Does Swift support WebRTC? - ios

Our team is in process of electing programming language to develop a new iOS application in which we have to write features to support video conversation.
The backend is written using WebRTC, now we have to decide which language to use in the iPhone app and we prefer Swift in this case.
However, I'm not sure Swift supports WebRTC or not.
My initial research show that we can implement the features using Objective-C. I found an example written in Objective-C which you can find the source code here.
However, I'm not sure about Swift. Does Swift also support WebRTC?

Unfortunately, as of 2023 there still appears to be no completely Swift framework that implements the WebRTC protocol. Although the iOS framework hosted at can be fairly easily used in Swift apps, it is written mostly in objective C.
For those stumbling on this question, who just want to get webRTC running in your app this is still relatively easy using the cocoapod
The easiest way is to get webRTC in your project is to simply install the CocoaPod using the directions at
If you have never used CocoaPods before you will need to first follow this guide:
Original Answer
The simple answer to the question is that there are currently no open source libraries written in Swift conforming to the WebRTC protocol. You can still compile the code from the official WebRTC project into your app. Directions which may not lead to a successful build can be found here:
Finally, to clarify Omkar Guhilot's answer: Skylink is a company with a closed source SDK that is designed to work only with their paid stun-turn service, and requires cordova, which may not be ideal for many native ios developers.

Webrtc comes with Objective C interface. I dont think they will move to swift interface anytime soon. But You can always use them via bridging headers. I have written apprtc (webrtc's demo) in swift 2.3 version with help of bridging headers in github link with a description in this blog . I have planned to write 3.0 version and a swift wrappers over it.

Current version of webrtc framework doesn't require any pods or any extra bridging headers.
The framework can be generated by following instructions on this Link :
If you follow them correctly you will generate a framework add that framework in your project and follow the webrtc necessary steps and you will have a WEBRTC integrated project.
To know what all steps are necessary follow this link from
This will get you to a stage where you will be able to make calls between a browser and any iOS 8+ device

Yes swift supports WebRTC and there is one more library which you can use in swift link:-
And the link that you have shared to which is written in Objective C, we should be able to use that as well in swift by creating a Bridging header
Have a look at this as well


Started React Native With Swift Instead Of Objective C

So I started a react native app using create-react-native-app and it created a lot of boilerplate code. Android is in JAVA which I am fine with. But the iOS is in Objective-C and I am more familiar with Swift. Is there anything I can do about that? I know most of my code is going to be in JavaScript anyways, but just wondering anyways.
Unfortunately, there is not a simple or one command way to convert your iOS code in your React Native project from Objective-C to Swift. However if you want to write a Native Module, which you'll need to eject from CRN or start a new project with react-native init, you can write new code in Swift.
You might also be interested in this post on how to bridge Swift and Objective-C code. Basically when you create a new swift file you need to make sure to select “Create Bridging Header” when prompted.
You're problem is not that clear. But lemme say this if you wanted to work on cross platform then react native is a good choice to that if you wanted to use javscript. Regarding on your question which is , lemme quote "But the IOS is in Objective C" which is you're wrong you can write an iOS native using both objective c , even c and c++ , ..and swift which you say your familiar with and if you're avoiding objective c then you can write iOS app purely in swift. Hope that helps.
1 for cross platform - and you want js (react native)
2. cross platform and you wanted to use c# (Xamarine)
3. iOS app which is native (Swift or objective c) or both
4. hybrid , you can try framework like ionic, cordova etc.
5. let us include android , you can use java(kotlin
You can convert swift to objective c or objective c to swift.
There are bunch of options for that, If you want to use javascript for converting than use obj2swift.js:
If you want to convert your code online than you can use online language converter like swiftify:

DJI SDK - Sample tutorials in Swift

I was going through the DJI SDK and looking through the sample tutorials like TapFly and ActiveTrack Missions etc. but could only find the code in Objective C. Although they have mentioned that the code is available in Swift but I couldn't find it. Also, if it's only available in obj c, can I use the bridging header for the code using without making many changes in obj c while running my app coded in swift?
Everything in the MSDK-iOS is compatible with your Swift app

How do I build a Cocoapod framework for swift, while keeping implementation details hidden?

I am trying to build an iOS swift framework to display encrypted photos. Photos are sent by my server (something like a hashed binary file) after calling a specific API with specific details. I will then decrypt the photo, and display it to the user.
Correct and point me in the right direction if I am wrong, but swift only allows frameworks - meaning no static library. And this will expose my implementation details (such as the method to decrypt my photo).
What I would like to achieve is to create a cocoapod distributable framework for paid developers to implement (once they subscribe to me). It is supposed to expose simple public APIs, and hide implementation details.
I have tried various ways to achieve that but to no avail. I would really like to keep the implementation to swift codes only, with minimal Obj-C codes.
Build a swift framework, and build an objective-c static library as a wrapper
But I cannot seem to get it to work. Any idea if this is possible?
Build a swift framework in a swift framework
Stupid idea, i'm able to see the framework's implementation details within the other framework...
Build a swift framework, and build an objective-c framework as a wrapper
I cannot seem to get this to work either...
I have been working on this project for about 2 weeks now, and have been all over Googling for it. Just in case anybody would like to try, you may try to do the following and check if it works.
Cocoapods Friendly Framework
Implementation Details Hidden
Uses Alamofire (or any public framework that connects to internet)
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Can we build and upload ios app with swift and objective-c mixed code?

Actually, I am working on one app and started with the objective-c. Now i have started working on swift with the same app for the further development and it will work with both the class (objc and swift).
Now I have doubt that it will accept by apple store or not.
Please help me.
This is fine, Apple provides the mechanisms for interacting with both and will not drop support for Objective-C for quite sometime. Many large organisations still have the majority of their code written in Obj-C (including Apple) so they need to give people time to transition, they aren't going to switch over immediately to a relatively immature language.
You can use Swift and Objective-c together. There is no issue in it. You need to create a bridging header file.
Please read this
Swift and Objective-C in the Same Project

How to use Cocos2d-Swift in existing project

I got an existing Objective-C project. Now I decided to rewrite some code and add Cocos2d to it. I know this framework for a long time and I recently discovered that they stopped the support for Cocos2d and created a new version called Cocos2d-x. There I found the Swift library and I asked me how to use the Cocos2d-Swift framework in my existing Objective-C project ? A step by step tutorial would be great. I searched a bit in the internet and found this:
Stackoverflow Link
But since the post is from 2011 it does not cover how to add the swift library, since Swift wasn't introduced at this moment.
Cocos2d-swift is a bit of a misnomer : it is currently written in objective-c. The software is now distributed with SpriteBuilder, that is why there is no '' as there used to be. So integrating it into your project should not be too difficult. Use SpriteBuilder (from the AppStore) to create a 'blank' SB project, and see how cocos2d is integrated in there. Then, what you see is what you integrate !
caveat : Cocos2d is now ARC, so it is best your project defaults ARC. Otherwise you will have to do a lot of Xcode click-click-click to make the reference count strategy file specific.
