WITH, RETURN, UNION, ';' or end of input (line 1, column 72 (offset: 71))\n\"MATCH (n:`SocialMediaAccount`) WHERE n.`providerId` = { `providerId` } n.`providerUserId` = { `providerUserId` } WITH n MATCH p=(n)-[*0..2]-(m) RETURN p, ID(n)\"\n ^"}]}

Just checked the tests, and what is expected is that all filters except the first must have a BooleanOperator defined (AND or OR).
So in your case:
Filters filters = new Filters()
.add(new Filter("providerId", connectionKeyParts[0]));
Filter providerUserIdFilter = new Filter("providerUserId", connectionKeyParts[1]);
I've opened https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-ogm/issues/73 to for us to figure out whether it is feasible to default the BooleanOperator for subsequent filters to AND.


How I build Dart Regexp Properly?

Goal of this expression is separate mathematic calculations into operators, symbols, numbers and brackets.
For example:
Input string: 1+3-6*(12-3+4/5)
Output list: 1, +, 3, -, 6, *, (12-3+4/5)
So I built this expression.
It is working on the web page, but in the Dart code this happens:
final calculationExpression = RegExp(
unicode: true,
multiLine: true,
List<String> operators = calculationsString.split(calculationExpression); /// Output: ["", "+", "-", ...]
What did I do wrong?
The syntax /pattern/g is used to create regular expression literals in JavaScript (and sed and some other languages), just as quotes are used to create string literals. Dart doesn't have regular expression literals; you instead must invoke the RegExp constructor directly. Combining a regular expression literal syntax with an explicitly constructed RegExp object makes no sense. When you do RegExp(r'/pattern1|pattern2|pattern3/g'), you're actually matching against /pattern1 (pattern1 prefixed with a literal / character) or pattern2 or pattern3/g (pattern3 followed by a literal string /g).
String.split does not split the input string such that each element of the result matches the pattern. It treats all matches of the pattern as separators. Consequently, the resulting list will not have any elements that match the pattern, which is the opposite of what you want. You instead want to find all matches of the pattern in the string. You instead can use RegExp.allMatches if you additionally verify that the input string contains only matches from the regular expression.
Putting it all together:
void main() {
final calculationExpression = RegExp(
unicode: true,
multiLine: true,
var calculationsString = '1+3-6*(12-3+4/5)';
// Prints: [1, +, 3, -, 6, *, (12-3+4/5)]
extension on String {
Iterable<String> tokenizeFrom(RegExp regExp) sync* {
void failIf(bool condition) {
if (condition) {
throw FormatException(
'$this contains characters that do not match $regExp',
var matches = regExp.allMatches(this);
var lastEnd = 0;
for (var match in matches) {
// Verify that there aren't unmatched characters.
failIf(match.start != lastEnd);
lastEnd = match.end;
yield match.group(0)!;
failIf(lastEnd != length);
You put the JavaScript regexp literal slashes and flags inside the Dart string.
If you remove the leading / and trailing /g, you get the RegExp you intended to.
The multiLine and unicode flags are unnecessary (your regexp doesn't use any feature affected by those)
The Dart split function does not emit capture groups, so you probably want to look at getting the matches, not removing them, which is what split does.
All in all, try:
final calculationExpression = RegExp(
List<String> tokes =

Converting a string to a list with numbers consisting of several characters

I'm studying Dart and I don't have enough practical examples to understand some of the topics.
So there is a task to turn a string into a list, so that numbers consisting of several characters become one element of the list. Example:
String a = '65bf+(100.46+22)/hf2-1' => List<String> arr ['65', 'b', 'f', '+', '(', '100.46', '+', '22', ')', '/', 'd', 'h', 'f', '2', '-', '1']
The length of the string can be any. Numbers in a string can be either integers or decimals.
It seems to me that here you can turn a string into a necessary list by generating a new list using a regular expression. However, attempts to do something working were not successful.
I will be grateful for any help.
This worked for me in dartpad:
import 'dart:convert'; // for json
void main() {
String a = '65bf+(100.46+22)/hf2-1';
var matcher = RegExp(r'([0-9.]+|.)');
var matches = matcher.allMatches(a).map((e) => e.group(0));
Output is:
(65, b, f, +, (, 100.46, +, 22, ), /, h, f, 2, -, 1)

How do I just create a parse tree with perl6 grammar?

