OWIN and ASP.net membership in IIS 8.5 not working - asp.net-mvc

I created an ASP.NET MVC project in visual studio 2015. I used the Windows Identity Foundation based template for individual accounts available in visual studio.
Then I configure it for facebook and Google.
It works perfectly when i run it from Visual Studio or IIS 7.5. I Could redirect to Google or Facebook page and I was able to register using email and I could see the records saved in the database.
However, when i deploy the app on IIS 8.5 running on windows server 2012 R2, on clicking the Facebook or google button, gives me 404 Resource Not Found Error.
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /account/externallogin
My question is do I need to do any further configuration on IIS 8.5 to get the External Authentication to work. I think the problem is IIS 8.5 is not able to recognize Startup class.
I have added nuget package Microsoft.Owin.Host.Systemweb.
I have a declaration on OWIN Startup class as
[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(StartupDemo.TestStartup))]
I also have added
<add key="owin:appStartup" value="StartupDemo.ProductionStartup" />
in web.config
Also when i click register button, in IIS 7.5 i could register and login but on IIS 8.5 the registration screen simply refreshes without any message.
I verified if I could connect my SQL Server by creating a simple controller and i was able to get all Add New, Edit, Delete and View Actions working in IIS 8.5.
I think there is some requirement in IIS 8.5 to get OWIN working, any help will be much appreciated

Make sure your app pool is in v4.0 integrated mode.
Make sure you have bin placed Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb (I see you have installed it) - Just make sure its also in the bin folder.
Read this article to learn How OWIN Middleware Executes in the IIS Integrated Pipeline


Unable to run Silverlight application from Visual Studio 2010

I'm in the process of setting up a new machine as a development environment and I'm having issues getting an existing code base that hosts a Silverlight application to work. The code runs fine on all other machines that my team uses.
Here is the error:
Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application
Code: 2104
Category: InitializeError
Message: Could not download the Silverlight application. Check web server settings
I have had a Google around for some answers on this and I realize there is a duplicate question on StackOverflow already, but it does not provide enough information and the answers have not worked for me.
I am attempting to run the solution through Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, using IIS Express 7.5 integration (as opposed to the Cassini web server). This approach works perfectly fine on all other machines, except for this one.
I have found that if I specify to use full IIS integration (instead of Express) and select the SilverlightTestPage.aspx as the start up page, then the application runs (although not perfectly). Also, if I publish the application and host it on IIS, it again works fine. However, when running through Cassini or IIS Express 7.5 integration, or when trying to get it to run through the Default.aspx or correct start up page it does not work.
Does anyone have any ideas what this might be? I've already checked that the MIME type in IIS is correct (not sure if I can do this in IIS Express as well?) and that the XAP files are building into the correct directory.
Check MIME types in IIS Express configuration file %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config and make sure that you have MIME types set correctly and restart IIS Express.
Please check the aspx file whether it has the "minRuntimeVersion" correctly for the Silverlight plug in.
<param name="minRuntimeVersion" value="4.0.50826.0"/>
also check the following link for hosting the Silverlight application .
Configuring IIS for silverlight

ASP MVC Forms Authentication Working Locally Not IIS 7 - 401 Unauthorized Error

I have a asp mvc 2 web application that with forms authentication. It is working just fine on my Visual Studio Development Server but once I deploy my application to IIS 7 it give me a
'401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials' error without going to my loginURL page.
In my Web Config
<authentication mode="Forms"
forms name=".MYUNIQUFORMSAUTH" loginUrl="/Login" requireSSL="false" timeout="20000" />
In IIS i also set the authentication to be Forms on my project and the cookie name matches name set in web.config file.
Project application pool is set to .NET 2.0 with Integrated Pipeline.
I had this problem and it was because the layout page had an Html.RenderAction to a controller that I hadn't applied an [AllowAnonymous] attribute to.
IIS Express let this slip through. IIS 7.0 was less forgiving.
(I'm following this pattern: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/rickandy/archive/2011/05/02/securing-your-asp-net-mvc-3-application.aspx)
I believe you need to enable the Anonymous Authentication in IIS besides Forms Authentication, so that a login form can be shown.
You will need to either grant read permissions on the directory of your project directory for "IIS_IUSRS" or adjust your website in IIS to use pass through acccess scheme...
p.s.below link for more info on this

asp.net mvc app in windows 2003 server extension less runs only home page

I've setup an asp.net mvc app on a windows server 2003 machine with IIS6. ASP.NET MVC3 and .NET4 framework has been installed.
Now, I setup a New Website, New AppPool for .NET4 and then put a virtual directory under there with my asp.net mvc3/razor app. So:
+NewSite <<I set home directory to MyApp
++MyApp/ <<virtual dir
Here is the annoying bit, when I navigate to the address http://<MyServerIp>/ the home page for my app loads up. But, all other links/urls fail and give me a 404.
Like if I click Log On. The URL <myServerIp>/Account/LogOn gives a 404. Similarly all other urls other than the home page give me a 404.
I've gone through as many related questions on SO. I've gone through Phil Haacks article. I've setup a wildcard mapping for .net4.
Any ideas?
Make sure that .NET 4.0 is enabled in the web service extensions folder in IIS manager console:
Also make sure that ASP.NET is properly registered with IIS:
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i

