Are there mapping/graphing front ends that can call the Socrata API? - mapping

How complex a project would this be?
There is the issue of integrating the dataset specific API.
I.e. dataset column names, dataset metadata perhaps
There is the issue of integration higher level APIs.
I.e names of datasets available, information about the specific portal, ...
Am I missing the point here with my question? Or would this a major coding project?

There are a couple of options you might take a look at:
You can actually create maps from Socrata data right from within our data exploration tools. Here's a support article on how you can do so
Using the GeoJSON output from our API, you can pull data into tools like CartoDB without needing to download it first
You could create a map mashup using a library like Leaflet or the Google Maps API. Here's an example of how to do it with the Google Maps API


want to update google sheets from a streaming has to be readily available for querying/reporting

querying a student database with columns in google sheets. currently the data is updated overnight but want to change the source to a streaming source so that data is more dynamic, more current reflecting reality versus 'yesterday's news'.
You did not provide enough details for a specific answer. Google Sheets has an API you can use for reading and updating data (Java sample, for example), and depending on your source of data you might have a built-in integration.

How to show GeoJson javascript data as layer in Google Maps in iOS swift

I have requirement that is, I have to show GeoJson data (java script file) as a layer in Google maps either using Native or Web view. I have checked few forums, as per they said, it is possible only for Android to load java script for loading data layer in Google maps.
So, my requirement is, I want to show some java script which contains geojson data as layer and then after that, I have to draw a route or path from start point to end point in map(like user started walking from 1 place to other place around 1 to 10 kms like footsteps).
I seen in Google maps forum, only Android and Web possible this kind requirement.
And I have checked MapBox library too, I am not sure whether it will help to my requirement. But, my preference is Google Maps.
Anyone can suggest me how to achieve this?

Is it possible to read a Google Spreadsheet from (server-VM-run) Dart code?

I'd like to read data from a Google Drive Spreadsheet in Dart code (running as a console app in the VM, not in the browser). I'm somewhat confused by the names of the API; Sheets is part of Google Drive, but all the Google Drive API docs I can find relate to integrating the UI of Drive into your app.
There's also this question on SO, but it's over 2 years so I'm hoping that it's no longer correct, and there is an API.
I found this Dart Google API library, but it says:
Please use the Google API Dart libraries in, the Dart package manager
Search for 'google' or the API of your choice. For example:
However I'm struggling to find which package I'm supposed to use. The Drive API one doesn't have a lot of info, and there doesn't appear to be one with "Sheets" or "Docs" in the name.
You need to use the Spreadsheet API
There isn't a Dart lib for it, but it's a well formed REST API so very easy to program against.
Sheets is not exactly part of Google Drive, it is part of the Google Docs productivity suite that is stored in Google Drive. Google Drive is the general cloud storage layer. The Drive API is for interacting with files of all types that are stored in Drive. You can interact with Sheets files using that API to modify metadata or import or export to/from other formats like csvs. That is possible to do from Dart (I'm not sure if there is a Dart-specific client library, but this API is just rest calls so its always possible.)
If you want to interact with a Sheet at a lower level to do things like modify a single cell, you can use AppScript, however that cannot be done from Dart.
Usually for Google APIs support generators that create access libraries for every language.
For example
You can generate them yourself (also for your own endpoints) using but for most APIs there are packages already in

Building a Bing Store Locator

I've tried Google but I'm not smart enough to build my own Google Store locator. Everything is either old or in PHP and I use Python. Even GAE uses Python but I can't find any tutorials for Python at all. I even had a bounty here on S.o. for resources to a Python store locator and the only answer had a post from 2008 that was updated to "deprecated" on the post itself.
So I decided to give Bing a try and it has more noob options, such as "enter address here" and then it's listed in the app. The only problem is that everything is pointing me to Bing Spacial Datasend and it says they want to charge an arm and a leg.
Also, if you know of any, are there any good tutorials on building a Bing Store Locator? Google search has come up empty for me but they could always be hiding them. Thanks.
If you have less than 50 locations you can use the Bing Spatial Data Services under the free terms of use. If your application is a public facing web site, which most store locators are you can also generate 125,000 transactions against Bing Maps for free per year. If this is enough or not would depend on the number of stores and customers you have. The Bing Spatial Data Services is a really good option as you simply upload your data and it exposes it as a spatial rest service for you which you can access directly from JavaScript without the need for any server side code. Here is an example of how to query a data source in the Bing Spatial Data Services:
If your application has a lot more volume then you would need a Bing Maps license. The cost of a license varies depending on the amount of transactions your application will use. If you have a Bing Maps license data sources can have up to 600,000 locations in a single data source and each Bing Maps account is allowed up to 25 data sources.

Training data for a recommender system of a location based social network

I'm currently developing a location based social network in Ruby on Rails. I also want to include a recommendation system. For testing the algorithms of this recommendations I need some real, anonymous training data. I've found the data from the Netflix Prize, but they are only including .
I'm searching for data that includes
locations or venues
check-ins (like in foursquare)
Does anybody know a good source for such data? Or a proven algorithm for generating this data? Or any other idea?
Search for random graph generation algorithms (more prciese, "social graph generation") to simulate social graph. Try retrieving the some test geolocation data by Google maps API or similar services. Unfortunately, I don't know what is "check-ins (like in foursquare)".
Also see Free Social Graph Data
I've finally solved it by using the gowalla API. Here you get a lot of information about users, without asking the users to permit the access to their data (kinda strange, but it works).
check it out:
