Convert array of custom object to AnyObject in Swift - ios

In my app I am doing something like this:
struct Record {
var exampleData : String
class ExampleClass : UIViewController {
let records = [Record]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(self.records) as! NSData
But in the last line of viewDidLoad() I got this error:
Argument type '[Record]' does not conform to expected type 'AnyObject'
How can I fix this? Thanks.

If you want to keep struct, you can encode data using withUnsafePointer(). Here's an example, which I adapted from this Gist:
import UIKit
enum EncodingStructError: ErrorType {
case InvalidSize
func encode<T>(var value: T) -> NSData {
return withUnsafePointer(&value) { p in
NSData(bytes: p, length: sizeofValue(value))
func decode<T>(data: NSData) throws -> T {
guard data.length == sizeof(T) else {
throw EncodingStructError.InvalidSize
let pointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.alloc(1)
data.getBytes(pointer, length: data.length)
return pointer.move()
enum Result<T> {
case Success(T)
case Failure
I added some error handling and marked the method as throws. Here's one way you can use it, in a do…catch block:
var res: Result<String> = .Success("yeah")
var data = encode(res)
do {
var decoded: Result<String> = try decode(data)
switch decoded {
case .Failure:
case .Success(let v):
"success: \(v)" // => "success: yeah"
} catch {
The error handling I added will not decode if the NSData length doesn't match the type size. This can commonly happen if you write the data to disk, the user updates to a newer version of the app with a different-sized version of the same type, and then the data is read in.
Also note that sizeof() and sizeofValue() may return different values on different devices, so this isn't a great solution for sending data between devices (NSJSONSerialization might be better for that).

AnyObject means any reference type object, primarily a class. A struct is a value type and cannot be passed to a function needing an AnyObject. Any can be used to accept value types as well as reference types. To fix your code above, change struct Record to class Record. But I have a feeling you may want to use a struct for other reasons. You can create a class wrapper around Record that you can convert to and from to use for functions that need an AnyObject.

I did a similar thing:
static func encode<T>(value: T) -> NSData {
var val = value
return withUnsafePointer(to: &val) { pointer in
NSData(bytes: pointer, length: MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: val))
static func decode<T>(data: NSData) -> T {
guard data.length == MemoryLayout<T>.size.self else {
fatalError("[Credential] fatal unarchiving error.")
let pointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.allocate(capacity: 1)
data.getBytes(pointer, length: data.length)
return pointer.move()


Generic parameter could not be inferred - Array extension

I have generic method to create object that extend protocol FromResponse.
extension FromResponse {
static func object<T>(_ response: [String: Any]?) -> T? where T: FromResponse, T: NSObject {
guard let response = response else { return nil }
let obj: T = T()
return obj
So whenever I want to call it from anywhere in a code there is no issue. Let's say:
let myObject: MyObject? = MyObject.object(response)
Work's perfectly. But sometimes I'm getting array of objects from my response so I would like to have generic parser as well:
static func objects<T>(_ response: [[String: Any]]?) -> [T]? where T: FromResponse, T: NSObject {
guard let response = response else { return nil }
var returnArray: [T] = [T]()
for singleResponse in response {
if let object: T = T.object(singleResponse) {
return returnArray
So I expect from this method to return array of MyObject, but In fact I'm getting compiler error when I'm calling this:
let myObjects: [MyObject]? = MyObject.objects(response)
It says:
Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
Well, I know what does it mean but I did specify type, so this error should not happen. Also when I do this:
var typ: [MyObject] = [MyObject]()
for singleResponse in (response as? [[String: Any]])! {
let pack: MyObject? = MyObject.object(singleResponse)
It works!
Why? How to have parser that returns array of generics objects?
I don't know for sure why Swift says “Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred”, but my guess is it has to do with array covariance.
What's covariance? Consider this:
class Base { }
class Sub: Base { }
func f(_ array: [Base]) { }
Can you pass an [Sub] to f? In Swift, you can. Because Sub is a subtype of Base, [Sub] is a subtype of [Base]. (This is called “covariance”.) So you can pass a [Sub] anywhere that a [Base] is allowed:
// No errors.
And you can return a [Sub] where a [Base] is expected:
func g() -> [Base] { return [Sub]() }
// No errors.
And you can assign a [Sub] to a [Base] variable:
let bases: [Base] = [Sub]()
// No errors.
So back to your code:
static func objects<T>(_ response: [[String: Any]]?) -> [T]? ...
let myObjects: [MyObject]? = MyObject.objects(response)
Certainly MyObject.objects(_:) must return a type that can be treated as [MyObject]?. But any subtype of [MyObject]? is also acceptable. The type is not tightly constrained. I guess this is why Swift doesn't like it.
The fix is to tell Swift explicitly what type you want, using a pattern you'll see in many places in the Swift standard library:
static func objects<T>(ofType type: T.Type, from response: [[String: Any]]?) -> [T]? ...
// Note that you might not actually have to use the `type` parameter
// in the method definition.
let myObjects = MyObject.objects(ofType: MyObject.self, from: response)
It's not clear why this method is on the MyObject class at all. Perhaps you should make it a method on [[String: Any]]:
extension Collection where Element == [String: Any] {
func objects<T>(ofType type: T.Type) -> [T]? ...
let myObjects = response.objects(ofType: MyObject.self)

