Reset values of all UITextfield in custom table cell - ios

I have many UITextFields in 2 UITabBar and I am trying to create a reset button where the values of all UITextFields become blank so user can restart the whole process.
I have UITableViewCell class for each cell because the cell are custom and static cells.
I have Reset Button in my 3rd Tab and would like the values in Tab 2 and Tab 3 to clear.
I have tried creating instance of CustomTableViewCell and set the value of UITextField to blank but is not working.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

Not sure what the UITableViewCells have to do with UITabBar but one solution that will surely work is: you listen for notification inside the cells and send the notification when reset button is pressed.
Other solutions depend on your implementation.


How to have DidSelectRow activate keyboard?

I want to have a keyboard (custom) to show when I click on a cell in my tableview and have said keyboard edit a label in the selected cell.
What I have read and tried
Stack overflow and other searched threads/tutorials
A Swift example of Custom Views for Data Input (custom in-app keyboard)
How to make custom keyboard only for my app in Swift?
iOS 8: Creating a Custom Keyboard in Swift
Along with other results and searches (also the recommended readings within these threads), these were great for me getting the keyboard the way I want it (which is app-specific, I don't want to have the user install the keyboard to use the app), however, none explain how I could "activate" the keyboard without a textfield.
My thought process is this: I will have a keyboard with a textfield in place in order to receive the input from the keys pressed. This input would then be sent to the label that is in the selected cell. The problem is in the keyboard showing without anything to call it...
Why I don't want a textfield in the cell: Because I think it is more smart/elegant to have the tableview cell activate the keyboard. I have seen this in other apps and I can't figure out how it is done.
Any help on this matter is much appreciated. I am completely new to programming, am using Swift (so have no clue Obj-C or the like).
Thank you!
Well after a lot of discussions around other websites, it is a shame to say it but what I wanted was actually impossible (like stated by Duncan). For some reason I thought that in programming that word did not exist, but alas it is there. Well, the way that I did work around this limitation was as replied here in the comments as well as from the resource materials I already read:
I have 2 views:
tableView - this will have the list of items that I would like to edit a value. Has multiple labels where one of them would be edited by the user.
keyboardView - custom keyboard that would allow user input.
For the keyboard I used the delegate method as described in "A Swift example of Custom Views for Data Input". This worked perfectly and would send the data over to the tableView under the keyWasTapped function.
Next was the tableView. I had 3 labels in the custom cell, where one was called valueLabel. I had to add a textField to my storyboard hidden behind the tableview with which the user will interact and in the didselectrow I included the command to summon the keyboard:
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
From there I would grab the text from the textfield and update the UILabels in my custom cell. At least this way I can select a cell and not the textfield. So considering that the answer that would fit what I wanted is combination of the replies, I thought it would be best to say it here.
Thanks to Sandeep and Larme for their time.
Have a textField in cell not the label :) Create a custom cell create an IBOutlet to that class ffrom textField in cellForRowAtIndexPath
let tableCell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell") as! myCell
and in didSelectRowAtIndexPath
let tableCell = self.tableView.cellForRowAtIndexPath(indexPath)
self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell") as! myCell

UICollectionview with IBOutlet-UIButtons not working

I have a two-days-brain-breaking-question to all of you:
I integrated a menu in my application by using a UICollectionView (one line, horizontal scrolling, fixed number of 9 items). Every cell has an own tag and uses an own prototype cell with own identifier. During the cellForItemAtIndexPath I assign a prototype cell to every cell (the prototype cell contains the specific UIButton in the storyboard). If you click a cell (respective the UIButton) a popover should open (this is working quite well, because the popover is anchored to the collection view not to the cell - otherwise Xcode will give an error, because of an outlet bind to repeating content.). Now to the questions:
Dependently from the chosen value in the popover, the name (titleLable.text) of the button should change. I think, an IBOutlet is needed, but not usable, because of the possible (but not happened) multiple (re)use of the cell.
Some other action in the APP could happened randomly, that changes the label of the button. Therefore an IBOutlet is needed too, I think.
I tried to give the prototypes a specific tag, but this (in my opinion) could not be used, because I cannot assign the tags to an UIButton, during loading, because not all of the cells are visible and therefore not reachable in viedDidAppear...
Any help is appreciated. This is a new try for an old problem and the collectionView till yesterday looked quite promising. Any ideas to help? Thanks a lot. I canĀ“t give code, because 90% of the work are done in IB.
you can use NSNotificationCenter to send message from your UIPopoverController to a UICollectionViewCell.
Send and receive messages through NSNotificationCenter in Objective-C?
Just subclass UICollectionViewCell to MyCollectionViewCell and use your subclass in your UICollectionView.
At the -(void)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame method of MyCollectionViewCell you should subscribe as an observer to NSNotificationCenter, and unsubscribe in dealloc.
Than all your cells may receive notification and react to it.
This is not an optimal way of receiving callbacks, but maybe the simplest.

How to add animation in UICollection View

I am not sure, whether Question heading is explanatory. I have the images here
The first Image shows a UICollectionView. On the Click of any cell, it should turn into Image 2. i.e. a new popup will come up, and the Cell 3 and Cell 4 will move down. or I can say on click of cell 3, cells 5,6 will move down. How to this? How can I show this Animation?
Please help. need more info?
One Solution, could be, is to a reusableView at footer, showing and hiding it. But I need more efficeint way
I have to design this app for iPhone and iPad too
Just define multiple UICollectionViewCell classes, register them in your controller class and insert items to model on user actions. In that case red cell at "Image 2" will be just another UICollectionViewCell instance.

Adding cells to UITableView when all cells are static (designed in storyboard)

I have a UITableView with 5 sections. All sections contain 2 static cells. What I want to achieve is to insert a new cell to one of my section when user taps some button. I know how to add cells with animation when UITableView contains only dynamic cells, I have no idea how to do this with 100% static UITableView.
The point is to that in one of my cells I have a text input and a button. After user taps the button, input content must be validated. If validation fails then I want to add an extra cell with error info.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Here you able to find how to add static cells using story board.Show configure table view as static cells and create outlets according to your app design.

UIPickerView in UITableViewCell - how to select values instead of scrolling TableView?

I've got a custom UITableViewCell that has a label and a UIPickerView. Display works fine, but when I want to select a value in the Picker, the TableView scrolls. What can I do so that the gestures in the cell go to the Picker instead of the whole TableView?
The only solution I could come up with was to set the whole TableView to scrollEnabled = NO. This works for the Picker, but now I can't get to the cells under the custom cell. Control has to be more fine-grained.
If you can get hold of the UIGestureRecognizer for each of the two gestures, and tell one it needs to wait for the other to fail. With one in every cell, that becomes over-wieldy.
Perhaps you should add a control or have the accessory view "bring up" the picker, and then dismiss it when done.
