I have a Sinatra app that's mounted on a Rails app under /admin. The Sinatra app is an admin dashboard, and therefore should only be available to authorized users.
To enforce that, I built a piece of Rack Middleware that will run before the Sinatra app is called.
The logic is simple -
If user is authenticated, continue as normal
If user is not authenticated, redirect to the root path with a flash alert message (I'm using the rack-flash gem to allow access to the flash messages in Rack)
Code below. I feel like I'm missing something in the redirect method. The Rack::Builder block constructs a mini-Rack application and the block inside further creates another Rack application (the Proc) that builds the Redirect Response with flash message.
When I run it, I get undefined method 'detect' for nil:NilClass, which indicates that neither block is returning a valid non-nil response. Do I need to run call somewhere on one of these blocks?
I'm using a Puma Webserver if that helps.
require "rack"
require "rack-flash"
class AdminAuthorizer
def initialize(app)
#app = app
def call(env)
#env = env
id = #env["rack.session"][:user_id]
user = User.where(id: id).first
# Check if user is authorized, otherwise redirect
user.admin? ? ok : redirect
def ok
def redirect
Rack::Builder.new do
use Rack::Flash, sweep: true, accessorize: true
Proc.new do |env|
env["x-rack.flash"].alert = "Insufficient permissions"
res = Rack::Response.new
Ok, figured it out myself for anyone else that's curious.
I had to use the env key 'action_dispatch.request.flash_hash', which is used by the Flash middelware here
I didn't have to use the rack-flash gem, although I'm sure that's still useful when building Sinatra apps and such
NOTE: This is on Rails v4.2.4. I believe there have been several changes to that Flash module since, so I don't know if that key has changed. But you can confirm by searching the latest repo for a similar definition.
require "rack"
class AdminAuthorizer
FLASH = ActionDispatch::Flash
def initialize(app)
#app = app
def call(env)
#env = env
id = #env["rack.session"][:user_id]
user = User.where(id: id).first
# Check if user is authorized, otherwise redirect
user.admin? ? ok : redirect
def ok
def redirect
# Calls a Rack application (the defined Proc). If you want to do more steps
# or get fancier, you can wrap this in a Rack::Builder call
# Rack::Builder.app(redirect_proc)
# use (blah)
# run (blah)
# end.call(#env)
def redirect_proc
Proc.new do |env|
# Use the key 'action_dispatch.request.flash_hash' to set
# an new FlashHash object. This will overrite any existing FlashHash
# object, so use it carefully. You can probably avoid that by checking
# for an existing one and adding to it.
env[FLASH::KEY] = FLASH::FlashHash.new(alert: "Insufficient permissions")
# Construct the redirect response
res = Rack::Response.new
I'm trying to write my firsts rack middleware. And need help. I want middleware that find the requestor's IP and if it is in the allowed list of IP continues the request, otherwise it aborts.
The tricky part is I need this to work on heroku where you can't use request.ip: http://developerhemal.tumblr.com/post/3958107290/client-ip-addresses-on-heroku
So I have the following:
class RestrictIP
def initialize(app, message = "Hello")
#app = app
#message = message
def call(env)
#ip = env['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'] ||= env['REMOTE_ADDR']
def each(&block)
block.call("<!-- #{#ip} -->\n")
This errors with:
NoMethodError (You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.[]=):
For my first itteration I just want to make sure I can grab and put the requestor's IP on the html doc.
Any rack middleware experts out there? Thanks
As per this post, it appears you could use the following:
ip = env[‘HTTP_X_REAL_IP’] ||= env[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]
I haven't tested this as I'm not on Heroku.
I have RESTful API written on RoR 3.
I have to make my application not to send "Set-Cookie header" (clients are authorizing using auth_token parameter).
I have tried to use session :off and reset_session but it does not make any sense.
I am using devise as authentication framework.
Here is my ApplicationController
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :reset_session #, :unless => :session_required?
session :off #, :unless => :session_required?
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token
before_filter :access_control_headers!
def options
render :text => ""
def access_control_headers!
response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS"
response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"] = "true"
response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-type"
def session_required?
