Monit failing to restart sidekiq - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to get monit to restart my sidekiq service on CentOS server. After trying multiple solutions out there, I'm stumped, still failing to start the service.
My sidekiq file from monit.d:
check process sidekiq
with pidfile /var/www/App/tmp/pids/
start program = "/bin/bash -l -c 'sudo cd /var/www/App && bundle exec sidekiq --index 0 --pidfile /var/www/App/tmp/pids/ --environment production --logfile /var/www/App/log/sidekiq.log --daemon'" as uid deploy and gid deploy
stop program = "/bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/App && bundle exec sidekiqctl stop /var/www/App/tmp/pids/ 10'" as uid deploy and gid deploy
if totalmem is greater than 512 MB for 2 cycles then restart
if 3 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout
If I run start program command manually, it starts the sidekiq fine but the monit doesn't seem to do anything. Just comes up with:
[BST Oct 6 11:51:17] error : 'sidekiq' process is not running
[BST Oct 6 11:51:17] info : 'sidekiq' trying to restart
[BST Oct 6 11:51:17] info : 'sidekiq' start: /bin/bash
[BST Oct 6 11:52:47] error : 'sidekiq' failed to start
So it is including file fine, but somehow doesn't manage to start the service from the script.
What can it be? Some permissions issue of sorts?

You need to update to the latest Monit version (5.14).
Remove your current monit installation and follow these instructions:
Hope it helps!
PS: Found the solution here:

according to Debugging monit
I found i need set PATH.
my start program:
/bin/bash -c 'cd /home/vagrant/apps/skylark/current; PATH=/home/vagrant/.rbenv/shims:/home/vagrant/.rbenv/bin:$PATH bundle exec sidekiq -d -e production -C -P /home/vagrant/apps/skylark/shared/tmp/pids/ -L /home/vagrant/apps/skylark/shared/log/sidekiq.log'

i think the issue is with your user. You need to execute using deploy user.
check process sidekiq
with pidfile /var/www/App/tmp/pids/
start program = "/bin/su - deploy -c 'sudo cd /var/www/App && bundle exec sidekiq --index 0 --pidfile /var/www/App/tmp/pids/ --environment production --logfile /var/www/App/log/sidekiq.log --daemon'" as uid deploy and gid deploy
stop program = "/bin/su - deploy -c 'cd /var/www/App && bundle exec sidekiqctl stop /var/www/App/tmp/pids/ 10'" as uid deploy and gid deploy
if totalmem is greater than 512 MB for 2 cycles then restart
if 3 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout


Sidekiq launches and mysteriously disappears when started by Capistrano

I'm struggling with starting sidekiq remotely with a custom v2 capistrano task:
namespace :sidekiq do
desc "Start sidekiq"
task :start do
run "cd #{current_path} && bundle exec sidekiq --version"
run "cd #{current_path} && bundle exec sidekiq --environment production --daemon --config config/sidekiq.yml && echo OK"
* 2018-01-05 11:40:51 executing `sidekiq:start'
* executing "cd /home/deploy/applications/xxx/current && bundle exec sidekiq --version"
servers: [""]
[] executing command
** [out ::] Sidekiq 5.0.5
** [out ::]
command finished in 1424ms
* executing "cd /home/deploy/applications/xxx/current && bundle exec sidekiq --environment production --daemon --config config/sidekiq.yml && echo OK"
servers: [""]
[] executing command
** [out ::] OK
command finished in 1128ms
I can confirm I'm getting the environment (rbenv & bundler correctly) as the first run cmd shows. But unexpectedly the sidekiq task starts and dispersal into obliviom: 1) tmp/pids/ gets initialized but the process not exists and 2) logs/sidekiq.log gets created but only with the header:
# Logfile created on 2018-01-05 11:34:09 -0300 by logger.rb/56438
If I remove the --daemon switch I get the process running perfectly, but of course the capistrano deploy task never ends and when I do CTRL+C sidekiq closes.
If I just ssh into the remote and execute the command (replacing current_path obviously) it works perfectly.
I've tried almost everything I can imagine: not using a config.file, using RAILS_ENV instead of --environment, etc.
As the "&& echo OK" shows, the command is not returning an error.
Capistrano is using "/bin/bash --login -c 'cd /home/deploy/applications/microgestion/current && bundle exec sidekiq --environment production --daemon --config config/sidekiq.yml'" as far as I can tell to run the command.
Ruby v2.3.3, Capistrano 2.15.5, Sidekiq 5.0.5, Rails 4.0.12
Solved it by adding && sleep 1 at the end as explained here:
desc "Start sidekiq"
task :start do
run "cd #{current_path} && bundle exec sidekiq --environment production --daemon --config config/sidekiq.yml && sleep 1"
Thanks #user3309314 for pointing me in the correct direction.
If you use plain Capistrano to daemonize Sidekiq, any crash will lead to downtime. Don't do this. You need to use a process monitor that will restart the Sidekiq process if it dies. Use systemd, upstart and/or Foreman as explained in the docs.

