Basic math operations in a Jelly script - jenkins

So at work I have been tasked with the painful job of having to build an HTML email template for Jenkins using the Jenkins Email Extension plugin. I've managed to get everything I needed for the template except for one piece. I need to calculate the passed percentage of the test run, but I can't find any way to run basic math operations in Jelly.
I've got the string values for 2 numbers (passed tests and total tests) and all I need to do is run (passed / total * 100) so I can get my percentage value. Is there any way to do this in Jelly?

You should be able to do something like this:
${it.yourPassedVariable / it.yourTotalVariable}
As long as you reference your variables and do the calculation within the ${}, you should be good.


Jenkins plugin with viewing\aggregating possibilities depending on one of the parameters

I'm looking for plugin where I could have aggregation of settings and view for many cases, the same way it is in multi-branch pipeline. But instead of basing on various branches I want to base on one branch but varying on parameters. Below picture is from mentioned multi-branch pipeline, instead of "Branches" I'm looking for "Cases" and instead of "Name" column I need to have configurable Parameter.
Additionally to it, I need to have various Periodic build triggers in way
H 22 * * 5 %param1=value1 %param2=value3
H 22 * * 5 %param1=value2 %param2=value3
The second case could be done in standard job, but since there will be many such cases launched periodically every week or two weeks or every month, and difference in param1 is crucial and is important to have it readable and easily visible to quickly distinguish which case have failed.
I was looking for such plugin but couldn't find something like this. Maybe someone knows such plugin or way to solve it.
I have alternative of creating "super"job which in build steps would launch my current job with specific parameters. Then my readability would change from many rows to many columns since the number is over 20 it will IMHO significantly decrease readability(in column solution) and additionally not all cases would be launched with same periodicity. So there would be necessity to have some ready sets assigned by parameter, and most often the super build cases would have mostly skips in it. What would result that one might not see last result for one of the cases.
Note, that param2, has always same value for periodic launches. Other values are used only with manual trigger. Param2 can but doesn't have to be visible on "multi-branch pipeline" like solution.
I hope my explanation of issue is clear. Looking forward for answers\suggestions etc. :)

Multiple variables in a single axis in Jenkins

I have job on jenkins, to which I pass config as a variable on the axis.
I'd like to add a second variable to the same job.
So now I have:
Campaign1: A
Campaign2: B
I'd like to introduce a second variable so I'll have
Campaign1: A Alpha
Campaign2: B Beta
If I introduce a second axis - I'll get a matrix build, and I don't want that.
Do you have any ideas?
Well as it turned out the easiest way to do it is to make the job parametrized. Or write a bunch of exceptions if that's your cup of tea and you have time for that.
Update: In the end I just put a delimiter between 2 variables and passed them as one and then I cutted them in a script.

Iterative processing in Dataflow

As shown here Dataflow pipelines are represented by a fixed DAG. I'm wondering if it's possible to implement a pipeline where the processing proceeds until a dynamically evaluated condition is satisfied based on the data computed so far.
Here's some pseudo code to illustrate what I'd like to implement:
PCollection pco = null
pco = pco.apply(someTransform())
if (conditionSatisfied(pco)):
It seems like you really want iterative computations. Right now Dataflow does not provide support for that, but we are aware that it is a very important use case and we are working on finding the right set of APIs to express it.
For now your workarounds are:
Iteratively run whole pipelines (run pipeline, inspect output, run again if the condition is not satisfied, etc). This has the obvious downside of pipeline setup and teardown overhead.
Build a pipeline with a hard-coded number of iterations by .apply()'ing in a loop unconditionally, then run the whole pipeline.
A combination of the two, e.g. run fixed 5-iteration pipelines until you're satisfied with the result.