I'm trying to create a grammar. Here's my code so far:
use Text::Table::Simple; # zef install Text::Table::Simple
my $desc = q:to"FIN";
record person
name string;
age int;
grammar rec {
token TOP { <ws>* 'record' \s+ <rec-name> <field-descriptors> <ws> 'end-record' <ws> }
token rec-name { \S+ }
token field-descriptors { <field-descriptor>* }
token field-descriptor { <ws>* <field-name> <ws>+ <field-type> <ws>* ';' }
token field-name { \S+ }
token field-type { <[a..z]>+ }
token ws { <[\r\n\t\ ]> }
class recActions {
method field-descriptors($/) { $/.make: $/; }
method field-descriptor($/) { $/.make: $/; }
method field-name($/) { $/.make: $/ }
method field-type($/) { $/.make: $/ }
my $r = rec.parse($desc, :actions(recActions));
#say $r;
my $inp = q:to"FIN";
adam 26
joe 23
mark 51
sub splitter($line) {
my #lst = split /\s+/, $line;
sub matrixify(&splitter, $data)
my #d = (split /\n/, (trim-trailing $data)).map( -> $x { splitter $x ; } );
#my #cols = <name age>;
#say lol2table(#cols, #d).join("\n");
#my #cols =<A B>;
#my #rows = ([1,2], [3,4]);
#say lol2table(#cols, #rows).join("\n");
my #m = matrixify &splitter, $inp;
sub tabulate($rec-desc, #matrix)
my $fds = $rec-desc<field-descriptors>;
#say %fds<field-name>;
say $fds;
my #cols = $rec-desc.<field-descriptors>.map( -> $fd { say $fd; $fd.<field-name> ; 1;} );
#say $rec-desc.<field-descriptors>;
#say #cols;
tabulate $r, #m ;
I really just want the grammar to create a tree of lists/hash tables from the input. The output from the code is:
name string;
age int;」
field-descriptor => 「
name string;」
ws => 「
ws => 「 」
field-name => 「name」
ws => 「 」
field-type => 「string」
field-descriptor => 「
age int;」
ws => 「
ws => 「 」
field-name => 「age」
ws => 「 」
ws => 「 」
field-type => 「int」
which looks fairly good. perl6 seems to be decoding the fact that field-descriptors is composed of multiple field-descriptor, but it doesn't actually seem to put them into a list. I can do say $fds;, but I can't do say $fds[0];. Why does the former "work", but the latter doesn't?
I must admit to having a fairly weak grasp of what's going on. Would I be better of using rules instead of tokens? Do I really need an actions class; can't I just get perl to "automagically" populate the parse tree for me without having to specify a class of actions?
Update: possible solution
Suppose we just want to parse:
my $desc = q:to"FIN";
record person
name string;
age int;
and report on the field names and types that we find. I'm going to make a slight simplification to the grammar I wrote above:
grammar rec {
token TOP { <ws>* 'record' \s+ <rec-name> <field-descriptor>+ <ws> 'end-record' <ws> }
token rec-name { \S+ }
token field-descriptor { <ws>* <field-name> <ws>+ <field-type> <ws>* ';' }
token field-name { \S+ }
token field-type { <[a..z]>+ }
token ws { <[\r\n\t\ ]> }
Let's eschew actions completely, and just parse it into a tree:
my $r1 = rec.parse($desc);
Let's now inspect our handiwork, and print out the name and type for each field that we have parsed:
for $r1<field-descriptor> -> $fd { say "Name: $fd<field-name>, Type: $fd<field-type>"; }
Our output is as we expect:
Name: name, Type: string
Name: age, Type: int
I know you're now all set but here's an answer to wrap things up for others reading things later.
How do I just create a parse tree with perl6 grammar?
It's as simple as it can get: just use the return value from calling one of the built in parsing routines.
(Provided parsing is successful parse and cousins return a parse tree.)
The output from the code ... looks fairly good. perl6 seems to be decoding the fact that field-descriptors is composed of multiple field-descriptor, but it doesn't actually seem to put them into a list. I can do say $fds;, but I can't do say $fds[0];. Why does the former "work", but the latter doesn't?
See my answer to the SO question "How do I access the captures within a match?".
Would I be better of using rules instead of tokens?
The only difference between a token and a rule is the default for interpreting bare whitespace that you include within the token/rule.
(Bare whitespace within a token is completely ignored. Bare whitespace within a rule denotes "there can be whitespace at this point in the input".)
Do I really need an actions class[?]
Only bother with an actions class if you want to systematically post process the parse tree.
can't I just get perl to "automagically" populate the parse tree for me without having to specify a class of actions?
Yes. Any time you call parse and the parse is successful its return value is a parse tree.
Update: possible solution
Let's eschew actions completely, and just parse it into a tree:
Right. If all you want is the parse tree then you don't need an actions class and you don't need to call make or made.
Conversely, if you want another tree, such as an Abstract Syntax Tree, then you will probably find it convenient to use the built in make and made routines. And if you use make and made you may well find it appropriate to use them in conjunction with a separate actions class rather than just embedding them directly in the grammar's rules/tokens/regexes.

