How to remove keyboard enlargement in ios objective c - ios

I want to show keyboard smaller but causing problem. Please compare both images, keyboard size is bigger in first image than second image and also vertical spacing between two character is more . I have already added Retina 4-inch launch image ,Retina HD 4.7 inch launch image and retina HD 5.5 launch image. Keyboard is showing proper in iphone 6 but my app design causing problem when i run in iphone 5. How I can show keyboard smaller without design problem? I have searched a lot but couldn't get solution of this problem.
This is image shows the proper keyboard size which I want in my app.
this is my iPhone 5 design image, here keyboard is looking starched.
see this is my iPhone 6 design image, it is looking fine.


iOS keyboard appears too large. Is this an issue with launch images? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
The keyboard in my iOS app is too tall on the iPhone 6. How can I adjust the resolution of the keyboard in XCode?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
In our iOS apps, I have seen that if we leave out certain launch images sizes, that the screen appears as if it is scaled up from a lower resolution device.
When this happens, the devices also display a taller keyboard with chunkier looking text.
When built in on my iPhone 6s+, from Xcode 7.x the keyboard in our app is 1 & 7/8ths" of an inch tall.
Looking at Skype, Slack, Waze, Messages, on the same device the keyboard is 1 & 3/8ths" tall.
I'm using whatever the standard keyboard is when our app's text fields are tapped on.
I have seen that this can be caused by missing launch images at the target device's size, but I'm not sold that this is the only cause. Does anyone have any insight why an app would appear at a lower resolution than what is native to the device?
Is there a known issue related to launchImages or some other factor that might be causing this?
In some of my testing, at one point I got the app to launch as expected at the correct size after switching full size retina launch images. This may have been fixed by building under Xcode 8.x, but I'm not sure and we can't do that yet because of other limitations.
Thanks much.
It's related to Launch Images in assets because when iPhone 5 came out first, XCode had this functionality to add certain launch image sizes to zoom in the UI of smaller screens and make it compatible to iPhone 5's screen. This was called Branding when I worked on it to make app compatible to bigger screen in a short time.
But it isn't the preferred way and you should avoid using Launch Images, use Launch.xib instead to create your Launch Screen. You can also use Launch.storyboard, whatever you prefer. It won't zoom in the Keyboard or other UI aspects then.
Hope it helps!

Issue on iPad 2 simulator with Tableview Graphics affecting only non-retina display

I have an issue with the top left tableview graphics not displaying properly only on the iPad 2 simulator. Both the iPad Retina and iPhone displays all render the image properly in bounds of the tableview's top bar. Essentially, I am updating an iPhone app on iOS 7 to a universal app supporting iOS 7 as well. And it only displays the image outside of the tableview's top bar on the non-retina display in the iPad 2 simulator.
Whoops! I found out the issue. I was using XIB's to set the size and xcasset's to load the images, and the 1x image was the same dimensions of the 2x image, so it was oversizing the image when compiled. So the non-retina display was four times as large as the needed dimensions.

ImageView Scaling for iPhone 6 and 6+

So Im making a game without the use of auto-layout. I have used constraints to scale everything and it worked perfectly. However, there are 12 image views that scroll down. 6 on the right a 6 on the left.
This is done based on a code i've written and places the images via arc4random.
The images on the left are completely fine and scroll down so that there is no gap between the side of the screen and the image. As do the images on the right when using the iphone 4s and 5.
HOWEVER.. when it comes to trying this on the iphone 6 and 6+, alot of the times, there is a gap between the image and the side of the screen on the RIGHT. the LEFT is fine. I want to know how I could solve this issue. This is more of a general problem so dont need to include code.
You can try disabling iPhone6 and iPhone6 Plus support for the app so that they work fine on the new devices (via scaling)
Remove "Launch Screen File" from Target General Settings and if you are using Asset Catalogs for Launch images, under right panel for the asset catalog under Launch Images-> remove launch images for iPhone Portrait and Landscape for the category 'iOS 8.0 and later'
This is a workaround that makes iPhone6 and iPhone6Plus to scale views according to the screen size.

How can I get the Xcode storyboard and the iPhone Retina (3.5-Inch) simulation to use the correct xcassets images?

Weird problem here which may be a bug in Xcode...
Using an Xcode 5.1.1 storyboard with auto layout, I am working on the design of a view controller that contains a full iPhone 4 sized UIImageView that references an xcassets image set. The xcassets image set includes 1x and 2x iPhone 3.5-inch images, and an iPhone 4 R4 image.
Problem 1: Once I set the Image View Image for the UIImageView in the utilities panel using a View Mode of Aspect Fit, the storyboard shows the smaller iPhone 3.5 image with white spaces at the top and the bottom of the view instead of the iPhone 4 image which would fill the entire storyboard representation of the view, as they are the same size since Xcode infers an iPhone 4 sized screen in the storyboard.
Problem 2: If I ignore problem 1 and run the program using the iPhone Retina (4-Inch) simulation, the applications selects the correct image size from xcassets and everything seems fine. However, if I run the simulation using the iPhone Retina (3.5-Inch) simulation, the applications also selects the correct sized image, but pushes the images down and display white space at the top of the page.
Before I start hacking around these problems, I thought I would reach out and see if anyone else has experienced either of these issues. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

iOS - App Displaying Scrunched Pre-Retina Version

I have an iOS app that was working fine. Displaying fine, operating fine. When I uninstalled it and gave it a fresh install, about an half an inch on both the top and bottom of the screen is black. It appears to be thinking it's an older iPhone and trying to fit it into a smaller screen. I don't recall changing anything related to this. Any ideas what it might be?
You are testing this in iPhone5 (4 inch size device) than you are finding box layout (black margin top bottom ) hope i am assuming right than
please check your splash image from iPhone5 that is 640x1136 it is not load right now or it would be missing in your application.
add splash screen for 4 size device it will work.
If you are using image-assets for splash screen than add this image in R4
