docker plugin not running parallel builds - jenkins

I am using docker plugin in jenkins to do our maven builds. We have about 100 builds and we want to run them in parallel using this plugin. Issue is that if all the 100 builds have same label and this label is used in the "template" portion of the plugin, it only runs one build at a time no matter how much instance capacity or container cap we set to. Is there any was that we can run more then one build without assigning different labels to diff jobs and then creating diff templates with those labels?

Ok, somewhat older question, but just fyi: This should really work with current versions. I've running jenkins and docker plugin and it builds even maven jobs in parallel. For detailed analysis, the jenkins log files tells what is happening with the container instantiation.


Is there a way for a docker pipeline file to determine the image of the child node it runs on?

I'd like to be able to dynamically provision docker child nodes for builds and have the configuration / setup of those nodes be part of the Jenkinsfile groovy script it uses.
Limitations of the current setup of jobs means Jenkins has one node/executor (master) and I'd like to support using Docker for nodes to alleviate this bottleneck.
I've noticed there's two ways of using a docker container as a node:
You can use the agent section in your pipeline file which allows you to specify an image to use. As part of this, you can target a specific node which supports running docker images, but I haven't gotten that far as to see what happens.
You can use the Jenkins Docker Plugin which allows you to add a Docker Cloud in Jenkins' configuration. It allows you to specify a label which, when used as part of a build, will spawn a container in that "cloud" from the image chosen in the cloud configuration. In this case, the "cloud" is the docker instance running on the Jenkins server.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like you can use both together - using the label but specifying a docker image in the configuration (1) where the label matches a docker cloud template configuration (2) does not seem to work and instead produces a label not found error during the build.
Ideally I'd prefer the control to be in the pipeline groovy file so the configuration is stored with the application (1), not with the Jenkins server (2). However, it suggests that if I use the agent section and provide a docker image, it still must target an existing executor first (i.e. master) which will cause other builds to queue until the current build is complete.
I'm at a point of migrating builds, so not all builds can support using a docker container as the node yet, and builds will have issues when ran in parallel on the master node.
Is there a way for a docker pipeline file to determine the image of the child node it runs on?
There are a few options I have considered but not attempted yet:
Migrate jobs to run on the "docker cloud" until all jobs support running on child container nodes, then move the configuration from Jenkins to the pipeline build file for each job and turn on parallel builds on the master node.
Attempt to add a new node configuration which is effectively a copy of master (uses the same server, just different location). Configure it to support parallel builds, and have all migrated jobs target the node explicitly during builds.

How to run Jobs in a Multibranch Project sequential instead of parallel

I have configured a multibranch-pipeline project in Jenkins. This project run integration test on all my feature branches (git). For each job in the pipeline project it creates an instance of my webapp (start tomcat and other dependencies). Because of port binding issues this result in many broken jobs.
Can I throttle the builds in the multibranch-pipeline project, so that the jobs for each feature branch run sequentially instead of parallel?
Or if there any more elegant solution?
Situation and problem:
I want to have a multibranch pipeline project in Jenkins (because I have many feature branches in git)
The jobs which are created from the multibranch pipeline (for each feature branch in git), run in parallel
Polling scm is at midnight (commits on x branches are new, so the related jobs started at midnight)
every job started one instance of my webapp (and other dependencies) which bind to some ports
The problem is, that there can start many of these jobs at midnight. Every job will try to start an instance of my webapp. The first job can start the webapp without any problem. The second job cannot start the webapp because the ports are already taken from the first instance.
I don't want to configure a new port binding for each feature branch in my git repository. I need a solution to throttle the builds in the multibranch pipeline, so that only on "feature" can run concurrently.
From what I've read in other answers the disableConcurrentBuilds command only prevents multiple builds on the same branch.
If you want only one build running at a time, period, go to your Nodes/Build Executor configuration for the specific VM that your app is running on, drop the number of executors to 1 and configure the node labels so that only jobs from your multibranch pipeline can run on that VM.
My project has strict memory, licensing and storage constraints, so with this setup, all the jobs on the master and feature branches start, but only one can run at a time until the executor becomes available.
The most elegant solution would be to make your Integration Tests to be able to run concurrently.
One solution would be to use an embedded tomcat with a dynamic port. In that way each job instance would run in tomcat with different ports.
This is also a better solution than relying on an external server.
If this is too much work, you can always use the following code in your "jenkinsfile" pipeline:
node {
// This limits build concurrency to 1 per branch
// continue your pipeline ...
The solution comes from this SO answer.

