Install Applications like Java,tomcat,etc. and after that build an app using jenkins and then deploy on a remote server - jenkins

When i get an empty Ubuntu server like 172.22... I want to install java ,download Apache-tomcat and install. After that build my appliaction and deploy it on the server. I have used Publish Over SSH Plugin to transfer some scripts to run when it on server but the problem is it only takes scripts from the application space where it is build.For that it this initial setup scripts must also be present inside every application i build.
In ideal scenario I want one job to setup a server by installing applications like java , tomcat.. etc. in remote server and then one job to build an application and deploy it on that remote server.Can't we do this using Jenkins ?

Possible sollution of deploy:
On jenkins server install plugin to execute Shell scripts. That allow us to run Curl command. To deploy .war on remote server use command with curl, example:
curl -T /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/(Path to war ) http://user:password#ip:port/manager/text/deploy?path=/(nameOfWar)&update=true
Also add role manager-script to Your tomcat user.
For deploy on linux servers i use plugin Deploy war/ear to a container. So it's all in Jenkins and Tomcat.
In case doing a remote install from one job i preffer to use ssh plugin, even better sollution is to write a perl script put it on server then run it. To run ssh command by perl for example use: $tomcat = apt get install tomcat; etc.


Integrating Jenkins with Gitlab

I need to setup a build configuration in Jenkins so that whenever a build is triggered, I get my latest scripts from Gitlab and copy them to the target systems and run that script on the target.
I couldn't find any relevant info for integrating Gitlab to Jenkins. Are there any specific plugins that I could use?
I am using Jenkins version 2.158
Step by Step procedure for doing what you are looking for:
Add the location of the Script from GitLAB. (E.g.)
Run the script over the target machine.
While Building the job, you will get the code at the root (./) of the job's workspace. Copying and running the script over the target machine can be done by remote script executions. following are the cases we having in running script in the remote machine
Windows (jenkins) to windows - use psexec.exe
Windows (Jenkins) to linux - use plink.exe which is command line putty
Linux (Jenkins) to linux - use SCP and SSH
Linux to Windows - use ansible for windows.
$ scp remote_username#
$ ssh -t remote_username# /remote/directory/
All the best.
Integration between Git Repository Management (github, gitlab,bitbucket, etc) and Jenkins has the following steps :
Developer push some source code (java, php, nodejs, etc) to the Git Repository Management.
The Git Repository Management detects this event and notify to some public http endpoint in your Jenkins. Currently webhook is the most recommended way to implement this notification.
Jenkins receive the http post request(from bitbucket for example) and using some plugin or configurations , Jenkins try to determine or get the basic devops parameters like : branch name, commit author, commit message, technology, etc
Whit the extracted devops parameters, Jenkins launchs a preconfigured job. This job use the previously extracted values to build, compile, zip, install or to do whatever is necessary to startup your application.
If you want to implement this flow, check this post:
Also, if you need. I will gladly to show you a basic integration using some git repository management and jenkins . Just contact me.

How can I run a script on my server using gcloud compute?

I'm deploying my Rails apps on Compute Engine, and my code is hosted at Github. I want to push changes to my master branch, and then execute a gcloud compute command to tell my instances to pull the master repository and restart nginx.
If I can't execute a script from SSH, what's the best way to tell my instances to update to the latest git commit and restart, so my apps are running on the latest codebase?
I've tried using the Release Pipeline, but it doesn't seem to work for Rails.
You can use a server automation system for something like this. For example:
Salt Stack allows remote command invocation as well as a thousand other useful server management features.
Ansible, which is built on top of SSH, is great for running commands remotely.
Most other server automation systems (chef, puppet) also provide some way to run a command remotely.