Routing problem with particular controller name using ASP.NET MVC 1 in IIS 7

I have joined a team developing an ASP.NET MVC version 1 application. I run this app on my local machine using IIS version 7.5. My operating system is Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition. I use Visual Studio 2008 SP1 for development.
One of the controllers in this app is called ReportsController. The route table entries for this controller use 'Reports' as the controller name part. The problem I have is that, using IIS 7.5 on my local machine, I simply cannot access any of the Reports action methods. If I try to access, say, '/Reports/Index' from Chrome or Firefox, I get a 401 Unauthorized response (as seen using Fiddler) and the browser displays its username/password entry dialog.
Please note the following:
All other non-Report pages in the application work correctly.
If I add a breakpoint to Application_BeginRequest, it is not hit when requesting a Reports page.
If I change the Reports routing entries in the route table registration code so that I have to access paths like '/Reportss/Index' (note the extra 's') then these Reports pages work correctly.
I have tried deleting then recreating my Web application in IIS.
The Reports pages work fine if I run the application using the Visual Studio 2008 development server (Cassini).
There is no directory called Reports in the application directory.
The Reports pages work correctly on our UAT environment, also under IIS 7.5.
I have reviewed my IIS setting several times, including comparing them with those on UAT, and I can't see a problem.
While I can use Cassini to access the Reports pages, I would really like to understand what is causing this issue.
If you have Reporting Services installed on your machine. try to create a new web site and use it. If you have SSRS installed on your machine it uses /reports for hosting reports.
I have had problems using the directory name 'Reports' at the root of a .net 2.0 website on IIS 7.5. It generates a 503 Error, indicating that there is an error at the system level before IIS tries to serve the page. I am not sure if reporting services is installed on my server. I just changed the directory name, all links and everything worked.
I have the exact same issue in my MVC Application with reporting services installed on the same server where code was deployed. I have changed the Reporting Manager URL in "SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration" which was hostName/Reports and assigned a new name i.e. SSRSReports so the virtual directory is now hostName/SSRSReports.
Now my application as well as SSRS Reports are working as expected.

Internal Server Error due to config lockdown when deploying my ASP.NET MVC app to my web host

I'm developing an ASP.NET MVC website on a local Windows Server 2008/IIS7 machine and am I'm now attempting to deploy it to my web host provider, ASPnix. I'm using their Shared Web Hosting service and have been placed on an IIS7 server which they claim supports ASP.NET MVC.
However, when I deploy the application up to their servers, I get an "Internal Server Error".
Here's the Error Summary:
HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.
Here are the relevant portions of the Detailed Error Information:
Module: IIS Web Core
Notification: BeginRequest
Handler: Not yet determined
Error Code: 0x80070021
Config Error: This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the section is locked at a parent level. Locking is either by default (overrideModeDefault="Deny"), or set explicitly by a location tag with overrideMode="Deny" or the legacy allowOverride="false".
And the Config Source looks like this:
144: </modules>
145: <handlers>
146: <remove name="WebServiceHandlerFactory-Integrated"/>
The error is coming from the fact that I have a system.webServer section in my web.config file that has a handlers child section. The system.webServer section is the exact config section that was laid down by default when I first created the ASP.NET MVC website in Visual Studio. It has the following XML comment above it:
The system.webServer section is required for running ASP.NET AJAX under Internet
Information Services 7.0. It is not necessary for previous version of IIS.
I take the handlers child section out, and the 500 error goes away. Of course, that section is required for an ASP.NET MVC application to work properly in IIS7, so simply taking it only produces other errors (404 errors in this case since routing doesn't work).
The support engineers at ASPnix claim that ASP.NET MVC is installed and configured properly in IIS7 on their servers. I'm not saying I don't believe them as this is the first ASP.NET MVC site that I've built and deployed. However, I can't think of anything I could do to make this work since it appears to be a config issue at a level that I don't have access to.
This issue smells like it would be a common issue with folks trying to deploy ASP.NET MVC to a hosting provider. Has anything run into this either with ASPnix or other web hosting companies and hopefully found a solution?
One odd thing. When researching this issue on the web I find many people saying they had to set the overrideModeDefault attribute their applicationHost.config files of IIS7 to from "Deny" to "Allow". However, my local development server has this set to "Deny" and everything works fine. Even so, I don't have access to the applicationHost.config file anyway on the web host's server.
Open IIS Management, Under the main server node, select open Feature Delegation (in Management section)
"Handler Mappings" to "Read/Write" instead of "Read Only"
It looks like your hosting provider unnecessarily locked down IIS.
I was able to recreate the problem on my local IIS 7.5 server.
See this for a global settings reset.
please check if you deployed your application properly : Deploying an ASP.NET Server (IIS 7)
The link to
doesn't fix the problem. The "reset delegation" creates an exception in web.config for a particular domain only which makes the site work, but doesn't answer how to set it permanently system wide.
So, it's not shame, because we know the solution and set all settings correctly. And advertising here some other hosts pointless we have tons of clients that are running from wh4l and describing how great their overloaded servers.
