Parse with swift for IOS application - ios

I am a beginner to IOS applicaiton development as well as swift.I use Parse services for my application.
I have imported
I have also imported UIKit,Parse and Bolts to all of my .swift files
But in any case,it shows use of unresolved identifier to Parse Objects when I use any Parse object.Why?Thanks for your attention.

Check out steps 2 and 3 here:
You might not have "Copy items to destination's group folder" checked.
Also, cocoapods is a great way to manage libraries. Check out this tutorial if you're interested:


How to create SDK for iOS in Swift?

I have my own Xcode project which contains some controllers. I want to make its SDK, for use it in another application. In parent application it works as child. Parent app will share some data with my controller and my controller works on it and gives back some result. So kindly guide for me. Examples are - Payment Gateway SDK's. I am looking for the same.
I can see you add tag for swift. In Swift, static libraries are not supported, so you must exclusively use a framework (aka dynamic library) when linking an app to a library. Framework is similar to sdk.
Here are the steps:
1)Create the Framework using New > Project under IOS > Framework & Library, select Cocoa Touch Framework
2)To avoid the "ld: warning: directory not found for option..." goto Library Search Paths in Build Settings for your target and delete the paths.
3)You can't mix Objective-C with Swift so don't even consider adding the Swift-Header bridge file in your code.
4)There are some cases in swift where you need to import code from unexposed Frameworks. I've successfully used the module-map inside the framework to deal with these case.
5)I also select CLANG_ALLOW_NON_MODULAR_INCLUDES_IN_FRAMEWORK_MODULES = YES in the Build Settings to solve 'include of non-modular header inside framework module'. That seems to work
6)I make sure that the header file that gets generated is marked as Public (not Project). Click on the file and you'll see the selection in the inspector under 'Target Membership'
Also you can follow this tutorial. Since you have already created project.
Create a framework target, make all source code files a member of the new target, add the new target as target to the podfile. For everything else the tutorial should work. It should help you in understanding the steps.
Build framework

Adding a custom Framework to an Xcode project

I decided to try to make a Cocoa Touch Framework. Making it worked fine, but I am having trouble adding it to a project. After searching through a lot of SO posts and looking at Apple Forum threads I decided to try this from the Docs:
Add a framework bundle to a project in order to incorporate the
framework’s features into your product.
In the project navigator, select the project or group within a project
to which you want to add the framework.
Choose File > Add Files to “”.
Select the framework bundle, and click Add.
The frameworks you add this way are third-party-built bundles
containing the framework’s object code and runtime resources. See
related articles for information about linking to a framework without
adding it to the project.
After you add the framework, Xcode configures the targets in your
project to link them to the framework just added.
It still doesn't work. I am getting a No such module 'Scaffold' error for everything I try, I have checked spelling, but that is not it. Can someone explain how this works? I might just need clarification on how this is done.
Links I have looked at:
Create and import swift framework
Xcode error when I add a framework
Adding a framework to XCode 4
Xcode 5.1 compiler errors after adding a framework
Add a framework to an existing project without using cocoapods
What is the process for creating a Framework?
Hey I do not know if it is too late to answer this question, but due to the fact that I am facing same issues right know I would recommend you to check the Build Settings of the project where you import your framework
You should check the "Framework Search Path" and if the framework is at Swift and you import to an obj c project check YES to "Always embed swift standard libraries"
More or less the problem I think is in the Build Settings

Building a Swift framework with references to Objective-C code

I'm working on an iOS project written in Swift, and I would like to take some classes out of the regular "app" project, and bundle it into a reusable Swift framework instead (and maybe make it publicly available on Github and via Cocoapods).
I'm running into issues because frameworks seemingly can't have Objective-C bridging headers, but in order to compile my framework code, I need to reference several Objective-C classes (in this case: the Google Maps iOS SDK).
I've also added GoogleMaps.framework as a linked library in my framework project, but then, how can I "import" it from Swift code?
Is this even possible with the current tools and Swift version, and how should I proceed?
It wasn't that complicated, actually... I was just doing some things wrong.
First, bridging headers are not required in that setting: the Google Maps iOS SDK is provided as a regular .framework file, so the development language has no impact on how it can be imported in Swift. Apple clearly mentions it in the documentation:, "Importing external frameworks".
It's as easy as adding the framework to the "Link binary with libraries" section of the project settings. Do not forget to also add depending libraries and frameworks (in GoogleMaps.framework's case, there are quite a few).
Then, in Swift code, the framework classes should be available simply by doing:
import GoogleMaps
No bridging header, no dealing with "non-modular header etc." errors.

importing PebbleKit in Xcode 6 for use in swift

I'm trying to develop a Pebble companion app in Xcode 6 using swift.
I've followed the instructions so far as could be followed from the pebble development site
Pod seems to install and link PebbleKit without any errors, but when I type the "import PebbleKit" directive in a swift file, it says module not found.
Not being an expert in Objective-C, (nor swift, for that matter) I'm at a loss as to why it isn't working.
Any insights?
For me worked the following solution.
1. I added the PebbleKit manually (all steps for this are described in the link provided by the question)
2. I made a Bridging Header file in the Swift project (check Bridging Headers)
3. In the created Bridging Header file, I wrote: #import
No need of adding 'import PebbleKit' into any Swift file! After I could use all classes from the PebbleKit framework without any problems.

