Gulp throwing error when running gulp images - imagemagick

I am unable to run gulp images.
This is what I have installed on my computer:
├── async#0.9.2
├── bower#1.3.12
├── browser-sync#2.1.6
├── chai#1.10.0
├── colors#1.1.2
├── glob#4.5.3
├── glob-all#3.0.1
├── gulp#3.9.0
├── gulp-changed#1.3.0
├── gulp-clean#0.3.1
├── gulp-compass#2.0.4
├── gulp-concat#2.5.2
├── gulp-flatten#0.0.4
├── gulp-gm#0.0.7
├── gulp-jsonminify#1.0.0
├── gulp-plumber#0.6.6
├── gulp-rename#1.2.2
├── gulp-template-compile#0.2.1
├── gulp-uglifyjs#0.6.2
├── imagemin-jpegoptim#4.0.0
├── imagemin-optipng#4.3.0
├── imagemin-pngquant#4.2.0
├── js-yaml#3.4.2
├── lodash#3.10.1
├── merge-stream#0.1.8
├── mocha#2.3.2
├── run-sequence#1.0.2
└── should#4.6.5
And this is the error that gets flagged when I run gulp images:
Invalid image: /###/card/6997479627_922084ec63-card.jpg
[11:54:10] Plumber found unhandled error:
Error in plugin 'gulp-gm'
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling gulp, graphicsmagick, and imagemagick but it still flags the error.
Thanks for your help

I would install the latest version of gulp-gm, image manipulation with GraphicsMagick for gulp.


Remove some class file from all jars packaged in tar(each tar is a layer of a docker image)

OK so I know how to remove class files from all the jars under a dir. But, now I have different layer from a docker image, each layer is a tar file, and in the tar file there are the jar files.
Can I remove the class files from the jar files, packaged in tar files?
$ tree -L 3
├── 29e0fb8afe376cb02219c977cba1c9a80cca895f7f17b72c356f3e25a63337b9
│   ├── json
│   ├── layer.tar
│   └── VERSION
├── 3b75d6634da4d4f4932d2affeabb7454dc51ba160c3833b386c34e328da8f0ba
│   ├── amq # <<<<< this layer is extracted already, and you can see all the jars here. Other layers are not
│   │   ├── activemq-all-5.11.0.redhat-630495.jar
│   │   ├── bin
│   │   ├── conf
│   │   ├── data
│   │   ├── docs
│   │   ├── examples
│   │   ├── lib
│   │   ├── LICENSE
│   │   ├── NOTICE
│   │   ├── README.txt
│   │   ├── webapps
│   │   └── webapps-demo
│   ├── json
│   ├── layer.tar
│   ├── temp
│   └── VERSION
├── c1fa0e994b2d29f60fd2a6caecbe1ac3f987d001903523d60e532b6e08b094f0
│   ├── json
│   ├── layer.tar
│   └── VERSION
├── c8c84a6c1be5bdfc8caafd23082fd725e84f1c9cddb98fd56cad3a62544b2a3c.json
├── ef5088f89fbac64d2d5982ba14492227f60db1221f6bfd6290c6364a2a95a7e3
│   ├── json
│   ├── layer.tar
│   └── VERSION
├── manifest.json
├── repositories
└── # <<<<< the script is here
So you ask me why?
Well, did you hear people talking about log4j recently? :) I am doing this right now: log4j vulnerability check: how to quickly detect if log4j is used, in mavevn/in an image? "mvn dependency:tree" does not give a full picture
If someone can tell me how to remove these classes from jib maven plugin, that's better. They are from a base image and I doubt we could do that, though.

Adding multiple files to py2app

How do I use py2app for a project with the below structure. All the online resources and documents show what to do for a single file.
├── Resources
│   ├── database.pkl
│   ├── images_dir
├── MyApp
│ ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│ ├──
├── venv

Why docker ADD destroys folder structure?

