Live Video Chat app in iOS for iPhone and iPad - ios

i wanted to develop an app with live video chat just like skype or tango. I have search a lot over the internet but could not found any helpful answer.
Basically what i want to do is only two peoples communicate with each other through live video chat.
if you have any helpful answer please post below so that i can move forword in my project.
Thanks in advance.

I think you have to follow given Link
Sample demo for video chat
i hope this will help you great.
If you any queries about this sample demo than comment here.

Use parse framework for video chat.
It is very easy to implement.
You will get all information in parse website.
How To write your first iPhone Video Chat App using parse and opentok(tokbox)


How does whatsapp play youtube videos directly in iOS App?

So since the recent update in whatsapp, you can play youtube videos using the default AVPlayer in iOS.
I wanted to know how is this functionality possible? And if there is a way to implement this without violating Youtube's Terms of Service?
I know of tools like but they clearly violate Youtube's TOS.
Check the screenshot below
One option that I don't know if the guys on Whatsapp use but I already used in a production App is a Pod made by YouTube guys, called
You can see the link to the documentation below. With this Pod you can put a video preview in a UIView that helps but I don't know if is the best option to use because the Pod uses a Webview, injecting Javascript.
It's just an option... maybe there is a better solution for this problem.
Documentation link:
I think Youtube API should available to integrate in your iOS app. Because normally in website youtube provide embedded api to play their video on other website. So, same for iOS also may be possible. Please check youtube's official developer website. You can Check this:

Draw annotation on Twilio Video Chat

I want to use twilio for Remote assistance.
Where user can share camera feed and Technician can assist by drawing annotations on the screen.
similar to the demo video on
I was able to get the Video Chat running on my iOS devices.
Can you please guide me how to make annotations on one device which will be shown on the other device.
Twilio Video does not provide support for annotating videos as part of the SDK. There is also no current support for using the WebRTC data channel to send that across. You need to provide your own websocket solution for this I'm afraid.
Twilio Video does support the data channel now, under the Data Tracks API. You can see the documentation here:
You might also consider using Twilio Sync for something like this too.

How to upload video to vimeo from my android app? Is there any new library to implement that right now?

Now, I'm developing android app that uploads video to vimeo from my android app. I'm new at Vimeo integration.
I would like someone to help me to implement that.
Is there any new library(Sample code or github) to satisfy that right now?
If there's any help, it will be very helpful.
The short answer is there is no official upload library (but we're working on one), and in the mean time you'll have to implement your own following the API documentation here.
There's a networking library that we offer that may help provide the models for the models the upload API will be using (like a Video and User object).
There are several posts on stack overflow that may help. Here is one.

How to make sample regular FaceTime call in iOS

I am very beginner in iOS and present I am doing one project in that project I have to make simple video call facility for users (i.e regular Face-time call,Based on persons phone numbers I need to make video call),I have seen so many sample tutorials but no one explain how to make sample regular face video call
And for this I have searched lot in Internet but I did not get any result and I am eager to search and wait for this requirement, please someone post sample video calling app.
Well, i am same stage Buddy as like you .I thing you can do or cover using webrtc or quickblox webartc link and quickblox link , i hope its helps you

Video file share with YouTube and Twitter on iOS 6 and above

I'm working on a Video recording iOS app and as a final step I need to allow the user to share the video file ( MOV ) with FB, Twitter and YouTube. FB implementation is done. But I'm having difficulty with YouTube and Twitter.
I know that Twitter doesn't have Video share option by default and we have to relay on 3rd part services like Vine or twitpic. So I'm ok to drop Twitter video sharing if its too difficult.
But There should be a easy way with YouTube. I have read but its seems bit outdated.
So I need any one of your's help on this point. Has anyone done any similar implementation for iOS 6+ ? If so kindly give me a helping hand. Or at least a suggestion to use YouTube API with iOS app.
Really appreciate any help.
Kind Regards
The Google objective-c API client that you reference in your question has a sample app for YouTube authentication and file upload. You should be able to just copy and paste most of the code, just using the correct API keys that you obtained in the Google API Console.
I recently open sourced YouTube Direct Lite for iOS.
Here's the upload protocol that I'm using latest resumable uploads.
If you don't want to implement yourself, you can use ESSVideoShare. (Will not work with iOS 7 or higher)
Thanks everyone for answering and comment on this question because that leads me to get the best solution for my problem. Since I was looking for a very simple solution for my problem there was no direct answer to my question.
After searching on Google and trying out possible solutions I think I have found the simplest way of doing this. The resources are
Again the code is bit out dated but still work.
Combination of these two and some changed to the Github code to make it ARC enabled I managed to do it.
Its 2 simple files and GData static library.
Thanks everyone!
I recently discovered that the new 'Youtube Capture' app can be used with
Reference on iOS
Sadly I have been trying to pass a caption using the annotation field without any success.
But if caption is not important, it's worth knowing.