How to I import 3rd party frameworks into Xcode Playground?

How do I import 3rd part frameworks into Xcode Playground?
Swift Playground obviously has a framework import mechanism because we can import Cocoa, SpriteKit, and in an OSX Playground, XCPlayground (XCPlayground seems missing from iOS, oddly)
What I'd really like to do is hide code from my playground and be able to show a minimal example. Any thoughts on how to load a Framework into Swift playground?
See also:
How to import own classes from your own project into a Playground
Is it possible to import third-party Objective-C code into a Swift playground?
(This question is different because the request is to use a framework in Playground rather than simply regular swift files)
There is currently no supported way to import your own framework or app code into a playground, short of pasting it into the playground editor. We're aware that this is very desirable functionality, but as always we encourage people to "vote with bugreporter" at
Right now, if you're just trying to hide code for showing in an example, code folding in the editor might do the trick.
It is now possible to import your own frameworks into a playground. This provides a way to share code between your applications and playgrounds, which can both import your frameworks. To do this, your playground must be in the same workspace as the project that produces your framework. You must have already built your framework. If it is an iOS framework, it must be built for a 64-bit run destination (e.g. iPhone 5s). You must have an active scheme which builds at least one target (that target's build location will be used in the framework search path for the playground). Your "Build Location" preference (in advanced "Locations" settings) should not be set to "Legacy". If your framework is not a Swift framework the "Defines Module" build setting must be set to "Yes". Once all these conditions are fulfilled, importing your framework will work in a playground.
Edited: As of Beta5 this is now supported when the playground is part of the workspace that builds the framework as a target. There are more details on the Apple dev forums site, but hopefully #Rick Ballard will add them to his answer here and that should becoke the definitive answer for this question.
Don't do the below anymore!
For the short term, while there's no supported solution, if you're producing a Module/Framework you can copy it into the SDKs System/Library/Frameworks directory and then just import <#Module#> the same way as you import system Frameworks.
For an OS X Playground: /Applications/
And for iOS: /Applications/
But before you do that... go file a radar as #Rick says in his answer.
I've written a tutorial covering import of custom frameworks in Beta 6
In short, if you've got your playground and framework either in the same project or workspace, and your framework is built for 64 bits (even for iOS), they play very well together.
If there is anyone who still had difficulty understanding how to go about it after reading the accepted answer, this may help.
It's not in English though so I will explain here:
Using Carthage:
1: Setup your Cartfile in the root of the project, add your libraries and run:
carthage update --platform iOS --use-submodules
2: Make sure your project is saved as a Workspace. From the Xcode menu bar: File > Save As Workspace. Shutdown Xcode and reopen from the new .xcworkspace file.
3: Add your library's .xcodeproj file in your workspace: File > Add files to "your_workspace_name". Then find it in: ${SRCROOT}/Carthage/Checkouts/your_library_name/your_library_name.xcodeproj
4: Find the Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries section in your project's general settings. Add your library's .framework file to both.
5: Clean(⇧+⌘+K) and build(⌘+B).
6: Import your library in the playground.
I solved it by copying the built frameworks to the Built Products Directory, where Playgrounds in the workspace also searches for frameworks. Note: you also need to run lipo and strip away unused architectures from the FAT binaries.
The steps needed (in a nutshell):
Create an aggregate target
Add a script phase to copy the frameworks
from Carthage/Build/iOS/ to BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR (I use a swift script
in the example below, but you can use also use bash, ruby python
Run aggregate target Now you can import the framework(s) in a
Additionally you can leverage the aggregate target in your app:
Embed frameworks from BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR, not Carthage/Build/iOS/
Add aggregate target to app scheme to re-establish frameworks after a clean.
Here is an example project setup as above:
Like using Objective-C classes in Swift code, you can import 3rd-party library/classes into your project and Xcode will ask you if you wanna create a <#YourProjectName>-Bridging-Header header file. Choose yes and import all header files you need in that file. After that, in your playground, you can simply do import <#YourProjectName>-Bridging-Header after import UIKit and you will be able to use the classes you imported to your project.
Update: this is actually incorrect. Please see my comment below. Sorry for any confusion...
