How to get the last matched text in Flex parser - flex-lexer

I want match something like:
var i=1;
So I want to know if var has started at word boundary.
When it matches this line I want to know the last character of previous yytext.
Just to be sure that a char before var is really a non variable character( aka "\b" in regex)
One crude way to maintain old_yytext in each rule and also have a default rule ".".
How to get it?

The only way is to save a copy of the previous token, or at least the last character. Flex's buffer management strategy does not guarantee that the previous token still exists in memory. It is possible that the current token starts at the beginning of flex's buffer.
But doing the work of saving the previous token in every rule would be really silly. You should trust flex to work as advertised, and write appropriate rules. For example, if your identifier pattern looks like this:
then it is impossible for var to immediately follow an identifier because it would have been included in the idebtifier.
There is one common case in a "normal" flex scanner definition where a keyword or identifier might immediately follow an alphanumeric character, which is when the keyword immediately follows a number (123var). This is not usually a problem, because in almost all languages, it will trigger a syntax error (and if it isn't a syntax error, maybe it is ok :-) )
If you really want to trigger a lexical error, you can add a pattern which recognizes a number followed by a letter.


How to force no whitespace in dot notation

I'm attempting to implement an existing scripting language using Ply. Everything has been alright until I hit a section with dot notation being used on objects. For most operations, whitespace doesn't matter, so I put it in the ignore list. "3+5" works the same as "3 + 5", etc. However, in the existing program that uses this scripting language (which I would like to keep this as accurate to as I can), there are situations where spaces cannot be inserted, for example "this.field.array[5]" can't have any spaces between the identifier and the dot or bracket. Is there a way to indicate this in the parser rule without having to handle whitespace not being important everywhere else? Or am I better off building these items in the lexer?
Unless you do something in the lexical scanner to pass whitespace through to the parser, there's not a lot the parser can do.
It would be useful to know why this.field.array[5] must be written without spaces. (Or, maybe, mostly without spaces: perhaps this.field.array[ 5 ] is acceptable.) Is there some other interpretation if there are spaces? Or is it just some misguided aesthetic judgement on the part of the scripting language's designer?
The second case is a lot simpler. If the only possibilities are a correct parse without space or a syntax error, it's only necessary to validate the expression after it's been recognised by the parser. A simple validation function would simply check that the starting position of each token (available as p.lexpos(i) where p is the action function's parameter and i is the index of the token the the production's RHS) is precisely the starting position of the previous token plus the length of the previous token.
One possible reason to require the name of the indexed field to immediately follow the . is to simplify the lexical scanner, in the event that it is desired that otherwise reserved words be usable as member names. In theory, there is no reason why any arbitrary identifier, including language keywords, cannot be used as a member selector in an expression like object.field. The . is an unambiguous signal that the following token is a member name, and not a different syntactic entity. JavaScript, for example, allows arbitrary identifiers as member names; although it might confuse readers, nothing stops you from writing obj.if = true.
That's a big of a challenge for the lexical scanner, though. In order to correctly analyse the input stream, it needs to be aware of the context of each identifier; if the identifier immediately follows a . used as a member selector, the keyword recognition rules must be suppressed. This can be done using lexical states, available in most lexer generators, but it's definitely a complication. Alternatively, one can adopt the rule that the member selector is a single token, including the .. In that case, obj.if consists of two tokens (obj, an IDENTIFIER, and .if, a SELECTOR). The easiest implementation is to recognise SELECTOR using a pattern like \.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*. (That's not what JavaScript does. In JavaScript, it's not only possible to insert arbitrary whitespace between the . and the selector, but even comments.)
Based on a comment by the OP, it seems plausible that this is part of the reasoning for the design of the original scripting language, although it doesn't explain the prohibition of whitespace before the . or before a [ operator.
There are languages which resolve grammatical ambiguities based on the presence or absence of surrounding whitespace, for example in disambiguating operators which can be either unary or binary (Swift); or distinguishing between the use of | as a boolean operator from its use as an absolute value expression (uncommon but see; or even distinguishing the use of (...) in grouping expressions from their use in a function call. (Awk, for example). So it's certainly possible to imagine a language in which the . and/or [ tokens have different interpretations depending on the presence or absence of surrounding whitespace.
If you need to distinguish the cases of tokens with and without surrounding whitespace so that the grammar can recognise them in different ways, then you'll need to either pass whitespace through as a token, which contaminates the entire grammar, or provide two (or more) different versions of the tokens whose syntax varies depending on whitespace. You could do that with regular expressions, but it's probably easier to do it in the lexical action itself, again making use of the lexer state. Note that the lexer state includes lexdata, the input string itself, and lexpos, the index of the next input character; the index of the first character in the current token is in the token's lexpos attribute. So, for example, a token was preceded by whitespace if t.lexpos == 0 or t.lexer.lexdata[t.lexpos-1].isspace(), and it is followed by whitespace if t.lexer.lexpos == len(t.lexer.lexdata) or t.lexer.lexdata[t.lexer.lexpos].isspace().
Once you've divided tokens into two or more token types, you'll find that you really don't need the division in most productions. So you'll usually find it useful to define a new non-terminal for each token type representing all of the whitespace-context variants of that token; then, you only need to use the specific variants in productions where it matters.

