HackLang by Facebook is not strict - hhvm

Good day,
I have problem. I want to simulate some errors in hacklang.
namespace Exsys\HHVM;
class HHVMFacade{
private $vector = Vector {1,2,3};
public function echoProduct() : Vector<string>{
return $this->vector;
public function test(Vector<string> $vector) : void{
Function echoProduct() returns Vector of strings. But private property $vector is Vector of integers. When I call echoFunction and returning value use as argument for function test(). I get
object(HH\Vector)#35357 (3) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) [2]=> int(3) }
Why? I am expecting some error because types mismatch.

There's two things at play here:
Generics aren't reified, so the runtime has no information about them. This means the runtime is only checking that you're returning a Vector.
$this->vector itself isn't typed. This means the type checker (hh_client) treats it as a unknown type. Unknown types match against everything, so there's no problem returning an unknown type where a Vector<string> is expected.
This is to allow you to gradually type your code. Whenever a type isn't known, the type checker just assumes that the developer knows what's happening.
The first thing I'd do is change the file from partial mode to strict mode, which simply involves changing from <?hh to <?hh // strict. This causes the type checker to complain about any missing type information (as well as a couple of other things, like no superglobals and you can't call non-Hack code).
This produces the error:
test.hh:6:13,19: Please add a type hint (Naming[2001])
If you then type $vector as Vector<int> (private Vector<int> $vector), hh_client then produces:
test.hh:9:16,28: Invalid return type (Typing[4110])
test.hh:8:44,49: This is a string
test.hh:6:20,22: It is incompatible with an int
test.hh:8:44,49: Considering that this type argument is invariant with respect to Vector
Which is the error you expected. You can also get this error simply by adding the type to $vector, without switching to strict mode, though I prefer to write my Hack in the strongest mode that the code supports.
With more recent versions of HHVM, the type checker is called whenever Hack code is run (there's an INI flag to turn this off), so causing the type mismatch will also cause execution of the code to fail.


Clang AST matching method call on class, derived class or typedef to either

I have a matcher that works perfectly for matching operator() calls on instances of a class or classes derived from that class. For example, it matches the final line of:
class MyBase { void operator()(...) {} };
MyBase b;
using a matcher like:
const auto MyBaseExpr =
TK_AsIs, cxxOperatorCallExpr(
hasArgument(0, anyOf(MyBaseExpr, MyOtherBaseExpr)),
But I'd also like to be able to match such calls on instances of typedefs for the base or derived types like in the last line below:
typedef MyBase MyTypedef;
MyTypedef t;
and I can't seem to fathom the correct way to specify this match. Attempting to use hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType rather than hasType doesn't work since it works on a type rather than a Decl and if I try to do more matching with the type then I can't use isSameOrDerived which returns a Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>. A similar problem occurs when trying to use hasCanonicalType:
.../RedundantStringCStrCheck.cpp:193:40: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘const clang::ast_matchers:
:internal::Matcher<clang::QualType>&’ from expression of type ‘clang::ast_matchers::internal::BindableMatcher<clang::Decl>’
193 | expr(hasCanonicalType(cxxRecordDecl(isSameOrDerivedFrom("::MyBase"))));
MyTypedef is defined from MyBase so its Canonical Type should be MyBase. More information about canonical type: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/InternalsManual.html#canonical-types
This is the example from LibASTMatchersReference , it uses hasType().
Thien Tran provided the pointer which led me to the right answer. Here's my original expression
const auto MyBaseExpr =
I was trying to use:
const auto MyBaseExpr =
but the description of hasCanonicalType in LibASTMatchersReference shows that it takes and returns Matcher<QualType> yet cxxRecordDecl has type Matcher<Decl>, so this did not compile.
The mismatch of types can be corrected by inserting a call to hasDeclaration. It's then also necessary to keep the call to hasType in order to turn the Matcher<QualType> result of hasCanonicalType back into something that can be passed to expr.
After all that I ended up with:
const auto MyBaseExpr =
which seems to work perfectly.

Why is Dafny allowing uninitialized return result?