Dockerizing Jenkins builds - slaves as containers or builds as containers?

I'm tyring to figure out the best strategy for containerizing builds in a Jenkins CI/CD infrastructure using Docker. From what I see I have 2 options:
(1) Use ephemeral slaves that get provisioned on-demand on Docker hosts using the Docker Plugin:
Once the build completes the slave is disposed. As a consequence, only one build ever gets run on a single slave.
(2) Use static slaves (e.g. VMs) that run builds inside Docker containers using the CloudBees Docker Custom Build Environment Plugin: As a consequence, multiple (isolated) builds can run on a single slave.
What are the main advantages/disadvantages of one approach over the other? When and why should should I choose one over the other? This does not appear at all obvious to me.
I suspect builds are lighter weight that slaves, so for a CI/CD infrastructure orchestrating a large end-to-end pipeline with many jobs running (2) would be more scalable - each Jenkins slave incurs at least 2 threads on the master node.
My preference is the option 1 (ephemeral slaves) with the Docker plugin.
With this plugin, you declare your build images in the global Jenkins settings, you can affect labels to your Docker images:
On your job, you just have to use the relevant labels, and the Docker plugin will create the relevant slave into a new container.
With the Docker plugin, Jenkins will spin-up a new slave in a few seconds. So even if you're using a pipeline with a lot of stages, it will work fine.
This is what I'm going to implement at Forgerock (my company):
2 powerful bare metal machines (with SSD, 32 cores and 1 TB of RAM)
The Jenkins Docker plugin
Maven artifacts caching using Artifactory (to not download the internet)
The docker container will use a local Maven cache (so I'm sure to not use an old/odd Maven artefact)
I did a POC on a small bare metal machine and it works well :)
If you are using ephemeral slaves without Maven caching, it can become a problem regarding the performance.
Regarding the Jenkins plugins, there is a new one developed by Nicolas De Loof: Docker Slaves plugin.
I have to try this new plugin.

Which continuous integration server is able to queue jobs?

