App stuck in splash screen on iOS 9 with no error - ios

My app gets stuck on splash screen in iOS 9 both on iPhone and simulator. I can run it on iOS 8 or lower on device and simulator with no problem. My colleague working on the same app has exactly the same problem.
There is no error or anything, just hangs on splash screen. If I stop it on xcode and try to run it from the phone or simulator directly, it would run without any problem.
By the way, I don't see didFinishLaunchingWithOptions or willFinishLaunchingWithOptions getting called!

In your "answer" you include the code:
titles = #[NSLocalizedString(#"CODE", nil), NSLocalizedString(#"ERROR", nil), NSLocalizedString(#"TROUBLESHOOTING", nil)];
This is indeed the source of your issue. It's wise to be very careful when implementing +load or +initialize. #bbum has a great article on exactly that topic.
+initialize is invoked the first time the class (or category) is touched - when the class is initialized +initialize is called by the class loading mechanism. There is no guarantee of when in the class loading process this may happen, which is part of your problem.
In your case you are using NSLocalizedString - which under the hood can be fairly heavy. It has dependancies on several other classes (NSString, etc) and can potentially access the file system. As #bbum points out in his article, that can lead to serious trouble. In your case, this may be a nasty deadlock.
Move your titles = #[NSLocalizedString... line to a more appropriate place in your object, like an initializer, awakeAfterUsingCoder:, etc. and your immediate problem should be solved. After doing so you should check your entire codebase for instances where +initialize and +load are implemented and audit them to make sure those uses are in line with #bbum 's recommendations.

OK I found the problem. It sounds ridiculous though!!
I am using UITabBarController and inside the first controller I have a UITableViewController with a customised datasource class which would initiate a hard code table header and these headers are localised!!
+ (void)initialize {
titles = #[NSLocalizedString(#"CODE", nil), NSLocalizedString(#"ERROR", nil), NSLocalizedString(#"TROUBLESHOOTING", nil)];
After I traced the stacks, I realised the process gets stuck right there with no trace and error! I still don't know why!
So I came up with a workaround:
+ (void)initialize {
titles = #[#"Code",#"Error",#"Troubleshooting"];
And only retrieve the localised value when returning the text:
- (NSString *)titleAt:(NSInteger)index {
return NSLocalizedString(titles[index],nil);

I have both debug and release set to NO
You sure "any SDK" also has arm64?

Ok, I think I found the answer.
You have to specify arm64 in all "Valid Architectures".
If you don't specify arm64 or forget one the app won't start and stays on the splashscreen.
Just verified this.
Is this an Xcode 7 bug?


EXC_BAD_ACCESS when trying to encode a subclass of a Codable-conformant class

I must be a moron or something but I'm scratching my head for a third day in a row and can't figure out what's going wrong with my intention to encode some JSON data in my Swift program...
Here's the situation:
I've got two classes as follows:
class Node: Codable {
// Nothing in here
class Shape: Node {
// No code here too
Then, I have an attempt to encode the subclass as follows:
do {
let encodedData = try JSONEncoder().encode(Shape())
} catch {
This is all I have added to an empty Single View App project. When I run it, I get "Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x350)" crash.
Of course, initially my classes used to have a lot of properties which were Codable too. I thought it was any of them, so I stripped them off but it appears it's not the properties that are causing the crash...
I'm running Xcode 9.3 on a High Sierra MacBook Pro. Is there anyone willing to reproduce this or anyone already bumped his head into such an odd behavior?
This is a known bug and you can work around it by turning on Whole Module Compilation mode for the Debug configuration, or by upgrading to Xcode 10 beta.

Use of unresolved identifier - app development with Swift Project 2

Sorry - I realise this is a complete beginner question, but I've googled for half a day now and still can't resolve the issue myself.
I'm using xCode 8.3 and trying to complete the apple - app development with swift course - end of unit project 2. I'm told (by the Apple book) I should be able to run the app without build failures, even if it isn't finished.
I get an unresolved identifier error when I add the following code to my ViewControler file, inside the class ViewController: UIViewController.
func updateUI() {
correctWordLabel.text = game.formattedWord
scoreLabel.text = "Wins: \(totalWins), Losses: \(totalLosses)"
treeImageView.image = UIImage(named: "Tree \(currentGame.incorrectMovesRemaining)")
xCode suggests I change it to Game.formattedWord, but when i do get 'Instance member 'formattedWord' cannot be used on type 'Game' ViewController.Swift'.
Could someone please help?
I've checked the sample code from Apple about 100 times and they are def saying it should be game.formattedWord in the code.
Thank you!
Try correctWordLabel.text = currentGame.formattedWord
I think it’s a typo.
Earlier in your code you create an instance of the Game struct called currentGame so you are accessing the formattedWord variable inside that instance. That’s why you couldn’t change it to Game. Game is like the blueprint of the struct. currentGame is your actual ‘thing’ Hope that makes some sense.