In this method:
datatype Results = Foo | Bar
method test() returns (r:Result)
Dafny verifies OK and test() returns Foo. Which is technically correct (it does return a value of the correct type) however I was expecting Dafny to complain that the result has not been set by the method itself. What test() is doing is similar to doing:
in a C function that is supposed to return an int.
Is there a way to make Dafny verify that a methods results are always set before the method returns?
The flag you want is /definiteAssignment:2:
0 - ignores definite-assignment rules; this mode is for testing only--it is
not sound
1 (default) - enforces definite-assignment rules for compiled variables and fields
whose types do not support auto-initialization and for ghost variables
and fields whose type is possibly empty
2 - enforces definite-assignment for all non-yield-parameter
variables and fields, regardless of their types
3 - like 2, but also performs checks in the compiler that no nondeterministic
statements are used; thus, a program that passes at this level 3 is one
that the language guarantees that values seen during execution will be
the same in every run of the program
This is what Dafny says on your code says with that flag:
test.dfy(5,0): Error: out-parameter 'r', which is subject to definite-assignment rules, might be uninitialized at this return point

Does the using declaration allow for incomplete types in all cases?

I'm a bit confused about the implications of the using declaration. The keyword implies that a new type is merely declared. This would allow for incomplete types. However, in some cases it is also a definition, no? Compare the following code:
#include <variant>
#include <iostream>
struct box;
using val = std::variant<std::monostate, box, int, char>;
struct box
int a;
long b;
double c;
box(std::initializer_list<val>) {
int main()
std::cout << sizeof(val) << std::endl;
In this case I'm defining val to be some instantiation of variant. Is this undefined behaviour? If the using-declaration is in fact a declaration and not a definition, incomplete types such as box would be allowed to instantiate the variant type. However, if it is also a definition, it would be UB no?
For the record, both gcc and clang both create "32" as output.
Since you've not included language-lawyer, I'm attempting a non-lawyer answer.
Why should that be UB?
With a using delcaration, you're just providing a synonym for std::variant<whatever>. That doesn't require an instantiation of the object, nor of the class std::variant, pretty much like a function declaration with a parameter of that class doesn't require it:
void f(val); // just fine
The problem would occur as soon as you give to that function a definition (if val is still incomplete because box is still incomplete):
void f(val) {}
But it's enough just to change val to val& for allowing a definition,
void f(val&) {}
because the compiler doesn't need to know anything else of val than its name.
Furthermore, and here I'm really inventing, "incomplete type" means that some definition is lacking at the point it's needed, so I expect you should discover such an issue at compile/link time, and not by being hit by UB. As in, how can the compiler and linker even finish their job succesfully if a definition to do something wasn't found?

Nullability mismatch in simple assignment after switching to sound null safety

I switched to sound null safety and started getting runtime error in a simple assignment, that should never happen with sound null safety:
final widgetOnPressed = widget.onPressed;
type '(LogData) => void' is not a subtype of type '((LogData?) => void)?'
I can repro it for Flutter versions 2.12.0-4.1.pre and 2.13.0-0.0.pre.505.
PR: https://github.com/flutter/devtools/pull/3971
Failing line: https://github.com/flutter/devtools/blob/9fc560ff2e6749459e2ca6a1dc00bf6fb16ed93b/packages/devtools_app/lib/src/shared/table.dart#L1184
To repro, start DevTools at this PR for macos, connect to an app and click the tab 'Logging'. DevTools will show red screen and error in console.
Is it dart bug or the app bug? If it is the app bug, how can I debug it?
It's a bug in your code.
You didn't say which kind of error you got - a compile-time error or a runtime error. I'm guessing runtime error. (Well, you did say to launch it in the debugger, so that is a good hint too.)
The line final widgetOnPressed = widget.onPressed; looks like it can't possibly fail. After all, the type of the local variable is inferred from the expression assigned to it, and the runtime value of that expression will surely be a subtype of the static type because the type system is sound!
Isn't it? ISN'T IT?
It's not, sorry. Dart 2's type system is mostly sound, even more so with null safety, but class generics is covariant, which can still be unsound. It's fairly hard to hit one of the cases where that unsoundness shows its ugly head, but returning a function where the argument type is the class's type variable is one.
Your state class extends State<TableRow<T?>>, so the widget getter returns a TableRow<T?>. The onPressed of that type has type ItemCallback<T?>?, aka, void Function(T?)?.
You create a _TableRowState<LogData>, with its widget which has static type TableRow<LogData?>, but you somehow manage to pass it a TableRow<LogData> instead. That's fine. Class generics are covariant, so all is apparently fine at compile-time.
Then you do final widgetOnPressed = widget.onPressed;.
The static type of widgetOnPressed is void Function(LogData?) here.
The actual runtime type of onPressed is void Function(LogData) because it's from a TableRow<LogData>.
A void Function(LogData) is-not-a void Function(LogData?) because the former cannot be used in all places where the latter can (in particular, it can't be used in a place where it's called with null).
This assignment is potentially unsound, and actually unsound in this case. The compiler knows this and inserts an extra check to ensure that you don't assign a value to the variable which isn't actually valid. That check triggers and throws the error you see.
How do you avoid that?
Don't create a TableRow<LogData> where a TableRow<LogData?> is required.
Or type the variable as:
final ItemCallback<T>? widgetOnPressed = widget.onPressed;
(no ? on the T).
Or rewrite everything to avoid returning a function with a covariant type parameter (from the class) occurring contra-variantly (as an argument type).
Which solution fits you depends on what you want to be able to do.

