setting mandatory field automatically in Rails from Model callback, when and how? - ruby-on-rails

I have this model which has a mandatory field which needs to be automatically set just before save. I'm struggling with the correct way to implement this:
build the logic in the controller before the save (and have validates rule in model)
build the logic in a before_save callback and have validates rule in model, but this seems to late in the flow? I do get validation errors this way.
build the logic in a before_save callback and don't define validation for this particular field
do it any of the ways above and don't assign a validates rule for the particular field
I was working on 2 since this seems like the correct way to implement this. Was considering the usage of before_validation, but I don't know what would happen when my other fields don't get validated... this could cause double assignment of the same value..
code for 2 which gives a basic idea of what I'm trying to achieve:
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create :set_position_number
def set_position_number
highest = Category.maximum(:position)
self.position = highest.to_i + 1

I'm struggling with the correct way to implement this
The most efficient way will be to use an ActiveRecord callback hook, such as you've posted:
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create :your_action
def your_action
#fires before create
but this seems to late in the flow
As mentioned in the comments, you can see the order of the callbacks (and thus their order in the flow):
Thus, if you want to populate some data before you validate, and then validate that data, you'll be best using the before_validation callback:
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
before_validation :set_position_number, on: :create
validates :position, ______________
def set_position_number
highest = Category.maximum(:position)
self.position = highest.to_i + 1
Remember, a Rails model just populates certain attributes which are then to be either saved to the db, or validated. Rails does not care where those attributes come from; populating them before_validation is a good a source as the controller.

If you are setting a value automatically and don't take user input, you don't need validation. Write a unit test.
If the field is something like a position value, then you should indeed set it in a before_create callback.


ActiveRecord, validates_uniqueness_of :name not catching non-uniquness if I have a capitalize method

I have a simple capitalize method so that when user submits a new band in the band page it returns it with the first letter capitalized.
Inside my Band class I also have a validates_uniqueness_of :band_name to see if there is already a band with the same entry. See code below:
class Band < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :venues
validates :band_name, :presence => true
before_save :title_case
validates_uniqueness_of :band_name
def title_case
So if I type in someband, it creates it and displays it as Someband. If I type someband again, ActiveRecord sees it as unique and I'll get another Someband. The only way it works is if I type Someband. How would I remedy this situation?
I think what you want to do is this
validates_uniqueness_of :band_name, :case_sensitive :false, allow_blank: false
Take a look at
:case_sensitive - Looks for an exact match. Ignored by non-text
columns (true by default).
The reason your code doesn't work is because validations happen before the before_save callbacks are triggered. Check out the list of ActiveRecord::Callbacks for the order in which things are called.
MZaragoza's answer is a great option for making your validation work regardless of what casing your users might enter. It will prevent things like "someband" and "SomeBand" from being added. I recommend including that as part of your solution.
Another option very similar to the code you already have is to switch to using the before_validation callback:
before_validation :title_case
I highly recommend using the before_validation callbacks instead of before_save callbacks whenever data changes that may be relevant to your validation rules, regardless of what other changes you make. That ensures that you are checking that actual state of the model that you plan to save to the database.
You can use attribute setter instead of before_save callback to capitalize your value without postponing.
def band_name=(value)
self['band_name'] = value && value.mb_chars.capitalize

Is there a nice way to find the trigger method of an ActiveRecored validation?

I have a model that has multiple validations. I want to skip one validation only if it was triggered (in my case, by saving) from a certain method.
To clarify, I don't want to skip the rest of validations.
I can inspect the call stack by the caller array, but I wonder if it can be done in a nicer way?
Yes, this is what you're looking for. Here is an example:
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :skip_validation
validates :my_validation, unless: :skip_validation
validates :another_validation
Then, wherever you want to skip my_validation just set skip_validation to true on your object before you call save.
m =
m.skip_validation = true # my_validation will not run, and another_validation will run

