Rails order by a field in parent belongs_to association - ruby-on-rails

I have three models in my Rails app, User, Number, and Message:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :numbers
has_many :messages, through: :numbers
class Number < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :messages
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :number
Number migration file has:
t.string :digits, index: true # Example: '14051234567' (no + sign)
In my controller:
sort_mode = # asc or desc
#messages = current_user.messages.order(???)
The thing is that I want to sort those messages by their numbers' digits.
How to do that dynamically (depending on sort_mode)?
sort_mode = 'asc'
#messages = current_user.messages.includes(:number)
order = { number: { digits: sort_mode } }
#messages = #messages.order(order)
^ Doesn't work. Second argument must be a direction.
Also, order('number.digits': sort_mode) throws:
SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: messages.number.digits: SELECT "messages".* FROM "messages" INNER JOIN "numbers" ON "messages"."number_id" = "numbers"."id" WHERE "numbers"."user_id" = ? ORDER BY "messages"."number.digits" ASC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0

You'll need to use includes. Try:
#messages = current_user.messages.includes(:number).order('numbers.digits ASC')


Get id, name from master table - Ruby

The association is has follows
Company has_many company_commodities
CompanyCommodity belongs to Company
CompanyCommodity belongs to Commodity
Consider that company1 has an entry in the company_commodities table.
Now in the decorator file, i need to get the commodity name and id of that record.
I have implemented as follows.
company1 = Company.find(1)
arr = co.company_commodities.map(&:commodity).pluck(:name, :id)
arr.map { |a| { name: a[0], id: a[1] } }
This produces the output as
[{:name=>"Pharmaceuticals", :id=>25},
{:name=>"Medical Devices", :id=>26}]
Is there a cleaner way to do this? 
class Company < ApplicationRecord
has_many :company_commodities
has_many :commodities, through: :company_commodities
class CompanyCommodity < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :commodity
belongs_to :company
company = Company.find(1)
# this returns the object you can access by arr.first.id, arr.first.name
arr = company.commodities.select(:name, :id)
# if you want to access as hash, usage: arr.first['id'], arr.first['name']
arr = company.commodities.select(:name, :id).as_json
You can get the commodities association by using through, then you can use select to filter the attributes.
Change the associations as below
class Company
has_many :company_commodities
has_many :commodities, through: :company_commodities
class CompanyCommodity
belongs_to :company
belongs_to :commodity
And query the records as
company1 = Company.find(1)
arr = co.commodities.pluck(:name, :id)
arr.reduce([]) { |array, el| array << [[:name, :id], el].to_h}

Scope with 2 different conditions

I would like to filter stories on my index based on 2 different conditions where one is for the Current Country and the other one is for All Countries. Is it possible to create a scope where it could fetch stories for both this condition ?
All Countries is boolean field where in my Story table. The logic is if the Story is created for all countries the field, all_countries = 1
Featured Item model, is where the stories could be featured on the index page if the writer would like to do so.
This is how my model looks like for now with the scopes
class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :stories
class Story < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :countries
has_many :featured_items, dependent: :destroy
scope :by_country, lambda { |id| where(:country_id => id)}
scope :for_all_countries, where(:all_countries => true)
class FeaturedItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :story
scope :by_country, -> (country) {joins(:story).where('`stories`.country_id = ?', Country.find(country) )}
scope :for_all_countries, -> { joins(:story).where('`stories`.all_countries = ?',true) }
p/s the scope for all countries on the featured Items also returns an error.
You can do this sort of thing:
scope :by_country, -> (country) { country == :all ? where(:all_countries => true) : where(:country_id => country) }
You may need to add a little more logic to handle bad params.
And for the join table, you can join and filter on the stories.
class FeaturedItem < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :by_country, -> (country) { (country == :all ? where( :stories => { :all_countries => true } ) : where( :stories => { :country_id => country } ) ).joins(:story) }
Your scope syntax is currently wrong, as is your pluralization of the belongs_to association.
You'll need to use the following (#swards answer is right, this is just an addition):
class Story < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :country
scope :countries, ->(ids = :all) { ids == :all ? where(all_countries: true) : find(ids) }
This will allow you to call Story.countries to return all countries, and Story.countries(1,2,4,5) to return individual ones.
filter stories on my index based on 2 different conditions where one is for the Current Country and the other one is for All Countries.
Have you considered using the following in your Country model:
#stories = #country ? #country.stories : Country.stories
class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :stories
scope :stories, -> { joins(:stories).where(story: {all_countries: true}) }

Querying through a join table Rails 4 Postgres

I am trying to get an array of records through a join table. I want to find All of one User's Favorites that are Blue, but that are "current". User_Favorites can expire. This is what I'm trying:
has_many :user_favorites, dependent: :destroy
has_many :favorites, through: :user_favorites
has_many :user_favorites, dependent: :destroy
has_many :users, through: :user_favorites
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :favorite
scope :current_as_of, -> (date) do
where('start_date <= ?',date).
where('(end_date >= ? or end_date IS NULL)', date)
scope :blue, -> { where('self.favorite.color = ?','blue') }
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def profile
#user = User.find(params[:id])
#blue_favorites = #user.user_favorites.current_as_of(Date.today).blue.all
This is the error I get:
There is an Error: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "favorite"
LINE 1: ...d_date >= '2015-10-06' or end_date IS NULL)) AND (Favorite.co...
: SELECT "user_favorites".* FROM "user_favorites" WHERE "user_favorites"."user_id" = $1 AND (start_date <= '2015-10-06') AND ((end_date >= '2015-10-06' or end_date IS NULL)) AND (Favorite.color = 'blue')
in regards to this:
scope :blue, -> { where('self.favorite.color = ?','blue') }
It looks like you're mixing up database and ruby syntax. The other problem too is that the query, at this point, has no idea what favorite is because it hasn't been joined yet. Try something like this instead:
scope :blue, -> { joins(:favorite).where(favorites: {color: 'blue'}) }
If I understand it correctly your :blue scope should look something like this:
scope :blue, -> { joins(:favorite).where(favorites: { color: 'blue' }) }
In the joins you have to use the association name while in the where clause you have to use the table name.

