iOS iPad simulator not working properly - ios

I have a game where the settings are landscape only. When I run it on an iPhone simulator in Xcode, it runs in landscape mode like it should. When I run it on an iPad simulator, the iPad doesn't go to landscape mode when it opens the app.
Why is this and how can I fix it? I have looked for an answer but was unable to find one.
In addition to the landscape problem the frames per second on the iPad is extremely low, at about 18 whereas the iPhone 6 is about 30 and the 4s is 55, is there anyway to get the frame rate of the bigger devices up? I am running Xcode 6.4


Having an issue with simulator and orientation Xcode 8 swift 3 simulating iphone6

My app works fine on my iPhone 6 device when I change the orientation.
However on the simulator for iPhone 6, I have to repeat the following steps to get it working:
press the home button and run Safari,
rotate Safari to landscape, and then portrait
press the home button again go back to my app
Now my app starts working correctly in response to landscape, portrait changes.
I'm working with Xcode 8 beta 2 and Swift 3.0. I'm building for iOS 9.3.
This is minor but I would like to not have to do all this when checking in a simulator for orientation changes. Has anyone experienced this issue? I've tried to search for something like this but have not found it.

UIKeyboard not showing in Xcode Simulator

Yesterday I tested my apps login features on my physical iPad mini as well as all Xcode simulator devices. Bizarrely when I go to retest today, theUITextField doesn't popup at all for the iPad Air simulator, the iPad 2 simulator, the iPad retina simulator, the iPhone 5 simulator, or the iPhone 4s simulator. But the keyboard shows up on my physical iPad mini, the iPhone 5 simulator, the iPhone 6 simulator and the iPhone 6 + simulator.
Keep in mind I just tested all these devices not even 24 hours ago with the keyboard working fine. I even restarted my laptop but still the Keyboard doesn't popup even though its been explicitly set as the first responder since I started building this app.
Whats going on?
Additional info: my deployment target is 7.1 but I noticed above the simulator reads 8.2. Either way whats going on here? Should I just keep building and hope this is a glitch on my laptop? (I really need a new one anyway due to abrupt crashes) but i can't help but notice that even though I back up my app, there are weird spontaneous changes sometimes at runtime.
Does anyone know the cause of this? (specifically the keyboard incident) Also the most recent changes I made to the app was the answer to this question Detect iPhone5, 5s, 6, and 6 plus
you can connect keyboard by iosSimulator Hardware menu -> Keyboard -> Connect Hardware Keyboard.
CMD + SHIFT + K will open the keyboard

iPhone 6 app incorrect layout

I'm building an app with the latest version of Xcode.
all of my views in the storyboard are based on the iPhone 6 frame (4 ,7'' screen)
I have an iPhone 6 (4.7'' screen)
Here is the problem:
if I open the assistant editor > preview > add iPhone 5 and add iPhone 6, the iPhone 6 view looks exactly how it should look.
if I run the app on the iPhone 6 simulator, again it looks exactly how it should look.
I run the app on my own device (iPhone 6) – it looks exactly how it would look on an iPhone 5 (4'' screen)!
I know some of you are gonna tell me add constrains but I'm not there yet. I usually do that at the end. What I want to know is why does everything work and look just fine (simulator and preview ) until I run in my device and how do I fix that?
I mean even without constraints my phone should run as it looks on my storyboard since it's all built on iPhone 6 frame and I'm running it on an iPhone 6... and it should run on my device as it runs on the simulator... why is my phone acting like an iPhone 5?

Why the inputView of an iPhone app is so wrong on an iPad Air?

Last night I was playing with a friend's new iPad Air in the bar. I downloaded my own app onto his new iPad Air and found a very weird bug.
My calculator app for iPhone looks typically like this:
The keypad is an inputView of UITextField.
However, when the app runs on the iPad Air, no matter at 1x or 2x mode, it is like:
Some of the keys are randomly positioned. I ran the app on my Mini (1st gen) before without such issue. Do you have an idea what cause the keys relocation?
The bug only shows up when the calculator is started during the iPad is at landscape mode. Fixed by removing excess suppoorted landscape modes from the Info.plist:

App works on iphone ipad simulator but not ipad device: Black screen and then goes out

I've an iPhone app that Works perfectly on iPhone simulator/device.
It runs in iPhone resolution and iPhone 2X resolution (i.e. I didn't add any root viewcontrollers for iPad).
The problem is the application works fine on iPad simulator, but when open in iPad device, the screen goes black then the application exit.
What do you think the cause of this problem?
I just ran into this problem after upgrading an iPhone app to be a universal app. The app worked in the iPhone and iPad simulators, but when I tried running it on my iPhone, I got the same black screen and app exit as you did.
The fix was to make sure that the 'Main Storyboard' was set properly on the Project Targets Summary page for both the iPod/iPhone section and the iPad section. For some reason, my iPod/iPhone Main Storyboard was blank. After fixing it, my app started working.
