iOS - Is OpenGL for 5- and Metal for 5s+ combination possible? - ios

Topic is pretty much the question. I have OpenGL-based game with a lot of shaders. What I wanna do is convert it to Metal, so it can gain some perfomance from conversion, but I also want to have old devices support. Is it possible?

I dont know for sure if that works but
You could check which iOS device is used
Detect the specific iPhone/iPod touch model
And than execute the metal Code or the OpenGL es Code

Have a look at MetalGL. It is an implementation of OpenGL ES that runs on Metal. You write your app in OpenGL ES, and if Metal is available on the device, MetalGL will run the OpenGL ES code on Metal automatically, including shader conversion. If Metal is not available on the device, MetalGL will run the native OpenGL ES engine.
Depending on the nature of your app bottlenecks, your app may be more performant when running on Metal, and MetalGL can help you understand if and how your app will benefit from Metal, without you having to rewrite your app in Metal.
Full disclosure...I work on the MetalGL development team.

Yes it is possible. I do it in a released game.
To test for Metal support on a device call:
// this returns NULL if the device does not support Metal
Class metalAvailable = NSClassFromString(#"CAMetalLayer");
Then take separate paths in your code to either initialise your Metal renderer or your OpenGL ES renderer. It's all pretty easy.


Opengl ES 3.1+ support on iOS through Vulkan wrapper

Now that a Vulkan to Metal wrapper is officially supported by Khronos (MoltenVK), and that OpenGL to Vulkan wrappers began to appear (glo), would it be technically possible to use OpenGL ES 3.1 or even 3.2 (so even with support to OpenGL compute shaders) on modern iOS versions/HW by chaining these two technologies? Has anybody tried this combination?
I'm not much interested in the performance drop (that would obviously be there due to the two additional layers of abstraction), but only on the enabling factor and cross-platform aspect of the solution.
In theory, yes :).
MoltenVK doesn't support every bit of Vulkan (see the Vulkan Portable Subset section), and some of those features might be required by OpenGL ES 3.1. Triangle fans are an obvious one, full texture swizzle is another. MoltenVK has focused on things that could translate directly; if the ES-on-Vulkan translator was willing to accept extra overhead, it could fake some or all of these features.
The core ANGLE team is working on both OpenGL ES 3.1 support and a Vulkan backend, according to their README and recent commits. They have a history of emulating features (like triangle fans) needed by ES that weren't available in D3D.

Clean C++ OpenGL for iOS

Can I use clean c++ version of openGL in my iOS App? I want write some basic wrapper, then connect my code in c++ with this wrapper and App. Or I must use only openGLES? With GLKit. Describe me all variants.
iOS supports OpenGL ES only. Currently supported devices are exclusively 2.0 and 3.0, which are both programmable pipelines; older devices were 1.1 which was the fixed pipeline.
ES is integrated as the Core Animation level. Prior to GLKit you were required to create a layer — the simplest thing that the compositor can display — and build that into a view hierarchy. CADisplayLink is the 3.0+ way of tying in to the device's [virtual] horizontal sync.
GLKit is separate and aims to:
provide easy view-level wrappings, creating and tying together a GL context, a layer, a view and a display link;
provide shaders equivalent to the old fixed-functionality pipeline so that ES 2.0+ can be used just as easily as 1.1 was for the same set of purposes.
It's up to you whether you use it.
One of the languages supported by LLVM is Objective-C++. That's C++ and Objective-C code intermingled, each able to call the other. You could easily create a single Objective-C++ file that exposes an ordinary C++ class for all of the rest of your ordinary C++ code but which internally makes appropriate calls to bridge into the Objective-C world. So you'd probably have a few hundred lines of Objective-C dealing with the OS stuff and exposing stuff you care about for C++ actors.
iOS doesn't support OpenGL at all. You must use OpenGL ES for iOS devices.
You can use OpenGL ES 1.1 and 2.0 on every single iOS devices (actually you can use only OpenGL ES 1.1 on iPhone 3G, however recent iOS doesn't support iPhone 3G at all).
Also you can use OpenGL ES 3.0 on Apple A7 and A8 GPU devices, such as iPhone 6.
See the Apple document for more details.
All you need to use OpenGL ES on iOS, is CAEAGLLayer and EAGLContext. GLKit is just a useful wrapper classes for those classes.
After setting up those classes, you can use OpenGL ES API as the other environment.
By the way, this project provides some OpenGL 2.0 APIs on OpenGL ES 2.0 environment. It seems it isn't compatible with iOS, but you might be able to use some code from the project.

Finding all openGL calls in iOS instruments

I am trying to profile and optimize iOS app that uses openGL. I am using the Time Profiler tool to see which methods are taking the most time. I want to filter the results so that I only see methods, and their callers, that use OpenGLES. Is there a way to do this?
I see something called "Specific Data Mining", but I don't understand what it does.
The Time Profiler instrument isn't designed to profile OpenGL ES code. Apple provides separate instruments for profiling OpenGL ES code. Use the OpenGL ES Analyzer template to profile your app's OpenGL ES usage. The template includes both the OpenGL ES Analyzer instrument and the OpenGL ES Driver instrument.

Hidding shader code from the XCode OpenGL ES debugger

I'm thinking about releasing a bunch of GPGPU functions as a framework using OpenGL ES 2.0 for iOS devices.
When capturing an OpenGL ES frame in XCode, I can see the code of the shaders being used. Is there a way to avoid this from happening? I've tried deleting and detaching the shaders with glDeleteShader and glDetachShader after linking the OpenGL ES program, but the code is still captured.
I'm not looking for a bullet proof option (which probably doesn't exist), just something that makes getting to the code a bit more difficult than just pressing a button.
Thank you.
The debugger has to capture input from calls to glShaderSource, the actual shader source is never stored in VRAM after compilation. I cannot think of any way to overcome this problem directly. Calling glShaderSourceis required because OpenGL ES does not support precompiled shader binaries.
I would recommend obfuscating the original shader code, perhaps using compile time macros, or even a script to scramble variable names etc (be carful of attribs and uniforms as they affect linkage to app code).
Here is a tool used for obfuscation/minimization of shader code. I believe it is built for WebGL so it may not work perfectly.

How can I load a 3d model to an IOS app, and scale/transform/rotate it to place on an image?

I should load a 3d model (let's say a fridge) and scale or rotate it to locate on a kitchen photo (just for an example).
I have seen several SDKs but all was for 3d games. What I need is to put and play with my object in a native IOS app.
Where should I start? GLKit is the answer for that?
iOS 3d rendering is made by OpenGL ES, that is a pretty difficult topic. Apple provides GLKit to help developer to integrate OpenGL ES but none of is a model parser or scene manager, is hard anyway. I can suggest you to use a 3d engine, I took a look at two engines:
1-Nineveh GL
The first integrate absolutely fine in iOS projects and exposes objective c API. It uses only OpenGl 2.0 shaders. The problem is that is a beta version.
The latter is written in C++ and supports both 1.0 and 2.0, but is pretty hard to integrate.