monit: failed to restart

I am using monit for sidekiq
while I am running the monit log file, it is showing the error.
[EDT Jun 18 09:50:11] error : 'sidekiq_site' process is not running
[EDT Jun 18 09:50:11] info : 'sidekiq_site' trying to restart
[EDT Jun 18 09:50:11] info : 'sidekiq_site' start: /bin/bash
[EDT Jun 18 09:51:41] error : 'sidekiq_site' failed to start
check process sidekiq_site
with pidfile /var/www/project/shared/pids/
start program = "bash -c 'cd /var/www/project/current ; RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec sidekiq --index 0 --pidfile /var/www/project/shared/pids/ --environment production --logfile /var/www/project/shared/log/sidekiq.log --daemon'" as uid root and gid root with timeout 90 seconds
stop program = "bash -c 'if [ -d /var/www/project/current ] && [ -f /var/www/project/shared/pids/ ] && kill -0 `cat /var/www/project/shared/pids/`> /dev/null 2>&1; then cd /var/www/project/current && bundle exec sidekiqctl stop /var/www/project/shared/pids/ 1 ; else echo 'Sidekiq is not running'; fi'" as uid root and gid root
if totalmem is greater than 200 MB for 2 cycles then restart # eating up memory?
group site_sidekiq
set daemon 30
set logfile /var/log/monit.log
set idfile /var/lib/monit/id
set statefile /var/lib/monit/state
set eventqueue
basedir /var/lib/monit/events
slots 100
set httpd port 2812
allow admin:""
set httpd port 2812 and
use address
allow xx.xx.xx.xx
check system trrm_server
if loadavg(5min) > 2 for 2 cycles then alert
if memory > 75% for 2 cycles then alert
if cpu(user) > 75% for 2 cycles then alert
include /etc/monit/conf.d/*
When running a start/stop event in monit there is no path variable set, therefore all programs must have absolute paths, even your call to bash.
No environment variables are used by Monit

How to update ENV variable on Passenger standalone restart

I'm using Capistrano to deploy my application. Application runs on Passenger standalone. When I redeploy the application the Passenger still uses the Gemfile from the the old release because BUNDLE_GEMFILE environment variable has not been updated.
Where I should put the updated path to Gemfile so that Passenger would pick it up on restart?
The server startup command is in monit and I just call monit scripts from Capistrano tasks except for restart where I just touch the restart.txt.
namespace :deploy do
task :stop do
run("sudo /usr/bin/monit stop my_app_#{rails_env}")
task :restart do
run("cd #{current_path} && touch tmp/restart.txt")
task :start do
run("sudo /usr/bin/monit start my_app_#{rails_env}")
The startup command in monit is:
start program = "/bin/su - app_user -l -c 'cd /home/app_user/current && bundle exec passenger start -d -p 8504 -e production --pid-file=/home/app_user/current/tmp/pids/ /home/app_user/current'"
I already tried to add the BUNDLE_GEMFILE into the startup command like this:
start program = "/bin/su - app_user -l -c 'cd /home/app_user/current && BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/home/app_user/current/Gemfile bundle exec passenger start -d -p 8504 -e production --pid-file=/home/app_user/current/tmp/pids/ /home/app_user/current'"
But it didn't work since the path /home/app_user/current is a symlink to a release path and that release path was picked up instead.
Simple solution.
Define the Gemfile to be used in the server start command. For example:
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/home/app_user/current/Gemfile bundle exec passenger start -d -p 9999 -e production --pid-file=/home/app_user/current/tmp/pids/ /home/app_user/current
The earlier solution (setting the BUNDLE_GEMFILE env variable in .profile) is not good. When you are deploying a new version of your application and there is a new gem in the bundle the migrations etc. will fail because it will still use the Gemfile defined in the env variable.