Turning values into Data in Swift 3 [duplicate]

With Swift 3 leaning towards Data instead of [UInt8], I'm trying to ferret out what the most efficient/idiomatic way to encode/decode swifts various number types (UInt8, Double, Float, Int64, etc) as Data objects.
There's this answer for using [UInt8], but it seems to be using various pointer APIs that I can't find on Data.
I'd like to basically some custom extensions that look something like:
let input = 42.13 // implicit Double
let bytes =
let roundtrip = // --> 42.13
The part that really eludes me, I've looked through a bunch of the docs, is how I can get some sort of pointer thing (OpaquePointer or BufferPointer or UnsafePointer?) from any basic struct (which all of the numbers are). In C, I would just slap an ampersand in front of it, and there ya go.
Note: The code has been updated for Swift 5 (Xcode 10.2) now. (Swift 3 and Swift 4.2 versions can be found in the edit history.) Also possibly unaligned data is now correctly handled.
How to create Data from a value
As of Swift 4.2, data can be created from a value simply with
let value = 42.13
let data = withUnsafeBytes(of: value) { Data($0) }
print(data as NSData) // <713d0ad7 a3104540>
withUnsafeBytes(of: value)
invokes the closure with a buffer pointer covering the raw bytes of the value.
A raw buffer pointer is a sequence of bytes, therefore Data($0) can be used to create the data.
How to retrieve a value from Data
As of Swift 5, the withUnsafeBytes(_:) of Data invokes the closure with an “untyped” UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer to the bytes. The load(fromByteOffset:as:) method the reads the value from the memory:
let data = Data([0x71, 0x3d, 0x0a, 0xd7, 0xa3, 0x10, 0x45, 0x40])
let value = data.withUnsafeBytes {
$0.load(as: Double.self)
print(value) // 42.13
There is one problem with this approach: It requires that the memory is property aligned for the type (here: aligned to a 8-byte address). But that is not guaranteed, e.g. if the data was obtained as a slice of another Data value.
It is therefore safer to copy the bytes to the value:
let data = Data([0x71, 0x3d, 0x0a, 0xd7, 0xa3, 0x10, 0x45, 0x40])
var value = 0.0
let bytesCopied = withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &value, { data.copyBytes(to: $0)} )
assert(bytesCopied == MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: value))
print(value) // 42.13
withUnsafeMutableBytes(of:_:) invokes the closure with a mutable buffer pointer covering the raw bytes of the value.
The copyBytes(to:) method of DataProtocol (to which Data conforms) copies bytes from the data to that buffer.
The return value of copyBytes() is the number of bytes copied. It is equal to the size of the destination buffer, or less if the data does not contain enough bytes.
Generic solution #1
The above conversions can now easily be implemented as generic methods of struct Data:
extension Data {
init<T>(from value: T) {
self = Swift.withUnsafeBytes(of: value) { Data($0) }
func to<T>(type: T.Type) -> T? where T: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
var value: T = 0
guard count >= MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: value) else { return nil }
_ = Swift.withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &value, { copyBytes(to: $0)} )
return value
The constraint T: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral is added here so that we can easily initialize the value to “zero” – that is not really a restriction because this method can be used with “trival” (integer and floating point) types anyway, see below.
let value = 42.13 // implicit Double
let data = Data(from: value)
print(data as NSData) // <713d0ad7 a3104540>
if let roundtrip = Double.self) {
print(roundtrip) // 42.13
} else {
print("not enough data")
Similarly, you can convert arrays to Data and back:
extension Data {
init<T>(fromArray values: [T]) {
self = values.withUnsafeBytes { Data($0) }
