AmazonServiceExceptionUnmarshaller.h file not found - ios

Have you ever come across this error 'AmazonServiceExceptionUnmarshaller.h file not found' after installing the AWSiOSSDK 1.7.1 cocoapods?
I never faced it ever until today which unable to compile my project with it.
I have tried these potential solutions which were all failed unfortunately.
Ref: iOS - Build fails with CocoaPods cannot find header files
It would be really good if you give me a piece of advices.
Thank you very much

I solved this issue myself. All because of the version of the cocoapods.
If your cocoapods v 0.39.0, you will face the error.
If you have already updated it, try this command line as follows:
pod _0.38.2_ install
You can install pods with the old version (v 0.38.2) by force.
It should be fine.
Thank you!


Flutter pod: An error occurred while processing the post-install hook of the Podfile

The problem is that when I run a flutter app after having installed a plugin (firebase_core in this case) I get an error:
An error occurred while processing the post-install hook of the
undefined local variable or method `continue' for
#<Pod::Podfile:0x00000001099e67b8 #defined_in_file=#Pathname:/Volumes/Coding-IT/Coding/Projects/flutter_37hours/ios/Podfile,
label=Pods>, #post_install_callback=#<Proc:0x0000000109a07e40
#clean=true, #deduplicate_targets=true, #deterministic_uuids=true,
#integrate_targets=true, #lock_pod_sources=true,
#disable_input_output_paths=false, #preserve_pod_file_structure=false,
#incremental_installation=false, #skip_pods_project_generation=false>>
continue if xcframework_file.start_with?(".") # Hidden file, possibly on external disk.
The problem appears to be with the continue word, but I don't know exactly why this is happening and how to solve the problem :(
I've tried reinstalling cocoapods multiple times, from homebrew and from rubygems, I tried flutter clean, I tried reinstalling ruby and changing versions. No luck. Hope someone can help me, thanks
I'm looking into this too. It seems to be related to this issue:
But it's closed the fix seems to be merged with flutter master branch. Idk! Might need to wait for next flutter update.
edit - I just tried this on beta channel and pod install completed. So you can wait till it's on stable or switch channels to run iOS. Cheers!

Module Bolts not found

I have xcode version 12.0.1 and version 10.15.7 macOS on my macbook
I keep getting this error, no matter how many times I restart my laptop, xcode, pod deintegrate and pod install, and have cleaned derived data multiple times, to no avail
Please help!
This Issue is related to Parse end. I just got a description from Parse team to fix this and they recommended to use Xcode 11, They accepted that they have an issue with Xcode 12. they are working on it and will update once got this fixed. Reference Screenshot is attached.
Did you see if during your pod install the logs specifically said Bolts was installed?
It should be by default, but it could be missing due to some reason (that would be specified in the logs).
Just to be double-sure, also check if your Cocoapods is in the latest version (1.9.3 as I write this answer).
And last but not least, you can integrate it manually if you need to:
But again, Cocoapods usually would integrate that for you.

FirebaseAuthPlugin.h' file not found

I’ve tried over 3 days of trying to fix this error and I’ve found nothing could someone help?
/Users/user/Desktop/Projects/flutter_duelme/flutter_duelme/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:6:9: 'firebase_auth/FirebaseAuthPlugin.h' file not found
I had the same problem all day long. I ended up having to bump my version of Firebase_Auth to the latest, which for me at the moment is: ^0.15.3, which then forced me to have to upgrade Flutter as well.
Did the typical
Delete PodFile and PodFile.lock Flutter Clean Rebuild project pod install
I'm using Mac, so I also had to update my Xcode to 11.3. Then needed to update Mac OS to Catalina.
Lot's of work, but this got me to a successful build. Hopefully, something in here helps others dealing with this issue.

specifying versions of library, using CocoaPods

This is basic issue but I'm so stuck with this.
I want to specify the version of releases of libraries(to get the latest one) but it doesn't work always.
For example, when I tried to specify the version of the library below, it failed again...
Please help me with this.
Try running pod repo update then pod install

iOS #include "mupdf/fitz.h" not found issue

I am integrating muPDF library in my projects.I already update cocopods and install pods again. Its showing an issue.
#include "mupdf/fitz.h" library not found.
Any possible solution for this issue ?
It looks like you're trying to build ?
I just cloned that, and ran:
gem install cocoapods
pod install
then opened MuPDF-example.xcworkspace and hit "Run".
Everything worked, it displayed hello-world.pdf.
I'm using Xcode 7.3.1 and CocoaPods 1.0.1, and the very latest code on the master of that git repo for the example (I'm the owner of that repo btw :) ). If exactly the same thing is falling for you, try deleting everything and starting again. Did you make any changes to the example project?