Start Unicorn with Runit and User's RVM

I'm deploying my Rails App servers with Chef. Have just swapped to RVM from a source install of Ruby (because I was having issues with my deploy user).
Now I have my deploy sorted, assets compiled and bundler's installed all my gems.
The problem I have is supervising Unicorn with Runit..
RVM is not installed as root user - only as my deploy user has it, as follows:
$ rvm list
rvm rubies
=* ruby-2.0.0-p247 [ x86_64 ]
I can manually start Unicorn successfully from my deploy user. However, it won't start as part of runit.
My run file looks like this. I have also tried the solution in this SO question unsuccessfully..
cd /var/www/html/deploy/production/current
exec 2>&1
exec chpst -u deploy:deploy /home/deploy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/unicorn -E production -c config/unicorn_production.rb
If I run it manually, I get this error:
/usr/bin/env: ruby_noexec_wrapper: No such file or directory
I created a small script (gist here) which does run as root. However, if I call this from runit, I see the workers start but I get two processes for runit and I can't stop or restart the service:
Output of ps:
1001 29062 1 0 00:08 ? 00:00:00 unicorn master -D -E production -c /var/www/html/deploy/production/current/config/unicorn_production.rb
1001 29065 29062 9 00:08 ? 00:00:12 unicorn worker[0] -D -E production -c /var/www/html/deploy/production/current/config/unicorn_production.rb
root 29076 920 0 00:08 ? 00:00:00 su - deploy -c cd /var/www/html/deploy/production/current; export GEM_HOME=/home/deploy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247; /home/deploy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/unicorn -D -E production -c /var/www/html/deploy/production/current/config/unicorn_production.rb
1001 29083 29076 0 00:08 ? 00:00:00 -su -c cd /var/www/html/deploy/production/current; export GEM_HOME=/home/deploy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247; /home/deploy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/unicorn -D -E production -c /var/www/html/deploy/production/current/config/unicorn_production.rb
What should I do here? Move back to monit which worked nicely?
your run file is doing it wrong, you are using the binary without setting the environment, for that purpose you should use wrappers:
rvm wrapper ruby-2.0.0-p247 --no-links unicorn
To simplify the script use alias so it does not need to be changed when you decide which ruby should be used:
rvm alias create my_app_unicorn ruby-2.0.0-p247
And change the script to:
cd /var/www/html/deploy/production/current
exec 2>&1
exec chpst -u deploy:deploy /home/deploy/.rvm/wrappers/my_app_unicorn/unicorn -E production -c config/unicorn_production.rb
This will ensure proper environment is used for execution of unicorn and any time you want change ruby used to run it just crate alias to a new ruby.

Managing Resque workers with Monit on RBenv setup

I'm trying to set up Monit to manage Resque workers, but it fails to start saying /home/deployer/.rbenv/shims/bundle: line 4: exec: rbenv: not found
I've checked that it is running commands as deployer user and if I copy and paste the command directly via SSH everything works fine. Below is my Monit configuration. Thanks!
check process resque_worker_1
with pidfile CURRENT_PATH/tmp/pids/
start program = "/usr/bin/env HOME=/home/deployer RACK_ENV=production PATH=/home/deployer/.rbenv/shims:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/ruby/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH /bin/sh -l -c 'cd CURRENT_PATH; bundle exec rake environment resque:work RAILS_ENV=production QUEUE=high,normal,low VERBOSE=1 PIDFILE=CURRENT_PATH/tmp/pids/ >> CURRENT_PATH/log/resque_worker_.log 2>&1'"
as uid deployer and gid admin
stop program = "/bin/sh -c 'cd CURRENT_PATH && kill -9 $(cat tmp/pids/ && rm -f tmp/pids/; exit 0;'"
as uid deployer and gid admin
if totalmem is greater than 300 MB for 10 cycles then restart # eating up memory?
group resque_workers
I'm not sure if this helps, but in my monitrc start line, I have to first su to the user I want to run under. I haven't tried to use the uid and gid flags to know if that works well, so this might be a goose-chase of an answer.
I remember having the same issue as you though... everything worked from the command line, but not when monit would do its thing.
For example, in my monitrc, I am monitoring arsendmail with the following:
# arsendmail_rails3
# daemon that watches and sends mail from the rails app
check process ar_sendmail with pidfile /var/www/rak/log/
start program "/bin/su - mike && /bin/bash -c 'cd /var/www/rak && ar_sendmail_rails3 -b1000 -d -e production'"
stop program "/bin/ps -ef | /bin/grep ar_sendmail_rails3 | /bin/grep -v grep | /usr/bin/awk '{ /usr/bin/print $2}' | /usr/bin/xargs /bin/kill -9"
I saw that the topic was created in 2012 but I had a similar problem and this thread is top ranked by google.
The problem is that monit launch commands with a restricted env (env -i PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin /bin/sh to simulate).
To use monit with rbenv you must specify the correct path before your bundle exec command.
PATH=/home/[USER]/.rbenv/bin:/home/[USER]/.rbenv/shims:$PATH bundle exec ...
Example with unicorn:
check process unicorn_dev with pidfile /home/wizville/app/
group dev
start program = "/bin/bash -c 'cd /home/wizville/app/ && PATH=/home/wizville/.rbenv/bin:/home/wizville/.rbenv/shims:$PATH bundle exec unicorn -c config/unicorn.rb -D'" as uid "wizville"
stop program = "/bin/bash -c 'kill -s QUIT `cat /home/wizville/app/`'"
depends on mysql
This worked for me.
check process app_resque_worker with pidfile <%= resque_pid%>
start program = "/usr/bin/env HOME=/home/subcaster RACK_ENV=production PATH=/home/subcaster/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/ruby:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/ruby/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH /bin/sh -l -c \'cd <%= current_path %>; bundle exec rake environment resque:work RAILS_ENV=production BACKGROUND=yes QUEUE=* PIDFILE=<%= resque_pid %>\'"
stop program = "kill -9 cat <%= resque_pid%> && rm -f <%= resque_pid%>"
if totalmem is greater than 2000 MB for 10 cycles then restart
