is there any way to identify a code snippet in a text - code-snippets

A part of my project , I want to the correlation of questions that contain a snippet of code(in any language) with duplicate questions. So is there any tool/API that can predict if a question in stack overflow contains a code snippet in the body.

Not sure if you are looking for it, but you can get the core dump provided by Stack Overflow and verify if the body of this question contains the "code" tag.
If yes, it contains a code on its body.


Error: 'Imported XML Content cannot be parsed'

Here's what I'm doing:
=IMPORTXML("", "/MarketData/Contracts/MarketContract/ID")
The other answers I've seen about this have said that Javascript would be the issue, but the page in question seems to load without it, and I've tried using IMPORTJSON and IMPORTFROMWEB to no avail.
Please help!
You are input incorrect parameter for the xmlpath, a proper formula should be as following and you need to spend sometime to find the correct xmlpath to extract the specific string or information you want,
Here is one example from Google:
=IMPORTXML("", "//a/#href")

Spree 1.3: How to only show users products available in their size [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm collecting size information from my users, so when they view the main products page, they only see products that are available in their size. I think the solution involves product scopes, but I'm not sure how to implement it. Anyone have any ideas on the best way to implement this?
The logic to find the products to display is generally done by:
An example of it being used is here:
By default, it will use this code to find the products
In order to override this, you can override the searcher_class configuration:
The searcher class has access to the current user, and I'm assuming you've modified the current user to contain their size.
You can do a crazy-ish query to get all products of a certain size. For example:
Spree::Product.joins(:variants_including_master => :option_values)
.where('spree_option_values.presentation = ? AND
spree_option_values.option_type_id = ?', 'XL',
Replace 'XL' with current_user.size or whatever you have setup, and you should have things working.
Hope that gives you a good place to start.

Ruby how to extract element value from a data structure [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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x = {"utf8"=>"✓",
I have ruby data structure like this and um trying to get the value of #original_filename field
I tried something like this
But both has thrown me an error . How to access that specified element value?
looks like you're trying to upload a file; from your tiny screenshot maybe you're referring to params[:file].original_filename?
The parameter ["file"] is a ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile, which has the original_filename member variable, as you can see in the params displayed in your image or here:
So, the way to get this value would be x["file"].original_filename

IDA Pro get Grey comments

I have an iOS App disassembly which has the following block:
There are 'greyed out' comments in the picture of great interest which we want to capture from IDAPython. Such as which selectors are used on imported Framework objects such as UIWindow, CLHeading etc. IDA python however only has calls to get Repeatable comments, regular comments and function comments. Any idea which idc/idapython function gets this 'greyed out' comments? I assume they are repeatable comments from somewhere. Thanks.
The grey out comments are repeatable comments so I tried following the labeled address (selRef_setLastHeading on the third line) to the repeatable comment and arrived at this line:
However, when I did a RptCmt(here()) at that address, I was expecting #selector(setLastHeading:) to be returned as the comment but it returned an empty string..
The grey comments are repeating comments from the referenced item, thus for the first grey comment on the third line, if you went to the selRef_setLastHeading_ it should have a repeating comment.
If this was in a structured data block, I'd say read the address and then use that for the comment request function (sorry no IDApython experience just IDC script). but as they are an operand of an instruction, for this type of thing I'd tend to write a script that had a switch based on the instruction so you knew how to decode the reference address.
I'm found a stupid way to get the grey comments,something likes below.
widget = ida_kernwin.open_xrefs_window(pk_ea)
title = ida_kernwin.get_widget_title(widget)

Capturing Field Name Metadata from a CSV File in Altova MapForce

I've been asked to prototype a replacement "file transformation process" (that currently is a mess of SQL) using Altova's MapForce. My input is a CSV file with headers. My problem is that I need to capture both the data AND the column name to use in downstream processing.
I need to have MapForce feed a C# method (imported as that takes two parameters: fieldName and value. I can access the value trivially, but after hours pouring over the manual (1000 pages!) I haven't found any examples of how to access the field name as an output.
The reason each output needs the field name and the value has to do with how all our mappings/transformations are currently managed - on a database. The .NET code jumps in at this point and does any necessary database lookups.
For example, if I had the following file:
"Symbol", "Account", "Price", ...
"FOO", "10101", "1.23", ...
"BAR", "10201, "13.56", ...
And a static method string TransformField( string fieldName, string value ),
I'd like to map the CSV file's Symbol data output to the method's value parameter and the Field Name "Symbol" to the method's fieldName parameter.
Some limitations:
I need to keep the "wiring" visible in the MapForce GUI. I'll have non-programmers maintaining the mappings in the future. So doing all this in code is not an option.
MapForce is the tool of choice by the company. Part of the reason our original process is such a mess is because the original programmer rolled his own mapping/transformation tool (out of TSQL no less - ouch).
We can treat all inputs/outputs to the method call as strings. Conversions will happen later.
I would like to avoid using scalar literals as inputs. I already have the column names from the file - I do not want to re-type each one and feed it to my method.
I'm not sure how many users out there have experience with this tool, but after 3 days of tinkering with it, I see much potential. If only I can get past this current sticking point, I think the company will have a solid alternative to their current mess.
Thanks for any/all suggestions.
I solved my issue and, for future reference, want to post a solution. I handled my problem by using MapForce's FlexText. This allowed me to extract the header from the CSV file and "invert" the column names as data inputs to the transformation process. Once I knew the approach to take, I was able to find more information directly from Altova.
I found a couple helpful tutorials while digging through their website:
Altova Online Videos
Web Tutorial
Hope this can help someone else in the future!
