How do I dilate the edges of a mask using opencv? - opencv

I have a binary mask cv::Mat. I would like to dilate the edges of the mask to ensure that I am excluding analysis of regions close to it's masked edges.
My question is, how do I bleed the edges of a binary mask using opencv?

By "bleeding", I assume you meant the dilate morphological transformation (wiki). This operation will essentially apply a kernel matrix over each pixel of the input matrix. If the kernel is a completely filled 3x3 matrix, it will roughly dilate the edges by one pixel.
C++: void dilate(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int iterations=1, int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar& borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue() )
So your solution might go around something like this:
Mat input = ...
Mat kernel = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, 3);
Mat output;
cv::dilate(input, output, kernel);
If this example yet does not please you, a better one can be found in the samples.


Extract dark contour

I want to extract the darker contours from images with opencv. I have tried using a simple threshold such as below (c++)
cv::threshold(gray, output, threshold, 255, THRESH_BINARY_INV);
I can iterate threshold lets say from 50 ~ 200
then I can get the darker contours in the middle
for images with a clear distinction such as this
here is the result of the threshold
but if the contours near the border, the threshold will fail because the pixel almost the same.
for example like this image.
What i want to ask is there any technique in opencv that can extract darker contour in the middle of image even though the contour reach the border and having almost the same pixel as the border?
after threshold darker contour in the middle overlapped with border top.
It makes me fail to extract character such as the first two "SS".
I think you can simply add a edge preserving smoothing step to solve this :
// read input image
Mat inputImg = imread("test2.tif", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
Mat filteredImg;
bilateralFilter(inputImg, filteredImg, 5, 60, 20);
// compute laplacian
Mat laplaceImg;
Laplacian(filteredImg, laplaceImg, CV_16S, 1);
// threshold
Mat resImg;
threshold(laplaceImg, resImg, 10, 1, THRESH_BINARY);
// write result
imwrite("res2.tif", resImg);
This will give you the following result : result
I think using laplacian could partialy solve your problem :
// read input image
Mat inputImg = imread("test2.tif", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
// compute laplacian
Mat laplaceImg;
Laplacian(inputImg, laplaceImg, CV_16S, 1);
Mat resImg;
threshold(laplaceImg, resImg, 30, 1, THRESH_BINARY);
// write result
imwrite("res2.tif", resImg);
Using this code you should obtain something like :
this result
You can then play with final threshold value and with laplacian kernel size.
You will probably have to remove small artifacts after this operation.

