Laravel 5.1 set environment dynamically - laravel-5.1

I am using Laravel 5.1 in my application.
I want to create different config for different environment as we create in laravel 4.2.
In Laravel 4.2 we can create different environment config by creating a folder within the config directory that matches the environment name.
How can i do this in laravel5.1.
Any help greatly appreciated.

Checkout this package called "laravel-5-cascading-config"
Features :
Laravel-4 style cascading config
Nested configuration is fully supported
From laravel5.1 docs
If you are developing with a team, you may wish to continue including
a .env.example file with your application. By putting place-holder
values in the example configuration file, other developers on your
team can clearly see which environment variables are needed to run
your application.


Why my environnement variables not picked up with create React app?

I am trying to use environment variables in a react app created on WSL. I cannot access the variables from my app.
Here is what I did:
Create a .env file at the root folder of my react app (within a client folder of a Rails app)
Create a variable: REACT_APP_API_URL=http://localhost:3000/api/v1/
Log the variable in my console: console.log(process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL)
Restarted the server
I keep getting an undefined variable.
Am I missing anything related to WSL maybe? I am a bit clueless as I cannot find a similar problem online.
Thank you!
I think your file is in the wrong directory. See here: Environment variables are always undefined in VueJs application (possible duplicate of your question).

Where to store AWS keys in Rails?

Is database.yml the right place to read the AWS keys from bashrc? database.yml sounds like a place only for database configs. Is there a more appropriate place where the AWS configs from bashrc could be read inside my Rails app?
Rails 5.2 onwards
Rails 5.2 has introduced the concept of encrypted credentials. Basically, from Rails 5.2 onwards, there is an encrypted credentials file that is generated on initializing the app in config/credentials.yml.enc. This file is encrypted, and hence, can be pushed to your source control tool. There is also a master.key file which is generated while initializing the app, which can be used to decrypt the credentials file, and make changes to it.
So, credentials for AWS could be added to it as:
access_key_id: 123
secret_access_key: 345
These keys could be accessed in your app as[:secret_access_key]. Other sensitive config, like credentials to other external services that are being used, can also be added to this config. Check out this blog by Marcelo Casiraghi for more details.
Pre Rails 5.2
There was no concept of a credentials system prior to Rails 5.2. There are a couple of ways in which you could try to come up with a solution to store your configuration.
A. You could create a YAML file for defining your config from scratch.
Create a file called my_config.yml and place it in the config folder. Path: config/my_config.yml
Add whatever configuration is required to the file, in YAML format (s described for AWS above)
Make changes in application.rb to load this file during initialization as follows:
APP_CONFIG = YAML.load('../my_config.yml', __FILE__)).read).result)[Rails.env] rescue {}
Using this approach, you will then be able to use APP_CONFIG['aws']['access_key_id'] for the AWS configuration defined above. For this use case, it is strongly recommended to have separate configuration files for development and production environments. The production file should probably not be checked in to version control for security.
B. Another approach would be to use some gems for managing configurations like railsconfig/config
NOTE: To answer the bit about storing this configuration in database.yml, it is strongly recommended to not do so. database.yml is a configuration file for storing configuration related to databases. Separation of concerns really helps while scaling any application, and hence, it is recommended to place such configurations in a separate file, which can be independently maintained, without any reliance on the database config.
Absolutely. The standard place to configure things like AWS would be inside config/initializers. You can create a file in there called aws.rb.
|__ initializers/
|__ aws.rb
and inside this file you can configure your AWS setup using the environment variables from your bashr
credentials:'your_access_key_id', 'your_secret_access_key')
Files inside this directory are executed on app start, so this configuration will be executed right when your app starts, before it starts handling requests.
It may also be useful to note that the AWS SDK for Ruby will automatically search for specific environment variables to configure itself with. If that's what you're using, and if you have the following environment variables set up in your bashrc
then you won't need any additional code in your Rails app to configure AWS. Check out more details here.

Pheonix Framework Environment Variables

I am just learning Phoenix and Elixir I am confused, what is the best way to handle environment variables for multiple machines and environments? I keep running into different approaches, from using System.get_env, .env files and mentions of Mix env's. I also keep reading about problems compiling env variables at deployment.
Does anyone have an explanation of how Mix variables, system environment variables and possible .env files or .secret files should be used for local development, stage and production servers?
I have been working mostly in Rails and Python recently so that maybe a helpful contextual piece.
Thanks for the help,
I personally stick with what Phoenix is giving you by default, e.g. using config files for different environments. Since config files are meant for application configuration, e.g. configuring database adapters, they are checked into source control. By default, these are controlled by the MIX_ENV environment variable. If you look at the bottom of your main config/config.exs file, you will notice this:
import_config "#{Mix.env}.exs"
From what I understand from the documentation, Mix.env is just a shorthand for getting the MIX_ENV value.
Phoenix comes with config files for "develop", "prod" and "test" (all in the config directory) which you can modify for your own use. You can also easily add more configurations — if you want to have a "staging"-specific configuration, for example, just set MIX_ENV=staging on the relevant server, and create config/staging.exs.
For sensitive information, like API keys, environment variables are better, since they're not checked into source control and can be easily changed. You can access those env variables from within your config files or from anywhere within your application.
Hope that helps!

Where should I save standalone non-ruby scripts in my Rails app?

This is a simple question, but I haven't been able to find an exact answer to it anywhere.
I have a standalone Python script which I am using in my Rails app. What is the appropriate folder I should save it in according to convention, so that I can push it to production (currently running it from my computer's desktop)? I think the answer is lib/assets but I want to make sure.
I don't think there is an exact answer for this question.
If it is a ruby script, it is usually placed in lib or bin.
From the rails folder descriptions in Getting Started with Rails guide:
bin/ Contains the rails script that starts your app and can contain
other scripts you use to setup, deploy or run your application.
lib/ Extended modules for your application.
You could put it in lib/assets folder as it reflects your understanding that it is an external asset used in the system.

How to configure Rails app for deployment to Tomcat

I have a Rails app that I package as a war file for deploying to Tomcat using Warbler. And it works, but the problem is I don't know how to configure the runtime properties like secret_key_base. I use the standard setup of using secrets.yml, with production variables coming from environment variables. But I don't know how to set the variables while still keeping them out of source control.
Ideally I'd still like to be able to deploy the war file automatically, by just dropping it into the webapps/ directory, but I suppose I could edit the server config file? Or is there a better way of handling this?
either do it the same way as you would in a Rails server ... let it read from ENV (of course you will need to make sure Tomcat has the environment variable set).
alternatively you can set it in a web.xml if you're packaging and than do a $servlet_context.getAttribute('foo') in secrets.yml ... or read it from a file location that only the server's tomcat username can access etc.
sky is the limit here - you basically need to decide what fits your deployments the best.