ANTLR4 - Parse subset of a language (e.g. just query statements)

I'm trying to figure out how I can best parse just a subset of a given language with ANTLR. For example, say I'm looking to parse U-SQL. Really, I'm only interested in parsing certain parts of the language, such as query statements. I couldn't be bothered with parsing the many other features of the language. My current approach has been to design my lexer / parser grammar as follows:
// ...
: queryStatement
| undefinedStatement
// ...
: (.)+?
// ...
: (.)+?
The gist is, I add a fall-back parser rule and lexer rule for undefined structures and tokens. I imagine later, when I go to walk the parse tree, I can simply ignore the undefined statements in the tree, and focus on the statements I'm interested in.
This seems like it would work, but is this an optimal strategy? Are there more elegant options available? Thanks in advance!
Parsing a subpart of a grammar is super easy. Usually you have a top level rule which you call to parse the full input with the entire grammar.
For the subpart use the function that parses only a subrule like:
const expression = parser.statement();
I use this approach frequently when I want to parse stored procedures or data types only.
Keep in mind however, that subrules usually are not termined with the EOF token (as the top level rule should be). This will cause no syntax error if more than the subelement is in the token stream (the parser just stops when the subrule has matched completely). If that's a problem for you then add a copy of the subrule you wanna parse, give it a dedicated name and end it with EOF, like this:
dataTypeDefinition: // For external use only. Don't reference this in the normal grammar.
dataType EOF
dataType: // type in sql_yacc.yy
type = (
Check the MySQL grammar for more details.
This general idea -- to parse the interesting bits of an input and ignore the sea of surrounding tokens -- is usually called "island parsing". There's an example of an island parser in the ANTLR reference book, although I don't know if it is directly applicable.
The tricky part of island parsing is getting the island boundaries right. If you miss a boundary, or recognise as a boundary something which isn't, then your parse will fail disastrously. So you need to understand the input at least well enough to be able to detect where the islands are. In your example, that might mean recognising a SELECT statement, for example. However, you cannot blindly recognise the string of letters SELECT because that string might appear inside a string constant or a comment or some other context in which it was never intended to be recognised as a token at all.
I suspect that if you are going to parse queries, you'll basically need to be able to recognise any token. So it's not going to be sea of uninspected input characters. You can view it as a sea of recognised but unparsed tokens. In that case, it should be reasonably safe to parse a non-query statement as a keyword followed by arbitrary tokens other than ; and ending with a ;. (But you might need to recognise nested blocks; I don't really know what the possibilities are.)

Ragel - how to return one token at a time

I want to build a one-token-per-call ragel grammar / thing.
I'm relatively new to Ragel (but not new to compilers, etc).
I've written a grammar for a json-like notation (three levels deep). It emits C code.
My input comes in complete strings (no need to cross buffer boundaries).
I want to call my grammar with the input string, have the grammar return one token. Then call it again and have it return the next token and so on. Until end of string. Then, call again with a new string.
One would think that a state machine would be perfectly suited to this kind of behaviour, but I haven't yet been able to figure how to accomplish this in Ragel.
Your best bet is probably to call fbreak after each token, then call the machine again without re-initializing p or cs.
From the (Ragel 6.9) manual:
fbreak; – Advance p, save the target state to cs and immediately break out of the execute loop. This statement is useful in conjunction with the noend write option. Rather than process input until pe is arrived at, the fbreak statement can be used to stop processing from an action. After an fbreak statement the p variable will point to the next character in the input. The current state will be the target of the current transition. Note that fbreak causes the target state’s to-state actions to be skipped.
Note that you don't actually need the noend option. That option is for ignoring pe, which is probably not what you want to do in this case, since you want the parser to be able to detect the end of the string it's parsing.