Your advice on a Hadoop MapReduce job

I have 2 files stored on a HDFS filesystem:
tbl_userlog: <website url (non canonical)> <tab> <username> <tab> <timestamp>
example:, foobar87, 201101251456
tbl_websites: <website url (canonical)> <tab> <total hits>
example:, 25889
I have written an Hadoop sequence of jobs which joins the 2 files on the website, performs a filter on the amount of total hits > n per website and then counts for each user the amount of websites he has visited which has > n total hits. The details of the sequence are as following:
A Map-only job which canonicizes the url in tbl_userlog (i.e. removes www, http:// and https:// from the url field)
A Map-only job which sorts tbl_websites on the url
An identity Map-Reduce job which takes the output of the 2 previous jobs as KeyValueTextInput and feeds them to a CompositeInput in order to make use of Hadoop native joining feature defined with jobConf.set("mapred.join.expr", CompositeInputFormat.compose("inner" (...))
A Map and Reduce job which filters the result of the previous job on total hits > n in its Map phase, groups the results on the in the shuffling phase, and performs the count on the number of websites for each user in the Reduce phase.
In order to chain these steps, I just call the jobs sequentially in the described order. Each individual job outputs its results into HDFS which the following job in the chain then retrieves and processes in turn.
As I am new to Hadoop, I would like to ask for your counseling:
Is there a better way to chain these jobs? In this configuration all intermediate results are written to HDFS and then read back.
Do you see any design flaw in this job, or could it be written more elegantly by making use of some Hadoop feature that I have missed?
I am using Apache Hadoop 0.20.2 and using higher-level frameworks such as Pig or Hive is not possible in the scope of the project.
Thanks in advance for your replies!
I think what you have will work with a couple of caveats. Before I start listing them, I want to make two definitions clear. A map-only job is a job that has a defined Mapper and run's with 0 reducers. If the job is running with > 0 IdentityReducers, then the job is not a map-only job. A reduce-only job is a job that has a define Reducer and run's with an IdentityMapper.
Your first job, can be a map-only job, since all you're doing is canonicalizing URLs. But if you want to use CompositeInputFormat, you should run with an IdentityReducer with more than 0 reducer's.
For your second job, I don't know what you mean by a map-only job that sorts. Sorting by it's very nature is a reduce side task. You probably mean that it has a define Mapper but no Reducer. But in order for the URLs to be sorted, you should run with an IdentityReducer with more than 0 reducer's.
Your third job is an interesting idea, but you have to be careful with CompositeInputFormat. There are two conditions that must be met for you to be able to use this input format. The first is that there has to be the same number of files in both input directories. This can be achieved by setting the same number of reducer's for Job1 and Job2. The second condition is that the input files CANNOT be splittable. This can be achieved by using a non splittable compression such as bzip.
This job sounds good. Although you can filter website that have < n hits in the reducer of the previous job and save yourself some I/O.
There's obviously more than one solution to a problem in software, so while you're solution would work, I wouldn't recommend it. Having 4 MapReduce jobs for this task is a bit expensive IMHO. The implementation I have in mind is a M-R-R workflow that uses Secondary Sort.
As far as chaining jobs is concerned, you should have a look at Oozie, which is a workflow manager. I have yet to use it, but that's where I'd start.

How to combining two files and creating a report with matched fields in COBOL

I have two files :
first file contains jobname and start time which looks like below:
and the second file contains jobname and Endtime which looks like below:
ZPUDA13V ENDED - TIME=00.13.37
ZPUDM00V ENDED - TIME=03.27.38
ZPUDM01V ENDED - TIME=03.27.34
ZPUDM02V ENDED - TIME=03.27.29
ZPUDM03V ENDED - TIME=03.27.27
Now I am trying to combine these two files to get the report like JOBNAME START TIME ENDTIME.I have used ICETOOL to get the report If I get JOBNAME START TIME ,ENDTIME is SPACES .If I get Endtime ,JOBNAME START TIME gets spaces.
Please let me know how to code the outrec fields as I have coded with almost all possibilites to get the desired one.But still my output is not the same as I required
I have no idea what ICETOOL is (nor the inclination to even look it up in Google :-) but this is a classic COBOL data processing task.
Based on your simple data input, the algorithm would be:
for every record S in startfile:
for every record E in endfile:
if S.jobnname = E.jobname:
ouput S.jobname S.time E.time
next S
However, you may need to take into account the fact that:
multiple jobs of the same name may run during the day (multiple entries in the file).
multiple jobs of the same name may run at the same time.
You could get around the first problem by ensuring the E record was the one immediately following the S record (based on time). The second problem is a doozy.
If you're running on z/OS (and you probably are, given the job names), have you considered using information from the SMF records to do this collection and analysis. I'm pretty certain SMF type 30 records hold everything you need.
And assuming this is a mainframe question, here's a shameless plug for a book one of my friends at work has written, check out What On Earth is a Mainframe? by David Stephens (ISBN-13 = 978-1409225355).
I know, i'm toooo late with my resolution, but may be helpful for new comers to stackoverflow
You can make use of JOINKEYS of DFSORT using JCL.
REFORMAT FIELDS=(F1:01,33,F2:25,08)
OUTREC FIELDS=(01,08,25,08,34,08)
the outrec will hold the data as you need!
