Ada vector of enumerated type - comparison

I am trying to created a vector of an enumerated type in Ada, but the compiler seems to expect an equality function overload. How do I telll the compiler to just use the default equal function. Here's what I have:
package HoursWorkedVector is new Ada.Containers.Vectors(Natural,DAY_OF_WEEK);
--where Day of week is defined as an enumeration
When I try to compile, I get the message:
no visible subprogram matches the specification for "="
Do I need to create a comparison function to have a vector of an enumerated type? Thanks in advance.

The definition of Ada.Containers.Vectors starts like this:
type Index_Type is range <>;
type Element_Type is private;
with function "=" (Left, Right : Element_Type)
return Boolean is <>;
package Ada.Containers.Vectors is
The meaning of <> in a generic formal function is defined by RM 12.6(10):
If a generic unit has a subprogram_default specified by a box, and the
corresponding actual parameter is omitted, then it is equivalent to an
explicit actual parameter that is a usage name identical to the
defining name of the formal.
So if, as you said in the comments, DAY_OF_WEEK is defined in another package, your instantiation is equivalent to
package HoursWorkedVector is new Ada.Containers.Vectors(Natural, Other_Package.DAY_OF_WEEK, "=");
which doesn't work because the "=" that compares DAY_OF_WEEK values is not visible.
You can include Other_Package."=" in the instantiation, as suggested in a comment. There are at least three ways to make "=" visible, so that your original instantiation would work:
use Other_Package; This will make "=" directly visible, but it will also make everything else defined in that package directly visible. This may not be what you want.
use type Other_Package.DAY_OF_WEEK; This makes all the operators of DAY_OF_WEEK directly visible, including "<", "<=", etc., as well as all the enumeration literals, and any other primitive subprograms of DAY_OF_WEEK that you may have declared in Other_Package. This is probably the favorite solution, unless for some reason it would be a problem to make the enumeration literals visible.
Use a renaming declaration to redefine "=":
function "=" (Left, Right : DAY_OF_WEEK) return Boolean
renames Other_Package."=";
This makes "=" directly visible.

The compiler automatically selects the predefined equality operator:
package Solution is
type Day_Of_Week is (Work_Day, Holiday);
package Hours_Worked_Vector is
new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Natural,
Element_Type => Day_Of_Week);
end Solution;


Type constraints in Dafny: Implementing "Show" for a binary relation type

I've defined a polymorphic binary relation type (a class) in Dafny:
class binRel<S,T>
The actual declaration is:
class binRel<S(!new,==),T(!new,==)>.
I'd like to add a new type constraint: that types S and T should implement a "show" operation (returning a string).
My reading of the Dafny Reference Manual suggests Dafny supports only a few built-in type constraints: ==, and evidently !new, and that there's no way to require that type support, e.g., some particular trait.
Perhaps I'm wrong and that updates more recent than the reference manual have provided such capabilities. Am I in luck? If not, is there perhaps a work-around?
Correct, there are only a few built in type constraints in Dafny. There is no mechanism to require that a type extend a trait.
I'm not aware of a good work around for the object-oriented/imperative fragment of Dafny. In the pure fragment, you could work around this using first-class functions.
datatype MyPair<A,B> = MakePair(a: A, b: B)
type Show<!A> = A -> string
function ShowMyPair<A,B>(sa: Show<A>, sb: Show<B>): Show<MyPair<A,B>>
(p: MyPair<A,B>) => "(" + sa(p.a) + "," + sb(p.b) + ")"

Can't use IF NOT with a set in delphi

I have a set of chars which I define in the TYPE section as:
TAmpls = set of '1'..'9'';
In my function I declare a new variable, in the var section, with type Tampls using:
myAmpls : Tampls;
I then un-assign everything in myAmpls using:
myAMpls := [];
I then find an integer (I'll call it n). If this number is not assigned in my set variable, I want to assign it, for this I have tried using:
if not chr(n) in myAmpls then include(myAmpls,chr(n));
But the compiler throws an error saying:
'Operator not applicable to this operand type'
If I remove the 'not', the code compiles fine, why is this?
I would have thought that whether or not n was already in myAmpls was boolean, so why can't I use 'not'?
Delphi operator precedence is detailed in the documentation. There you will find a table of the operators listing their precedence. I won't reproduce the table here, no least because it's hard to lay out in markdown!
You will also find this text:
An operator with higher precedence is evaluated before an operator with lower precedence, while operators of equal precedence associate to the left.
Your expression is:
not chr(n) in myAmpls
Now, not has higher precedence than in. Which means that not is evaluated first. So the expression is parsed as
(not chr(n)) in myAmpls
And that is a syntax error because not cannot be used with a character operand. You need to apply parens to give the desired meaning to your expression:
not (chr(n) in myAmpls)