Checking input grammar and deciding a result

Say I have a string "abacabacabadcdcdcd" and I want to apply a simple set of rules:
From left to right s.t. the string ends up being "abad". This output will be used to make a decision. After the rules are applied, if the output string does not match preset strings such as "abad", the original string would be discarded. ex. Every string should distill down to "abad", kick if it doesn't.
I have this hard-coded right now as regex, but there are many instances of these small rule sets. I am looking for something that will take a set of simple rules and compile (or just a function?) into something I can feed the string to and retrieve a result. The rule sets are independent of each other.
The input is tightly controlled, and the rules in use will be simple. Speed is the most important aspect.
I've looked at Bison and ANTLR, but I don't think I need anything nearly that powerful...
What am I looking for?
Edit: Should mention that the strings are made up of a couple letters. Usually 5, i.e. "abcde". There are no spaces, etc. Just letters.
If it is going to go fast, you can start out with a map, that contains your rules as key value pairs of strings. You can then compile this map to a sort of state machine, a tree with char keys, where the associated value is either a replacement string, or another tree.
You then go char by char through your string. Look up the current char in the tree. If you find another tree, look up the next character in that tree, etc.
At some point, either:
the lookup will fail, and then you know that the string you've seen so far is not the prefix of any rule. You can skip the current character and continue with the next.
or you get a replacement string. In that case, you can replace the characters between the current char and the last one you looked up inclusive by the replacement string.
The only difficulty is if the replacement can itself be part of a pattern to replace. Example:
ab -> e
cd -> b
The input:
acd -> ab (by rule 2)
ab -> e (by rule 1) ????
Now the question is if you want to reconsider ab to give e?
If this is so, you must start over from the beginning after each replacement. In addition, it will be hard to tell whether the replacement ever ends, except if all the rules you have are such that the right hand side is shorter than the left hand side. For, in that case, a finite string will get reduced in a finite amount of time.
But if we don't need to reconsider, the algorithm above will go straight through the string.

Regex: Match a string containing numbers and letters but not a string of just numbers

I would like to be able to use a single regex (if possible) to require that a string fits [A-Za-z0-9_] but doesn't allow:
Strings containing just numbers or/and symbols.
Strings starting or ending with symbols
Multiple symbols next to eachother
Reasons for the Rules
The purpose of this is to filter usernames for a website I'm working on. I've arrived at the rules for specific reasons.
Usernames with only numbers and/or symbols could cause problems with routing and database lookups. The route for /users/#{id} allows id to be either the user's id or user's name. So names and ids shouldn't be able to collide.
_test looks wierd and I don't believe it's valid subdomain i.e.
I don't like the look of t__t as a subdomain. i.e.
This matches exactly what you want:
At least one alphabetic character (the [a-z] in the middle).
Does not begin or end with an underscore (the (?!_) and (?<!_) at the beginning and end).
May have any number of numbers, letters, or underscores before and after the alphabetic character, but every underscore must be separated by at least one number or letter (the rest).
Edit: In fact, you probably don't even need the lookahead/lookbehinds due to how the rest of the regex works - the first ?: parenthetical won't allow an underscore until after an alphanumeric, and the second ?: parenthetical won't allow an underscore unless it's before an alphanumeric:
Should work fine.
I'm sure that you could put all this into one regular expression, but it won't be simple and I'm not sure why insist on it being one regex. Why not use multiple passes during validation? If the validation checks are done when users create a new account, there really isn't any reason to try to cram it into one regex. (That is, you will only be dealing with one item at a time, not hundreds or thousands or more. A few passes over a normal sized username should take very little time, I would think.)
First reject if the name doesn't contain at least one number; then reject if the name doesn't contain at least one letter; then check that the start and end are correct; etc. Each of those passes could be a simple to read and easy to maintain regular expression.
What about:
It doesn't use a back reference.
Succeeds for all your test cases. Is ruby compatible.
This doesn't block "__", but it does get the rest:
And here's the longer form that gets all your rules:
dang, that's ugly. I'll agree with Telemachus, that you probably shouldn't do this with one regex, even though it's technically possible. regex is often a pain for maintenance.
The question asks for a single regexp, and implies that it should be a regexp that matches, which is fine, and answered by others. For interest, though, I note that these rules are rather easier to state directly as a regexp that should not match. I.e.:
x !~ /[^A-Za-z0-9_]|^_|_$|__|^\d+$/
no other characters than letters, numbers and _
can't start with a _
can't end with a _
can't have two _s in a row
can't be all digits
You can't use it this way in a Rails validates_format_of, but you could put it in a validate method for the class, and I think you'd have much better chance of still being able to make sense of what you meant, a month or a year from now.
Here you go:
If you want to restrict the symbols you want to accept, simply change all [^a-zA-Z0-9] with [] containing all allowed symbols
This one works.
Look ahead to make sure there's at least one letter in the string, then start consuming input. Every time there is an underscore, there must be a number or a letter before the next underscore.
Your question is essentially the same as this one, with the added requirement that at least one of the characters has to be a letter. The negative lookahead - (?![\d_]+$) - takes care of that part, and is much easier (both to read and write) than incorporating it into the basic regex as some others have tried to do.
That would work for your first two rules (since it requires a letter at the beginning and end for the second rule, it automatically requires letters).
I'm not sure the third rule is possible using regexes.
