Integrating opencv with xcode swift - ios

I am working on an iOS app based on image processing and would like to use OpenCV library. The documentation given on is pretty old. I would like to code in swift, so how should I integrate the library with my app?


Integrating Mediapipe into iOS

Problem: After building Mediapipe and playing around with their example iOS apps I was surprised to see that I could not find any comprehensive materials out there from which you can learn how to take their Machine Learning frameworks and further integrate them into a custom iOS app.
Question: Am I missing something? Can somebody provide some insight into integrating their ML solutions in an iOS app in order for the output to be further used in a custom use case in Swift?

Can you integrate firebase SDK inside an iOS library?

I have an iOS library and would like to integrate firebase SDK into it so that I can see crashes and other things that happened in the library. I am wondering if this is doable?
Yes. It is usually best to include it from a statically linked library, but possible from a dynamic library.
See details at

Snapchat Lens-like feature for IOS

i am searching a tutorial or helps about to create a snapchat lens-like feature in iOS with swift or objective-C either with Google Mobile Vision or IOS Vision framework.
I want to achieve something like android's do :
if you could help me or suggest me an open source library that has this ability.

metaio Augmented Reality tutorial

I am new to Augmented Reality application development.I want to develop Android Application using Metaio SDK,but I am not getting any information about AR development using metaio.Please suggest me some tutorials on AR application development using Metaio SDK
Please take a look at official Getting Started and Tutorials. The SDK installer includes examples and templates for each supported platform.

iOS phonegap zxing QR scanner plugin

I'm looking for a lib to use that comes with zxing QR scanning capabilities for iOS. What's the best option out there right now?
The question is slightly confusing - zxing is a QR scanning library. If you mean you are looking for an iOS port of zxing then try the Google one:
I know it looks like they're all for Android, but if you download the it includes the code for multiple platforms including iOS (although the code base was a bit of a mess last time I checked).
EDIT: Sorry, didn't see the part about PhoneGap (should probably mention that in the question, not just the title). I don't know of an existing PhoneGap plugin, but you can probably write one yourself easily enough if you can get the iOS ZXing examples working.
There is an iPhone Barcode Scanner plugin for Phonegap in the phonegap-plugins github repository here. According to the readme, it uses zxing.
