how to capture jenkins changelist between two successful build - jenkins

My requirement is to get the perforce change-list details from the last successful build to the latest successful build.
For Eg: I have Jenkins builds like below
JOB1:build#112 - Successful
JOB1:build#113 - Failed
JOB1:build#114 - Failed
JOB1:build#115 - Successful
I want Jenkins to show all p4 change-list in the build#115 that went in for build#113 and build#114 . Jenkins always show the p4 change-list between the last two build regardless of failure or successful build. I need this to generate the report that the particular successful build has these many p4 check-ins.

I am assuming from change-list you mean to say diff of configs between two successive build's.
For this we have JobConfigHistoryPlugin
where you can see all the config changes in GUI and can revert to any previous build config.
Hope it helps.
Did you try PerforcePlugin or P4Plugin ?

There is one jenkins plugin which solved my query.


Ignore failure of post build step in Jenkins

I have Jenkins job with summary plugin step in post build actions. Sometimes it fails because of absence of the necessary file for it(for some branches, and there is no ability to update them nearest time). Is it possible to ignore failure only in post build steps and mark build green?
Finally I found solution - in build steps add shell step with command "touch summaryName.xml". If file exists it won't be changed. And if there is no summary file it will be created
Yes, you can ignore the failure by ticking the check box [Do not fail this build if archiving returns nothing] in advanced section.

Jenkins: Pass param from one multiphase job to next

I'm using multiphase job in Jenkins to do the following:
PULL - Pull the workspace
BUILD - Build the workspace and get artifact
AUTOMATE - Run automation on artifact from step-2
I need to copy the artifact in AUTOMATE from a specific build in Step-2 BUILD. However, the BUILD_NUMBER for step-1 PULL and step-2 BUILD isn't same and afaik, artifacts are stored specific to build number.
Not sure how I can pass the BUILD_NUMBER from step-2 to step-3, as using 'current build parameters' doesn't bring in step-2 params to step-3.
I can't use 'Last Successful Build' as later i'll be running multiple jobs simultaneously on multiple instances.
I've and idea of storing the param in a file and read from there. But, i feel it more expensive and complex, and looking for a simpler alternative. Any ideas/help is appreciated.
Use the Jenkins Promoted Build Plugin to save the build.
It gives you several env variables to work with:
PROMOTED_URL - URL of the job being promoted
PROMOTED_JOB_NAME - Promoted job name ex: job_name_being_promoted
PROMOTED_NUMBER - Build number of the promoted job ex: 77
PROMOTED_ID - ID of the build being promoted ex: 2012-04-12_17-13-03
PROMOTED_USER_NAME - the user who
triggered the promotion PROMOTED_JOB_FULL_NAME - the full name of the promoted job
Hope that helps.

How to trigger a Jenkins job using the p4 plugin or p4?

I've installed this p4 plugin in a Jenkins job. This scynces a workspace to the latest change and then builds. Now, under "Build Triggers", I've chosen "Build periodically" and set the job to run every 10 mins. Is there a way do trigger this Jenkins job when a new submit comes in to P4? Do I use the plugin or do I do something with "p4 trigger"? If so, how can I do this?
Thank you!
Under the same Build Triggers section, there is an option named Poll SCM. Enable that option. This option is present by default when you install Jenkins. It does exactly what you're looking for. It will trigger build as soon as it detects a new commit in P4. Although not necessary, it's good to enable Quiet period too. This option is under Advanced Project Options section (refer snapshot below). Also read Help (?) that's provided with every option to gain better understanding of what it does.
This is how to set up p4 url triggers.
Generate your API key, click your username in the top right > click configure > then generate a new API token!
In your build configuration check the "Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)", then write whatever you want as the authentication token I wrote "MadeUpToken"
The next step is to run this curl command:
curl -X POST -L --user your-jenkins-username:11170e251c58b2768d4d26bc1db3d6395f

Changing Jenkins build number

Is there a way to change the build number that is sent via email after a job completes? The problem is that are product builds are NOT being done by Jenkins, so we want to be able to get the build number(ie. from a text file) and update the build number in Jenkins to match it. I have tried to set the build number:
But the email is still showing the build number that Jenkins originally set.
If you have access to the script console (Manage Jenkins -> Script Console), then you can do this following:
can be done with the plugin:
more info:
if you don't like the plugin:
If you want to change build number via nextBuildNumber file you should
"Reload Configuration from Disk" from "Manage Jenkins" page.
Under the job workspace folder, like:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\job_name
there is a file named nextBuildNumber.
Setting the build number in the file and reloading the configuration from disk (Manage Jenkins menu) will force the next build you start to have the value from the file as BUILD_NUMBER.
If you have branch name including Forward Slash (using git flow for example), you will need to replace the Forward Slash with its Unicode character %2F within the branch name.
Here is an example for the pipeline My-Pipeline-Name and the branch release/my-release-branch-name
I was able to find out about this by running the following command which will list the different jobs (branches) for your pipeline
Hope it helps.
Perhaps a combination of these plugins may come in handy:
Parametrized build plugin - define some variable which holds your build number
Version number plugin - use the variable to change the build number
Build name setter plugin - use the variable to change the build number
You can change build number by updating file ${JENKINS_HOME}/jobs/job_name/nextBuildNumber on Jenkins server.
You can also install plugin Next Build Number plugin to change build number using CLI or UI
For multibranch pipeline projects, do this in the script console:
def project = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("YourMultibranchPipelineProjectName")
project.getAllJobs().each{ item ->
if( == 'jobName'){ // master, develop, feature/......
println('new build: ' + item.getNextBuildNumber())
Follow the steps: Jenkins Console > Manage Jenkins > Script Console, then write the script as:
By using environmental variables:

Make jenkins auto build one a day but build only when there are source code changed

I have problem in configure jenkins to auto build and deploy java project. I want to build and deploy once a day. However this build only there are changes during the day. IF there is no changes, I don't want jenkins to auto build and deploy.
Note: that I used gitlab as source code management.
Can you help me with this configuration.?
Firstly, you should configure the Git SCM section at the top of the job config page to point to your GitLab repository.
Then you can use the built-in "Poll SCM" build trigger — this will periodically check whether your source code repository has changed — and if it has, a build of this job will be started.
If the repository has not changed since the last build, then no build will be started.
You can configure this trigger — whether using a cron-like syntax, or a shortcut like #daily or #midnight — so that Jenkins only checks the source repository once a day.
Additionally, you should make sure that the "ignore post-commit hooks" option is enabled. If you're using webhooks from your Git repository to start Jenkins jobs whenever a commit occurs, this option prevents your once-per-day job from being triggered for every Git commit.
Here's the detail document: "Jenkins CI integration"
Update to match your comment.
You don't want to trigger the Jenkins build via webhook. It's ok.
You want to check the code change 1 time a day.
Example on Linux, build at 6:00 AM if there's any code change.
Build Triggers
Build periodically: 0 6 * * *
Execute shell
Like this
cd /opt/code/myjava/
git log --pretty="%h - %s" --author=gitster --since=$SINCE --before=$SINCE --no-merges -- t/
Post Build actions
Post build task
Log text: commit
Operation: AND
Script: Your script to build your Java
Jenkins text finder
Also search the console output
Regular expression: Could not match
Unstable if found