Conditional issue using relationship

I'm trying to search a column from another table using three tables in relationship.
In my view policy_vehicles I have a text_field_tag and want to search by "raz_soc".
My tables are:
|id| |policy_id|
integer integer
100 1
200 2
|id| |client_id|
integer integer
1 1
2 2
|id| |raz_soc|
integer varchar(255)
This is my controller:
class PolicyManagement::PolicyController < ApplicationController
def generate_print_per_vehicle
params[:search_policy_id] = Policy.find(:all,:joins => :client ,:conditions => ['raz_soc LIKE ?',"%#{params[:search_raz_soc]}%" ])
#policies= PolicyVehicle.find(:all,:joins => :policy, :conditions => ['policy_id = ?',params[:search_policy_id] ])
This is my model:
class Policy < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :client
has_many :policy_vehicles
class PolicyVehicle < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :policy
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :policies
This is my view where I'm trying to find by a column from another table:
<% form_tag :controller=>"policy_management/policy",:action=>"generate_print_per_vehicle" do %>
<%= text_field_tag "search_raz_soc",params[:search_raz_soc] %>
<%= submit_tag "Buscar", :name => nil %>
<% end %>
My logs are:
Mysql::Error: Operand should contain 1 column(s): SELECT `policy_vehicles`.* FROM `policy_vehicles` INNER JOIN `policies` ON `policies`.id = `policy_vehicles`.policy_id WHERE (policy_id = 166,1540,2822,4074)
It should be a search like this:
Policy Load (3.1ms) SELECT `policies`.* FROM `policies` INNER JOIN `clients` ON `clients`.id = `policies`.client_id WHERE (raz_soc = 'MARATEX SAC')
PolicyVehicle Load (0.3ms) SELECT `policy_vehicles`.* FROM `policy_vehicles` INNER JOIN `policies` ON `policies`.id = `policy_vehicles`.policy_id WHERE (policy_id = 1)
I tried this but is not working:
#policy = Policy.find(:all,:joins => :client ,:conditions => ['raz_soc LIKE ?',params[:search_raz_soc] ])
#policies= PolicyVehicle.find(:all,:joins => :policy, :conditions => ['policy_id = ?',#policy ])
Policy Load (3.1ms) SELECT `policies`.* FROM `policies` INNER JOIN `clients` ON `clients`.id = `policies`.client_id WHERE (raz_soc = 'MARATEX SAC')
PolicyVehicle Load (0.3ms) SELECT `policy_vehicles`.* FROM `policy_vehicles` INNER JOIN `policies` ON `policies`.id = `policy_vehicles`.policy_id WHERE (policy_id = 70353610714140)
I'm trying to do something like this
select * from policy_vehicles where policy_id
IN ( SELECT id FROM policies WHERE
client_id IN (SELECT id FROM clients raz_soc = ?) )
Can someone can help me please?
Try this (I have explained what the queries return so make sure that this is what you want from them)
#policies = Policy.find(:all,:joins => :client ,
:conditions => ['raz_soc LIKE ?',"%#{params[:search_raz_soc]}%"] )
# returns an array of policy records based on the raz_soc condition on client
#policy_vehicles = PolicyVehicle.find(:all,:joins => :policy,
:conditions => ['policy_id IN (?)',#policies] )
# returns an array of policy_vehicles that are associated with any record in the #policies array
Other option is to do it in a single query as:
#policy_vehicles = PolicyVehicle.joins(:policy => :client).
where('clients.raz_soc LIKE ?',"%#{params[:search_raz_soc]}%")

Rails filtering resource one to many through a joint table

I have the following resources:
- restaurant
- category
- item
- check item
class Restaurant < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :items
has_many :categories
has_many :check_items
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :restaurant
has_many :items
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :restaurant
belongs_to :category
class CheckItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :item
I need to filter all the check_items of a restaurant where category.uuid = '123123'
so I have my #restaurant.check_items. How do I join these together to basically implement this sql query:
SELECT * from checkitem
INNER JOIN item ON(checkitem.item_id = item.id)
INNER JOIN category ON(category.id = item.category_id)
WHERE category.restaurant_id = 1 AND category.uuid = '123123'
I've tried with scope:
#already have my restaurant resource here with id 1
#restaurant.check_items.by_item_category params[:category_uuid]
And in my models I would have:
class CheckItem < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :by_item_category, -> value { joins(:item).by_category value }
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :by_category, -> value { joins(:category).where('%s.uuid = ?' % Category.table_name, value)}
Buut this doesn't seem to work
This appears to be the only way I found this to be working if anyone is interested.
CheckItem.joins(:item => {:category => :restaurant}).where('category.uuid=? and restaurant.id=?', 123123, 1)