func toArray<T>(type: T.Type) -> [T] where T: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
var array = Array<T>(repeating: 0, count: self.count/MemoryLayout<T>.stride)
_ = array.withUnsafeMutableBytes { copyBytes(to: $0) }
return array
let value: [Int16] = [1, Int16.max, Int16.min]
let data = Data(fromArray: value)
print(data as NSData) // <0100ff7f 0080>
let roundtrip = data.toArray(type: Int16.self)
print(roundtrip) // [1, 32767, -32768]
Generic solution #2
The above approach has one disadvantage: It actually works only with "trivial"
types like integers and floating point types. "Complex" types like Array
and String have (hidden) pointers to the underlying storage and cannot be
passed around by just copying the struct itself. It also would not work with
reference types which are just pointers to the real object storage.
So solve that problem, one can
Define a protocol which defines the methods for converting to Data and back:
protocol DataConvertible {
init?(data: Data)
var data: Data { get }
Implement the conversions as default methods in a protocol extension:
extension DataConvertible where Self: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral{
init?(data: Data) {
var value: Self = 0
guard data.count == MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: value) else { return nil }
_ = withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &value, { data.copyBytes(to: $0)} )
self = value
var data: Data {
return withUnsafeBytes(of: self) { Data($0) }
I have chosen a failable initializer here which checks that the number of bytes provided
matches the size of the type.
And finally declare conformance to all types which can safely be converted to Data and back:
extension Int : DataConvertible { }
extension Float : DataConvertible { }
extension Double : DataConvertible { }
// add more types here ...
This makes the conversion even more elegant:
let value = 42.13
let data =
print(data as NSData) // <713d0ad7 a3104540>
if let roundtrip = Double(data: data) {
print(roundtrip) // 42.13
The advantage of the second approach is that you cannot inadvertently do unsafe conversions. The disadvantage is that you have to list all "safe" types explicitly.
You could also implement the protocol for other types which require a non-trivial conversion, such as:
extension String: DataConvertible {
init?(data: Data) {
self.init(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
var data: Data {
// Note: a conversion to UTF-8 cannot fail.
return Data(self.utf8)
or implement the conversion methods in your own types to do whatever is
necessary so serialize and deserialize a value.
Byte order
No byte order conversion is done in the above methods, the data is always in
the host byte order. For a platform independent representation (e.g.
“big endian” aka “network” byte order), use the corresponding integer
properties resp. initializers. For example:
let value = 1000
let data =
print(data as NSData) // <00000000 000003e8>
if let roundtrip = Int(data: data) {
print(Int(bigEndian: roundtrip)) // 1000
Of course this conversion can also be done generally, in the generic
conversion method.
You can get an unsafe pointer to mutable objects by using withUnsafePointer:
withUnsafePointer(&input) { /* $0 is your pointer */ }
I don't know of a way to get one for immutable objects, because the inout operator only works on mutable objects.
This is demonstrated in the answer that you've linked to.
In my case, Martin R's answer helped but the result was inverted. So I did a small change in his code:
extension UInt16 : DataConvertible {
init?(data: Data) {
guard data.count == MemoryLayout<UInt16>.size else {
return nil
self = data.withUnsafeBytes { $0.pointee }
var data: Data {
var value = CFSwapInt16HostToBig(self)//Acho que o padrao do IOS 'e LittleEndian, pois os bytes estavao ao contrario
return Data(buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: &value, count: 1))
The problem is related with LittleEndian and BigEndian.

