How to show all values of an oledb data source in a table? - oledb

I'm new to livecylce designer and since I can't find an answer to this simple question or the provided answers end up unsuccessfully in my case, I hope I can get some help here.
So all I wanna do is, showing all the values of a OLEDB data sources in a table. My problem is that only one row is shown in the table. I tried to wrap it in a subform, choose content 'flowed', and set the rows to repeat for every item. But it won't change anything. And yes I'm sure the query provides 2 rows and 3 columns, or at least thats whats returned in mssql.
Maybe I missed some fundamental understanding how this is supposed to work. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Thanks Alex


COUNTIFS Formula with Multiple Criteria Ranges

Can anyone perhaps help me? I am trying to do the following:
I am trying to make the report pick up if the prospect is "Not Selling" if the "Not Selling" tab was ticked in either the first attempt, the 2nd attempt or the third attempt.
I used the formula below to make it work when there was only 1 attempt but when I try adding an OR function to the formula it gives me an array size error.
Is there a way of doing something like what I'm trying to do below?
Thanks in advance
Like this possibly, if I have followed what you want:
But you may need to sort the detail there.

Transform comma separated google form answers to multiple lines in spreadsheet

I have made a google form to which some answers are formatted as comma separated strings inside the automatically populated google spreadsheet. I would like to read from this sheet to another sheet and reformat the answers so that each comma separated answer is shown on a new row. I have tried to apply an ARRAYFORMULA that reads from the original sheet and then use a solution that uses SPLIT and TRANSPOSE the cell content, however combined with the ARRAYFORMULA this fails since it would overwrite contents in other cells.
Here is an example spreadsheet with the responses, a solution sheet, and a desired results sheet.
Any suggestions for how I can achieve the end result?
Okay, I assume this isn't really what you want, but visually it looks okay...
Try this formula:
={{'Form responses'!A2:A3},ArrayFormula(regexreplace('Form responses'!B2:E3,", ",CHAR(10)))}
Then format the cells so that the cell contents are TOP-aligned, instead of the default BOTTOM-aligned.
Realistically, I imagine that you want each question answer split into multiple cells. But if your data responses really contain letter values separated by commas, as you've indicated, you can still search through those cells to find whether an answer contains a certain value. It all depends on why you want the results structured the way you do.
If you can clarify what you want to do with the form results, instead of just appearing vertically for each question, perhaps we can provide a full solution for that requirement?
Okay, I may be getting close. I can get your data transformed to look like the following:
This would let you do the analysis that you want, by searching for Q.1 (question 1 responses) in the first column, and then all the answers in the third column, along with the owner in column 2. And from this, it will also definitely be possible to put the results in the exact form you want. It just may take an intermediate step.
Okay, I think I have something you can use. I can convert your data to either of the following two layouts.
The one on the right is closest to what you asked for, with the exception that the answers on the right are bottom aligned, with blanks above. But you can still process them for analysis, with queries. I honestly think having the user identifier (email address) on each row would make things simpler, but I can provide it either way.
The layout on the left is more of a traditional database layout, and would make analysis very simple. Each row has the date and email identifiers, the question number, and the answer (or one of the answers) to that question, from that user.
If this is helpful, it might be best if you enabled your sample sheet to allow us to edit it, to enable me to implement it in your sheet. But here is my sample sheet, in case anyone wants to look through it. Note that the main formula to reformat the data, in Solution!B3, could benefit from a lot of cleanup, and is probably nowhere near the best way to achieve this. Just throwing up one possible solution...
I'll try to add some explantion for the formula at some point, but ask if you have any questions.

The data in my Google Sheet is not appearing in the correct cell

I am trying to create a spreadsheet to simplify our account returns. I am using a variety of named ranges to make life easier. I have created a test sheet which automatically copies the inputted cost to its appropriate category.
I am having a strange issue where the cell I am expecting to see the data in is incorrect. I am wondering if the 2 data validation lists I have created could be causing the issue. I had originally copy / pasted from an old sheet but as I wondered if some strange formatting may have been carried over which is causing the issue I have since manually entered all data to remove this as a potential cause.
This is the test sheet in question. The cost for entries Test 9 & Test 10 should be in the Info Books and Stationary sections retrospectively but they are ending up in the wrong places.
I am not a spreadsheet expert so I apologise if I am missing something blatently obvious. A friend advised me to ask on Stackoverflow after many hours lost to this problem.
Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to give.
Use the third parameter in vlookup set to false (or zero)
=IF(VLOOKUP(companyOfPurchase,suppliersAndCategories,2, 0) = typeOfPurchase,totalOfReceipt,"")
and see if that works?

How do I get back these (occulted? Deleted?) rows?

Maybe this is closer to a superuser question, but since it involves scripting, all post my question here. I have a spreadsheet doc with a script (it's a very large one, so I'll avoid putting all code here) and some functions whith which I update a sheet from another uploaded and previous converted sheet. When I run it, it's turning some part of the rows of my data occult, this way:
How do I get back these (occulted? Deleted?) rows?
Not related to scripting.
You have a filter set in the first row. Remove or reset it.

TDataSource TDBMemo issues with values coming back

as a follow up question to my previous one. I can edit the DBMemo's now.
However they always seem to have the values from the very first row in the table.
I've done a DBMemo1.Text = ''
I've done a locate on the DataSet underneath to see if it would clear it. but no.
What do I need to do to have that empty and type something in to insert it?
Like any other data-aware control, the memo is bound to the values from the current row in the table. Try putting a TDBNavigator and a TDBGrid on your form so you can play around with the current record and see what's going on. If you want to create an empty row to insert into it, you need to call Insert or Append on the dataset, or click the + symbol on the TDBNavigator. This creates a new, blank row in the dataset and sets it to the current row.
You probably need to add a new row to the dataset.
I saw your last question and I believe the following tutorial will help you:
To clear the text from DBMemo you should either Insert, Append or Delete+Insert/Append on your data set. Mason explained you very well that you need to have a 'navigator' for your data set. Follow the examples provided here:
Best regards,