Use case:
CI server polls some VSC repository and runs test suite for each revision. And if two or more revisions were commited, even in a relatively small time interval, I want the CI server to put each of them in queue, run tests for each, store the results, and never run tests again for those commits. And I don't want the CI server to launch jobs in parallel, to avoid performance issues and crashes in case of many simultaneous jobs.
Which CI server is able to handle this?
My additional, less important requirement is that I use Python and it is desirable to use software written in Python, so I looked at the Buildbot project, and I especially want to see reviews for this tool in the matter of is it usable in general and is it capable of replacing most popular solutions like Travis or Jenkins.
I have used jenkins to do this. (with subversion mainly, c/c++ build and also bash/python scripted jobs)
The easiest and default handling of VCS/SCM changes in jenkins is to poll for changes on a set time. A build is triggered if there is any change. More than one commit may be included in build (e.g. if 2 commits are done close together) when using this method. Jenkins shows links back to scm and scm update done as well as showing build logs and you can easily configure build outputs and test result presentation.
What VCS/SCM are you using? Jenkins interfaces to a good few VCS/SCM:
This question answers how to make Jenkins build on every subversion commit:
Jenkins CI: How to trigger builds on SVN commit
TeamCity is free (up to a number of builds and build agents) and feature-rich. It's very easy to install and configure, although it may take some time to find your way through the wealth of options. It is extremely well documented:
It is written in Java but supports many tools natively and others through command-line execution, so you can build anything with it that you want. (I use it mostly for Ruby.) It understands the output of many testing tools; if you're not using one of them maybe yours can emulate their output. It's quite extensible; it has a REST API and a plugin API.
It can be configured to build on each commit, or to build all of the commits that arrived in a given time period, or to trigger in other ways. Docs here:
By default it starts a single build agent and runs one build at a time on that build agent. You can run more build agents for speed. If you don't want to run more than one build on a machine, only start one build agent on each machine.
I dont want that CI server would launch jobs in parallel to avoid
performance issues and crashes in cases of many simultanious jobs.
In buildbot you can limit the number of running jobs in a salve with max_build parameter or locks
As for Buildbot and Python, you may coordinate parallel builds by configuration, for example:
Modeling Parallel Processes: Steps
svn up
make test
make dist
In addition, you can also try using a Triggerable scheduler for your builder which performs steps U,V,W.
From the docs:
The Triggerable scheduler waits to be triggered by a Trigger step (see
Triggering Schedulers) in another build. That step can optionally wait
for the scheduler's builds to complete. This provides two advantages
over Dependent schedulers.
how to lock steps in buildbot
Coordinating Parallel Builds with
There is a Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin for Jenkins and Hudson. It allows you to specify the number of concurrent builds per job. This is what it says on the plugin page:
It should be noted that Jenkins, by default, never executes the same Job in parallel, so you do not need to actually throttle anything if you go with the default. However, there is the option Execute concurrent builds if necessary, which allows for running the same Job multiple time in parallel, and of course if you use the categories below, you will also be able to restrict multiple Jobs.)
There is also Gitlab CI, a very nice modern Ruby project that uses runners to distribute builds so you could, I guess, limit the number of runners to 1 to get the effect you are after. It's tightly integrated with Gitlab so I don't know how hard it would be to use it as a standalone service.
To only run tests once for every revision you can do something like this:
check if the revision of the build is in /tmp/jenkins-test-run
if the revision is in the file skip tests
if the revision is NOT in the file run tests
if we ran the tests then write the ID in /tmp/jenkins-test-run

Jenkins - Running install tests on remote machine and reporting results back to Jenkins

I am looking to add some automated tests to run nightly on a project. Currently the project has a few jobs that create multiple builds of various components of the project.
The builds create rpm files, there are multiple jobs creating multiple rpms, I want to grab all of the rpms and install them and test them all under a single test job, there are lots of dependencies on each other. I can install via the command line but these rpms are stored on the Jenkins master machine.
This is as far as I have got;
I have set up the job in Jenkins
I have created a slave for the job to run on
I have used Jenkins to run a bash script on the slave (works)
What I want to do is the following;
At regular intervals (lets say once per day when I know builds have all completed) fetch the most recent passed builds of all the projects and copy them to the slave machine
Install the rpms using a script.
The script performs certain tests during the install (looking at logs etc...) so I want to collect these all and send the results back to Jenkins (may eventually perform other tests here too)
I want the status of the last build image to be determined by my own tests
I also want the test results, logs, etc... to be stored in the Jenkins test job so that we can view them and marvel at their awesomeness!
What I don't know how to do is;
How to copy the files to the slave? Should this be handled on the slave itself using wget or something, or does Jenkins have the functionality (plugin maybe) that handles this all for me?
How do I report my custom results back to the Jenkins job?
I only started working with Jenkins three days ago (the project and Jenkins build jobs are a lot older than that), apologies if I'm missing anything obvious.
I'm thinking a combination of these plugins might do the trick, I've not yet looked into these too much yet though.
Copy artifact plugin to copy the rpms from the latest stable builds of the other jobs
xUnit plugin to interpret some xml files that I generate during the test process
I didn't actually need any plugins for this. I simply set up the job to run on the slave, had a build step that ran some tests and generated an xml file (similar to the jUnit xml results) and then added a post build step to look at the jUnit results (even though the tests weren't jUnit tests).
This worked a charm and I have builds being marked as unstable if they fail tests that I specify, like did they install an rpm and did such and such happen.
I was able to get the latest stable builds as the latest stable builds are coppied to a file server anyway, any failed builds don't go there so that was simple.