Today-Widget "Unable to load" error

From time to time widget crashing with "unable to load" error.
Is anyone know how to fix it?
Widget haven't requests to server or smth else.
Unable to load in today extension mostly appears when:
You extension crash due to some reason
It takes more memory than what is provided by the system. (Memory Limit : max 16MB approx.)
Debug your app extension to find out the exact problem.
Refer to Xcode's Debug Gauge for Memory and CPU utilization.
Debugging today extension
You can debug your extension the same way you debug your main project. Just select that particular target scheme in your Xcode and run the project.
Now try using the breakpoints and other print statements in the extension’s code and you are good to go. Happy coding..😊
REBOOT the device.
This saved me.
I have faced this error
I used a custom view. But forgot to check Is initial viewController.
Set an entry point form "show attribute inspector" as an initial view controller
I have faced the same issue where it wasn't showing anything. Even my debug option was not working. I found an article online which helped me a lot. I would like to recommend this here.
Most of the time it is the size of the content view that crashes the widget. in that case, use this code snippet in TodayViewController.
Code snippet
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool)
var currentSize: CGSize = self.preferredContentSize
currentSize.height = 200.0
self.preferredContentSize = currentSize
Link for further research.
Make sure you have more than 0 rows
I have built a today-widget similar to Building a Simple Widget for the Today View.
I had none of the above issues. Mine was 0 row (I had no data for this particular day and hence, 0 row). I did not expect that it could be the problem since in the main-app, you can have empty table-view.
If you see unable to load message, make sure you have at least 1 row.
Set this in viewDidLoad:
extensionContext?.widgetLargestAvailableDisplayMode = .expanded
In my case NotificationCenter.framework was accidentally deleted from Link Binary With Libraries in Build Phases tab in widget target.

ObjC class method is not called. GDB playing games?

I have a custom UITableViewController that I am trying to use to manage a UITableView. The flow of my code in the main UIViewController that contains the UITableView goes like below:
_messagesTableVC = [[AllMessagesTableViewController alloc] init];
_allMessageTableView.dataSource = _messagesTableVC;
_allMessageTableView.delegate = _messagesTableVC;
[_allMessageTableView reloadData];
The AllMessagesTableViewController custom UITableViewController class is initialized, it does any processing needed and I set the _allMessageTableView (the UITableView)'s delegates to my custom class.
When I run this code, the program acts as if the custom class is not there but no errors occur. It seems as that NO methods in the custom class are called, no init, no initWithCoder, nothing (I have set breakpoints and checked ;)).
As you can see in the screenshot below, I have set a breakpoint after a custom method refreshData in the custom class that I set to return YES. I assign the return value of refreshData to a local variable test.
In the debugger:
_messagesTableVC custom class does not appear to be nil.
test does not appear to exist.
Not shown here, but when I try to run [_messagesTableVC refreshData] in the debugger it says error: Execution was interrupted, reason: Attempted to dereference an invalid ObjC Object or send it an unrecognized selector.
The process has been returned to the state before expression evaluation.. So is _messagesTableVC actually nil??
What could be causing these problems or is GDB playing games? This is a Messages app extension in case that makes any difference. Thanks.
Update: Here is the code for the custom class init and refreshData
- (instancetype)init {
self = [super init];
if (!self)
return nil;
return self;
- (BOOL)refreshData {
return YES;
Update2: I created a blank working project and copy pasted the exact files into my original project (because it is an iMessage extension to a big iOS app). It turns out the Xcode is running the older build of the app even after I cleaned the project and changed the UITableView delegate to supply a different text.
I created a Messages Extension for the same project in the past and deleted the target while keeping the files in the project. When I re-added the Messages Extension to the project, Xcode kept running the older build of the app.
I fixed the issue with Xcode running an older version of the app by:
Clean All
Delete Messages Extension target from project
Backup existing Message Extension code to a directory outside the project. Then delete the Messages app group and directory from the project.
Delete the Messages Extension build scheme from project.
Delete project Derived Data directory.
Restart Xcode, create new Messages Extension target in project, and import saved code.

Initialising swift view controller with nib name in objc class

In my app I have a view controller written in Swift. I imported it in to app delegate which is written in objective c. I try to create an object of the swift view controller like this
ListAllSongsViewController *songListVC = [[ListAllSongsViewController alloc]initWithNibName:#"ListAllSongsViewController" bundle:nil];
The ListAllSongsViewController is written in swift. The project compile without any issue but when executing the above line the app crashes & stops at init method of ListAllSongsViewController
There is nothing in the log, it just stops. Zombie & All exception break points are enabled.
P.S. It only crashes in device (iOS 7.1), but works fine in simulator
Update :
Getting the same issue even if I use the default swift initialiser
ListAllSongsViewController(nibName: "ListAllSongsViewController", bundle: nil)
Usually occurs when you passed a wrong nibName. Considering it crashes only in device, I think you've made a mistake about the case of the string ListAllSongs, because the Mac/Simulator's file system is case insensitive while the device is not.
