Rails: first_or_create not working - ruby-on-rails

Very strange issue with first_or_create. Consider the following method:
def self.store(session)
shop = self.first_or_create(shopify_domain: session.url, shopify_token: session.token)
When I pry into this method, I can call session.url to get domain2.myshopify.com and session.token to get 22222
But when I call shop, I get a shop where shopify_domain: domain1.myshopify.com and shopify_token: 11111.
Any idea why this would happen? It seems bizarre.

shop = self.where(shopify_domain: session.url, shopify_token: session.token).first_or_create(shopify_domain: session.url, shopify_token: session.token)
You are just getting the first one in general. Like calling .all.first


Confirmation URL for Shopify RecurringApplicationCharge is nil

Im trying to add a recurring charge to my shopify app. I followed the Shopify-Tutorial but wrote it slightly different. My root route goes to:
root 'mycontroller#charging'
the controller action is:
def charging
if #shop_domain != #myshop
#shop_charging_status = #shop.charging
unless ShopifyAPI::RecurringApplicationCharge.current
recurring_charge = ShopifyAPI::RecurringApplicationCharge.new(
name: "My App",
price: "1.99",
return_url: "https:\/\/appurl\/activated",
trial_days: 7,
terms: "$1.99 per month")
if recurring_charge.save
#tokens[:confirmation_url] = recurring_charge.confirmation_url
#shop_charging_status = true
redirect recurring_charge.confirmation_url
redirect_to myindex_path
When I try to start the app, i get an error: NoMethodError (undefined method `[]=' for nil:NilClass). It concerns the #token line. This line already confused me when i wrote the code, because the variable #token is only used in this method. But nevertheless, why is it nil?
What am I missing?
When I try to start the app, i get an error: NoMethodError (undefined method `[]=' for nil:NilClass). It concerns the #token line.
I assume you mean #tokens?
I think you're missing the first part of the tutorial here in which they set #tokens = {} in the initialize method and then store the access tokens for each shop in there.

Rails 5 ActiveRecord - check if any results before using methods

In my Rails 5 + Postgres app I make a query like this:
user = User.where("name = ?", name).first.email
So this gives me the email of the first user with the name.
But if no user with this names exists I get an error:
NoMethodError (undefined method `email' for nil:NilClass)
How can I check if I have any results before using the method?
I can think if various ways to do this using if-clauses:
user = User.where("name = ?", name).first
if user
user_email = user.email
But this does not seem to be the most elegant way and I am sure Rails has a better way.
You can use find_by, returns the object or nil if nothing is found.
user = User.find_by(name: name)
if user
That being said you could have still used the where clause if you're expecting more than one element.
users = User.where(name: name)
if users.any?
user = users.first
Then there is yet another way as of Ruby 2.3 where you can do
User.where(name: name).first&.name
The & can be used if you're not sure if the object is nil or not, in this instance the whole statement would return nil if no user is found.
I use try a lot to handle just this situation.
user = User.where("name = ?", name).first.try(:email)
It will return the email, or if the collection is empty (and first is nil) it will return nil without raising an error.
The catch is it'll also not fail if the record was found but no method or attribute exists, so you're less likely to catch a typo, but hopefully your tests would cover that.
user = User.where("name = ?", name).first.try(:emial)
This is not a problem if you use the Ruby 2.3 &. feature because it only works with nil object...
user = User.where("name = ?", name).first&.emial
# this will raise an error if the record is found but there's no emial attrib.
You can always use User.where("name = ?", name).first&.email, but I disagree that
user = User.where("name = ?", name).first
if user
user_email = user.email
is particularly inelegant. You can clean it up with something like
def my_method
if user
# do something with user.email
def user
#user ||= User.where("name = ?", name).first
# #user ||= User.find_by("name = ?", name) # can also be used here, and it preferred.
Unless you really think you're only going to use the user record once, you should prefer being explicit with whatever logic you're using.