Enum of structs in Swift 3.0

I am trying to create an enum of a struct that I would like to initialize:
struct CustomStruct {
var variable1: String
var variable2: AnyClass
var variable3: Int
init (variable1: String, variable2: AnyClass, variable3: Int) {
self.variable1 = variable1
self.variable2 = variable2
self.variable3 = variable3
enum AllStructs: CustomStruct {
case getData
case addNewData
func getAPI() -> CustomStruct {
switch self {
case getData:
return CustomStruct(variable1:"data1", variable2: SomeObject.class, variable3: POST)
case addNewData:
// Same to same
return nil
I get the following errors:
Type AllStructs does not conform to protocol 'RawRepresentable'
I am assuming that enums cannot be used this way. We must use primitives.
It should be:
struct CustomStruct {
var apiUrl: String
var responseType: AnyObject
var httpType: Int
init (variable1: String, variable2: AnyObject, variable3: Int) {
self.apiUrl = variable1
self.responseType = variable2
self.httpType = variable3
enum MyEnum {
case getData
case addNewData
func getAPI() -> CustomStruct {
switch self {
case .getData:
return CustomStruct(variable1: "URL_TO_GET_DATA", variable2: 11 as AnyObject, variable3: 101)
case .addNewData:
return CustomStruct(variable1: "URL_TO_ADD_NEW_DATA", variable2: 12 as AnyObject, variable3: 102)
let data = MyEnum.getData
let myObject = data.getAPI()
// this should logs: "URL_TO_GET_DATA 11 101"
print(myObject.apiUrl, myObject.responseType, myObject.httpType)
Note that upon Naming Conventions, struct should named as CustomStruct and enum named as MyEnum.
In fact, I'm not pretty sure of the need of letting CustomStruct to be the parent of MyEnum to achieve what are you trying to; As mentioned above in the snippets, you can return an instance of the struct based on what is the value of the referred enum.
I'm not commenting on the choice to use an enum here, but just explaining why you got that error and how to declare an enum that has a custom object as parent.
The error shows you the problem, CustomStruct must implement RawRepresentable to be used as base class of that enum.
Here is a simplified example that shows you what you need to do:
struct CustomStruct : ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Equatable {
var rawValue: Int = 0
init(integerLiteral value: Int){
self.rawValue = value
static func == (lhs: CustomStruct, rhs: CustomStruct) -> Bool {
lhs.rawValue == rhs.rawValue
enum AllStructs: CustomStruct {
case ONE = 1
case TWO = 2
A few important things that we can see in this snippet:
The cases like ONE and TWO must be representable with a Swift literal, check this Swift 2 post for a list of available literals (int,string,array,dictionary,etc...). But please note that in Swift 3, the LiteralConvertible protocols are now called ExpressibleByXLiteral after the Big Swift Rename.
The requirement to implement RawRepresentable is covered implementing one of the Expressible protocols (init?(rawValue:) will leverage the initializer we wrote to support literals).
Enums must also be Equatable , so you'll have to implement the equality operator for your CustomStruct base type.
Did you try conforming to RawRepresentable like the error is asking?
Using JSON representation should work for variable1 and variable3. Some extra work may be required for variable2.
struct CustomStruct: RawRepresentable {
var variable1: String
var variable2: AnyClass
var variable3: Int
init?(rawValue: String) {
guard let data = .utf8) else {
return nil
guard let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any] else {
return nil
self.variable1 = (json["variable1"] as? String) ?? ""
self.variable2 = (json["variable2"] as? AnyClass) ?? AnyClass()
self.variable3 = (json["variable3"] as? Int) ?? 0
var rawValue: String {
let json = ["variable1": self.variable1,
"variable2": self.variable2,
"variable3": self.variable3
guard let data = try? json, options: []) else {
return ""
return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
According to the documentation:
If a value (known as a “raw” value) is provided for each enumeration case, the value can be a string, a character, or a value of any integer or floating-point type.
So yes, you cannot set a struct type to be enum's raw value.
In your case I would suggest using string as the enum raw value and some dictionary mapping these strings to CUSTOM_STRUCT type.
A bit late on the party but maybe useful for someone else. I would consider to simply use computed variables instead of a struct.
enum MyEnum {
case getData
case addNewData
var variable1: String {
switch self {
case .getData: return "data1"
case .addNewData: return "data2"
var variable2: Int {
switch self {
case .getData: return 1
case .addNewData: return 2
// ....
let data = MyEnum.getData
print (data.variable1) // "data1"