continuous deployment with jenkins

I want to deploy with jenkins to the test environment and to the production environment. To do so I need to connect to the server of the wanted environment, something like ssh/scp.
I would like to know what the best way is.
I found some plugins to do this, like the Jenkins-Deploy-Plug-in or Jenkins Publish over SSH Plugin. The first has lots of issues, which is not really trustworthy to deploy to production and for the second you need to change the global configuration, which is manual work for every deploy.
Any ideas how to solve this? Maybe with some scripts or plugins?
The only current idea I have is: to connect with jenkins to a server (maybe with the SSH Plugin) and to execute there a script that connects to the wished environment. But that are two connections. Is that really neccessary? I hope for a more straightforward way for this.
thanks for any hint.
I suggest the following procedure:
one single shell script (stored somewhere on the jenkins server) does everything.
Basically, the script does scp of the build artifact and then connects to the server (ssh) and does all the necessary tasks to deploy (setup maintenance page, backup the current app, deploy the new app, ...).
On the jenkins server, there are at least 2 jobs:
the first one simply does the build (using maven, or any other build script)
the second job does the deploy : so this job only runs the shell script.
(I suggest one deploy job for each target environment : testing, production, ...)
It does not require any "special" jenkins plugin to achieve this "one click deployment".
It only requires that the jenkins user has ssh access to the target server.
Here is a sample shell script to illustrate my post
#This script will copy the last artifact build by the job "MyApp" to
#and remotely execute the deployment script.
#copy the war to the server
#(the job "MyApp" is using maven, that's why the war can be found at this location)
scp -i <HOME_DIR>/.ssh/id_dsa $HUDSON_HOME/jobs/MyApp_Build/workspace/myapp/target/myapp.war
#connect to the server and execute the deployment script
ssh -i <HOME_DIR>/.ssh/id_dsa
#The following is just an example of what a deployment script can be.
#of course you must adapt it to your needs and environment
#first copy the current war to a backup directory (additionaly, I have a cron task deleting old undeployed apps)
cp -rf myapp-apps/myapp* undeployed/myapp-apps/;
#execute a script (stored on the server) to properly stop the app
sh bin/ stop;
#delete current app
rm -rf myapp-apps/myapp;
rm -rf myapp-apps/myapp.war;
#copy the uploaded war in tomcat app directory
cp /tmp/myapp.war myapp-apps/;
#execute a script (stored on the server) to start the app
sh bin/ start"
Using SSH compromises security on your environment
and is quite hard to troubleshoot.
It is better to install a Jenkins-Slave on the remote machine
and run the tests there by executing a Job on the Slave.
The Slave is monitored by the Server, which saves you a lot of trouble
managing the connection.
You can trigger the remote Job at the end of a successful build
and pass it the artifact of that build.
(can also have the first Job store the artifacts on a shared drive
and pass the location of those artifacts to the next Job).
See here:
Jenkins - Distributed builds
Jenkins - Parameterized Trigger Plugin
Jenkins - Copy Artifact Plugin
Ideally, you should be using something like Fabric or Capistrano for deployments, and call those scripts from Jenkins. I've used Capistrano extensively for both Ruby On Rails and Non-Ruby applications too. The biggest advantage I see are:
The intelligence built in to rollback the deployment in case there are errors while deployments.
Hooks it provides to run a set of scripts such as DB migration, service restarts etc.
Manual rollback in case you need to.

is it possible to stop manually dev server from jenkins

my dev server is installed in jboss aplication server(linux). is it possible to stop manually dev server from jenkins. whenever developer wants depolyment at that time only i have to stop server and deploy artifacts in to dev server.All these operations is possible from jenkins.i already have scripts to stop and start the server. But i dont know how to configure in jenkins.
If your jenkins is also on linux, use "Execute shell" build step and in there connect to your server and execute command:
For example:
ssh user#server "remote_script_command"

Setup Jenkins to monitor external job

I read the part of the Jenkins wiki that covers setting up a remote job to be monitored by a Jenkins instance. However, the documentation is confusing as it doesn't tell me what to configure on the Jenkins machine or the remote machine (the one that does the job).
Further, the documentation mentions Java commands that can be fired directly and others that need a servlet container. Do I have to install a servlet container on the remote machine?
Maybe it's all there but for me it's like a mix of two documentations. Can you please clarify:
What do I need to do on the remote machine?
What do I need to do on the Jenkins machine?
Thank you.
In Jenkins, you need to create a job using the "Monitor an external job" option. Give this a name, for example "nightly-backup".
On the machine where the external job is running, you need Java installed and some basic Jenkins JAR files, so that the job results can be sent to Jenkins.
As the wiki page says, on some versions of Debian or Ubuntu you can do this with:
sudo apt-get install jenkins-external-tool-monitor
Otherwise, you have to copy a bunch of JARs manually — i.e. those listed on the wiki page — to your remote machine.
Once you have the JARs available on your remote machine, you can execute whichever command you like there, so long as you prefix it with some Jenkins information: where to find the Jenkins installation, the main Java JAR, and the job name:
JENKINS_HOME=http://my-jenkins/ java -jar jenkins-core-*.jar nightly-backup ./ --nightly /home
Where http://my-jenkins/ is the base URL to Jenkins, nightly-backup matches the name of the "Monitor an external job" you created in Jenkins, and ./ --nightly /home is the command you wish to run.
The output of this ./ command will show up in Jenkins automatically once it's complete.
It looks like this is now called "jenkins-external-job-monitor", so you'd type:
sudo apt-get install jenkins-external-job-monitor