I have the following folder structure:
> tree -L 3
├── pom.xml
├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   ├── java
│   │   └── resources
│   └── test
│   ├── groovy
│   └── resources
I tried to build docker image containing those folders together with files using the following Dockerfile:
FROM jamesdbloom/docker-java8-maven
USER root
RUN mkdir src
ADD ./src/* ./src/
ADD pom.xm
However, the structure in docker image is different. Particularly, I can no longer find main and test folders.
$ tree -L 3
├── pom.xml
├── src
│   ├── groovy
│   │   └── com
│   ├── java
│   │   └── com
│   └── resources
│   ├── ext_sample_input.json
│   ├── hist_sample_input.json
│   └── sample_input.json
Why is it so?
From official documentation:
Note: The directory itself is not copied, just its contents.
Change your ADD statement to:
ADD ./src ./src/

Trouble downloading yeoman yo; yo: command not found

I am trying to install node and yeoman. I was following this link:
After getting the errors below, I tried a bunch of solutions found here:
Node package ( Grunt ) installed but not available
But it did not work.
I was able to do sudo npm install -g bower and sudo npm install -g grunt and sudo npm install -g yo, but only yo seems to not be able to download.
/Users/myname/npm/bin/yeoman -> /Users/myname/npm/lib/node_modules/yeoman/bin/yeoman
/Users/myname/npm/bin/_yeomaninsight -> /Users/myname/npm/lib/node_modules/yeoman/bin/
yeoman#0.9.6 /Users/myname/npm/lib/node_modules/yeoman
├── which#1.0.5
├── open#0.0.2
├── colors#0.6.2
├── mkdirp#0.3.5
├── faye-websocket#0.4.4
├── fstream#0.1.26 (inherits#2.0.1, graceful-fs#3.0.2)
├── rimraf#2.0.3 (graceful-fs#1.1.14)
├── shelljs#0.0.9
├── request#2.9.203
├── tar#0.1.19 (inherits#2.0.1, block-stream#0.0.7)
├── grunt-contrib-coffee#0.3.2 (grunt-lib-contrib#0.3.1)
├── coffee-script#1.3.3
├── html-minifier#0.4.5
├── fstream-ignore#0.0.5 (inherits#1.0.0, minimatch#0.2.14)
├── grunt-jasmine-task#0.2.3 (temporary#0.0.8)
├── requirejs#2.0.6
├── grunt-mocha#0.1.7 (growl#1.7.0, temporary#0.0.8)
├── clean-css#0.3.3 (optimist#0.1.9)
├── cheerio#0.9.2 (underscore#1.6.0, entities#0.5.0, htmlparser2#2.6.0, cheerio-select#0.0.3)
├── es6-collections#0.2.0
├── connect#2.2.2 (qs#0.4.2, mime#1.2.4, debug#1.0.2, crc#0.1.0, formidable#1.0.9)
├── bower#0.3.2 (stable#0.1.5, archy#0.0.2, semver#1.1.4, async#0.1.22, tmp#0.0.23, nopt#2.0.0, lodash#0.9.2, vows#0.6.4, glob#3.1.21, rc#0.0.8, read-package-json#0.1.13, request#2.11.4, hogan.js#2.0.0)
├── prompt#0.1.12 (async#0.1.22, pkginfo#0.3.0, winston#0.5.11)
├── grunt#0.4.0-a (dateformat#1.0.2-1.2.3, semver#1.0.14, async#0.1.22, hooker#0.2.3, nopt#1.0.10, temporary#0.0.8, underscore#1.3.3, underscore.string#2.1.1, glob-whatev#0.1.8, gzip-js#0.3.2, uglify-js#1.2.6, jshint#0.7.3, nodeunit#0.7.4)
└── yeoman-generators#0.9.5 (diff#1.0.8, mime#1.2.11, cheerio#0.10.8)
mynames-MacBook:~ myname$ yo --version
-bash: yo: command not found

pub serve Transformer library "package:observe/transformer.dart" not found

When run pub serve on Mac, it could not find transformer.dart:
Transformer library "package:observe/transformer.dart" not found
I'm using OSX 10.9, DartEditor 30798.
pub build works fine.
I searched and saw pub build fails if proxy is define. But I'm connecting to network directory without proxy.
Here is the observe package under packages directory, transformer.dart is there:
├── html.dart
├── observe.dart
├── src
│   ├── bind_property.dart
│   ├── change_notifier.dart
│   ├── change_record.dart
│   ├── compound_path_observer.dart
│   ├── dirty_check.dart
│   ├── list_diff.dart
│   ├── list_path_observer.dart
│   ├── metadata.dart
│   ├── microtask.dart
│   ├── observable.dart
│   ├── observable_box.dart
│   ├── observable_list.dart
│   ├── observable_map.dart
│   ├── path_observer.dart
│   └── to_observable.dart
├── transform.dart
└── transformer.dart
I had such problem in the renamed polymer project. After I made new polymer project and copy all logic in created files. The problem was solved.
