text over an image in the cell - ios

I have a text that should be placed over the image. Now the image covers the text, any text that is not visible. I thought here is what the priorities for the display, but did not find them. Tell me how you can specify that the text should be drawn over the picture, and not vice versa.
debug view

The order that things appear in the navigation bar (the second screenshot) is the order they draw in. The lower down they are the later they are drawn. So at the moment your image view will be behind you text (and everything else).
That's actually what it shows in the Interface Builder also as you can see the text.
TBH, your AutoLayout constraints look a little suspect to me. I suspect they are pushing the label off the screen. I really don't think you want the constraints that way. You don't need a height to begin with and if you want the label centred then give it a centre constraint not a leading constraint.
What, exactly, is giving you the impression that the image is over your text? Have you tried the view debugger in the simulator?

You can call bringSubviewToFront method in code [self.view bringSubviewToFront:self.label];

I found solution - mode = Aspect Fit


Swift Storyboard - Centring an Icon and multi-line text horizontally

I am trying to create an Android-esque Snackbar. All the behaviour is correct but I am left with a layout issue. I have actually broken this out into a test app to simplify things a bit.
The bar is pinned to the bottom of the view and contains an Icon (UIImageView) along with some text (UILabel). This text can be up to 2 lines max.
For example, it should be able to exand out like this:-
However to further complicate things, i need it so that the icon and text are centred within the red bar and then spread out from the centre until such point that it needs to wrap. Note that there is a padding to the start of the icon and end of the text to prevent it touching the sides. An example of centred content would be..
I haven't been able to get the correct layout. I think the issue has been trying to centre the two items whilst simultaneously conforming to a width that doesn't exceed the edge bounds, causing a constraint conflict. I have also tried embedding the icon and label in a horizontal stack view but couldn't seem to find the correct fill option whilst centring everything.
I have even tried using NSAttributed string and adding the image to the text itself but when the text wrapped, the icon was being resized and/or misplaced.
As you can see, i have been doing this in Storyboard but i am more than happy to do this programmatically if it serves this purpose better.
Created this Demo for reference , it's a simple task of making a nested view inside the red view with a centerX constraint of priority 1000 and a leading constraint with 999 priority
Now you have this effect

UIScrollView and variable text size

I'm creating an app with quite a lot of text. It will be of variable size, so I was wondering if there is a way to adapt my ScrollView to the size of the UILabel, not knowing in the IB what will be the number of lines of that label. I'm doing it from the IB, drag n dropping it, then I'm putting 4 elements inside : an image for the logo, a title, another image, and then the label.
My question is : how can I tell my ScrollView to adapt to the text ? With constraints ? In the code ? I'm sooooo lost with that scrolling thing…
I think I need a very very good tutorial about autolayout…
Here's some screenshots of my project
The project on simulator
The layout
Thanks a lot!
You have to add the constraints to your label so that it will always have the same spacing to the scroll view. Also, you will have to set your labels lines to 0.
Don't press Add Missing Constraints because it will probably set your height and you don't want that to happen. Use the Pin button to set the spacing to nearest neighbor.
These are the buttons you will have to use, they are bottom right.
First of all, press the one in the right and select All Views > Clear Constraints.
Then, select your label in the storyboard and press the button with a square Pin, here you will have to select everything until you have something like this with different values... Also click in the red lines so that you get a continuous red line. Don't check any of the boxes you see.
After this, you have to do the same process for your Scroller.
It should be enough. I will also need to know where your scroller is.
If you have anything else in your view, do the same.