Rails - submitting JSONs to database from controller

I am working on a Rails app, and I am attempting to insert attributes from JSONs as database entries. I'm running into a problem, though, and would appreciate some guidance.
I've been able to jam a few things together and come up with something that sort of works...
def create
#report_group = Array.new
#report_group.push({location:"home", comments:"Hello, database!"}, {location:"away", comments:"Goodbye, database!"})
#report_group.each do |x|
#new_report = Report.new(x)
#new_report.user_id = current_user.id
def report_params(params)
This is a good first step - this commits two entries to my database, one for each of the hashes pushed into #report_group, but it is suffering from a problem - the create action does not reference the report_params whitelist.
I have built several Rails apps where entries are submitted one at a time via the standard Rails form helpers, but I have never done it with multiple JSONs like this before. Trying out the syntax I'd use in a typical form helper situation
#new_report = Report.new(report_params(x))
throws the expectable error undefined method permit' for #<Hash:0x007f966b35e270> but I am not sure what else to do here.
Big thanks to #oreoluwa for pointing me in the right direction. Here's the solution that I came up with.
def create
#report_group = Array.new
#report_group.push({location:"home", comments:"Hello, database!"}, {location:"away", comments:"Goodbye, database!"})
#report_group.each do |x|
hash = ActionController::Parameters.new(x)
#new_report = Report.new(report_params(hash))
#new_report.user_id = current_user.id
def report_params(params)
You're getting the error because a Hash is not the same as an ActionController::Parameters. In order to use the permit method with your Hash you may need to first convert it to ActionController::Parameters, as such:
hash = {location:"home", comments:"Hello, database!"}
parameter = ActionController::Parameters.new(hash)
I don't know if that is what you're looking for, but I thought to point you in the right direction.

Facing issue NoMethodError (undefined method `include' for "56":String):

I am facing issue while writing this code
def sim_state
sim_employees = SimEmployee.find(params[:id].include(:employees))
respond_to do |format|
format.js {
render :layout => false,
:locals => {
:sim_employees => sim_employee
and in my sim_states.js.erb
$('#simState').text('<%= sim_employee.employees.app_state%>');
So it gives me this error
NoMethodError (undefined method `include' for "56":String):
when i use it with includes then it gives
undefined method `includes'
Please guide me how to solve this.
The reason is simple
is return you a String value which is "56" and includes works with ActiveRecord::Relation and not string. So you are not able to fire the query that ways.
This will return again a result and not relation. Try using
SimEmployee.where(id: params[:id]).includes(:employees).first
This should help you.
PS : Using includes for one record is same as firing two independent queries i.e.
#sim_employee = SimEmployee.find(params[:id])
#emplyess = #sim_employee.employees
There is a simple solution for this:
SimEmployee.includes(:employees).find params[:id]
This line is causing the issue, you are calling include(:employees) on params[:id] which would be a number.
And you can't actually do .find(params[:id].include(:employees) because find method returns an instance of Model class, in this case, an instance of SimEmployee class, and you can't run method include on it.
You can pass a hash in where(). This works if your SimEmployee model has has_many relation to Employee model.

assigning values to model

I'm kinda new to coding on rails. It would be great if you could help me out with what I think might be noob question.Here's my code:
def create
#project = Project.new(params[:project])
if #project.save
redirect_to new_project_path
#users = User.where(:code => student)
#users.each do |c|
puts c.email
#users.each do |c|
puts "I'm here"
c.projects = "#{c.projects};#{#project.id}"
So, in the create method, Each time a new project is created a string called student_str is stored where the ID number of each student is seperated by a ";". I split that string to an array using the split function to get an array of student ID's. I have the puts c.email and puts "I'm here" to make sure the loops are working fine. I get the proper outputs on terminal.
The problem here is the
c.projects = "#{c.projects};#{#project.id}"
That simply does not seem to be working.
My model is not updated when this line is executed. I get no errors though.
Can you tell me what I might have to do to fix this?
You have to call c.save after you updated the projects attribute. Otherwise the object is updated but not the database so the next time you load it the changes are gone.