!(params[:format] == 'xml' or params[:format] == 'json')
Use the built in option.
env['rack.session.options'][:skip] = true
or the equivalent
request.session_options[:skip] = true
You can find the documentation for it here https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/master/lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb#L213
As is mentioned in a comment on John's answer, clearing the session will not prevent the session cookie from being sent. If you wish to totally remove the cookie from being sent, you have to use Rack middleware.
class CookieFilter
def initialize(app)
#app = app
def call(env)
status, headers, body = #app.call(env)
# use only one of the next two lines
# this will remove ALL cookies from the response
headers.delete 'Set-Cookie'
# this will remove just your session cookie
Rack::Utils.delete_cookie_header!(headers, '_app-name_session')
[status, headers, body]
Use it by creating an initializer with the following body:
Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before ::ActionDispatch::Cookies, ::CookieFilter
To prevent the cookie filter to end up in application stack traces, which can be utterly confusing at times, you may want to silence it in the backtrace (Assuming you put it in lib/cookie_filter.rb):
Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line.start_with? "lib/cookie_filter.rb" }
I'm not sure when they added it to Devise, but there appears to be a configuration that will let you disable the sending of the session cookie when using a auth_token:
# By default Devise will store the user in session. You can skip storage for
# :http_auth and :token_auth by adding those symbols to the array below.
# Notice that if you are skipping storage for all authentication paths, you
# may want to disable generating routes to Devise's sessions controller by
# passing :skip => :sessions to `devise_for` in your config/routes.rb
config.skip_session_storage = [:http_auth, :token_auth]
It does work well. The only issue I had was that I still needed to be able to make an initial request to my token_controller in order to generate/retrieve the token. I.e. POST /api/v1/tokens.json, which unfortunately would cause a session cookie to be returned for that request.
So I ended up implementing the CookieFilter intializer that Ryan Ahearn wrote above anyway.
Also, since my app has both a web front-end as well as a JSON api, I only wanted to filter the cookies for the JSON api. So I modified the CookieFilter class to first check the requests belonged to the api:
if env['PATH_INFO'].match(/^\/api/)
Rack::Utils.delete_cookie_header!(headers, '_myapp_session')
Not sure if there's a better way of doing that...
Another solution:
In the controller you want to avoid cookies, add this:
after_filter :skip_set_cookies_header
def skip_set_cookies_header
request.session_options = {}
If you have a set of api controllers, set this in an api_controller class and let your other controllers inherit the api_controller.
This skips setting Set-Cookie header since the session opts is empty.
The default CookieSessionStore doesn't send a "Set-Cookie" header unless something is added to the session. Is something in your stack writing to the session? (it's probably Devise)
session :off has been deprecated:
def session(*args)
"Disabling sessions for a single controller has been deprecated. " +
"Sessions are now lazy loaded. So if you don't access them, " +
"consider them off. You can still modify the session cookie " +
"options with request.session_options.", caller)
If something in your stack is setting session info, you can clear it using session.clear like so:
after_filter :clear_session
def clear_session
Which will prevent the Set-Cookie header from being sent
Further to John's answer, if you are using CSRF protection you would need to turn that off for web service requests. You can add the following as a protected method in your application controller:
def protect_against_forgery?
unless request.format.xml? or request.format.json?
This way HTML requests still use CSRF (or not - depends on config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = true/false in the environment).
I myself truly missed being able to declaratively turn off sessions (using session :off)
... thus I brought it "back" - use it just like in plain-old-rails (<= 2.2) :
than of course this might require some additional Devise specific hacking of your own, since session_off might cause session == nil in a controller, and most rails extensions since 2.3 simply assume a lazy session that shall not be nil ever.
Imo the best approach is to simply remove the cookie session store middleware.
To do so, add this to your application.rb (or to a specific environment if needed):
# No session store
config.middleware.delete ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore
Try this instead
after_filter :skip_set_cookies_header
def skip_set_cookies_header
session.instance_variable_set('#loaded', false)
Or even better, always remove Set-Cookie header when session data did not change
before_filter :session_as_comparable_array # first before_filter
after_filter :skip_set_cookies_header # last after_filter
def session_as_comparable_array(obj = session)
#session_as_comparable_array = case obj
when Hash
obj.keys.sort_by(&:to_s).collect{ |k| [k, session_as_comparable_array(obj[k])] }
when Array
obj.sort_by(&:to_s).collect{ |k| session_as_comparable_array(k) }
def skip_set_cookies_header
session.instance_variable_set('#loaded', false) if (#session_as_comparable_array == session_as_comparable_array)
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Api
module Web
module Base
class WebApiApplicationController < ApplicationController
include DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken
include Api::Concerns::ErrorsConcern
devise_token_auth_group :user, contains: %i[api_web_v1_user]
respond_to :json
serialization_scope :current_user
before_action :METHOD_NAME
request.session_options[:skip] = true
It's working for me.
