Swift: Navigate ViewControllers with UIPageController or Screen Edge Pan Gesture Recognizer - ios

I have 4 ViewControllers that I want to navigate through by swiping left and right from the edge of the screen. I am fairly new to ios, so was just wondering if it would be more beneficial to activate a segue by using a Screen Edge Pan Gesture Recognizer or by using a UIPageViewController. It is worth noting that the ViewControllers all contain gesture recognizers, imageViews, textViews' etc. I do only want to switchviewControllers` when swiped from the edge of the screen.

If you use edge swipe gesture recognizer, you're going to have to write code to manage the view controllers. If you're new to iOS, I might suggest using the page view controller, so it gets you out of the weeds of managing this yourself.
Both can work, but I'd suggest starting with the page view controller and only "roll your own" if the page view controller doesn't give you the control that you need.


How do I get vertical swipes in a page view controller

I want a user to normally be able to swipe right to left through the pages of the page view controller, but I also want the user to swipe up on a page to save the content of that page. So far I have tried adding a gesture recogniser but it interferes with the page view controller. I have tried many thins like adding the gesture recogniser to the window, or a hidden view but it keeps messing with the page view controller.
All in all is there a way that mainly horizontal swipes get picked up by the page view controller(so they move to the next viewcontroller), but vertical swipes are picked by by me and I can play an animation and trigger a function or something...
It looks like UIPageViewController exposes its gesture recognizers with the property gestureRecognizers.
You should be able to attach your swipe up gesture recognizer to the page's view.
You'd then tell your gesture recognizer that it should only work when the page view controler's gesture recognizers fail. You'd call your gesture recognizer's require(toFail:) method for each of the page view controller's gesture recognizers.
(You should read the Xcode documentation on UIGestureRecognizer. It explains how you can set up dependencies between gesture recognizers so that one has to fail before the next one will evaluate, for situations like this one.)

Default interactivePopGestureRecognizer from anywhere on screen

The default interactivePopGestureRecognizer only works if you swipe left to right on the left edge of the screen. I would like to be able to perform this gesture by swiping anywhere on my screen. Apps like Reddit, Slack and Twitter have implemented this gesture, so I know it is possible.
So far, I have successfully popped to the previous VC using a swipe gesture self.navigationController.popViewControllerAnimated(true), however it does not show the top stack during the swipe. This action performs an immediate and quick animated transition to the other stack. I would like the animation to be similar to the default and slowly "peel away" the stack as the finger is dragged across the screen. This leads me to believe that it is possible to do this with a pan Gesture, however I am unsure how to slowly move the current view controller out of the frame and reveal the next stack during translation.
Here is the solution: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35510861/9159691
I think this is easier than the suggested solution and also works for all viewControllers inside that navigation and also for nested scrollviews.
Just install the pod and then use EZNavigationController instead of UINavigationController to have this behavior on all view controllers inside that navigation controller.

Using Pan gesture recognizer to bring down a view controller

I want to be able to swipe down on my main view controller and have my second view controller be brought down from above. I want this transition to be interactive in the sense that you can go back and forth between VCs without having to complete the whole transition (following the finger of the user like a scrollview with paging does).
This is effect can be seen when sliding between View Controllers on the new snapchat update. When you first open the app you are on the camera screen. If you swipe in any direction (up, down, left or right) the corresponding view comes in and covers the camera screen. When you swipe between views they are all essentially covering the main view (not moving it of to the side like in many tutorials i find online which use scrollview to achieve this effect).
Essentially it would look like a vertical page view controller, but instead of moving the current view controller off the screen as the new one comes in, the new one would cover the current one until it is completely on top of it.
From what I understand, a pan gesture recognizer could do the trick.
Does anyone know how I can go about doing this. I have been searching forever and can not seem to figure it out.
I want to be able to swipe down on my main view controller and have my second view controller be brought down from above. I want this transition to be interactive
Okay, so you are describing a custom interactive transition animation. The exact details for how you implement this depend on whether you want this to be a push transition or a present (modal) transition. I assume it is to be a presentation (modal) transition.
So you will start by setting the presented view controller's transitioningDelegate. Everything takes off from there. The pan gesture recognizer will call present,
and the transitioning delegate's delegate methods will be called:
The interaction controller that you return from the second method is responsible to responding to each change in the pan gesture by updating the "frame" of the animation (as well as the transition coordinator).
If this is for iOS 10 only, this is very easy because you can use the UIViewPropertyAnimator. It has the remarkable ability to "hurry" to the end or start of the animation when the gesture ends and you decide to complete or cancel the animation. Otherwise, you're probably best off using a UIPercentDrivenInteractiveTransition object to help you.

Swift: UIPageViewController - Navigate view controllers with swipe from edge of screen

I am new to UIPageViewControllers and can't seem to find a solution elsewhere. I have a working UIPageViewController with 3 different viewControllers. Right now you can navigate to a different viewController by swiping left or right starting at any point on the screen. However, I only want to navigate to a different viewController when I swipe over from the right or left edge of the screen. Similar to how the Screen Edge Pan Gesture works. Is this possible? If so, how would I go about implementing this in my program.
What I do in this situation is to attach gesture recognizers to the views of the "3 different viewControllers", that is, the child view controllers of the page view controller. These gesture recognizers' action methods post notifications. In the view controller that controls the page view controller, I receive these notifications and call setViewControllers:direction:animated: to perform the appropriate slide.
UIPageViewController has and embedded gesture recognizers that to the trick. Normally you have no influence on them. You could get to them by calling gestureRecognizers method on UIPageViewController's view and see what you can do with them from there.

Activate Pan Gesture on MenuController using ECSlidingViewController

I'm currently using ECSlidingViewController in my app. As default behaviour, it's possible to show the side menu (MenuViewController or underRightViewController) panning on the top view or calling the RevealMenu: method.
I extended this functionality giving the user the possibility to pan the top view controller back adding this line to the UnderLeftViewController ViewDidLoad method:
self.slidingViewController.shouldAllowUserInteractionsWhenAnchored = YES;
(source here)
Here the limitations:
User must touch the top view on the side to pan it back,touching the MenuController cell won't have any effect. If you look at the Facebook iOS you will notice it's possible to pan the top view starting the gesture in the middle of the side tableviews.
adding the above line of code will disable the TapRecogniser previously active on the top view (and I would need it to work at the same time of the Pan recogniser).
Does anybody know how to implement this behavior?
Ok, I might have found a work around for the tap recogniser problem, instead of the previous line insert this one in your side menu view controller
self.slidingViewController.shouldAddPanGestureRecognizerToTopViewSnapshot = YES;
still it's not possible to swipe on the menu view though,but at least I have swipe and tap events working on the top view once is on the side.
