iPhone keyboard goes away when UIImagePicker comes up - ios

Apple's FoodTracker tutorial for writing iOS apps using Xcode and Swift involves a text field and an image picker. The user can enter text into the text field and have the app display that text in a label. Separately, when the app's user clicks on an image that the app displays, an image picker is created to let the user select a different image and have the app display that image.
According to the tutorial, the function that gets called when the user taps on the image needs to call the text field's resignFirstResponder function in order to get rid of the keyboard that is displayed while the text field is being used, but I'm finding that this isn't the case. I can comment out that call to resignFirstResponder, and the keyboard still goes away. Furthermore, if I start using the text field in the app but then tap the image to bring up the image picker, the text field's textFieldDidEndEditing function gets called regardless of whether the image picker's code calls resignFirstResponder on the text field.
Can someone please shed some light on this situation? Personally, I think it makes sense that the image picker code doesn't have to worry about the text field, but Apple's tutorial claims otherwise. Here's a link to the part of the tutorial that claims a call to resignFirstResponder is necessary. You'll see it quickly if you just search for "resignFirstResponder." https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/DevelopiOSAppsSwift/Lesson4.html

You are right. By presenting the new viewcontroller the textfield is no longer in front so it can't be the first responder anymore. But the problem is that it is not that sure that it works then calling .resignFirstResponer. So it is more to make sure that it will work.


Output specific images when user taps the keyboard

I want to output a image when a user taps on the keyboard. Let's say the user taps A on the keyboard in a UITextView. Instead of outputting the normal A, I want to output the picture of an Ape.
If a user taps "S" I want to output the image of a sun. Is this possible with out having to make a customized keyboard?
Besides creating a custom keyboard yourself, there isn't really a neat method to getting an image output.
One thing you could do is program Swift to automatically recognise the letter input and display an image over or replacing the letter as a result.
To do this, assign a variable to your editable UITextView or UITextField. If you are using XCode you can do this by control-dragging the text field into your code and it will automatically create a weak var, but you can change the strength in the pop up box that appears.
Since you now have a variable, there are two options as to how you display the image. One way is rather boring and will clutter your code, but essentially involves this, which I have simplified for the purposes of demonstration:
if UITextInput == a {
// add image
You would have to repeat this for every letter of the alphabet.
Or you could create a dictionary in which each letter corresponds to each image, and find a way to cycle through them, depending on the user's input. Even though this is harder to program for a newbie, it makes the code much neater and quicker.
This is the link to the official Apple documentation on dictionaries:
However, since I assume you are programming an app for the younger market, I would recommend creating a custom keyboard as it will be easier in the long run.
Hope this helps,

disable ipad default resign button Xcode

I am working on iPad app and for textfield i have some validation like its text cant be empty if so it should display an error alert.But in iPad we have its default button at the bottom right corner of keypad which has image some what like a keyboard.Clicking on this very button the keyboard resigns automatically without any validation check
How i can disable the textfield resign clicking on this button.
[textField resignFirstresponder];
textfieldsholdreturn method will help ?
I'm not 100% sure about this, but the textFieldShouldEndEditing: method in UITextFieldDelegate protocol should be what you're searching for.
The documentation says:
Note: If you use this method to validate the contents of the text field, you might also want to provide feedback to that effect using an overlay view. For example, you could temporarily display a small icon indicating the text was invalid and needs to be corrected. For more information about adding overlays to text fields, see the methods of UITextField.