I have a simple url shortener that base 62 encodes my Developer model's id number and returns something like this as a url:
I've mounted a rack app in my routes.rb file thusly:
match '/d/:token' => DeveloperRedirectApp
... and my simple Rack app looks like this:
class DeveloperRedirectApp
# no worky:
#def initialize(app)
# #app = app
def self.call(env)
request = Rack::Request.new(env)
token = request.path_info.sub("/d/", "")
dev_id = token.b(62).to_s(10)
if dev = Developer.find_by_id(dev_id)
# developer_path also doesn't work since #app is not defined
location = #app.developer_path(dev)
# same here
location = #app.root_path
[301, {"Location" => location}, self]
def self.each(&block)
The problem is... apparently the initialize call is only sent a rails app instance if it's an actual middleware, not simply a rack app mounted in the routes file. A middleware doesn't make sense to me since this only needs to run if a url of the form /d/:token is requested, not on every request.
I'm just trying to do a simple base 62 decode, then redirect to the decoded developer id (if it exists, redirect to root_url otherwise). Is there a way to access the route helpers (ie, developer_path) or simply a better way to do this?
It might simply be easier to do it with a rails controller that does the redirect. eg:
get "/d/:token" => "developers#redirect"
in the developers controller:
def redirect
#magic goes here, use params[:token]
redirect_to some_url
I'm thinking about writing an automatic spam protection system (maybe I will write a public gem) for rails.
My concept is to include a helper method in application_controller f.e.:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
automatic_captcha_redirect(:min_time => 30.seconds :limit => 50)
Then I want to include automatical a before_filter in every controller, which checks, if the current request is via post, put or delete-method.
If the user's last post-request is smaller than :min_time, then the request should be redirected to an captcha-input-page (the posted user-data resides in hidden html fields).
# before_filter :check_spam
def check_spam
if !request.get? && session[:last_manipulation_at]
&& session[:last_manipulation_at] >= DateTime.now - 30.seconds
redirect_to captcha_path
# (doesn't know yet how to handle the post data to
# display in hidden fields in the spam-captcha-form)
And in captcha.haml
-request.params.each do |key, value|
=hidden_field_tag key, value
If the user submits the right captcha-word, his data will be posted to the right action.
Do you think thats realizable?
Any critics or suggestions? Or an idea how to realize this behaviour?
this should not pass through all the ActiveRecord stack; can't it be implemented as a middleware hook (Rails Rack)?
Yes, would be a good idea - but I'm not very familiar with rails rack :/
what about file uploads? (you can not store it in a hidden file)
Hm... maybe a check if there is a file in the post? (How could that be realized?)
what about Ajax posting?
Maybe sending back http-status codes (f.e. 503 Service temporary unavailable)
why only POST and not also PUT and DELETE?
corrected this in my question
First structure of processing (as non rack-app - I dont know how to write rack apps):
0) Settings in environment.rb
auto_recaptcha[:limit] = 10
auto_recaptcha[:min_time] = 1.minute
1) User posts data
Check last_manipulation and max. amount of allowed manipultations in application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :automatic_captcha_redirect
def automatic_captcha_redirect
session[:last_manipulation_at][:manipultation] = [] unless session[:last_manipulation_at][:manipultation]
# Checks if requests are falling under the specifications for showing captcha
if !request.get?
&& session[:last_manipulation_at][:date] > DateTime.now - auto_recaptcha[:min_time]
&& session[:last_manipulation_at][:manipultation].count < auto_recaptcha[:limit]
# If user answered captcha, verify it
if !verify_captcha(params)
#url = request.url
#params = request.params
render "layouts/captcha.haml"
# Add successfull manipulation to counter
session[:last_manipulation_at][:manipultation] << DateTime.now
session[:last_manipulation_at][:date] = DateTime.now
-form_tag #url do
-request.params.each do |key, value|
=hidden_field_tag key, value
last) Post userdata to the right location
post(params) => users_path # path "/users" with method: post
First, i would like to say that this is a very good ideea of a feature.
My qs/remarks:
this should not pass through all the ActiveRecord stack; can't it be implemented as a middleware hook (Rails Rack)?
what about file uploads? (you can not store it in a hidden file)
what about Ajax posting?
why only POST and not also PUT and DELETE?