Remove Boxes/rectangles from image

I have the following image.
this image
I would like to remove the orange boxes/rectangle around numbers and keep the original image clean without any orange grid/rectangle.
Below is my current code but it does not remove it.
Mat mask = new Mat();
Mat src = new Mat();
src = Imgcodecs.imread("enveloppe.jpg",Imgcodecs.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
Imgproc.cvtColor(src, hsvMat, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2HSV);
Scalar lowerThreshold = new Scalar(0, 50, 50);
Scalar upperThreshold = new Scalar(25, 255, 255);
Mat mask = new Mat();
Core.inRange(hsvMat, lowerThreshold, upperThreshold, mask);
//src.setTo(new scalar(255,255,255),mask);
what to do next ?
How can i remove the orange boxes/rectangle from the original images ?
For information , the mask contains exactly all the boxes/rectangle that i want to remove. I don't know how to use this mask to remove boxes/rectangle from the source (src) image as if they were not present.
This is what I did to solve the problem. I solved the problem in C++ and I used OpenCV.
Part 1: Find box candidates
Firstly I wanted to isolate the signal that was specific for red channel. I splitted the image into three channels. I then subtracted the red channel from blue channel and the red from green channel. After that I subtracted both previous subtraction results from one another. The final subtraction result is shown on the image below.
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
Mat src_rgb = imread("image.jpg");
std::vector<Mat> channels;
split(src_rgb, channels);
Mat diff_rb, diff_rg;
subtract(channels[2], channels[0], diff_rb);
subtract(channels[2], channels[1], diff_rg);
Mat diff;
subtract(diff_rb, diff_rg, diff);
My next goal was to divide the parts of obtained image into separate "groups". To do that, I smoothed the image a little bit with a Gaussian filter. Then I applied a threshold to obtain a binary image; finally I looked for external contours within that image.
GaussianBlur(diff, diff, cv::Size(11, 11), 2.0, 2.0);
threshold(diff, diff, 5, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
vector<vector<Point>> contours;
findContours(diff, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);
Click to see subtraction result, Gaussian blurred image, thresholded image and detected contours.
Part 2: Inspect box candidates
After that, I had to make an estimate whether the interior of each contour contained a number or something else. I made an assumption that numbers will always be printed with black ink and that they will have sharp edges. Therefore I took a blue channel image and I applied just a little bit of Gaussian smoothing and convolved it with a Laplacian operator.
Mat blurred_ch2;
GaussianBlur(channels[2], blurred_ch2, cv::Size(7, 7), 1, 1);
Mat laplace_result;
Laplacian(blurred_ch2, laplace_result, -1, 1);
I then took the resulting image and applied the following procedure for every contour separately. I computed a standard deviation of the pixel values within the contour interior. Standard deviation was high inside the contours that surrounded numbers; and it was low inside the two contours that surrounded the dog's head and the letters on top of the stamp.
That is why I could appliy the standard deviation threshold. Standard deviation was approx. twice larger for contours containing numbers so this was an easy way to only select the contours that contained numbers. Then I drew the contour interior mask. I used erosion and subtraction to obtain the "box edge mask".
The final step was fairly easy. I computed an estimate of average pixel value nearby the box on every channel of the image. Then I changed all pixel values under the "box edge mask" to those values on every channel. After I repeated that procedure for every box contour, I merged all three channels into one.
Mat mask(src_rgb.size(), CV_8UC1);
for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); ++i)
drawContours(mask, contours, i, cv::Scalar(200), -1);
Scalar mean, stdev;
meanStdDev(laplace_result, mean, stdev, mask);
if (stdev.val[0] < 10.0) continue;
Mat eroded;
erode(mask, eroded, cv::Mat(), cv::Point(-1, -1), 6);
subtract(mask, eroded, mask);
for (int c = 0; c < src_rgb.channels(); ++c)
erode(mask, eroded, cv::Mat());
subtract(mask, eroded, eroded);
Scalar mean, stdev;
meanStdDev(channels[c], mean, stdev, eroded);
channels[c].setTo(mean, mask);
Mat final_result;
merge(channels, final_result);
imshow("Final Result", final_result);
Click to see red channel of the image, the result of convolution with Laplacian operator, drawn mask of the box edges and the final result.
Please note
This code is far from being optimal, especially the last loop does quite a lot of unnecessary work. But I think that in this case readability is more important (and the author of the question did not request an optimized solution anyway).
Looking towards more general solution
After I posted the initial reply, the author of the question noted that the digits can be of any color and their edges are not necessarily sharp. That means that above procedure can fail because of various reasons. I altered the input image so that it contains different kinds of numbers (click to see the image) and you can run my algorithm on this input and analyze what goes wrong.
The way I see it, one of these approaches is needed (or perhaps a mixture of both) to obtain a more "general" solution:
concentrate only on rectangle shape and color (confirm that the box candidate is really an orange box and remove it regardless of what is inside)
concentrate on numbers only (run a proper number detection algorithm inside the interior of every box candidate; if it contains a single number, remove the box)
I will give a trivial example of the first approach. If you can assume that orange box size will always be the same, just check the box size instead of standard deviation of the signal in the last loop of the algorithm:
Rect rect = boundingRect(contours[i]);
float area = rect.area();
if (area < 1000 || area > 1200) continue;
Warning: actual area of rectangles is around 600Px^2, but I took into account the Gaussian Blurring, which caused the contour to expand. Please also note that if you use this approach you no longer need to perform blurring or laplace operations on blue channel image.
You can also add other simple constraints to that condition; ratio between width and height is the first one that comes to my mind. Geometric properties can also be a good option (right angles, straight edges, convexness ...).

Fastest way to apply color matrix to RGB image using OpenCV 3.0?