Game Center - sending and receiving data with Swift

I am trying to send the following structure from one player to another:
struct GamePacket {
var action: String
var pointArray: [CGPoint]
I'm having a hard time figuring out the correct way to convert the GamePacket to Data and back again.
Here is the code I have so far for sending packets:
func send(packet: GamePacket) {
//convert GamePacket to Data here
let data = Data.init()
var remotePlayerArray = [GKPlayer]()
if let currentPlayer = self.currentPlayer, let match = self.match, let playerArray = self.match?.players {
for player in playerArray {
if player != currentPlayer {
do {
try match.send(data, to: remotePlayerArray, dataMode: GKMatchSendDataMode.reliable)
catch {
And the code for receiving:
func match(_ match: GKMatch, didReceive data: Data, fromRemotePlayer player: GKPlayer) {
//convert Data to GamePacket here
From some samples written in ObjectiveC, I managed to convert the GamePacket to Data using something simmilar to the following:
let data = NSData(bytes: &packet, length: MemoryLayout<GamePacket>.size) as Data
However, I can't figure out how to convert the Data back to a GamePacket on the receiving end, nor am I sure this is the correct way to do it.
Any help is greatly apreciated. Thank you.
Use Codable
struct GamePacket: Codable {
var action: String
var pointArray: [CGPoint]
Then you can convert to Data easily:
func save<T: Encodable>(_ item: T, to url: URL) throws -> Data {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
return try encoder.encode(item)
func load<T: Decodable>(from data:Data) throws -> T {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let item = try decoder.decode(T.self, from: data)
return item
A quick and dirty solution would be something like this:
func encodeGamePacket(packet: GamePacket) -> NSData {
return NSData(bytes: &gamePacket, length: MemoryLayout<GamePacket>.size)
func decodeGamePacket(data: NSData) -> GamePacket? {
var tempBuffer:GamePacket? = nil
data.getBytes(&tempBuffer, length: MemoryLayout<GamePacket>.size)
return tempBuffer
I have not messed with direct addresses myself under swift yet, so I am not entirely sure whether this is the best approach. Note that I used an optional return type, you can design this differently in your code (maybe add some checks, unwrap the variable and return it or throw an exception when the checks fail).
Alternatively you could design a method that writes your GamePacket into a String (for readability, for example), which you can in turn transform into NSData (String has a data method) or you turn GamePacket into an NSCoding compliant class that offers methods to convert itself into NSData as well.

Swift: function overload resolution via closure parameter?

I am trying to solve a separate problem related to parsing JSON. In the process, I ran afoul of the Swift compiler, as I expected it to use closure template arguments to select a function overload for optional types.
I haven't seen anything explicit in their documentation on this topic, but is it not the expectation that all else equal, swiftc will use arguments of a closure parameter in a generic function to select the correct overload?
Here is the simplest sample that I could come up with:
import Foundation
let os:NSString = "foo!"
let d:[String:AnyObject] = ["a": os]
struct Model {
var opt:String?
var basic:String = ""
func read<T>(source:AnyObject?, set:T -> ()) {
if let t:T = source as? T {
println("basic: read type: \(T.self) from value \(source)")
else {
println("failed to read basic type \(T.self) from value \(source)")
func read<T>(source:AnyObject?, set:T? -> ()) {
assert(false, "this is not called")
if let t:T? = source as? T? {
println("optional: read optional type: \(T.self) from value \(source)")
else {
println("failed to read optional type \(T.self) from value \(source)")
var m = Model()
let raw: AnyObject? = d["a"]
struct Property<T> {
typealias V = T
var get:() -> T
var set:T -> ()
func doRead(d:[String:AnyObject]) {
read(d["a"], set)
let b = Property(get: { m.basic }, set: { v in m.basic = v })
let o = Property(get: { m.opt }, set: { v in m.opt = v })
Per the comment inline, I expected the second overload to be used for optional types, but it is not. Am I missing something?
Note that the compiler is inferring the optional / non optional type from the property construct - it knows that the closure takes a optional, it just doesn't select the overload. I have restored some of my original logging code above, and the output is:
basic: read type: Swift.String from value Optional(foo!)
failed to read basic type Swift.Optional from value Optional(foo!)
From my usage of Swift, I see that the compiler prefers non-optionals over optionals. The operation:
let o = Property(set: { v in m.opt = v })
Is legal even when v is a non-optional, and therefore the compiler assumes as such.
This is a good question, and I assume a lot of other questions like this will be answered soon when Swift is made open-source.