Is None less evil than null?

In F# its a big deal that they do not have null values and do not want to support it. Still the programmer has to make cases for None similar to C# programmers having to check != null.
Is None really less evil than null?
The problem with null is that you have the possibility to use it almost everywhere, i.e. introduce invalid states where this is neither intended nor makes sense.
Having an 'a option is always an explicit thing. You state that an operation can either produce Some meaningful value or None, which the compiler can enforce to be checked and processed correctly.
By discouraging null in favor of an 'a option-type, you basically have the guarantee that any value in your program is somehow meaningful. If some code is designed to work with these values, you cannot simply pass invalid ones, and if there is a function of option-type, you will have to cover all possibilities.
Of course it is less evil!
If you don't check against None, then it most cases you'll have a type error in your application, meaning that it won't compile, therefore it cannot crash with a NullReferenceException (since None translates to null).
For example:
let myObject : option<_> = getObjectToUse() // you get a Some<'T>, added explicit typing for clarity
match myObject with
| Some o -> o.DoSomething()
| None -> ... // you have to explicitly handle this case
It is still possible to achieve C#-like behavior, but it is less intuitive, as you have to explicitly say "ignore that this can be None":
let o = myObject.Value // throws NullReferenceException if myObject = None
In C#, you're not forced to consider the case of your variable being null, so it is possible that you simply forget to make a check. Same example as above:
var myObject = GetObjectToUse(); // you get back a nullable type
myObject.DoSomething() // no type error, but a runtime error
Edit: Stephen Swensen is absolutely right, my example code had some flaws, was writing it in a hurry. Fixed. Thank you!
Let's say I show you a function definition like this:
val getPersonByName : (name : string) -> Person
What do you think happens when you pass in a name of a person who doesn't exist in the data store?
Does the function throw a NotFound exception?
Does it return null?
Does it create the person if they don't exist?
Short of reading the code (if you have access to it), reading the documentation (if someone was kindly enough to write it), or just calling the function, you have no way of knowing. And that's basically the problem with null values: they look and act just like non-null values, at least until runtime.
Now let's say you have a function with this signature instead:
val getPersonByName : (name : string) -> option<Person>
This definition makes it very explicit what happens: you'll either get a person back or you won't, and this sort of information is communicated in the function's data type. Usually, you have a better guarantee of handling both cases of a option type than a potentially null value.
I'd say option types are much more benevolent than nulls.
In F# its a big deal that they do not have null values and do not want to support it. Still the programmer has to make cases for None similar to C# programmers having to check != null.
Is None really less evil than null?
Whereas null introduces potential sources of run-time error (NullRefereceException) every time you dereference an object in C#, None forces you to make the sources of run-time error explicit in F#.
For example, invoking GetHashCode on a given object causes C# to silently inject a source of run-time error:
class Foo {
int m;
Foo(int n) { m=n; }
int Hash() { return m; }
static int hash(Foo o) { return o.Hash(); }
In contrast, the equivalent code in F# is expected to be null free:
type Foo =
{ m: int }
member foo.Hash() = foo.m
let hash (o: Foo) = o.Hash()
If you really wanted an optional value in F# then you would use the option type and you must handle it explicitly or the compiler will give a warning or error:
let maybeHash (o: Foo option) =
match o with
| None -> 0
| Some o -> o.Hash()
You can still get NullReferenceException in F# by circumventing the type system (which is required for interop):
> hash (box null |> unbox);;
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives.IntrinsicFunctions.UnboxGeneric[T](Object source)
at <StartupCode$FSI_0021>.$FSI_0021.main#()
Stopped due to error