I have a color image represented as an OpenCV Mat object (C++, image type CV_32FC3). I have a color correction matrix that I want to apply to each pixel of the RGB color image (or BGR using OpenCV convention, doesn't matter here). The color correction matrix is 3x3.
I could easily iterate over the pixels and create a vector v (3x1) representing RGB, and then compute M*v, but this would be too slow for my real-time video application.
The cv::cvtColor function is fast, but does not seem to allow for custom color transformations.
Similar to the following, but I am using OpenCV for C++, not Python.
Apply transformation matrix to pixels in OpenCV image
Here's the code that worked using cv::reshape. It was fast enough for my application:
#define WIDTH 2048
#define HEIGHT 2048
Mat orig_img = Mat(HEIGHT, WIDTH, CV_32FC3);
//put some data in orig_img somehow ...
/*The color matrix
Red:RGB; Green:RGB; Blue:RGB
1.8786 -0.8786 0.0061
-0.2277 1.5779 -0.3313
0.0393 -0.6964 1.6321
float m[3][3] = {{1.6321, -0.6964, 0.0393},
{-0.3313, 1.5779, -0.2277},
{0.0061, -0.8786, 1.8786 }};
Mat M = Mat(3, 3, CV_32FC1, m).t();
Mat orig_img_linear = orig_img.reshape(1, HEIGHT*WIDTH);
Mat color_matrixed_linear = orig_img_linear*M;
Mat final_color_matrixed = color_matrixed_linear.reshape(3, HEIGHT);
A few things to note from the above: The color matrix in the comment block is the one I would ordinarily apply to an RGB image. In defining the float array m, I switched rows 1 and 3, and columns 1 and 3 for OpenCV's BGR ordering. The color matrix also must be transposed. Usually a color matrix is applied as M* v = v_new, where M is 3x3 and v is 3x1 but here we are doing vT *MT = v_newT to avoid having to transpose each 3-channel pixel.
Basically the linked answer uses reshape to convert your CV_32FC3 mat of size m x n to a CV_32F mat of size (mn) x 3. After that, each row of the matrix contains exactly color channels of one pixel. You can then apply usual matrix multiplication to obtain a new mat and reshape it back to the original shape with three channels.
Note: It may be worth noticing that the default color space of opencv is BGR, not RGB.

How to judge color space of processed image?

I am studying the OpenCV. Now I am vary confusing the following problem.
Here is the code:
Mat img = imread("...");
Mat imgHSV;
Mat imgThresholded;
cvtColor(img, imgHSV, COLOR_BGR2HSV);
inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(150, 50, 75), Scalar(179, 255, 255), imgThresholded);
Now, I get a processed image imgThresholded. is this imgThresolded in RGB color space or HSV color space?
As per the documentation,
void inRange(InputArray src, InputArray lowerb, InputArray upperb,
OutputArray dst)
dst – output array of the same size as src and CV_8U type
This means that for 3 channel input image the output would be a single channel image, in case of thresholding, the output is a binary image which has only white(255) and black(0) pixels and the format is CV_8U only.
It is 1 a one channel image with either 0 or 255 values.
If you want to go back to your original RGB space just do the following:
cv::Mat FinalRGB;
cv::cvtColor(imgThresholded, imgThresholded, CV_GRAY2BGR);
cv::bitwise_and(imgThresholded, img, FinalRGB);
As #Micka stated:
cv::Mat imgMasked;
img.copyTo(imgMasked, imgThresholded);
will do the same idea but faster.
inRange() will give binary image. Not HSV or RGB. But yeah, it will consider HSV image for computation as you have given imHSV as the input image.
The function inRange() works as follows:
imThresholded (I) is set to 255 (all 1 -bits) if imHSV (I) is
within the specified 1D, 2D, 3D, ... box and 0 otherwise.
When the lower and/or upper boundary parameters are scalars, the indexes (I) at lowerb and upperb in the above formulas should be omitted.

How do I create a histogram which can be used for calcBackProject in opencv?

I have specified the histogram as
MatND skinCrCbHist =Mat::zeros(Size(256,256),CV_8UC1);
ellipse(skinCrCbHist, Point(113, 155.6), Size(283.4, 159.2), 43.0, 0.0, 360.0, Scalar(255), -1); // Using a really big ellipse to find any sort of back projection in CrCb domain.
cvtColor(src, ycrcb, CV_BGR2YCrCb); //src is input, image of a person
float crrange[]={0,255};
float cbrange[]={0,255};
const float* ranges[]={crrange,cbrange};
int channelsy[]={1,2};
calcBackProject( &ycrcb, 1, channelsy, skinCrCbHist, backproj, ranges, 255, true );
The problem i face is that backproj shows a completely black image.
When I used a normal histogram created with calcHist on a natural image, i do get some sort of backprojection. But how do i use a histogram, i create artificially, by specifying an ellipse, to get a backprojection.
If I understood your problem correctly, you could use mask with the original calcHist function.
You didn't specified which version of OpenCV you are using, so I will assume the latest The method prototype is following (omitting defaults, and types):
calcHist(images, nimages, channels, mask, hist, dims, histSize, ranges)
The third parameter is mask. The mask means, that the function will ignore all pixels which matches zero pixels in mask. In program the mask is another image correctly setup.
Here is pseudo-code for you problem:
1) get input image
2) create matrix of same size as input of type CV_8UC1 filled with zeros
3) draw white (value 255) ellipse on the new image
4) call caclHist with the new image as mask