Keep keyboard always on top & visible

I have view with a text field, an image and a few buttons.
I want to make sure the keyboard is displayed and is on top when the view is displayed
I want to make sure it doesn't go away after I type something in to the text field and submit it.
I called [txtField becomeFirstResponder] with viewdidload and the keyboard is appearing by default but with a tiny delay after the view is displayed.
Also the becomefirstresponder doesn't help after I have my text field submitted.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Also the becomefirstresponder doesn't help after I have my text field submitted.
That part makes no sense. By default, a text field does not dismiss the keyboard unless you dismiss it with endEditing: or resignFirstResponder. If the keyboard is going away, you must be making it go away. So don't and it won't.
EDIT: And indeed, your comment later reveals the answer: you've hooked up the didEndOnExit control event from the text field. Well, that causes the keyboard to be dismissed when the user presses the Done button! So you are effectively hitting yourself in the face and then complaining that someone is hitting you in the face.
So the solution, obviously, is don't hook up the didEndOnExit control event (to anything). Instead, just give the text field a delegate and use the delegate messages to learn what the user is doing. None of those have any automatic behavior with regard to the keyboard, so the keyboard won't be dismissed automatically. For example, to learn when the user is typing, use textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString:. To learn when the user has hit the Done button, use textFieldShouldReturn:. And so on.

clearButton not working in UITextEditField

This is one of those "it was working a while ago" troubleshooting efforts.
I'm working on the document preview view controller, in which is a scroll view, which itself contains subclasses of UIView that represent each document. I'm modeling this pretty closely to how Keynote handles its document preview, except I build my scroll view horizontally and with paging. But the standard user experience is present: Long press on a document icon causes all document icons to start jiggling, nab bar has + button and Edit button, etc.
The issue at hand is that when you tap on the name of a document, I hide all the others, move the one being edited front and center, build a new text edit field, add it as a subview atop the real name label, and set it as first responder; but the
[editNameTextField setClearButtonMode:UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing];
while correctly showing in the edit field is not taking any action when the user taps on the clear button.
I can't figure out what I may have done to cause this to not work -- it had been!
My first thought was that somehow my instance of this subclass is no longer the delegate for this text edit field. To try and confirm/deny that, I usurped a tap on the image view of the document preview to compare the delegate property to self, and it passes.
if (editNameTextField) {
NSLog(#"editNameTextField is still active");
if ([editNameTextField.delegate isEqual:self]) {
NSLog(#"we're still the delegate for the editNameTextField");
Editing the text within the edit field works fine. Pressing the Return/Done key correctly sends the delegate message textFieldShouldReturn:
While investigating this I implemented the delegate method textFieldShouldClear: just to write a log message if the method gets called (and return YES of course). It never gets called.
My next thought was that perhaps a subview had covered up the area where the clear button sits. So I implemented textFieldShouldBeginEditing: and used the opportunity to bring my the text field to the front. That didn't change anything either. I set a debugger breakpoint there to play a sound when it was called, and it got called, so I know my text edit field is frontmost.
I have only one troubleshooting strategy remaining: Go backwards through snap shots until it starts working again. Before doing that I thought I'd see if any of the more experienced folks out here have any suggestions of what to try next.
Where are you adding the textfield? As a subview of the scrollView? If you added the textfield and it is out of bounds of its parent view it won't receive any touches.
You can try and not call becomeFirstResponder and see if clicking it will show keyboard. Another possible error might be that the parent view of the UITextField has userInteractionEnabled = NO.
Without seeing more code I'm afraid I can not offer more solutions.

Curious Warning Message on UITextView

Has anyone run across this warning message building for the iPhone?
More importantly do you understand how to fix it?
"unsupported configuration data detection and editable"
It's seems to be the UITextView that is complaining.
Here's a screenshot.
The problem is that you have that textview set both to editable + to detect/autolink phone numbers, events, addresses, etc. a text area can either be editable and not detect/autolink text, or it can autolink text but not be editable.
Your settings for that textview should look like:
but not like:
I think in your scenario, the text input is only used to input text, nothing more. Then when it get's presented back, the "presenting text view" will take care of detecting the potential information... dates, events, etc.
To be more precise : in a simple app scenario, a user types in some text (let's say an event input text view - with no detection necessary at this point). Then when it get's eventually presented back to him or another user (let's say the detail view of the event), the text will be presented back in a "non-editable" text view that in turn will be able to have detections.
I know this question is a little old, but this is how I resolved it;
In Interface Builder I have Links Detection selected, and Editable Behaviour not selected.
Then, in my ViewController, I implemented the UITextView - (BOOL)textViewShouldBeginEditing:(UITextView *)textView { } delegate method and return NO.
It removed the warning and prevents the user from being able to edit the UITextView's content.