How do I make two equally sized imageviews cover the whole screen

I implemented a viewcontroller similar to the one in this question:
iOS two views cover exactly half of parent view
I get the desired result. The problem is that when I add a UIImageView into those two containers, the result get resized and ruins the symmetry. How do I prevent Imageviews from changing the size of their containers? I need to use AspectFill for these images.
I don't think the containers' sizes are changed. You just need to set their clipsToBounds property to true to avoid overflow.
If you use Reveal you should see the containers' sizes are not changed even if pictures inside them are bigger than themselves.
I'm unsure I understand what you mean about adding UIImageView into those controllers causing the views to resize, so forgive me if I'm getting this all wrong...
It sounds as though you've created two views of equal height that, together, consume the entire vertical space of the screen. After having done that, you want to add one or more UIImageView's to each of the original two views. Unfortunately, when you add the UIImageView, the enclosing view is resized.
Assuming I have that correct...
Are you doing this with Interface Builder either in an XIB or Storyboard file? If so, you ought to be able to achieve this with the proper set of constraints.
In the following image, I've laid out what I describe above.
As you can see, I have a red view on the top half of the window and a green view on the bottom half. The red view contains a UIImageView that is 75% of the width and height of red view, with its origin at (20, 20) within the red view.
The scene is configured as shown below:
The constraints on "Upper View" are:
You can see from this that Upper View is flush with the left, right, and top of its superview, and that its space to Bottom View is 0. You'll have to trust me that Bottom View is set up the same way.
The height of the Upper and Lower views is "Proportional" as shown in this constraint:
To achieve this "Proportional" setting, you first make the height of Upper View equal to the height of the superview, and then edit the constraint, changing "Multiplier" from "1" to "0.5."
The height (and width) of the Image View is proportional to that of the Upper view, as shown here:
If you set it up this way, you ought to be able to accomplish what (I think) you are looking to accomplish.
If my original assumption of what you are trying to achieve is incorrect, please post images of what you've got and how it's not working.

Auto Layout: Displaying content relative to container

I'm having some issues developing an iPhone application. I have a UITableView on a screen and have made a template for how I want to lay things out. I made sure that the constraints are satisfied and when my program compiles, I get no auto layout issues. However, when I run my program on the simulator, some of the text is not shown but I know it should be there. Here is how things look on the Storyboard:
However, this is how things look when I run the program on the iPhone simulator, it appears as so:
I am only worried about the From Date and To Date fields not being displayed because if I move them more to the left, I can eventually see them. Moreover, I made sure to make the To Date field's Trailing Space to Container Marginby 8 px so I don't really understand why these two fields aren't showing. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Edit: Image of To Date constraints:
Edit 2: Image of how table view cell looks like now:
Most likely the labels are not showing because of size classes and the difference between the different screen sizes. In your story board the original view controller is a square shape. Make sure to pin the labels to the side of the cell that you want them to attach to. This will make sure they stay where you want them to. Also make sure that you pin the actual table view to the superview so you can see the labels. I have always pinned to the top, bottom, and both sides, to accommodate different screen sizes and rotation. You may need to change the constraints for the other size classes. This may make some things look they are bunched up a bit with the smaller screen size, but you can always change the font or the format of the cell to fit everything in.
If you want to change a constraint for another size class, just select that size class at the bottom of the story board. Select the label, and then in the size inspector you can make the constraints you don't want to be unable, and hook up some other constraints to make it work. Ray Wenderlich's web site has a great tutorial on size classes and adaptive layout. You can find it here.
Happy coding!!
Your "missing" labels are probably too far to the right, outside the screen boundaries. This could happen if your view controller is wider in the storyboard than when you run it. Make sure that your labels have constraints for trailing space -- that will cause them to always be within the screen bounds no matter the screen width.
Also, use the Debug View Hierarchy in Xcode to see where those labels actually end up.
Try overriding awakeFromNib method in your UITableViewCell subclass:
override func awakeFromNib()
contentView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight

Hide a view and adjacent gap with autolayout

I have the following configuration of a view:
Sometimes I have an image to put in the image view, sometimes I do not. If there is no image to show, I would like the Title label to be extended to the right, occupying the whole space of the image and the gap between the label and the image. I assigned a constraint "less than or equal" to the width of the image view, so I guess it might get zero width if the image property of the image view is null. But how do I remove the gap between the image view and the title label? I know it is possible from code by defining an outlet for the gap constraint, but is it possible in a simpler way, maybe from interface builder?
Nope, this isn’t possible in XIB. I’ve filed enhancement requests (starting even before this shipped). File more! The more votes this gets, the more likely it is to happen.
We ended up adding an outlet onto our subclass of ImageView that we point at the constraint we want to go away, and in the subclass disabling the constraint when the image is nil (we use different tricks to disable it in different places, since there’s no one single easy way).