Anyway, i would be more interested to see the number of posts in last 5 mins, for example, that the date of the last request. I believe it is more relevant.
One way this could be put together:
Middleware/rails metal component that
monitors the requests and adds the
information to the rack session.
Controller helpers for before_filters
on things that might need captchas
View helpers for displaying the
You could make the captcha rate adjustable through the args passing mechanism of use
config.middleware.use 'CaptchaMiddleware',:period=>5.minutes,:limit=>50,:captcha_url=>'/captcha'
Also, this should not rely on hidden form fields because a determined bot writer could just change the value they are posting to your server code.
Simple middleware example code(slightly better than a stab in the dark, but still)
class CaptchaMiddleware
def initialize app,options
#app = app
def update_stats!
#session based,on account of laziness
session[:reqs] ||= []
session[:reqs].reject!{ |request| request < Time.now - #options[:period]}
session[:reqs] << Time.now
def over_limit?
session[:reqs].length > #options[:limit]
def call env
#env = env
if #env["REQUEST_METHOD"]!='GET'
if over_limit?
return [302,{"Location: #{options[:captcha_url]}"},'']
#app.call env
def session
I have a Rack application that looks like this:
class Foo
def initialize(app)
#app = app
def call(env)
env["hello"] = "world"
After hooking my Rack application into Rails, how do I get access to env["hello"] from within Rails?
Update: Thanks to Gaius for the answer. Rack and Rails let you store things for the duration of the request, or the duration of the session:
# in middleware
def call(env)
Rack::Request.new(env)["foo"] = "bar" # sticks around for one request
env["rack.session"] ||= {}
env["rack.session"]["hello"] = "world" # sticks around for duration of session
# in Rails
def index
if params["foo"] == "bar"
if session["hello"] == "world"
I'm pretty sure you can use the Rack::Request object for passing request-scope variables:
# middleware:
def call(env)
request = Rack::Request.new(env) # no matter how many times you do 'new' you always get the same object
request[:foo] = 'bar'
# Controller:
def index
if params[:foo] == 'bar'
Alternatively, you can get at that "env" object directly:
# middleware:
def call(env)
env['foo'] = 'bar'
# controller:
def index
if request.env['foo'] == 'bar'
Short answer: Use request.env or env inside a controller.
Long answer:
According to the Rails Guide on Rails controllers, ActionController provides a request method that you can use to access information about the current HTTP request your controller is responding to.
Upon further inspection of the docs for ActionController::Base#request, we see that it "Returns an ActionDispatch::Request instance that represents the current request."
If we look at the docs for ActionDispatch::Request, we see that it inherits from Rack::Request. Aha! Here we go.
Now, in case you're not familiar with the docs for Rack::Request, it's basically a wrapper around the Rack environment. So for most cases, you should just be able to use it as-is. If you really do want the raw environment hash though, you can get it with Rack::Request#env. So within the Rails controller, that would just be request.env.
Digging deeper:
After further examining the instance methods of ActionController::Base, I noticed there's not a whole lot there to look at. In particular, I noticed the params and session variables seem to be missing. So, I moved up one level to ActionController::Metal, which ActionController::Base inherits from.
In ActionController::Metal, I discovered a method env which had no documentation as to what it did - but I could guess. Turns out I was right. That variable was being assigned to request.env.
ActionController::Metal also contained the params method, which, according to the source, was set to request.parameters by default. As it turns out, request.parameters isn't from Rack::Request, but ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters, which is included by ActionDispatch::Request. This method is very similar to the Rack::Request#params method, except that altering it modifies a Rails-specific Rack environment variable (and therefore changes will remain persistent across instances of ActionDispatch::Request).
However, I still couldn't seem to find the session method. Turns out, it's not in the documentation at all. After searching the source code for ActionController::Metal, I finally found it on this line. That's right, it's just a shortcut for request.session.
To summarize:
In the controller...
Use request.env or env to get at the raw environment object
Use params to read Rack query strings and post data from the rack input stream. (E.g. Rack::Request#params)
Use session to access the value of rack.session in the rack environment
In the middleware...
Access properties of the environment the usual way through the environment hash
Access the Rails session through the rack.session property on the environment hash
Read params through Rack::Request#params
Update params through Rack::Request#update_param and Rack::Request#delete_param (as stated in the docs for Rack::Request#params)
Update params in a Rails specific way using ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters#params through ActionDispatch::Request