I am using swagger-ui and have different servers/interfaces/. So for each of them I store a bookmark - but the URL used in the swagger-ui is never ever saved within the bookmark. I always have to type in the address again.
Is it possible to save the URL used in the swagger-ui in a browser bookmark (for example as a special parameter)?
If your swagger-ui is running here:
And your server is running here:
Then you can bookmark the swagger-ui for your server like so (a simple GET with a param named "url"):
I want to access https://editor.swagger.io/ but need the YAML file to be preloaded based on a URL parameter.
So if I want to view https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/examples/v3.0/petstore.yaml, I should be able to provide this as an input to swagger editor accessible over the internet.
Is this possible?
Yes, Swagger Editor supports the url parameter:
Note that to load OpenAPI files from GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket/etc., you need to specify the "raw" file link.
Also, for this to work, the server where the YAML/JSON file is hosted must use HTTPS and support CORS (i.e. allow cross-domain calls from editor.swagger.io).
I'm trying to get Wopi host implementation in Ruby on Rails application.
My domain is whitelisted under CSPP. Trying to get the file contents in iframe, but I just see "Word Online" and a loading gif, I return binary file contents of docx as response to ..wopi/files/:id/contents. I don't get any calls hitting my host server.
Sample wopi_src_url: https://word-view.officeapps-df.live.com/wv/wordviewerframe.aspx?ui=1033&rs=1033&dchat=false&IsLicensedUser=0&WOPISrc=https://sgdevwopi.test-wopi.sycamoreinformatics.com/wopi/files/31/contents?access_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2&access_token_ttl=160000000
Able to get the Wopi validation page in Iframe using .wopitest file. How should I proceed further? Or what am I missing? Please help.
Note: I'm using ngrok to make my local app server visible publicly with whitelisted domain.
I see to problems with your URL. You must ensure that
the URL is of the form http://server/<...>/wopi/files/(file_id) (so drop the /contents part - WOPI client will call the /contents endpoint automatically when necessary)
the WOPISrc parameter value is encoded to a URL-safe string
More info here and here.
I am using Swagger-ui version 2.1.4, i have hosted it locally and provided it my own Json file and API it opens the document fine and lists all the method in the json file, host is given in .json file. i want to change it, that it is given by the user every time when it calls the index page.
"host" : "localhost:1234"
You can programmatically set the host:
If you leave the host field off, it'll use the same host that the UI is served from.
Does anyone know if Brackets Shell uses any URI except the file://...index.html format? I want to point a web service back to the shell and need to provide a valid URI with the URL. The problem is that I noticed that the URL for the index file uses basic system paths and this can change per system or user configuration.
Any way around this little problem?
I am trying to access the Instagram API through brackets shell. In order to gain an access token to the OAuth method they use I need to redirect the user to the Instagram Login page to log in then grant access and then Instagram will redirect them back to me based on the call back or redirect url provided from me. If it was as simple as providing just the URL when the call was made I would be fine however to get a client key (which is also needed to access the api) I need to provide the correct call back URL once the key is made and since the shell seems to have no custom file path it's almost impossible to predict the file path based on each users setup on their own pc's. I hope this made sense :)
I searched the source of the brackets-shell, but couldn’t find the startup path. A quick workaround would be adding a meta-refresh to your index.html which redirects to the corresponding URL of your web service.
For example:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://example.com">
If you don’t want to select your index.html each time you start your custom shell, you should place your index.html at
Mac: Brackets.app/Contents/dev/src/index.html or Brackets.app/Contents/www/index.html
Win: dev/src/index.html or www/index.html (these folders must be in the same folder as Brackets.exe)
Linux: dev/src/index.html or www/index.html (these folders must be in the same folder as the Brackets executable)
You can get the current location through javascript using
this will return a string like
which you might try sending to Instagram. I'm not sure if they will accept file URI's though.
Ok I know Maximo 5.2 is horribly outdated but currently I just want to get the attachment working. So here is the situation:
I have an old server (running 2000) with a folder being shared on the network with the name of F$. I have tried that the attachment uploading functionality works fine: users can attach any file to a work order and that file will be copied into a specified folder in the F: drive of the server. But when I try to access to that file from the client side -- that is, click on the link within the work order (from attachment tab in Maximo webapp) in order to view the attachment -- I get a 404 response. So in a way it's like I am able to write to the server but somehow I can't read or download it from the client side.
I found out that after you've uploaded a file to the server, it can be accessed from the link http://servername:port/doclinks/drawings/filename from any other client side desktop in the browser. However within the Maximo web app, the webpage javascript automatically parse the link as http://servername/f$/MAXIMO/doclinks/drawings/filename -- It returns redundant part and withno port number. Is this returned link configurable through settings or do I have to dig into the JSP?
You need to set up virtual directory mapping on weblogic
The files are on the server. You just to correctly map the doclinks root on the file system to make it accessible to the web. You are getting a 404 error because the mapping is wrong.
In c:\maximo\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\WEB-INF look for weblogic.xml
Add an entry:
The entry above sits between <weblogic-web-app> and </weblogic-web-app>
The above example would mean your doclinks directory on the server is /apps/maximo/doclinks/
You would need to edit weblogic.xml, redeploy your maximo.ear along with your doclinks.
Because you are getting http://servername/f$/MAXIMO/doclinks/drawings/filename, particularly the f$/MAXIMO part, it tells me your F<PATH>\\MAXIMO\\doclinks = http://servername:port/doclinks mapping in your doclinks.properties is not correct. If you are on the Maximo host, via remote desktop or whatever, and you open Windows Explorer, what do you need to put in the address bar to access the attached documents folder? You said it's on F$, but F<PATH> in your properties file will translate into F:, not F$. So, you need to change your doclinks.properties
from: F<PATH>\\MAXIMO\\doclinks = http://servername:port/doclinks
to: \\\\servername\\F$\\MAXIMO\\doclinks = http://servername:port/doclinks