Neo4j: Conditional return/IF clause/String manipulation

This is in continuation of Neo4j: Listing node labels
I am constructing a dynamic MATCH statement to return the hierarchy structure & use the output as a Neo4j JDBC input to query the data from a java method:
MATCH p=(:Service)<-[*]-(:Anomaly)
WITH head(nodes(p)) AS Service, p, count(p) AS cnt
RETURN DISTINCT Service.company_id, Service.company_site_id,
"MATCH srvhier=(" +
reduce(labels = "", n IN nodes(p) | labels + labels(n)[0] +
"<-[:BELONGS_TO]-") + ") WHERE Service.company_id = {1} AND
Service.company_site_id = {2} AND Anomaly.name={3} RETURN " +
reduce(labels = "", n IN nodes(p) | labels + labels(n)[0] + ".name,");
The output is as follows:
MATCH srvhier=(Service<-[:BELONGS_TO]-Category<-[:BELONGS_TO]-SubService<-
Service.company_id = {1} and Service.company_site_id = {21} and
Anomaly.name={3} RETURN Service.name, Category.name, SubService.name,
Assets.name, Anomaly.name,
The problem I am seeing:
The "BELONGS_TO" gets appended to my last node
Line 2: Assets<-[:BELONGS_TO]-Anomaly**<-[:BELONGS_TO]-**
Are there string functions (I have looked at Substring..) that can be used to remove it? Or can I use a CASE statement with condition n=cnt to append "BELONGS_TO"?
The same problem persists with my last line:
Line 5: Assets.name,Anomaly.name**,** - the additional "," that I need to eliminate.
I think you need to introduce a case statement into the reduce clause something like this snippet below. If the node isn't the last element of the collection then append the "<-[:BELONGS_TO]-" relationship. If it is the last element then don't append it.
reduce(labels = "", n IN nodes(p) |
WHEN n <> nodes(p)[length(nodes(p))-1] THEN
labels + labels(n)[0] + "<-[:BELONGS_TO]-"
labels + labels(n)[0]
Cypher has a substring function that works basically like you'd expect. An example: here's how you'd return everything but the last three characters of a string:
return substring("hello", 0, length("hello")-3);
(That returns "he")
So you could use substring to trim the last separator off of your query that you don't want.
But I don't understand why you're building your query in such a complex way; you're using cypher to write cypher (which is OK) but (and I don't understand your data model 100%) it seems to me like there's probably an easier way to write this query.

How do I extract results individually from an ExecutionResult?

I have the following java code snippet that demonstrates the problem. The error I receive is also included below.
It correctly pulls the correct set, but I am having trouble printing.
I'm using the org.neo4j.graphdb.Node node. Is this the wrong class?
If not, how do I obtain the results movieid, avgrating and movie_title from the ExecutionEngine?
Java Code
GraphDatabaseService db = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH);
ExecutionEngine engine = new ExecutionEngine(db);
String cypherQuery = "MATCH (n)-[r:RATES]->(m) \n"
+ "RETURN m.movieid as movieid, avg(toFloat(r.rating)) as avgrating, m.title as movie_title \n"
+ "ORDER BY avgrating DESC \n"
+ "LIMIT 20;";
ExecutionResult result = engine.execute(cypher);
for (Map<String, Object> row : result) {
Node x = (Node) row.get("movie_title");
for (String prop : x.getPropertyKeys()) {
System.out.println(prop + ": " + x.getProperty(prop));
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.neo4j.graphdb.Node
at beans.RecommendationBean.queryMoviesWithCypher(RecommendationBean.java:194)
at beans.RecommendationBean.main(RecommendationBean.java:56)
Node x = (Node) row.get("movie_title");
...looks to be the culprit.
In your Cypher statement, you return m.title as movie_title, i.e. you're returning a node property (in this case, a string), and, in the offending line, you're trying to cast that string result as a Node.
If you want Cypher to return a series of nodes you can iterate through, try returning m (the whole node) instead of just individual properties and aggregates, e.g.
"...RETURN m AS movie;"
Node x = (Node) row.get("movie");
