iOS Show UIAlert in Safari when using My App's Share Extension - ios

I'm developing a simple content blocker for iOS 9+ devices. Everything seems to be working fine in terms of blocking ad's / trackers etc and I even have the ability to 'whitelist' websites directly from Safari using a Share Extension Action.
My question is when the user taps Action > My Apps Share Extension [which adds it to a list inside the main app] I want to show a simple Alert that says something like 'This site has been added to your whitelist..." for a few seconds and then disappear.
... how do I do this?
**UPDATE I have read all of Apples documentation on this but still can't figure it out. The post here does actually refer to how to design a streamlined UI but doesn't really cover my situation.
Hoping someone will know :-)

Why you don't use Notifications for this , you can have your notification style set to show like an UIAlert. You can see something like that in Calendar app in iOS.
I did a little bit more digging , it's not possible to change the style programmatically according to this. So the best choice is handling it when your app is in foreground. I can't think of any other OS wide solution other than local notifications.


How can I share a url from a browser to my app in iOS?

How can I make an iOS app appear on share sheet to receive shared urls from any other app?
This is a super newbie post as I have never really touched swift to develop anything, but I couldnt find the answer to my question on google so i wanted to start here. Almost everything I found by googling around is UIActivityViewController which appears more to be about how to share content from my app to another app; while what I am trying to do is share urls from another app to my app.
I am try to build a simple app for ios (doesnt have to be old version compatible because it will be only used by me) that can be a receiver for shared urls from apps like safari, brave or youtube. All the app does is when user clicks on the share button, and then chooses the app, the app gets the relevant data that is being passed, and then posts it to a backend server.
I can accomplish this on my android app/devices with an intent filter action android.intent.action.SEND in the manifest, and then listening for it with Intent intent = getIntent() in my method.
Would someone be kind enough to point me in the right direction at what I should look into (google about). If you can also point me to some sample code examples on how to write an app that can be the receiver for shared data (like urls), that would be fantastic. I am not sure what to search for so that my app can show up on share sheet, and how to then react with the data.
Again, apologies for the super noob question, but I couldnt translate my idea to something relevant on google.
It can be achieved by an Action Extension. Search for it.
Here is one:
I think both Share extension and Action extension can do the job. It depends on your needs.
Check this table to make sure which one is more appropriate for your purpose.
You can refer to App Extension Programming Guide by Apple.

Siri Shortcuts: How do I create a UI for the intent parameters of an iOS shortcut?

I'm trying to create an INIntent to be set up with the new iOS Shortcuts app in iOS 12. I have read the documentation and watched the apple video about it.
I have managed to set everything up and the shortcuts work well, however I can’t seem to figure out how to make customizable options that the user can edit when setting up the shortcut. An example of this would be how the Calendar app’s shortcuts are set up:
Notice the options for Get, Add Filter, Sort by, etc..
I know I can add parameters to the intents in the Intents.intentdefeniton file, but those parameters needs to be set from the app itself before the interaction is donated to the iOS system via SiriKit.
Regardless of what I do the Intent just shows up empty without options.
Any help is appreciated!
I am sorry to bring you bad news, but there is no way to do that. The apps that appear there (like Trello, Overcast, Pocket, etc...) were already supported by before was released.
You can try to work around it by calling URL Schemes directly but it might not be the solution you are after.
I think you need to create an Intents UI Extension for this.

How can I share Safari URL to my Cordova/PhoneGap App (ios)?

I am searching for the last week over many websites, and I can see people with the same question, but they are mostly misundestood.
What I have:
I have an iOS application that can receive URL from browsers (made with ionic/cordova)
What I want:
When I am on Safari (or other browser), i want to use the button Share, and my app appear there, in the list, just like Twitter, Facebook, etc. (I put an arrow in the image below).
Like this:
And, I want this working on many iOS versions.
So, I tried to change my app-info.plist many times and nothing works.
Somebody have a solution for this? Somebody have a info.plist that do this job?
(PS: I don´t want to use URL scheme, links, etc... Its the browser SHARE)
The only way is to create a share extension, as mentioned. It is not a trivial task in that you have to incorporate a lot of pieces together to make it work. Also, it is only supported on iOS 8+, which I guess shouldn't be a major issue at present.
In a nutshell:
Create Share Extension in XCode
Create a JS preprocessor
Add plist key/value pairs for related ExtensionAttributes
Set up custom URL scheme
Customize ShareViewController
Set up global handler function to perform your desired actions in app
See Cordova: sharing browser URL to my iOS app (Clipper ios share extension)
Or that expands it further to include photo and wider share scenarios.
And, yes, a terribly misunderstood question with many false positive answers in other posts.

Display a tooltip on iPhone above the user click location

In android apps, it's very easy to show a tooltip (they call that a Toast). But I can't find an easy way to do the same in iOS apps.
I saw several things about this question, but my goal is to publish my app on the app store, so I want to use a proper way to do these tooltips...
Then, is there any way to do a tooltip according to Apple philosophy ?
There is no Android Toast equivalent built in. Many people use MBProgressHUD.

Is there a function which lets you add functionality to an existing app on ios?

I am curious if it is possible to make an app that adds a functionality to an existing app on ipad, say safari. If yes, which function would add a button to safari?
My question is based on 2 app advertisements I saw, one added a button to safari, the other created an app itself. I didnt buy them yet, so I dont know if they really do what thet say.
As far as I'm aware, I think the closest you get to adding functionality to an existing app would be creating a new app that allowed interaction with certain document types.
For example, you might create an app that can open and read PDF documents. On installing this app, you would then find that interacting with a PDF document on any app (such as in an email attachment, or opening a PDF in Safari) would show a new option to open the PDF in your app. This kind of interaction is achieved via the UIDocumentInteractionController class.
Beyond that, I believe you would have to create your own app from scratch based on an existing one in order to extend functionality (so, create the 'MyBrowser' app to behave like Safari, except with additional controls and features).
I'd love to be proven wrong, however.