before_validation, on: :save vs before_save

Say I have a model where I may need to manipulate some of its attributes before saving it:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :email
# before_validation :set_name_from_email, on: :save
# OR
# before_save :set_name_from_email
def set_name_from_email ||= email
If I had to validates :name, presence: true then of course this would have to go in a before_validation. But if there is (as the code stands now) no chance of the callback affecting the validity of the object, is it better to put it in before_save?
It seems neater to have all your data manipulating callbacks in either one or the other bucket, in case the code changes and the callback now COULD affect validity, but then again it seems bad to run callbacks unnecessarily when calling things like .valid?.
Any strong opinions either way?
Normally I would place all data manipulating in the before_save since it is logical to have all data manipulations in one place (before saving).
However, if you would have validations on the name field in the future (even when the data manipulation does not affect validity) you should put your data manipulation in a before_validation, because you don't want storing data y in your db while validating data x.
You can read more about this here:
Since you are not actually validating anything, but manipulating an attribute, you should use a before_save callback.
Custom validation methods usually add an error to the model, and your set_name_from_email is not doing that.
Unless you want to validate the value that your own method assigned to "name", you can use both.
But if your method can result to an invalid name you should use before_validation.

Advice on "Dynamic" Model validation

I have a model named Calendar.
The validations that will be applied to it varies from the selections made by the user.
I know that I can use custom validation + conditional validation to do this, but doesn't look very clean to me.
I wonder if I can store it on a database column and pass it to a "generic" validator method.
What do you think?
Explaining further:
A user has a calendar.
Other users that have access to this calendar, can schedule appointments.
To schedule an appointment the app should validate according to the rules defined by the calendar's owner.
There are many combinations, so what I came to is:
Create custom validator classes to each of the possible validations and make then conditional.
class Calendar
validate_allowed_in_hollydays :appointment_date if :allowedinhollydays?
(tenths of other cases)
This works, but feels wrong.
I'm thinking about storing somewhere which rules should be applied to that calendar and then doing something like:
validate_stored_rules :appointment_date
It seems a little backwards to save the data in the database and then validate it.
I think your initial thought of going with some custom validation is the best bet. validates_with looks like your best option. You could then create a separate class and build all the validation inside that to keep it separate from your main model.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_with GoodnessValidator
class GoodnessValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
def validate
if record.first_name == "Evil"
record.errors[:base] << "This person is evil"
Code lifted straight from the Rails Validation Guide
you should use with_options it allows to put default options into your code:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
with_options :if => :is_admin do |admin|
admin.validates_length_of :password, :minimum => 10
in the example is_admin might be an database column, attr_accessor or an method
Thank you all for your help.
I've got it working like this:
def after_initialize
singleton = class << self; self; end
validations = eval(calendar.cofig)
validations.each do |val|

How to set some field in model as readonly when a condition is met?

I have models like this:
class Person
has_many :phones
class Phone
belongs_to :person
I want to forbid changing phones associated to person when some condition is met. Forbidden field is set to disabled in html form. When I added a custom validation to check it, it caused save error even when phone doesn't change. I think it is because a hash with attributes is passed to
and there is some data with phone number (because form include fields for phone). How to update only attributes that changed? Or how to create validation that ignore saves when a field isn't changing? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong?
You might be able to use the
changed # => []
changed? # => true|false
changes # => {}
methods that are provided.
The changed method will return an array of changed attributes which you might be able to do an include?(...) against to build the functionality you are looking for.
Maybe something like
validate :check_for_changes
def check_for_changes
errors.add_to_base("Field is not changed") unless changed.include?("field")
def validate
errors.add :phone_number, "can't be updated" if phone_number_changed?
-- don't know if this works with associations though
Other way would be to override update_attributes, find values that haven't changed and remove them from params hash and finally call original update_attributes.
Why don't you use before_create, before_save callbacks in model to restrict create/update/save/delete or virtually any such operation. I think hooking up observers to decide whether you want to restrict the create or allow; would be a good approach. Following is a short example.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
#These callbacks are run every time a save/create is done.
before_save :ensure_my_condition_is_met
before_create :some_other_condition_check
def some_other_condition_check
#checks here
def ensure_my_condition_is_met
# checks here
More information for callbacks can be obtained here:
Hope it helps.