Point-free style with objects/records in F#

I'm getting stymied by the way "dot notation" works with objects and records when trying to program in a point-free functional style (which I think is a great, concise way to use a functional language that curries by default).
Is there an operator or function I'm missing that lets me do something like:
(.) object method instead of object.method?
(From what I was reading about the new ? operator, I think it works like this. Except it requires definition and gets into the whole dynamic binding thing, which I don't think I need.)
In other words, can I apply a method to its object as an argument like I would apply a normal function to its argument?
Short answer: no.
Longer answer: you can of course create let-bound functions in a module that call a method on a given type... For example in the code
let l = [1;2;3]
let h1 = l.Head
let h2 = List.hd l
there is a sense in which "List.hd" is the version of what you want for ".Head on a list". Or locally, you can always do e.g.
let AnotherWay = (fun (l:list<_>) -> l.Head)
let h3 = AnotherWay l
But there is nothing general, since there is no good way to 'name' an arbitrary instance method on a given type; 'AnotherWay' shows a way to "make a function out of the 'Head' property on a 'list<_>' object", but you need such boilerplate for every instance method you want to treat as a first-class function value.
I have suggested creating a language construct to generalize this:
With regards to language design
suggestions, what if
SomeType..Foo optArgs // note *two* dots
fun (x : SomeType) -> x.Foo optArgs
In which case you could write
as a way to 'functionize' this instance property, but if we ever do anything in that arena in F#, it would be post-VS2010.
If I understand your question correctly, the answer is: no you can't. Dot (.) is not an operator in F#, it is built into the language, so can't be used as function.

What can you NOT use an identifier for?

I'm trying to understand what identifiers represent and what they don't represent.
As I understand it, an identifier is a name for a method, a constant, a variable, a class, a package/module. It covers a lot. But what can you not use it for?
Every language differs in terms of what entities/abstractions can or cannot be named and reused in that language.
In most languages, you can't use an identifier for infix arithmetic operations.
For example, plus is an identifier and you can make a function named plus. But write you can write a = b + c;, there's no way to define an operator named plus to make a = b plus c; work because the language grammar simply does not allow an identifier there.
An identifier allows you to assign a name to some data, so that you can reference it later. That is the limit of what identifiers do; you cannot "use" it for anything other than a reference to some data.
That said, there are a lot of implications that come from this, some subtle. For example, in most languages functions are, to some degree or another, considered to be data, and so a function name is an identifier. In languages where functions are values, but not "first-class" values, you can't use an identifier for a function in an place you could use an identifier for something else. In some languages, there will even be separate namespaces for functions and other data, and so what is textually the same identifier might refer to two different things, and they would be distinguished by the context in which they are used.
An example of what you usually (i.e., in most languages) cannot use an identifier for is as a reference to a language keyword. For example, this sort of thing generally can't be done:
let during = while;
during (true) { print("Hello, world."); }
You could say it's used for everything that you'll want to refer to multiple times, or maybe even once (but use it to clarify the referent's purpose).
What can/can't be named differs per language, it's often quite intuitive, IMHO.
An "Anonymous" entity is something which is not named, although referred to somehow.
$subroutine = sub { return "Anonymous subroutine returning this text"; }
In Perl-speak, this is anonymous - the subroutine is not named, but it is referred to by the reference variable $subroutine.
PS: In Perl, the subroutine would be named like this:
# some code...
Say, in Java your cannot write something like:
Object myIf = if;
myIf (a == b) {
So, you cannot name some code statement, giving it an alias. While in REBOL it is perfectly possible:
myIf: if
myIf a = b [print "True!"]
What can and what can't be named depends on language, as you see.
as its name implifies, an identifier is used to identify something. so for everything that can be identified uniquely, you can use an identifier. But for example a literal (e.g. string literal) is not unique so you can't use an identifier for it. However you can create a variable and assign a string literal to it.
Making soup out them is rather foul.
In languages such as Lisp, an identifier exists in its own right as an symbol, whereas in languages which are not introspective identifiers don't exist in the runtime.
You write a literal identifier/symbol by putting a single quote in front of it:
[1]> 'a
You can create a variable and assign a symbol literal to it:
[2]> (setf a 'Hello)
[3]> a
[4]> (print a)
You can set two variables to the same symbol
[10]> (setf b a)
[11]> b
[12]> a
[13]> (eq b a)
[14]> (eq b 'Hello)
Note that the values bound to b and a are the same, and the value is the literal symbol 'Hello
You can bind a function to the symbol
[15]> (defun hello () (print 'hello))
and call it:
[16]> (hello)
In common lisp, the variable binding and the function binding are distinct
[19]> (setf hello 'goodbye)
[20]> hello
[21]> (hello)
but in Scheme or JavaScript the bindings are in the same namespace.
There are many other things you can do with identifiers, if they are reified as symbols. I suspect that someone more knowledgable than me in Lisp will be able to demonstrate any of the things that you 'can't do with identifiers' exist.
But even Lisp can not make identifier soup.
Sort of a left-field thought, but JSON has all those quotations in it to eliminate the danger of a JavaScript keyword messing up the parsing.

"do" in "do Application.Run(form)" sentence

What is the difference between
do Application.Run(form)
and, simply:
Application.Run(form) ?
What is the role of do keyword in the first sentence?
Whereas 'do' was a required keyword in many places in the language in some of the earlier releases, nowadays you rarely need 'do'. The remaining exceptions that I can think of are that 'do' is still part of loop syntax (e.g. "while e1 do e2") and if you want to put an assembly-level attribute or an attribute on the startup method, you can put the attribute before the explicit 'do' of a final code block in a module. Often times in F# samples you'll see
do Application.Run(form)
as the last two lines of a file, and I think the 'do' is still required there in order to be able to attach the attribute on the line above it.
I think it's just a holdover - like how you can still CALL a sub or SET a variable instead of just doing those things directly, as in:
SET varname = 5
CALL mysub()
Versus just:
varname = 5
In other words, I don't think it matters, and the compiler just discards it.
